Showing posts with label ANZ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ANZ. Show all posts

Thursday 6 November 2014

ANZ Fraud....links to allegedly ANZ Bank Kings Cross?

  • Are Australian bank accounts holding 'dirty' Russian money ...
    May 12, 2014 - Are Australian bank accounts holding 'dirty' Russian money? ... Right now, nearly $30 million is sitting idle in a series of ANZ bank accounts, set up ... various financial crimes, including internet fraudmoney laundering

  • AJ Gregor - Dear ANZ, RE - Credit Card Fraud - ANZ FAIL...

    Last Wednesday I reported to you that my ANZ Visa credit card had been ... ALL myaccounts to a bank that takes credit card fraud a bit more seriously than ANZ.
  • Dad fights bank over hacked $100k - Herald Sun
    Jun 30, 2014 - “We feel betrayed by the bank we've been with for 15 years,” Mr Woodward said. ... from the false account by the time it was alerted to the scam. ...ANZ has no way of checking whether the BSB and account number matches ...
  • Family lose $100,000 in hacking scam - Yahoo!7
    Jun 30, 2014 - The ANZ bank has wiped its hands of a $100000 mistake, which has ... I couldn't tell you the amount of time we've both been awake at two or ...
    Mar 21, 2002 - There is a lot about Australian banking that infuriates customers - staff ... from St George fraud squad to tell me that the cheque had been stolen. ... ANDREW BRAZIER, ANDREW'S AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE: There was a number of things done. ... He purchased the cheque from the ANZ Bank in Mackay, ...
  • Whitehaven stock loses 9pc after Jonathan Moylan pulls ...
    Jan 7, 2013 - ANZ described the release as “fraudulent” and said it had not withdrawn ... The faux statement quoted the bank's head of corporate sustainability, Toby ... Mr Moylan, whose phone number was placed at the bottom of the fake ...
  • Not Good Enough - Australia's Customer Complaints Website :: View ... › Gripe HQ › Top 10 Gripes
    Mar 9, 2011 - 15 posts - ‎11 authors
    and secondly that the customer can afford to lose “x” amount of .... I've had fraud on my card but the way ANZ have communicated with me it is ...
  • ANZ bank manager Michael Phan plundered $5m
    Nov 1, 2012 - AN ANZ bank manager who stole more than $5 million and spent it on ... had set up a number of false accounts between 2006 and 2010
  • it will go on when the evidence is revealed.
  • History of Banks - Australian Bankers' Association › Banks in Australia
    The ANZ Bank began as a London-based bank, called The Bank of ... A number of leading commentators have argued that the "four pillars" policy is built upon ... Banksare also subject to obligations under the Anti-Money Laundering an
  • Monday 3 November 2014

    ANZ? Bertini? Trivest?

    We have links to ANZ bank through the premises in Kings Cross.

    We have links to Trivest?  Rothschild?

    Advisory regarding Vatulele Island Resort.
    Some may have read a while ago that I reported the resort had been sold on from the administrators (ANZ) to Albert Bertini / an Albert Bertini owned company.
    People recently have been disgruntled to find out the resort is closing for a few months under the new owners, to freshen up the resort.
    However it has been reported just yesterday that Albert Bertini's (australian owned) company has been put into receivership.
    This potentially could put Vatulele into an interesting position.
    Just an advisory to people who are booking/have booked there, as this could lead to an uncertain future about the resort.

    Sunday 2 November 2014

    Elias with Kings Cross ANZ Bank

    Lance Elias - Australia | LinkedIn
    Sydney, Australia - ‎General Manager
    Public Company; 10,001+ employees; ANZBanking industry ... Originally started as a Part Time teller at the Kings Cross branch but moved to NSW Head Office

    Saturday 25 October 2014

    Head ANZ Teller Kings Cross 1984-86

    Head Teller

     –  (2 years)Kings Cross

    Ralph Stern - Australia | LinkedIn
    Sydney, Australia - ‎Property Manager at Bickmore Hutt Realty
    I have worked in Banking with ANZ and BNZ;

    Friday 17 October 2014

    St George Bank to ANZ Bank

    to drichardsoninfopatemangstib1lukscip1andhonoursdeborah.coxofficeoffice
    Putting St George Bank on notice for the links to the ANZ Kings Cross for the alleged control ability to manipulate the system by the alleged Scorpion gang the original gang that still exists today in Kings Cross.
    By history these premises in Kings Cross have been owned by the ANZ Bank.

