Wednesday 9 October 2013

Juanita Nielsen D/2011/208952 Police meeting 7 December 2011

Dear Sir,
With respect to Juanita Nielsen and Case D/2011/208952.
On the 7 December I attended Kings Cross Police I firstly was spoken to by Inspector Thorn who explained that my Solicitor was called due to the events that they wanted a chronological date order for Juanita Nielsen, no need for a legal representation as I never knew Juanita personally at all.
I have tried to do dates during my emails, and if you look back through Crimestoppers when the Showgirls went down I made comment about MacDonalds as unidentified.  You will see some characteristics in my writing.
As a brothel owner, you are expected to do certain things.  It is hard, when the threats are vivid and constantly in your face by people that you should be trusting.
I sat down at Kings Cross Police station awaiting my solicitor wondering why they had Nadia Long attending.  I hadn’t asked her to attend the police Inspector Thorn had liasoned with her directly.  My husband and myself are not working, we have no income for payment.  Actually my husband needs 24 hour care.  To be asked to go to Kings Cross Police Station was a drama for him that I was away so long added stress that my husband did not need.
When I was actually invited in by Inspector MacDonald and a Detective that I forgot his name or he didn’t mention his surname. The main talk was about me not being the right type of person to run a brothel in Kings Cross that I should get out now.  I am a Justice of the Peace since 1985, I have actually been a good citizen.  I am not use to threats of violence and to where the Kings Cross threats are fake or real.  Concrete boots I was offered by one person if I didn’t cooperate.  He explained to me that he could get me sorted back in May or so.  He left without much incident and then one after another of people with abilities in fighting came.  See I have no ability to fight, I am a lady.
Inspector MacDonald and Detective, explained that this is Kings Cross and they turn a blind eye to a lot. I said the necessary evil.  I was told to stop doing the police work? Inspector MacDonald and this Detective will do this?  And turn a blind eye as they were telling me to the real problem the extortion, standover tactics of Kings Cross.
Well if they turn a blind eye, ?  See it should be fair across the board.
The talk about who may be sending the threats to me, were spoken about Frank Amante, Roger Hegarty and Michelle sex worker from Porkies and Astoria Hotel Room 11? who is coming and going from the brothel at the moment.
I was told by Inspector Thorn, that Kings Cross is not Double bay shops.  That I hadn’t looked at a business plan, where I answered it was 6 jobs a night and we thought we could do it.  I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth either I said back to Inspector Thorn.  Even Chop has been thinking about how to keep the girls and work the business.  See a brothel is just rooms when you think about it.  The ladies make it the brothel otherwise it is commercial suite.
They told me, Inspector MacDonald and the Detective I had to break lease, get out of the business and start civil action against Chop.  Well in reality, I haven’t been earning anything from the brothel as the girls asked for subs continual.  Even Chop his partner Sonia asked for a sub from me for money which I didn’t do the other night. 
Inspector Thorn explained that the Kings Cross area is a different world.  That the people wanting wages or protection money is a norm up here.  I explained I thought protection money stopped around 2003 when the Royal Commissions.  They explained that it is Kings Cross.  Why pay protection money when your not doing drugs?  Why has this brothel been extorted before 1986, 2003, 2009, 2010, 2011?
Inspector Thorn did not attend this interview, see the not laying the AVO on Roger Hegarty was one of the small incidents that has hurt my case as this was a constant pressure from Hells Angels, or another gang.
Each item alone from a member of a gang member I believe by Inspector MacDonald is legal except when you look that each member does a little and the joint effort is the problem, this is conspiracy I would believe.  The law is hard when the gangs are so hidden behind the clubs.  So you don’t know who is a bikie member or not.  Inspector MacDonald protecting who?
