Showing posts with label moloch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moloch. Show all posts

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Molech, the understanding

Well I call it that, it’s halfway between the Pear and the Partridge in someway.  Some call it the Moscow Nursey rhymes.
What I have noticed is the websites go up and down depending on the information that this gang is playing at the time.  It is well orchestrated and I believe through the brothel I have been shown a side that is rarely shown to members from outside this close circuit.
The links I believe are just dates and places however I was looking back in history as they utilise this in law as history to solve problems.  I have had many in the gang Hells Angels following me, and many threatened me to behave, others like Chop Peter William Schaffer continued to threaten me with Death even after the brothel Sparkling Chandeliers was shut through the threats to kill myself and others.
Alleged acts of Child prostitution under the gang eye for the closing of the brothel and the act to come for the harvest of the money where this will relate to an event to come in the end of Lent I believe.  This is the event where the Crown hidden behind the front of John Ibrahim will change hands to Australia from USA under the agreement of the company The Hells Angels Ltd started under the alleged guidance of Abe Saffron and Norman Mailer.  However by the history links to the 1931 street fight from Madam Tilly Devine and Kate Leigh times over  the drug network.  This alleged sick game has been hidden among the evidents in time however it’s not clear until you meet up from history to today what is happening.
Shirley Finn, Shirley Briffman both brothel Madams both involved in the  alleged child prostitution, both gave evidence to police about gang, both were alleged hunted by the gang for this game of Molloch to keep the money coming in under the alleged guidance of Abe Saffron.  Both were allegedly murdered in staged suicides.
Many of the Events I have suffered relate to times Kero Bombs on the 23 December 2012 thrown at my hilux on our property.
Links to Florida USA
Suttons Forest,
Many of the Clubs in Kings Cross relate to the Clubs in Florida, Pink Pussycat and Abe Saffron being the oldest in Florida and well renown in Kings Cross.  Iguana is another.
Luna Park the name is a suburb in Florida USA, there was 81 listed Luna Park’s the number of the outlaw gang Hells Angels of today coincidence, yet we continue getting the links.  Sydney Ghost train Fire 1979 was linked to the God of Mollech and with the man with the horns that met the Godson family at Circular Quay.
Nigeria Scams by my research links to Robert Bauer LLC of Spring Hill Florida again a link to Florida USA where the alleged drug feeding worldwide happens by this system and by this member who allegedly impersonates Bob Bauer the ex attorney General of the USA by photo however for his name he is Bob Bauer who is Robert Bauer of Spring Hill Florida. moves money by Western Union.
Norman Mailer allegedly hidden King of a network where the joining of the USA and Australia came about in 1975 by the formation of the company The Hells Angels Ltd.  Norman Mailer is retiring, his last book was a link to this alleged game they play The Castle in the Forest. There was a newsreel played on the First Sunday of Lent with the reflections of Norman Mailer and James Packer.  When you listen to this story it explained that many  people went for weekends in the forest.  This I will relate to a Bull, I will allege this links to the Red Cow Farm Sutton Forest.
Abe Saffron linked to the Freemasons where the many links to the people that play this alleged game, which I believe is sick links to the Freemasons
Abe Saffron here in Australia ruled under the Nightclub owner as the Largest of his time.  Now James Packer has this within Australia with the Crown Melbourne as the largest building in Australia.  Abe Saffron pushed much of his money to the USA with  family and South Africa with his wife till his death in 2006.  Now the only money left in Australia is in allegedly The Marshin Trust.  Again, the name is a slight on the  alleged game Marshin.
The reference to King of the Cross was termed in under Madam Tilly Devine as Queen of the Cross I will allege the reference is to the Maltese Sic Cross that was taken from Parliament House Australia.  This Maltese Sic Cross I will allege is hidden with the brothel as this was the key to the ownership of the drug network for Madam Tilly Devine and was transferred through to Abe  Saffron, both had the bodyguard Sid MacDonald working for them.  The King of the Cross have only been John Ibrahiim, Abe Saffron, Louie Bayeh, Bill Bayeh alleged links to the Jewish and Egyption links to the Molloch.
Essam Nicola Gerges came to the brothel brought his boys, one was Peter William Schaffer and a few, Sammy Sweet, Roger Hegarty, Sex worker Michelle, Sex worker Karyn Englehardt, sex worker Hennessy, Sonia Schaffer, Debra Miller, Lui Villany, Kel Stratton, Kell ex president of Nomads Gold Coast, Then the next group was Sewe Eastern Suburbs Chapter and his boys 50 that walked on Kings Cross.