    I will note that this same thing of extortion/Fraud where even the Police Team1 last Friday put on paperwork that I was setup for a crime I never committed.

    Felix Lyle was allegedly a silent partner, however he was talking to Quentin Vertigan.

    The premises in Kings Cross where I will allege the Police will find the skull, the relics of Juanita Nielsen and is the reason why I have had so much problems is the power of the ANZ bank.

    The ANZ Bank owned the premises and by reports in the paper had it empty.  This is interesting when what the police will uncover is older than the ANZ Bank ownership for some of the alleged relics they will find however it will expose the problem where I have had the defrauding like Sammy Sweet said, even Sex worker Deirde Grace where we will take the money.

    This was confirmed in January 2012 by Essam Gerges, then in February 2012 again by Essam that the gang is so large that they can just take the money.

    I have received a letter REF; DRR291682   about claiming property off me by St George Bank which is a division of Westpac BankingCorporation.  Where the Financial Ombudsman after numerous attempts to the Ombudsman failed under the law the Ombudsman can like the Police investigate what they like, same with Police Ingretity Commission.

    We have to look at the Power of the ANZ bank and to expose this hidden crypt exposes a allegedly a system with the drug network like Judge Elkhan said the evidence had to go back to the Police and the Police search needed to be asked for again from the District Court which I have done nearly on a daily basis, however how the solicitor David Richardson has sent the letter and marked Private and Confidential I allege is how this bank and how this gang has stayed hidden for so long.

    I am not the only person who allege Juanita Nielsen is in these premises.
    Confirmation of ANZ Holding the premises.

    By the premises being empty no one notices the smell and it is harder to expose the hidden crypt within the 5 steps of the raised floor.

    The hidden area within the premises where the Strike Force missed in 2009.

    There previously has been the $1million dollars found in the wall.

    I have gone to the meetings the Police asked me all exposing the company, the system of the underworld I had studied and watched for numerous years.

    The police said to me on Friday the problem was Kings Cross.  Well, all I have asked for is a police search warrant for a area within the premises that I was threatened to be murdered inside, then having others threaten to have a VICTIM go missing when his own sister is listed as a missing person and where he told me he knows where she is.

    Allegedly Felix Lyle had done the same to someone else by reports I have read and the banks just walked away yet Felix Lyle has not been sentenced like many others I have followed within the underworld, I have not found the sentencing.

    I asked the bank to help ask the Police to hurry up and search the premises.

    The owner of the premises allegedly Jenny Bae Byun is someway connected with the alleged flow of the drugs to Australia and you will find like Sammy Sweet said their are books within the hidden step that will expose the evidence fully as this gang when this step is searched wants to go down as the most dangerous gang in the WORLD.

    So I again ask the Police to search the premises, 6/34-36a Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross.  It isn't hard for you guys because no one was watching my back...I'd be dead like Juanita Nielsen if I had uncovered what many of the working girls have told me since exists just 80 metres from Kings Cross Station.

    I will be putting St George Bank on notice, for the hidden step and the links to ANZ Holdings Pty Ltd to the alleged control strings where I can't see this gang, however the Police upon searching the premises will expose this gang further.  Kings Cross was needing to be searched first like I have asked.  I was told by Strike Force Raptor I had to wait for Kings Cross so this gang could see more drugs?


    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Jennifer <>
    Date: Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 12:36 PM
    Subject: Alleged gang one nation drug network. Kings Cross heart of the operation.
    To:, "" <>, "" <>,,, "" <>, aocc-interpol-cbr <>
    Cc: "" <>,

    Peter William Schaffer had a guy in the brothel, when I went to walk out of the office as I had at that time failed to wake up Alex.

    THe man who walked in and I went back to sitting on the bed wore glasses, dressed in black.  With thick glasses, baldy head but not shiny and I had looked for his image.  Yet I didn't pick it up until I picked up Mohammad Jomaa.  Peter Schaffer talked guns with this guy in the back office in front of me.  This guy Peter Schaffer told me he can get me anything.

    Rod Raffout told me Peter Schaffer was Triads like him.

    I will just put down who answered to who?

    Peter Schaffer, answered to Essam Nicola Gerges, Scott Orrock, Felix Lyle.
    I was told he tried to make an appoint with Bill Bayeh however he refused to see him.