This paying for protection that Inspector MacDonald and the Detective thought was the normal, has been the item that in July was the first major incident that I had not been able to deal with the threats on life and threats to kill me, payments for $10000.00 and a monthly rate of $1000.00.  Following the advice from the police I actually took the AVO out through the court system at the Downing Centre Local Court on Roger Hegarty/Stuart which now enabled the police to protect me however the AVO wasn’t serviced on Roger from August to November 2011 inspite of my many attempts to have it served and letters to the Commissioners office.  By looking at the facts, the police needed the AVO served on Roger to protect not just me however the business too, this time delay seemed to be looked at as the Police were not keen to serve the AVO.  In reality the AVO is just a piece of paper it is not a charge of doing anything bad on that person.  The Drug squad Marty Hyde explained to me when they did the drug raid on Sparkling Chandeliers that without the AVO the police could not protect us.  Drug Squad Marty Hyde explained did I know people along the strip for protection.
This is so wrong, that the police are turning a blind eye for extortion/protection money/wages for the drug dealers that come knocking and I’m not doing drugs.  I am clean straighty 180 as they say on the strip.
The Detective that interviewed on the 7 December 2011 me  explained that I should shut the brothel get out of the lease you’re the wrong type of person for Kings Cross.  You should join some historical society the Detective said. I explained that many brothels become museums and I was loading up on the website, some great articles about sex and to provide a record of history for Kings Cross and the red light district that’s how I found out about Juanita Nielson and the other missing persons.  I have a online newspaper on the website Sparkling Chandeliers.
Inspector MacDonald and the Detective explained that they organized the solicitor to start civil action.  Really they had no right to organize a solicitor for me.  Or to direct a solicitor on behalf of myself except if they were paying for the legal advice.  I would like this day on my legals paid by the police force. 7.12.11 as noted.  That the looking into the matter for Juanita Nielsen be passed on to a police person that has not worked at Kings Cross police.  A police officer Donna Bruce at Manly police I believe is very honest, that’s why I was emailing Super Indentant Susanne Waite at Kings Cross Police Station, Donna said she okay.
In reality, if Chop is part of the Hells Angels  or not and since in the history the Hells Angels have been after this brothel since 1985 it is a interesting fact that the police want me to kick them out?  It doesn’t catch the drug ring at all.  There is no more Roger Rogerson, Fred Krabe, the person who instructed is still about alledgely.  It is the system, how it works the alleged system?  The Blind eye is that the system? Entrenchment?
When you relate the disappearance of so many people all relating back to the drugs or knowledge about the drug ring, Juanita Nielson, Brian Alexander, Lyn Woodward and Sallie Annie Huckstepp. By removing Chop doesn’t stop the problem it only endures the problem.  Chop may not be Hells Angels however he has an association through the name mentioned to me of Felix Lyle and other gang members would be a client.  Hells Angels members which I am not, do have business’s legal business’s.  Sparkling Chandeliers is a legal business and I am law abiding citizen.
Inspector MacDonald explained that they were not seeing me in regards to the current matter victim.   Therefore confirming no solicitor required.  Actually I had Police at the home on Monday without Solicitors to talk too Detectives.  Thou they explained that this incident of VIC did not relate to a gang?  Interesting when she has MBM Bra boys images on her facebook and utilized Facebook as identification going to Sparkling Chandeliers.  The Police had no reaction or question about the association of VIC and the gang Bra Boys MBM and having friends in the 81?
When both Inspector MacDonald and the Detective explained that this is Kings Cross and your business is not reputable.  In respect it is a legal business, licensed Brothel on the Strip.  Sparkling Chandeliers is not a strip club as a brothel it is actually a brothel.  He could not help me get the gang out of the brothel.  Even thou they had threatened myself to be shot and killed by many of the alleged thugs and heavies of Kings Cross alleged drug network, Roger Hegarty, Sammy Sweet, Lui Villany, Peter William Schaffer, Paul Jennings, Fat David, Essam Nicola Gerges, Sewe Eastern Suburbs Hells Angels all seemed to want to protect this brothel so that it could not open.  It was the subfloor where the hidden compartment is in the 2nd floor way.  High up heavies in the working girls were allegedly Sex Worker Michelle, Diedre Palmerston, Sex worker Skye Karyn Englehardt,  Sonia Schaffer,
Inspector MacDonald explained that I had wished to speak to Kings Cross Police.  Interesting fact that if I had to pick a Police Station I would not pick Kings Cross Police to check on a disappearance of Kings Cross people as this entrenchment or system as this meeting on the 7 December 2011 showed me it is still happening. See if the research into my problem discovered the connections within Juanita Nielson, Brian Alexander, Lyn Woodward even Sallie Annie Huckstepp relate to the drug barons of the area really hadn’t been explored.