Chop Peter William Schaffer, terrorised me the morning of the 13/2/2013 which links to the start of lent 2013, the end of lent is the 30 March 2013.  I know that many of the dates within the references of the Molloch something has happened to me or others relating to the brothel 6/34-36A Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross.  I will allege on the 13 February 2013 Chop was trying to curse me in this game.
We have had Motorbikes past out home on a regular basis, which we didn’t have before I took over the brothel.  I have had two guys throwing Stones in February 9 2013 in the bay at 1am strange never had that before.  We have had our house phone ringing from 10 minute intervals to a couple of times a day all allegedly from the intimidation.  I have had much of my bank accounts extorted, defrauded of money from the 29 July 2011 which links into Police Vs Weatherstone and Q 363 Extort. 

The King of Moloch World Wide, was allegedly Norman Mailer in the USA where his teachings by books show connection with spreading proper gander, having books with the image of the Pink Pussycat on book covers I will further allege this was the relationship to show the cat and mouse game he was playing through history.
Allegedly the King of the Cross of Molech is transferred between Australia  and United States of America through both countries not ruled by a Queen or King nor are blessing the land to a god that believes in good only.
Within the use of the Moloch and the offerings to the god  ofMolech, the reigning King needs to collect items continually, continually building is another link eg. Winchester House USA of Winchester Guns.  Where the building continually brings in the money. 
Within the reign of the King of the Molech in the United States to  the World they need to collect a head of State,
Examples after I have studied the teachings of the Molech and the company The Hells Angels Ltd reflect to the alleged findings of  the Position of Prime Minister Harold Holt’s position than looking at history and similarities.
President John F. Kennedy allegedly murdered by the offering to the god of Molech by Norman Mailer.
Marilyn Monroe allegedly druged to look like overdose I will further allege the offering to the god of Molech by Norman Mailer.
Martin Luther King allegedy offering to the god of Molech by Norman Mailer
World Twin Towers 9/11 allegedly offering to the god of Molech by Norman Mailer for the war to increase the drugs to increase his money
White House 9/11 allegedly offering to the god of Molech by Norman Mailer
Allegedly all Presidents and Prime Ministers have been manipulated for the offering to the god of Molech by the company The Hells Angels Ltd
The secret hand shake, the pressing of the thumb allegedly one of the connections.
Allegedly the red and white striped shirt worn by Judges, Solicitors, Barristers is another silent statement to show they are from the company The Hells Angels Ltd
Propergander, within the alleged country is spread by the King of the Cross the offerings to the god of Molech.  Television stations allegedly within Australia Channel 7 and 9 by the reference of the numbers that relate to the company The Hells Angels Ltd.
Within Australia allegedly Kerry Packer’s son was the chosen one to take over from Norman Mailer.
Abe Saffron, allegedly the King of the Cross however he was not King of the World to the offerings to the god of Molech, now allegedly James Packer is and has been groomed for this position.  I will further allege that Kerry Packer took his own life through the overdosing of the herb Absinthe in the tradition of the god of Molech.
This is why, many of the people within the offerings to the god of Molech the woman are controlled to have children, for the alleged father to offer the youngest child as an offering to the god of Molech by offering to the Mouse and Cat game that they play.
Many of the alleged teachings are taught through games, television, books to our society to allegedly plant the seed of this way of thinking to be good as a way to entice the young to learn the teachings of the Molech through alleged games like Monopoly and probably many others when you research and study the televisions shows and games.  However the teachings of being good, is in respect to the alleged burning of live children to the statue of the god of Molech as a way of the hex to continue the game of the Cat and Mouse game.
Within Australia’s news tonight 10/2/13,  An alleged person Okeefe, 2  girls, twins were mentioned as within the aalleged offering of the god to the Molech, 2 back packers taken to the tunnel at menangle for the alleged offerings to the god of Molech.  References 2, twin, backpackers eg Black, tunnel, menangle eg men + angle  referring to under the alleged offering the silent language is 2 black packers men of angel as a offering of the item referred to in the teachings of two.
Within the alleged cat and mouse game, they make fun of the parliament to scam money.  Allegedly the man on the moon is a scam, there is evidence I have seen of a back pack that was used on the movie set of the Moon.  Allegedly as  a offering to the god of Molech for the world to see and be amazed however it was just a game.  There is many items I had seen by a guy allegedly like a mad professor who is an American Engineer.  
Crown Casino allegedly the largest building in Australia at this time.  I will further allege the figures on the news I heard 10/2/2013 referred to $6 Billion dollars by Mike Willese.  Freemasons conection as the alleged Master to the someone that allegedly is in charge of the person in charge of the crime.
The South head cemetery, the triangle shape on the headland of the South head, near the position of the gap , NSW Australia is a area where the Kings and Queen’s are picked for these positions allegedly by others I feel with relationship to Juanita Nielsen and Francis Foy.
I don’t mean by this report that I am against the principles, as the star, the cow jumping over the moon to see such fun, cat and the fiddle, dish ran away with the spoon.  Within the actual teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, allegedly the star, the crown, the hands welcoming the children, the sharing of bread, the red wine, the giving to others, I will allege are all to do with good.  To allegedly do with sharing, however this worshipping to the god of Molech has been created to allegedly make fun of the good teachings because these people that do are worshipping the god of money not the god of devine power.
When you have a house hexed or cursed by the allegedly offerings to the god of Molech, I will further allege that there will be an offering near by your property, there will be a mysterious disappearance where the moloch, the secret within this alleged  premises or neighbouring premises will be the body of this family member.  This alleged family member will be placed in a elevated position.  There could be a grave existing on the premises as in the past this will be placed allegedly in areas where the land is raised by strong walls, eg sandstone, brick