    Peter Schaffer went to the Golden Apple Brothel and to Porky's which I was surprised about.  Yet by the system the alleged brothels are a key to the drug network and the large movements of drugs.

    By Quentin Vertigan he told me he was the white man in control of the asian shops and linked to the brothel called Internet Massage on William Street where a guy called Greg he had set up with an operation where the working girls coming from overseas was allegedly bringing in the drugs.  This I thought allegedly Quentin was doing also, thou his wife said no.

    Quentin Vertigan wanted the brothel however he went on and on.  He brought someone to a meeting that was to do with the Mining and Ian R. Lazar.

    Quentin Vertigan told me he wa having meetings with Bill Bayeh, he would call Felix Lyle and declared him his private partner, who was utilising the front Elias Elias.

    Essam Nicola Gerges ...Peter Schaffer answered to him, then to Sewe who would do what Essam wanted called him his father and Essam called Sewe his son.

    Essam got cranky when he saw Quentin Vertigan, then within a couple of nights I had Hugh Bond in the brothel singing about a Dingo in red and white bowling shoes.  It was a sight.  However it was all cryptic pieces of who was behind.

    Essam said he was from the Old School linking to Louie and Bill Bayeh however so did Quentin I noticed with the Japanese rub he was doing around Surry Hills.  Kyoto Massage.

    Paul Jennings told me that night I had to get out of the brothel that Peter Schaffer had the highest person of Bandidos in here.  I couldn't work that out for a long time like Peter Schaffer he would say he worked at the Asian Grandmother, looking like Robert Trimbole and linking to the Marrickville way.

    Roger Hegarty was going back to Frank Amante's to report, so was sexworker Deirde Grace, Karyn Englehardt, and many others I noticed.  Yet for Larissa Goodman she answered to Peter Schaffer I later found out she had been his partner some time back, then Karyn Englehardt he fancied as he told me he protected her before and by Sonia Schaffer Karyn and them were business partners.

    Sex worker Deirde Grace and Roger Hegarty would go back to Castlereagh St as they told me during the day.

    Karyn Englehardt told me she would go to Haymarket/Pyrmont.

    Larissa Goodman and Misty Allan would talk about the Broadway area for alleged pick ups and then Larissa linked to Wendy Woo.

    Peter Schaffer told me he would go to Newtown for coffee and out the back the pickup'.  The links I had were to Scott Orrock and I looked at this area however I never saw Peter Schaffer their.  

    Scott Orrocks wife at his court case I over heard Buzz Cafe had the drugs.  This fitted.  However, Peter Schaffer was doing large pickups by my understanding.

    The Tom Domican cafe for The Office Newtown is a possibility.  Peter Schaffer did say it was near the hospitals as he wondered if I was going their at the time.  My mother was in Hospital at RPA at the time.  It freaked me out as I thought I was followed time and time again.

    I had Sammy Sweet and Danny both telling me they were sent by John Ibrahim and Frank Amante.  Sammy Sweet was above Roger Hegarty in the pecking order.  However Mohammad I saw at Lui Villany's talking with Kell Stratton and Roger Hegarty was also a goffer for Essam I noticed in January 2012.  

    When Essam left me alone one night Mohammad stayed in the premises talking to me.  I was watched.

    I saw Sammy Sweet who could order Shannon Elliffe around and tell him to get out of Kings Cross.  Yet Shannon worked in the Insulation and linked to the building game and could get work in the Hotel's I noticed linking to Chippendale.

    Chippendale was the area where I saw the drug network around the Broadway linking to Leichhardt where they would refuel then you would see a different person each day.  They would walk down Wattle Street about approximately 10am it was against the traffic so the Police wouldn't stop people.  They would wait in the service station on the corner.

    Sammy Sweet by what I saw he would walk around Kings Cross of a night, he would appear in the morning and he told me he was meeting up with John Ibrahim and Tongan Sam each day in a unit near Kings Cross pointing towards where other working girls said Francis Street.  Yet when I staked out this area I never saw any of them except for Kell Stratton skipping down the street that connected to the bottom of FrancisStreet.

    I had a group of males coming charging at me out of a red car like a meteor or a laser with a hatch back.

    These same guys did it to me in Crown Street, and up near Tiffany's brothel as I would park about 8pm watching.

