Tuesday 21 January 2014

Nostradamus prophecies....The Kings Cross Sting exposes

Prophecies of Nostradamus

Michel de Nostredame (14 December or 21 December 1503 – 2 July 1566), usually Latinised to Nostradamus, was a French apothecary and reputed seer who published collections of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide. He is best known for his book Les Propheties (“The Prophecies”), the first edition of which appeared in 1555. Since the publication of this book, which has rarely been out of print since his death, Nostradamus has attracted a following that, along with the popular press, credits him with predicting many major world events.

Prophecies of Nostradamus

Those at ease will suddenly be cast down, the world put into trouble by three brothers; their enemies will seize the marine city, hunger, fire, blood, plague, all evils doubled.
At forty-five degrees the sky will burn, Fire to approach the great new city: In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up, When one will want to demand proof of the Normans.
For forty years the rainbow will not be seen.
For forty years it will be seen every day.
The dry earth will grow more parched,
and there will be great floods when it is seen.
For several nights the earth will tremble:
In the spring two efforts in succession:
Corinth, Ephesus will swim in the two seas:
War stirred up by two valiant in combat.
New, impetuous and sudden rain
Will suddenly halt two armies.
Celestial stone, fires make the sea stony,
The death of seven by land and sea sudden.
After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is prepared
The Great Mover renews the ages:
Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,
Is the heavens fire seen, a long spark running.
The ‘great cow’ at Racenna in great trouble, Led by fifteen shut up at Fornase: At Rome there will be born two double-headed monsters, Blood, fire, flood, the greatest ones in space.
Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande
a great fire will fall from the sky for three nights.
The cause will appear both stupefying and marvellous;
shortly afterwards there will be an earthquake.
Earthshaking fire from the centre of the earth
will cause tremors around the New City.
Two great rocks will war for a long time,
then Arethusa will redden a new river.
A thing existing without any senses
will cause its own end to happen through artifice.
At Autun, Chalan, Langres and the two Sens
there will be great damage from hail and ice.
The sloping park great calamity
To be done through Hesperia and Insubria:
The fire in the ship, plague and captivity,
Mercury in Sagittarius Saturn will fade.
Through fire from the sky the city almost burned:
The Urn threatens Deucalion again:
Sardinia vexed by the Punic foist,
After Libra will leave her Phaethon.
At sunrise one will see a great fire,
Noise and light extending towards ‘Aquilon:’
Within the circle death and one will hear cries,
Through steel, fire, famine, death awaiting them.
One whom neither plague nor steel knew how to finish,
Death on the summit of the hills struck from the sky:
The abbot will die when he will see ruined
Those of the wreck wishing to seize the rock.
Burning torch will be seen in the sky at night
Near the end and beginning of the Rhone:
Famine, steel: the relief provided late,
Persia turns to invade Macedonia.
The populous places will be uninhabitable:
Great discord to obtain fields:
Realms delivered to prudent incapable ones:
Then for the great brothers dissension and death.
There will be unleashed live fire, hidden death, Horrible and frightful within the globes, By night the city reduced to dust by the fleet, The city afire, the enemy amenable.
At the forty-eigth climacteric degree, At the end of Cancer very great dryness: Fish in sea, river, lake boiled hectic, Bigorre in distress through fire from the sky.
In a short time the temples with colors of white and black of the two intermixed: Red and yellow ones will carry off theirs from them, Blood, land, plague, famine, fire extinguished by water.
Condom and Auch and around Mirande, I see fire from the sky which encompasses them. Sun and Mars conjoined in Leo, then at Marmande, lightning, great hail, a wall falls into the Garonne.
From the sky will come a great King of Terror: To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols, Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
In the year that Saturn and Mars shall be fiery,
The air shall be very dry in many countries,
By secret fires, many places shall be burnt with heat,
There shall be scarcity of rain, hot winds, wars, wounds.
When twenty years of the Moon’s reign have passed
another will take up his reign for seven thousend years.
When the exhausted Sun takes up his cycle
then my prophecy and threats will be accomplished.

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