Thursday 9 January 2014

When will Kings Cross Police take action? Scorpion Rituals are real

Police Officer Gooley, when Detective Dench said on the stand, no investigation.

When the Police I rang 000 for help in Kings Cross it took them 2.5 hours to come just 80 metres for the Police Station when I was threatened with death on the 27 July 2011.

Who is in control of Kings Cross?  Drug runners in my mind.

When the guy known as Sammy Sweet or Greek Sam I think his name is Con?  He was out of Love Machine, hangs around Porky's.  Disappears and reappears...Well we will have a safer area then.

So when will the Police catch him sir?

Detective Dench said no investigation.
Senior Constable Arnold didn't question the man.

He pretended to be having sex....yet this is how they get rid of drugs whilst staying in a brothel being near a shower or drain.

Scorpion Rituals, at each stage of the ritual is a CM and the Victim is a J.
J for Juanita Nielsen, J for Jennifer Weatherstone,
C....Chop Schaffer threatened my life
Sex worker Michelle...asked for extortion
Con?  Sammy Sweet, asked for money, threatened to have me shot right on Darlinghurst Road.
Essam Gerges aka Egyptian Sam threatened my life....

The Man in Room D  allegedly Michael J Hand has an outstanding warrant through a Royal Commission and no one checked?  What happened...he just has a new name, new identity yet his finger prints will match?
M is the person moving up within the ranks of the outlaw gang for the scorpion rituals.  If their name does not match the system they just change it.

Chop Schaffer and Essam Gerges said terrible things to me....they are in gaol yet when will the police charge them.  I'm still waiting for Kings Cross police Station....

Top cop vents frustration at NSW govt

A SENIOR police officer has accused the NSW government of "fluffing around the edges" of reforms that would curb drunken violence.
Kings Cross Inspector Pat Gooley, who is also the NSW Police Association vice-president, has detailed his frustrations in an open letter to the state government.
In the letter, addressed to Tourism and Hospitality Minister George Souris, Insp Gooley reflects on the scene he witnessed on New Year's Eve when Daniel Christie, 18, was allegedly knocked to the ground.
Mr Christie is in a critical condition in hospital.
Insp Gooley wrote that his heart sank as he began to realise "the name of Daniel Christie would soon become known to many, for all the wrong reasons".
Speaking to ABC radio on Tuesday, Insp Gooley said he didn't believe that Premier Barry O'Farrell and Mr Souris were genuinely doing all they could to curb alcohol-fuelled violence in Kings Cross.
If they were, he said, they would implement measures such as those trialled in Newcastle.
"I think what they're doing is really fluffing around the edges," he told ABC Radio.
"We're calling for the introduction of what's referred to as the Newcastle model.
"It's been trialled, and it's been proven and it works."
The Newcastle model involves 1am lockouts and 3am last drinks.
In his letter, Insp Gooley said it seemed as though the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) was running the minister's policies.
Minister Souris's press secretary told AAP that he would not be commenting on Mr Gooley's letter and Premier Barry O'Farrell is on leave.
Comment is being sought from Acting Premier Andrew Stoner.

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