    Kell Stratton linked to the girl Cody.  He linked to when Lui Villany told me if I didn't behave he would drag me down to the ATM and have Mr Weatherstone held to get the money.  Lui told me that the gang was holding meetings about me which I had already worked out with Alex as we worked to see what was really happening.

    When I reported about Juanita Nielsen, I knew Essam Gerges, Frank Amante, Bill Bayeh was the right era and I had their names.  The guy Peter Schaffer talked too in the brothel with the thick glasses I didn't know his name yet their was a joke about the Pussycat club and the cat?  I didn't understand and part of my problem I didn't understand how the Police couldn't catch them because these premises they protect in Kings Cross.  We had the Godfather as some call him from the Kebab shop then the Fish shop in Roslyn Street as he sat their night after night.  All listening and watching.

    This was where I would hear people out the front of the Roslyn Street entrance and the phone conversation equalled with Sammy Sweet like he told me he would get rung from inside the Police Station this was high up he was.

    By the research is this the person they call the Inspector?  I thought he worked at the supply chain for the working girls and the large drops.

    He told me he would walk through Las Vegas hotel to Porky's for the drop to the working girls.  Other times he would tell me the pokies down at Vegas he would regularly get $2k -3K in the Pokies room.  This was an area I noticed Larissa Goodman would go, where Sonia Schaffer went to the Sugarmill Hotel I noticed and thousands you would see as Peter Schaffer counted $8k in front of my eyes where he told me Sonia just won this on the Pokies.

    I had already before Sammy Sweet had Stewart an union representative come in one night, telling me he was from AA.  I thought Alcoholics anomyonous yet this gang I was seeing worshipping to murder and drugs links to AA the Order A:.A:.  

    I had already seen how the Home Insulation scheme had been filled by alleged criminal gang as I saw the guy who told me he was GeorgeMoussa's brother and the car linked to behind the tattoo shop of Scott Orrocks and I was told he linked to the Bondi Ink.

    Credit chasing companies by what I saw do not chase this gang.  This is one of the hidden controls.

    Stewart told me he was working for Mr Zonks' from Vaucluse for the concrete boots which happened off the Sydney Harbour Bridge.  This Stewart has bad legs, yet the link to this person allegedly could be Rodney Adler at Vaucluse.

    Mohammad in the premises in January 2012, when Alex turned up he took him down the stairs at that time I followed and I did see a white van he entered.

    I was told by Sammy Sweet that he had christmas lunch 2011 with Frank Amante and John Ibrahim explaining to me he was this high up.   Yet he knew what was in the back part of the premises in King Cross.

    Karyn Englehardt would run to Dover Heights to tell on me I would be told by text.

    John Peluso barrister told me Sammy Sweet was protected in Kings Cross he is very high up.

    John Peluso Barrister also told me he was seeing the man who is in charge of Kings Cross where he was told sammy Sweet was protected?  Or did he know?

    Then John Peluso told me that the last person he had from this same brothel started the Wood's Royal Commission.

    John Peluso Barrister told me he tried to see Roger Hegarty aka Roger Allen Stewart in Prison in Police custody Surry Hills Police Station however I do not know what happened as this person Roger Hegarty called himself to me first Roger Rogerson asking for $100k with sex worker Michelle aka Deirde Grace now Deirde Grace has gone from Kings Cross by what I have understood on facebook.

    Sammy Sweet went with Sonia on the alleged rounds when Peter Schaffer was caught in march 2013.  

    I thought Sammy Sweet's real name was Con.  The Inspector was Con who was with John Ibrahim when he was stabbed by reports allegedly near these same premises or could have been inside.

    The Chef, is this the Cheif of the indians?  TC for Tom Cat?  Top Cat?  

    Tom Domican works in a coffee shop?

    The links I had for the heroin on the strip was moving through the chef at the Vibes Cafe?  Through Danny with the working girl Natasha, Miriam Foley I don't know Danny's real name however he has the scorpion on his hand and he told me their were 20 of them with this.

    Danny said this was the elite gang under the alleged Ibrahims and he answered to John Ibrahim and Frank Amante by what I saw.  His woman would go from Golden Apple, Liasons, Tiffany, Porky's.

    What I never knew going into Kings Cross was about Juanita Nielsen though before Kings Cross I spoke to the spirits of Private Francis, Nellie Cameron all of the Razor gang like Henry Lawson with the shell on his grave a link to Hells.  With my Great Grandmother linked to Hells by the Hells Gate on her headstone.  Yet back in time this was not a gang where murder was threatened like it is today.