This alleged offerings will be kept in houses where the owners play the cat and mouse game to play homage to the family member who has been allegedly murdered.  The property will be offered for sale or lease as a way for other people to come and pay respects and praise for the offering held within the property.  Many of the properties will have tunnels, eg.  Driveway’s, walk ways, cleared land on the north of the property, the numbers of the alleged houses are relating to numbers 7, 3 +4, 9 where the 63 as 6-3 = 3 allegedly referring within this  teaching to the god of Molech as death.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Was the Bible written as a tool to find the hidden criminals?

Jennifer <> PM (18 hours ago)
to office, attorney, office, ministerial, Amanda, Mark, pic_inspector, Premier, wait1sus, aocc-interpol-., burn1cat, kald1nic, malo1pet, warr1nig, sapol.enquiries, macd1ian, gowe1jas, office, honours, deborah.cox, secretariat, Sentence, jeremy.bucking., cate.faehrmann, catherine.cusa.
I just asked for some help, what I have uncovered will explode your feelings, like it has mine.  Please action a search warrant immediately and be aware that The Kings Cross Sting is still investigating.
I would like it noted, I do believe, however this is allegedly a sick act, by the inactions of the police warrant, just think is the following report from The Kings Cross Sting something to support for the alleged criminal activities that alllegedlly Hells Angels stands for.
The inaction of police, when you read this report, like me you should feel sick to your stomach.  Allegedly for supporting and believing the attitude of King of the Cross and the alleged promotion in the media of the position of King of the Cross as to the sacrifice of bodies to the god and to the fire compartment.
If any of you allegedly have heard of someone accepting a bribe, respect for the great loss Australia suffered through the alleged murder of Prime Minister Harold Holt 1967 one of the alleged bodies within the brothel known as Sparkling Chandeliers Kings Cross.
By the level of alleged corruption I have experienced with the asking for just a police search warrant actually shows me I must be touching on the tip of the iceberg as to the alleged corruption, the puppets through the Politicians, the police, the legal servies where my calls for help have not been answered.  Where YOU, feel someone else should care, well I care about the bodies even the alleged bodies within the brothel that I tried to get into the area however I was allegedly setup, threatened with my life and my family have been too through this ordeal just because of the inaction of the police to listen, the fine details where they would have seen the terror in my eyes when the alleged gang surrounded me on numerous occasions, night and day due to the fact that the target of a lady which I have been extorted extremely heavily is because this gang and associates of Hells Angels, association through the drug network of ice and G predominately is owned by Hells Angels.
The black market, $12 Billion dollars a year, come on Australia just help me get a police search warrant for some justice.  By the inactions of not granting the courtesy of which the VIC in Police Vs Weatherstone is similar lettering, just a child's play within this gang to defame people that cross their path, that they feel they can extort, abuse, burn, setup, murder, drown, sacrifice to a god to provide the blood of money through their veins in the name of Moloch.
The Royal Commission into the Catholic priests, and to the problems their allegedly must take this sacrifices as a part of the information into the cause of the blueprint within the human body as to a sacrifice where within the religious eyes could be some how accepted in their mind.  I have no idea what happened to the 4 Waverley College boys that were burned in the Ghost Train fire 1979, however by this information and the Royal Commission currently into this problem, the association of years, classes, teaches must be allegedly considered as they two were on the ghost train not by chance by allegedly the setup for the 7 people to be burnt like an alleged offering to the god of Moloch for allegedly King of the Cross Abe Saffron at tthat time I believe.
The forensic Psychiatrist that within many of the Catholic Priests have utilised is allegedly a magistrate that was struck off the list and then became a court expert witness.  With this in mind and after reading these exerts, please allegedly have this person removed and all people that come before the legal system where they are struck off for some matter be never allowed to be a Expert court witness or work within our legal system ever again.
Extract for Abe Saffron allegedly utilising the Moloch proclaimed himself the King of the Cross, the reference to the Cross in reality is in the change of name of Queens Cross to now known as Kings Cross as under this theory allegedly Madame Tilly Devine was worshipping the  moloch too.  The name change will relate to the time where somewhere around 1948 that it was changed when the ruling of the Moloch changed from the Queen of brothels Madame Tilly Devine to King Abe Saffron and allegedly still relate to the now King of the Cross John Ibrahim.
Looking back in the images of Abe Saffron you will see him with a five pointed star around his neck as his reference to being the King.
Many references to the child, allegedly the use of child prostitution, paedophilia, child molesting is to do with the human blue print within out body and where some of us allegedly have sickness or abstain as a way of offering an act to God which in this case refers to the god of Moloch.
Reference  to Rebel Angel I will allege relates to the words Hells Angels which was associated with Abe Saffron, John Ibrahim, Bill Bayeh, Louie Bayeh, and others through the association and business of the company The  Hells Angels Ltd world wide.