With respect to the Police I have identified the phone calls from Sparkling Chandeliers to local calls only.
I have sent a letter of demand for payment of the money from Sparkling Chandeliers as you be aware that Chop has had Sex worker Michelle, Skye up at the brothel, Sammy Sweet around, Roger Hegarty he has spoken about as he has him under his control.  All of these three have at one stage or another have not treated me with respect and have to push me around.  All of these people have been having meetings about me and Sparkling Chandeliers with Frank Amante.  See Sammy Sweet told me to stay away, it will get violent otherwise. Sammy Sweet 27 July 2011 if  I didn’t go along with he told me I would be shot. 
By the Inspector MacDonald and the Detective, they really are turning a blind eye to the drug war as they said its Kings Cross and different.  This is the type of policing where they are creating their own laws and not just instigating the law.  Like the AVO it needed to go to the Commissioner’s office prior to being laid on Roger Hegarty/Stuart
The drugs that sex worker Michelle and Skye, Roger with Sammy Sweet are moving the drugs with another person Natasha out of the Lido that are getting her supply from Omar.  Actually they don’t come with gang colours or leather jackets on.  Each person is an individual first and then a hidden gang member secondly.
Barrister John Peluso, said it is worth the time to allow the police to do an operation to clean up Kings Cross once and for all.  The lease to break on Sparkling Chandeliers I have a personal guarantee upon the property.  Really the extortion on this property has occurred before to a level of KX6 in the Royal Commission thus wanting police protection regarding this same brothel.  The laws have to be looked at that when many people target the same person, that each target is collected together as a group and should be held by the group as a charge and not the single person only.  Charge each person and the gang as a whole this will help with further targets like I have had and previous owners of this Brothel and other business’s.
Oh, I realized why they are after a brothel.  Like the Ibrahims with $3 million found in a roof with a brothel they could bank the money legally.  Cleans the drug funds through a legimate business and when they take over it is a front for the activities without much scrutineering and Inspector Thorn, Inspector MacDonald and the Detective thought what Chop had done to me wasn’t extortion?
Each person has had a problem with the owners of the brothel, whether they did drugs or not?  Rick and the herion and Cocaine heist in 2009.  Oh, he wasn’t Hells Angels that’s the difference.
Ibrahim family shootings I believe are related to Frank Amante (gang) and his son the child’s play shootings as they were reported in the newspaper.
A client of the brothel a person Greg Bamford alledgely has reported now to Kings Cross Police about having people leave messages on his motorbike out the front of his house.  Rang his place of work and the Department of Education regarding him.  One of the messages asked for 2500.
This I believe was the same fate for a person known as Gonzo Peter ? who was at the brothel on the night of victim cb   See Skye had invited Gonzo to come, Skye had made comment that she was finished with Gonzo before going out.  It was Gonzo that wanted her to come back to the brothel as he was asking for his lady.  Gonzo is alledgely to have money and would be a target for the same fate as Greg Bamford.
When the emails about Juanita Nielsen have circled to Kings Cross Police, alledgely the drug runners of Kings Cross have changed their ways.  Alledgely when I was inside Kings Cross Police station before Roger Hegarty had phone calls from inside Kings Cross Police station as to what was happening.
Black Roger to my knowledge alledgely has been told to stay away from the Kings Cross area strip interesting isn’t it?

Regards, Jennifer Weatherstone.

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