    When Shannon Elliffe took the money from the home insulation and I owned the product then I researched the underworld to see where his tattoo's linked to the gangs.  The tattoo on the chest of Bird the Peregrine for the Phoenix.

    Then the scorpion on his foot and he would walk right into Showgirls, Porky's and go to Maggie's I noticed in Kings Cross then when Sammy Sweet had the hole drilled in Room G he told him to leave the brothel and Kings Cross.

    A link I thought to the alleged missing persons in Mount Isa as this gang is around the mine's as Shannon got a job up there.

    The only way to setup someone that is not using drugs is child prostitution and the Victim said that she had a manager outside of the premises linking to a number I knew linked to Cody and to the relationship of Kell Stratton I just needed the film footage on the footpath on Darlinghurst Road but no one gained this as it would have shown where the Victim went to get her purse, jean, yellow and gold feather boa and the relationship with the Police intelligence at the time I saw in the newspaper of July 2011 Senior Outlaw gang members were in Roslyn Street.

    This time frame of where the Police Senior Constable Craig Arnold said I didn't have any drink and the VICTIM was drunk then would relate to a mega dose of allegedly alcohol or drugs.  

    The time frame of when the VICTIM rang a guy a black guy and within seconds of Mary Miller leaving who Peter Schaffer told me was Mezza from the club house.
    We had the non payment of the $100k and I had heard Deirde Grace knew where I had money and how I could touch it.  

    I was told by Sex worker Michelle she was going to set me up.  She told me she was going to Porky's.

    The glasses was a link and the blue dress for the Thelemites.  
    Karyn Englehardt the next night but I didn't notice until I saw the CCTV had a blue dress so similar.

    I noticed the same glasses on Deirde Grace, Roger Hegarty aka Roger Allen Stewart, Sonia and Peter schaffer.

    Under the laws of the gang they do initialations and within the evidence we see this gang I allege have done this by magicK for man made.

    The condom will have no DNA of the victim.  the DNA will match Misty Allen.

    The guy in Room D was the first face I linked to the JFK assassination and by my research by the murder of JFK opened up the drug network to Laos to Australia.

    When the world has war the drug network flourishes.

    John Peluso Barrister told me he was fed on each occasion x 2 he saw the man in charge of Kings Cross I allege it is Frank Amante.  However this person still even could be Tom Domican?

    The red book, Alex wrote Michael in it.  We had put the book from the insulation their because of the problems we had with shannon Elliffe.  Michael I couldn't relate to anything except Arch angel Michael yet Bill Bayeh was also called Bill Michael and I didn't know of this till late.

    All I knew it was the area's where Sammy Sweet was looking for where the Police hadn't checked and upon noticing the area in the back office he would sit in Room F to the back office.

    All they want is the premises other ran by the gang or shut because this hides the evidence which is held by what larrissa told me as the hole Room G I said about the drill being a ruler length, she said it was that far down also.

    I had Essam Gerges telling me it was the area under Room F he would bring the boys back to get something.  What I noticed that many of the murders of Juanita Nielsen, Donald Mackay, Prime Minister Harold Holt, President JFK, John Newman MP linked to opening the drug network up.  

    Beaumont Children, Azaria Chamberlain,Madeliene McCann all link to allegedly fitting Scorpion rituals for Moloch worshipping.

    Luna Park, the guy with the Cow horns I thought by size could be allegedly Essam Gerges and it was noted by some researchers that they had a couple of guys where the alleged Enforcer again would include I thought.  E was the initial missed on the world Blonde in court for sex worker Deirde Grace, (i) was the item they missed in the Exhibits for the Inspector or the Seeing eye.

    We had the links to Room G and Room D for the GD for the Golden Dawn for the Golden Scorpion and the premises has been painted by the owner gold by what the working girls have told me who have utilised the premises.

    The Victim fitted the silver yet it was grey jacket and grey shoes with the white tunic all fitting to the Moloch worshipping spoken about in the bible.

    The phone the Victim said she was working for she gained on the 29 July 2011 she texted Lacey Rogers who appeared at the time on Frank Amante's facebook.