Moloch has been traditionally interpreted as the name of a god, possibly a god titled the king, but purposely misvocalized as Molek instead of Melek using the vowels of Hebrew bosheth ’shame’.
Moloch appears in the Hebrew of 1 Kings 11.7 (on Solomon’s religious failings):
Then did Solomon build a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and lmlk, the abomination of the Sons of Ammon.
But in other passages the god of the Ammonites is named Milcom, not Moloch (see 1 Kings 11.33; Zephaniah 1.5). The Septuagint reads Milcom in 1 Kings 11.7 instead of Moloch which suggests a scribal error in the Hebrew. Many English translations accordingly follow the non-Hebrew versions at this point and render Milcom.
(The form mlkm can also mean ‘their king’ as well as Milcom and therefore one cannot always be sure in some other passages whether the King of Ammon is intended or the god Milcom.) It has also been suggested that the Ba‘al of Tyre, Melqart ‘king of the city’ (who was probably the Ba‘al whose worship was furthered by Ahab and his house) was this supposed god Moloch and that Melqart/Moloch was also Milcom the god of the Ammonites and identical with other gods whose names contain mlk. But nothing particularly suggests these identifications other than mlk in the various names.
Amos 5.27 reads in close translation:
But you shall carry Sikkut your king,
and Kiyyun, your images, the star-symbol of your god
which you made for yourself.
The Septuagint renders ‘your king’ as Moloch, perhaps from a scribal error, whence the verse appears in Acts 7.43:
You have lifted up the shrine of Molech
and the star of your god Rephan,
the idols you made to worship.
Accordingly this association of Moloch with these other gods is probably spurious.
All other references to Moloch use mlk only in the context of “passing children through fire lmlk”, whatever is meant by lmlk, whether it means “to Moloch” or means something else. It has traditionally been understood to mean burning children alive to the god Moloch. But some have suggested a rite of purification by fire instead, though perhaps a dangerous one. References to passing through fire without mentioning mlk appear in Deuteronomy 12.31, 18.10–13; 2 Kings 21.6; Ezekiel 20.26,31; 23.37. So the existence of this practice is well documented. For a comparable practice of rendering infants immortal by passing them through the fire, indirectly attested in early Greek myth, see the entries for Thetis and also the myth of Demeter as the nurse of Demophon.
Biblical texts
The pertinent Biblical texts follow in very literal translation. The word here translated literally as ’seed’ very often means offspring. The forms containing mlk have been left untranslated. The reader may substitute either “to Moloch” or “as a molk”.
Leviticus 18.21
And you shall not let any of your seed pass through Mo’lech, neither shall you profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.
Leviticus 20.2–5:
Again, you shall say to the Sons of Israel: Whoever he be of the Sons of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that gives any of his seed Mo’lech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones. And I will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people; because he has given of his seed Mo’lech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. And if the people of the land do at all hide their eyes from that man, when he gives of his seed Mo’lech, and do not kill him, then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go astray after him, whoring after Mo’lech from among the people.
2 Kings 23.10 (on King Josiah’s reform):
And he defiled the Tophet, which is in the valley of Ben-hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter pass through the fire Mo’lech.
Jeremiah 32.35:
And they built the high places of the Ba‘al, which are in the valley of Ben-hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire Mo’lech; which I did not command them, nor did it come into my mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
Moloch has also been referred to simply as a rebel angel.
Traditional accounts and theories
The 12th century rabbi Rashi, commenting on Jeremiah 7.31 stated:
Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.
A different rabbinical tradition says that the idol was hollow and was divided into seven compartments, in one of which they put flour, in the second turtle-doves, in the third a ewe, in the fourth a ram, in the fifth a calf, in the sixth an ox, and in the seventh a child, which were all burnt together by heating the statue inside.

