Showing posts with label Aleister Crowley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aleister Crowley. Show all posts

Saturday 14 September 2013

Sex ritual's start with 000

X Factor of King of the X, Curse of Ham, the witchcraft  of the Drug network

Time Line of Drug network, murdersto Australian History of Kings Cross withalleged criminal activity with reference toAstrological events for the timingHoly Grail?  Look at the Map?
and Royal Commission references
Juanita Nielsen, The Kings Cross StingJennifer Stone

Without the police taking information on drug runners seriously around Kings Cross are we just "turn the blind eye"
as Detective Inspector Ian McDonald told me?  Chandelier, after Max Chandelier? one after another the links fit.
Jennifer Stone has with others The Kings Cross Sting exposed the connections
Judge Garling says irrelevant.  Stop the shootings and this is relevant.

Within the Research we found Lodge J, for Jesus?  System exposed the people that allegedly started

"In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum" The Kings Cross Sting Informer
is to secret international organizations, those who promote the use of drugs, bizarre sexual practices, and criminal
undertakings, in short, those who continue the rebellion against God, these are the Canaanites, the anti-Semites.
This is the link to the Rebellion Angel, allegedly Abe Saffron, Hells Angels, allegedly The Hells Angels Ltd allegedly as TYVO
Take Your Vice Over as it is the short form that this gang utilises like the X reference as the worshipping for the
murders and the reference allegedly to King of the Cross.  King of the X.
Just a game for some however for the people that are raped, murdered and setup it is the good people that have been framed.
Position of the bodies within the brothel the research shows this is the Spot.Police were called....000 nothing happened, threats to murder and the people are not questioned?
North Delta Aquariids15 Jul – 25 Aug26 Jul230424
Piscis Austrinids15 Jul – 10 Aug27 Jul23−30355faint
Southern Delta Aquariids12 Jul – 23 Aug29 Jul23−164116faint
Rabbi blessed the brothel Mothers day night with Sex worker Michelle
26 July 2011  Sex worker Michelle with Roger Hegarty asked for "$100k to give to John Ibrahim this will allow you to trade Jenny" as Michelle said.
Sammy Sweet turned up at the brothel that night, 27 July 2011 to wonder why I would not pay money.  It's illegal that's why.  Sammy Sweet
also known as Greek Sam said he was sent by John  Ibrahim and Frank Amante.
Police visited again, when rang as these thugs kept coming.  All these people I knew were linked into the alleged drug network.
27 July 2011 Roger Hegarty sent text's and rang regarding the picking up of funds as I was having people door knocking on the brothel for money.
Alleged Extortion had started in May 2011 when the first asking by allegedly Roger Hegarty happened.
27 July 2011 The Police were called
Within Moloch worshipping for the drug network, the links are left behind within the Police evidence I have noted.
Juanita Nielsen, Donald Mackay Prime Minister Harold HoltDarlinghurst Road, Kings Cross  Hooked Map X.

Co-incidence? Aleister Crowley's work comes to life in a gang ritual

No Co-incidence
The Kings Cross Sting Exposed

Jennifer Stone Author

The Kings Cross Sting exposes the biggest Drug Bust 

The Kings Cross Sting will be a legacy, as I wrote to stay alive during the investigation into the hidden world of Hells Angels, Bandidos, and the Scorpion gang how the works of Aleister Crowley by the Magician is for the hidden black magicK to move up within the ranks of the drug world.

The Magician is the person where the crime evolves around all to hide the alleged body of Juanita Nielsen.  The Thor look alike carries a hammer, the crimes where the use of Bow and Arrows where the reptiles are taken, even the birds for the evolving of the crimes to the worship of the Dark Satan, the black magicK.

Home of The Kings Cross Sting is Sparkling Chandeliers where the gang utilise rituals to build the wall of silence and to intiate the people that do these sex crimes and other crimes into the gang.  

Thor is the hammer, the Monster to come about of the Lochness Monster where phone calls of 000 is the start and 000 is the end by the Magician for the power to move up.

Within the Rituals, they move through many of the crimes, Nigeria Scams, terrorising, even threatening to  murder you for the fear for the control.  However it was the little things that kept bringing up the How is Michael?  As the clue  Alex Petrovic left behind. Alex was working on the links that The Kings Cross Sting  was exposing and fitting into the work of Aleister Crowley that was coming alive before my eyes.

Aleister Crowley's work was allegedly brought to life by the alleged Abe Saffron within the Ritual viii for the hidden compartment.

Kurt Cobain was on death were the work of Aleister Crowley was brought to life by the note he left behind.  However the writing changed at the bottom of the note and was a link to Frances Yates.

Check out  The Home of The Kings Cross Sting.

Juanita Nielsen disappeared 4 July 1975
In 2009, an idea for a Sex Museum came about over a coffee.  It sounded like a goer, as 300,000 backpackers a year come to Kings Cross. 
A novel was to go with the research.  I thought it wasn’t hard to write a book I would start with a novel based on Australian history something that a tourist would want to read and take home from Kings Cross.
The research was started and the book Undercover in Kings Cross Madame X of The Kings Cross Sting was born, however it is not the first book within the series The Kings Cross Sting.
In the Cross Fire
Kings Cross Currency
Undercover in Kings Cross Madame X
Hot and Raunchy our award winning Newspaper The Kings Cross Sting in the Adult Industry Awards
Madame’s Skull
Informer Private Investigation
Bible Jesus we found  it
Bible’s MagicK Abrahadabra
Ritual Position 000
XXXIV Ritual Viii
This was living
Sex, Truth and the Book of Lies Juanita Nielsen
Co-incidence LXX
Police Informants Phuong Ngo going through the court case documents on facts.
How to fix Kings Cross Royal Commission by the Wild Madame X
Crown Secrets A and B Report as the Police weren’t taking Jennifer serious
The Kings Cross Sting will keep going as the news breaks.
Juanita Nielsen…..Unsolved Murder Kings Cross?