    The man's face Room D older, looked like Michael J. Hand and the JFK assassination.  He also went off drinking with Sammy Sweet afterwards.  Sammy Sweet told me he was an associate of the gang and he wore the shirt white with a red stripe.

    Sammy Sweet told me that the money would be taken when I was in the Police Station because I wouldn't pay the extortion or they call it protection money so when the gang plays up they get money for this to keep them quiet.

    I would see Sammy Sweet on Crown Street in the afternoon, then of a night he was in the car at times with Sonia Schaffer after Peter Schaffer was caught.  

    Christopher Flannery as Juanita tells me through the Ouija Board the person beside her is Chris.  Allegedly murdered to hide the secret of the step.  When the person becomes hot they allegedly murder them.  What I also noticed that they murder their partners when they leave them to stop the evidence getting out.

    Juanita told us Mr Barry Tarot that the last thing she saw on the street was the bank.  The link to the ANZ bank under the premises however in history this premises was empty.  It would only sometimes open.  

    At times it was called in history a restaurant.  they said Juanita was going for lunch on 4 July 1975.  She never left Kings Cross.

    Mustard car Roslyn Street 4 july 1975.  This gang works for the MSIC Mustard Seed Investment Company by history showed me to a gang on Kellet Way the lane way of the right of way at the back of the premises back in time existed.

    Kell Stratton links by what he told me to the Russian connection in the brothels of Melbourne and Stilletto's.  He offered me a ride on a boat.  Which I declined I knew what happens out their.

    Kell Stratton also linked to the gyms and to the steroids which he would grow before your eyes at time.

    Kell Stratton said his father was on the board for all the clubs.  When people got caught in Kings Cross namely Roger Hegarty he turned up.

    I had the links to the Horse racing setups to Howard Tyrell in Parks way then we had Peter Schaffer telling me their was a gun in the brothel that he needed to find yet he looked like Robert Trimbole.  

    The gun for allegedly Howard Tyrell and Donald Mackay could link with the timing of deaths.  This was linking to the setting up of races with the research I found Tea lady's tips was telling the punters in the gang how to get their payouts by certain races on numbers.

    This is allegedly link to Galea and horses.  It is a link to Bill Bayeh saying he was betting the Gold Step in the Wood's Royal Commission.  

    The link to Frank Amante being the caretaker as he is just allegedly a front for people behind him.

    Now, Essam is older than Tom Domican?  The only link I have is he was in the premises by the image I saw of a guy older which I thought he was no threat yet he did come walking in on made me move back to the bed to sit on in the back office.

    Yet what these gang members did is protect the step where allegedly Juanita Nielsen's skull is and under the moloch worshipping they collect skulls and cross bones.

    Essam told me he was the collector for money through the brothels.  

    Hugh Bond links on Facebook to John Ibrahim and came into the brothel telling me I had to get rid of Essam and I was trying.  he told me he was sent by Johnny Unique.  

    The reason I was open however Essam was collecting the funds.

    I had already gone down to the Police to do a raid to get Essam with his drug dealing that he was doing from Room F and at that time I noticed people high up coming up from Love Machine, Stripperama there were about 5 with Fat David Essam off sider, Emmanuel, David from showgirls and the guys from the front of Love Machine as I was told it is safer to be on the footpath when the brothels are loaded with drugs.  If you look at where Frank Amante sits it is separated from the brothel it is the safety net.

    The working girls never utilised the tarot which I thought was strange when the Tarot is a game however under Aleister Crowley he had a different tarot to the ones I utilise the Ryder-Waite set.  I started to look at the images to see how the story of the compartment was under the floor and when the horn blow s the people come out  

    I had the working girls telling Sammy sweet and Roger Hegarty my every move.  I had people taking computer and Peter Schaffer returning one in pieces in the brothel telling me that I could put it together to find the information to convict him.

    So this was where I kind of started seeing something they all wanted to protect.  Then the threats to my life heightened when I wouldn't listen.

    The Police officer at Hurstville Inspector told me that it was horrific what I was living through and if I didn't give all the information I'd be killed anyway.  I knew that.

    When Detective Amanda Dench said under oath she stopped all investigating.

    When you go through the history of Juanita Nielsen where Tom Domican's name didn't come up on the research I was linking into.  Otherwise with the image with him with the glasses I would've picked up.  I knew the guy they were hiding was still alive as by exposing this section of the premises exposes not just the person, it exposes the drug connections to the power of 39 and to allegedly Jenny Bae Byun through the Bae family links.  Eabona?   ANO  the most dangerous gang, BAE?  This was a link to the premises of Porky's.