Reference in the following extract, where if you relate this to the history within Australia I have been studying is Hells Angels since 2009 and Abe Saffron from all aspects.  Item 6 refers allegedly to the ghost train fire that allegedly Abe Saffron conspired with others for the Luna Park ghost train fire 1979.  With regard, to Essam Nicola Gerges he calls his son, Sewe Eastern Suburbs Chapter Hells Angels around Mascot area, allegedly 8 Barter Street Mascot as what I know.
2 Chronicles 33:1-9 (NKJV) Manassah was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty five years in Jerusalem. (2) But he did evil in the sight of the Lord , according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel. (3) For he rebuilt the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down; [My notes Hezekiah was Ahaz’s son.] he raised up altars for the Ba’als, and made wooden images; and he worshiped all the host of heaven and served them. [Chambers Encyclopedia melech was often used as divine name for heavenly king.] (4) He also built altars in the house of the Lord of which the Lord had said “In Jerusalem shall My name be forever”. (5) And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord. (6) Also he caused his sons to pass through the fire in the Valley of the son of Hinnom; he practiced soothsaying, used witchcraft and sorcery. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke Him to anger. (7) he even set a carved image , the idol which he had made , in the house of God, ……..(9) So Manassah seduced Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to do more evil than the nations whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel. [Read on to see how Manassah repented.]
That day was in Ezekiel’s day, but as Revelation 2:14 points out it was still going on in the 90’s AD. (14) But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balaak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality. (15) Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolatiams which thing I hate,

I will allege that the stumbling block within my Police Vs Weatherstone is I was the person opening up the brothel where the King of the cross had created his Moloch within the brothel now known as Sparkling Chandeliers 6/36A Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross on the golden Mile Darlinghurst.  This part of the religious cult act is the act by allegedly child to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality.  This was the alleged child prostitution where the reference to eat things sacrificed is the reference to the alleged 8 bodies and gun that had  been offered to the King of the Cross for the sacrifice for the King to have the blood of money run and allegedly nothing to stand in his way.
[6] Weinfeld argues that the verbs (”to give” or “to cause to pass over or through”) in the legal texts of Leviticus and Deuteronomy do not indicate “sacrifice” or “burning,” whereas the editors of the Anchor Bible Dictionary point out that the usage of those same verbs in Num 31:23 certainly do indicate “burning in the fire.” Continuing the argument on whether the children were actually burnt in sacrifice to Moloch, Alfred Edersheim, who believes that Moloch was really just another form of Baal and must be differentiated as well from Molech, Milcom, etc.