    We know this gang worhipps the O'Muhammad, where we have at the moment Club O which was a link to Scott Orrock.  like Moulin Rouge was the connection to the gang where the French Connection of control linked back to allegedly Onassis in my research and above the Nugan-Hand bank.

    I don't see much wrong with Cocaine, Heroin, and the cannabis as these were in our medicines back in the 1860 to 1937 where it controlled virus's in our bodies.

    However what I saw for the left hand drug movements, they do the right hand of murder, robbery, gun running, all for the 4th compartment of drugs.

    Within the people that utilise the Drug ice is a large percentage of Muslims, please can the people in control make it haram this will expose this gang as most of the members I saw were muslim or connecting to the Orthodox church as I saw Peter Schaffer with Sonia their getting into the BMW on the 14 February 2013.

    This was the car Peter Schaffer when I said is this for the silver chariot he agreed.  This links to Moloch worshipping a silver car.

    when I told the Detective inspector Ian McDonald with a guy from Gang crimes about the thugs in the brothel, where if they showed me pictures I could have identified people except all I had was the facebook links for some understanding.

    Detective Inspector Ian McDonald said he wouldn't investigate I turn a blind eye to this.  Yet this is murder and the threats to my life was real.

    My family saw kero bombs real with red and white bandana's.  

    My family has seen how terrified I become at times and how I sit within the house so I can't be shot yet I can watch.

    When I had Peter Schaffer telling me the Victim will go missing I had to do what I thought would protect her life.  Till I have realised she has been involved like Aleister Crowley the deaf and dumb connection.  The Police statement of Thelma Sattley where Thelma Sattley would not even stay to be a witness in court is all a reason why the links to Life without Barriers links to one of the Amante connections on Frank Amante's facebook.

    Frank Amante by his position in the gang is known in Kings Cross as one of the Bosses by the working girls.  However he also had pictures of friendly snaps at time with Tony Abbott in the past on his facebook.

    This drug network is ran by someone with a high IQ and links to power.  

    You will see the positions as this is a system they have and within a system when one is caught is another person yet as I discovered on each day sometimes their may be a double up on the run at Broadway to China town the way this gang has created the system is highly intelligent.

    Where is Michael J. Hand?  Circus Bar? Gonzo? Sammy Sweet?  karyn Englehardt?  All have huge intelligence I noticed?

    Hugh Bond at one time was allegedly doing the drug for Mark Gray as what he told me.  Now Mark Gray iQ?

    Quentin Vertigan a high IQ?  The guy that ran the Kyoto Brothels after Quentin Vertigan went?  High IQ?

    What I know the police just have to search the premises in Kings Cross Sammy Sweet made out that their are books within the premises to expose the drug network.  The premises itself will expose through the companies J & B Trust, D & S Australia Pty Ltd and previous people linking to Con or Kontas?  This was a link in history which linked the brothel to the Little Jenny's in Market street and to Tony Vincent.

    I know some call Peter Schaffer his Mrs as a cousin within the system, she would call Essam Uncle.  also known as Egyptian Sam.  He has an IQ yet he wanted to brag so if you asked the right questions he would lead 
    me to the next research.  

    Essam Gerges was also above Omar in the Lido Hotel drug bust by my understanding.

    So as Judge A Garling's assistance asked for a Strike Force to enter the courts and to expose what she could see.  Just a police search warrant for the premises will expose why over 30 asians were in the audience on 16 December 2013 and why the red book went missing as a link to the Muslim Brotherhood where within the court they removed all the parts that linked to O'Muhammad beliefs.  

    In south east asia the links to O'Muhammad links to a tiny cut like the Dr Alison said their are other reasons why this occurred in her report.

    The links to  Superintendent Sue Waites highered in this position by her Husband where he was involved in the Wood's Royal Commission.

    Superintendent Sue Waites didn't think it was important for the Police search warrant.  However for every week I have asked for a Police search warrant from 2011, it has been earning the alleged drug network along Darlinghurst Road through the working girls and the gangs that travel for the supply as Peter Schaffer told me it was $1million a week that was being pushed through.

    Roger hegarty told me in 3 weeks he made $80k profit.