Reference is made with the "Burning in the fire"   with the story within the brothel of the push by the thugs of me, the name is "In the Cross Fire"  regarding the thugs, the drug running and the finding out about the bodies within the brothel by the many hints that came from the working girls and driven by the ego's of the pimps associated with all the Hells  Angels push on the brothel.
However, it could also relate that the people that became King from after Abe Saffron, allegedly because of the sacrifices made by their father which is a reference within this extract as noted on the internet within this email.  That this refers to the alleged relationship of Chop, Peter William Schaffer and his reference to me of his father without saying his name however refered to his grandmother as Asian, I referred this within my books as the link to Mr Asia Robert Trimbole.

14] Traces of Moloch… in modern society “In the ancient rite, the child was sacrificed in the hopes that Molech would bless the family with a good harvest, victory in battle, or financial gain. In the modern ‘rite’ of abortion, women sacrifice their children for their careers, social acceptability, or selfish personal needs.”

Reference above to the ancient rite, the child was sacrificed, allegedly this is the child prostitution, the paedophilia, child molesting where the act is referred  to a victory in battle as allegedly utilised as a tool of weapon within the King of the Cross weapons through the ownership of the  drug network and the brothel's that Abe Saffron gained control from Madame Tilly Devine.

But the great Serpent, the symbol of the life restoring Aesculapius, twists itself around the dead stock…and lo, at its side sprouts a young tree - a tree of an entirely different kind, that is never to be cut down by a hostile power -…and thus shadowed forth the perpetuity and everlasting nature of his power, how that after having fallen before his enemies, he has risen triumphant over them all. 

Reference to the serpent snake which allegedly is in the tattoo on the chest of Mark Alexander-Erber is an example.  The reference  to the young tree, is the tree planted for the ghost train fire 1979 which then will still link allegedly Luna Park to Hells Angels control through the research I have previously supplied however, any references required Luna Park 81 around the world relating to the number Hells Angels relates too that refer to the Moloch god of the 7 compartments.  The tree was planted, and as I interviewed a painter/artist the other day, the tree was chopped down the bench seat went missing is a kind of victory upon reading this reference to the god Moloch.

Jennifer  JP 119080 NSW

The Kings Cross Sting

Saturday 7 September 2013

Research Bible links for the alleged Occult.... Hidden research of The Kings Cross Sting

Adam and Eve, the Golden Apple.  Next time you visit a brothel,
ever wondered what happens behind the scenes....check out
The Kings Cross Sting  Vacancy empty on Darlinghurst Road, is this the Pit of Death
The brothel in Kings Cross, is just the Casual Vacancy that exists.

Kings Cross, or is it King of the X as the X relates to Black Magic.
Biblical References, just read you like me will be shocked at the meaning
where the Rebellion Angel sends the crime wave to terror in the general Public.
Then look at dates, with references to Meteor showers, Blue Moon
and the Planets as the timing in some cases of horrific crimes.

Author Jennifer Stone aka Jennifer Weatherstone
Queen of the Cross
Maltese sic Cross
Within the drug network, allegedly the worshipping of the King with in the teachings, is carried out with a black and white reference as we
found within the Luna Park Ghost Train Fire we note the researching within the  Jewish system as Abe Saffron was Jewish and the links
to allegedly Hells Angels, Rebellion Angel, Red and White stripes the opposite as  I was brought up with a Grandfather a  Mason would think
the access to the research of World Famous Sparkling Chandeliers, this is history.....The pimps utilising the Escorts, as the Sex Museum will
expose for the alleged movement of the drug network.  However the Escorts are the guard of honour the strength hidden behind
the alleged drug network.
This brothel, has been built on the Michael's Ley line, this has been worshipped by the drug network like the Skull and Bones
Tomb in Yale University.
Yom Kipper ends with the blowing of the Shofar, The trumpet that heralds the Coming of the Messiah,
An ancient prayer in a Jewish Day of Atomment. Our Righteous Messiah has departed from us,
We are horror-stricken, and have none to Justify us, Our inquities and the yoke of our transgessions,
He bears on his shoulder the burden of our sins, To find Pardon for all our inquities,
By HIS STRIPES we shall be healed-
O Eternal one, it is time that thou should create him a new!
The links to Aliens, have gone down since the disappearance of Prime Minister Harold Holt.

Moloch has been traditionally interpreted as the name of a god, possibly a god titled the king,
but purposely misvocalized as Molek instead of Melek using the vowels of Hebrew bosheth ’shame’.
Moloch appears in the Hebrew of 1 Kings 11.7 (on Solomon’s religious failings):
Then did Solomon build a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and lmlk,
the abomination of the Sons of Ammon.
But in other passages the god of the Ammonites is named Milcom, not Moloch (see 1 Kings 11.33; Zephaniah 1.5). The Septuagint reads
Milcom in 1 Kings 11.7 instead of Moloch which suggests a scribal error in the Hebrew. Many English translations accordingly follow the
non-Hebrew versions at this point and render Milcom.
(The form mlkm can also mean ‘their king’ as well as Milcom and therefore one cannot always be sure in some other passages whether the

King of Ammon is intended or the god Milcom.) It has also been suggested that the Ba‘al of Tyre, Melqart ‘king of the city’ (who was probably the
Ba‘al whose worship was furthered by Ahab and his house) was this supposed god Moloch and that Melqart/Moloch was also Milcom the god of the
Ammonites and identical with other gods whose names contain mlk. But nothing particularly suggests these identifications other than mlk in the various names.
The Hebrew word for yellow is 'y@raqraq' meaning yellow or greenish yellow. It is connected with the description of gold only in the Psalms:
"Though you lie down among the sheepfolds, You will be like the wings of a dove covered with silver, And her feathers with yellow gold." Psa 68:13
Gold or Yellow: Symbolizes the Glory of God ; divine nature; holiness; eternal deity; the Godhead; Purification; majesty; righteousness; divine light; kingliness; trial by fire;
mercy; power; His Deity; Glory. Revelations 3:18; Revelations 4:4; Mal: 3:3; 1 Peter: 1:7