    The links to Ken Maroney to Juanita Nielsen case came up in my research.

    The links to 1975 the undercover Michael Drury linking to Donald Mackay and probably to Juanita Nielsen at the time.  A link to the name on the building for the alleged protection.  The likeness to the Bombing 1982 and to the working girl Sallie Anne Huckstepp where Alex could remember her up in Kings Cross exposing evidence to who ever listened and then went missing he feared that would happen to me.

    Sammy Sweet said if I went to Porky's to hit them with the books than I'd be gone.  He told me it was okay to Astoria Hotel however this was being fed by the Bankstown Boys and linked back in time to Bill Bayeh and to the links to the drugs coming in from Peakhurst as Peter schaffer told me directly to Woolloomooloo was an upholester?  Well part right?  LoneWolf?  Yet this is the supply chain where the names of the gangs have been utilised to stop the police from following up the drug lines.

    All I know, associate to a gang you can not tell?  No tattoo's to see?  No links to who they hang out with?  Yet what they haven't given me to allow Juanita to be laid to rest is the Police search warrant.

    Ben Noonan solicitor for Jenny Bae Byun said it's not his clients problem what Abe Saffron left in the brothel.  Yet Abe Saffron is long gone, their was much of his funds kept by the gang as reports by Alan Saffron.

    We have the links to Jenny Bae Byun refusing to come back to Australia links allegedly to the drug network control where the funds are funnelled allegedly through the ATM's where I was told the guys dropped money where they were told and this money is held then put into the alleged ATM's as setup?  It is a way for the money to move back into the right accounts.

    Jenny Bae Byuns' legal team have refused the Police to walk through the premises to check the area I have advised about.  

    I had the reports of Jeffrey Onishi who refused to fix the fire and the water issues in the same premises where his affidavit shows the fire certificate for the premises has not been done.  The fire proofing between floors to the Backpackers has not been down.  By what I have learnt on Moloch worshipping they keep the bones wet, they don't have it touch the dirt the bones.  

    This then links as Brado from Brado Backpackers told me I was in the wrong gang, so by his alleged water I received upon the premises has been all utilised to stop the premises from opening and thus this backpackers will be up for conspiracy to hide allegedly a murder.

    Jeffrey Onishi has affidavit which will expose the ABN number has been omitted because this is a link to the company J & B Trust.  These problems I had Laing and Simmon's Real Estate said it was only to do with that agency.  However J Hayak allegedly a link to Muslim?

    I know I have had big guys as Peter Schaffer would tell me he would leave in the lounge, Sammy Sweet brought Cal Henderson as Kell into the premises to sit with me who he told me he was the ex Nomads President Gold Coast.  Living at the Central Coast.  Yet night after night he would appear all for a reason.

    The company behind D & S Australia pty Ltd is J & B Trust?

    John has no name on anything?  Yet he sent one person in after another to protect what Abe Saffron left behind?

    As I saw Chop Schaffer aka Peter Schaffer with the horn, at the Ten Pin Bowling I link the horn to the Judgement where they come after you a talisman.  Ten pin for a voodoo.  We had John Ibrahim after his knifing he wore a triangle talisman.  We had the Victim gaining a necklace yet where did this necklace go?  Then the talisman that appeared on Sonia in the photos of Heb Ubd?

    Please just a police search warrant will expose this gang further.

    Just the Police search warrant.  Please, Tom Domican will allegedly run when this is opened.  Sewe Eastern Suburbs Chapter, Bill Bayeh is another that will allegedly run with Louie Bayeh, Mohammad Jomaa?

    When Rene Rivkin stopped with this gang we had alleged Blackwood Capital start in Macquaire Street? I researched in 2011.   You may like to freeze the stock market for 24 hours to stop this gang from emptying shares that they utilise allegedly for payments linking to Hong Kong, New York, and to the South Africia the links allegedly to The Hells Angels Ltd traded as TYVO Ltd.

    The links to Blackwood Capital link to Alan Bond where Jeremy Bond links to Terra Capital and to the Jewish control which links to the Jewish Kabalah that thi gang allegedly works with that Rosaleen norton studied, Frank Bennett to Kings Cross to Order A:.A:. and to O.T.O Grand Lodge No 2 South Africa.

    The area subfloor in the second hallway past the laundry links to the 5 steps no more email where I received it signed Anon and Anon is what Tom Domican answers his phone.