· Yellow or Gold is also primary. It always speaks of trial and purging. "That trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire,
might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ".(1 Peter 1:7)Amos 5.27 reads in close translation:
But you shall carry Sikkut your king,
and Kiyyun, your images, the star-symbol of your god
which you made for yourself.
The Septuagint renders ‘your king’ as Moloch, perhaps from a scribal error, whence the verse appears in Acts 7.43:
All other references to Moloch use mlk only in the context of “passing children through fire lmlk”, whatever is meant by lmlk, whether it means “to Moloch” or
means something else. It has traditionally been understood to mean burning children alive to the god Moloch. But some have suggested a rite of purification by fire instead,
though perhaps a dangerous one. References to passing through fire without mentioning mlk appear in Deuteronomy 12.31, 18.10–13; 2 Kings 21.6; Ezekiel 20.26,31; 23.37.
So the existence of this practice is well documented. For a comparable practice of rendering infants immortal by passing them through the fire, indirectly attested in early
Greek myth, see the entries for Thetis and also the myth of Demeter as the nurse of Demophon.
Strong's Number H6669 matches the Hebrew צָ×”ֹב (tsahob), which occurs 3 times in 3 verses in the Hebrew concordance of the KJV
Page 1 / 1 (Lev 13:30 - Lev 13:36)
Then the priest shall see 7200 the plague 5061: and, behold, if it [be] in sight 4758 deeper 6013 than the skin ; [and there be] in it a yellow 6669 thin 1851 hair ; then the priest 3548 shall pronounce him unclean : it [is] a dry scall , [even] a leprosy upon the head or beard 2206.
And in the seventh 7637 day the priest shall look 7200 on the plague 5061: and, behold, [if] the scall spread not, and there be in it no yellow 6669 hair , and the scall 5424 [be] not in sight deeper 6013 than the skin 5785;
Then the priest 3548 shall look 7200 on him: and, behold, if the scall 5424 be spread 6581 in the skin 5785, the priest 3548 shall not seek 1239 for yellow6669 hair 8181; he [is] unclean 2931.
Psa 12:6  The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Danel 11:43 He will gain control over the gold, silver, and treasures of Egypt, and the Libyans and Ethiopians will be his servants.
Daniel 2: 42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.
Biblical texts
The pertinent Biblical texts follow in very literal translation. The word here translated literally as ’seed’ very often means offspring. The forms containing mlk have been left untranslated. The reader may substitute either “to Moloch” or “as a molk”.
Leviticus 18.21
And you shall not let any of your seed pass through Mo’lech, neither shall you profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.
Leviticus 20.2–5:
Again, you shall say to the Sons of Israel: Whoever he be of the Sons of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that gives any of his seed Mo’lech;
he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones. And I will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people;
because he has given of his seed Mo’lech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. And if the people of the land do at all hide their eyes from that man,
when he gives of his seed Mo’lech, and do not kill him, then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off,
and all that go astray after him, whoring after Mo’lech from among the people.
2 Kings 23.10 (on King Josiah’s reform):
And he defiled the Tophet, which is in the valley of Ben-hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter pass through the fire Mo’lech.
Jeremiah 32.35:
And they built the high places of the Ba‘al, which are in the valley of Ben-hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire Mo’lech;
which I did not command them, nor did it come into my mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
Moloch has also been referred to simply as a rebel angel.
Traditional accounts and theories
The 12th century rabbi Rashi, commenting on Jeremiah 7.31 stated:
Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot,
they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might
not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.
A different rabbinical tradition says that the idol was hollow and was divided into seven compartments, in one of which they put flour,
in the second turtle-doves, in the third a ewe, in the fourth a ram, in the fifth a calf, in the sixth an ox, and in the seventh a child,
which were all burnt together by heating the statue inside.
2 Chronicles 33:1-9 (NKJV) Manassah was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty five years in Jerusalem.
(2) But he did evil in the sight of the Lord , according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel.
(3) For he rebuilt the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down; [My notes Hezekiah was Ahaz’s son.]
he raised up altars for the Ba’als, and made wooden images; and he worshiped all the host of heaven and served them.
[Chambers Encyclopedia melech was often used as divine name for heavenly king.] (4) He also built altars in the house of the Lord
of which the Lord had said “In Jerusalem shall My name be forever”. (5) And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two
courts of the house of the Lord. (6) Also he caused his sons to pass through the fire in the Valley of the son of Hinnom; he
practiced soothsaying, used witchcraft and sorcery. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke Him to anger.
(7) he even set a carved image , the idol which he had made , in the house of God, ……..(9) So Manassah seduced Judah and the
inhabitants of Jerusalem to do more evil than the nations whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel. [Read on to see how Manassah repented.]
That day was in Ezekiel’s day, but as Revelation 2:14 points out it was still going on in the 90’s AD. (14) But I have a few things against you,
because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balaak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel,
to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality. (15) Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolatiams which thing I hate,
[6] Weinfeld argues that the verbs (”to give” or “to cause to pass over or through”) in the legal texts of Leviticus and Deuteronomy
do not indicate “sacrifice” or “burning,” whereas the editors of the Anchor Bible Dictionary point out that the usage of those same
verbs in Num 31:23 certainly do indicate “burning in the fire.” Continuing the argument on whether the children were actually burnt in
sacrifice to Moloch, Alfred Edersheim, who believes that Moloch was really just another form of Baal and must be differentiated
as well from Molech, Milcom, etc.
[14] Traces of Moloch… in modern society “In the ancient rite, the child was sacrificed in the hopes that Molech would bless the family
with a good harvest, victory in battle, or financial gain. In the modern ‘rite’ of abortion, women sacrifice their children for their careers,
social acceptability, or selfish personal needs.”
Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, the fathers Kindle fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the Queen of the heaven.
Jeremiah 1:16 they have burned incense to other gods
Jeremiah 7:31 And they have built the high place of Topheth, it will no more be called Topheth, or the valley of the slaughteer
Jeremiah 9:15 I will feared this people with wormwood and give them poisonous water to drink.
Jeremiah 11:13 This said the Lord to me :Go and buy a linen waistcloth and put it on your loins and do not dip it in waater.
Jeremiah 19:4 Because the people have forsakenme and have profamed this place by burning incense  in it to other gods who neither
they nor their fathers, nor the kings of Judah have known; and because they have filled this place with the blood of innocents, and have built
the high places of Ba-al to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Ba’al
Psalms 64
Matthew 27, 277:37 St John Chapter 6, Acts 2:19, Acts 18, Timothy 4:8, Revilation 8:2, Revelaton 9:10, Proverbs 5:4, Proverbs 7,
Proverbs9:13, Proverbs 13:9, Proverbs 18.7, Proverbs 19:26,20:1,25:5,28:25 , 30:30 31:31
King 1:13 and he shall sacrifice upon the priests of the high places who burn incense upon you and men’s bones shall be burned upon you.
Kings 1-20 I sent to you saying ‘Deliver to me your silver and gold, your wives and your children…