Sunday 24 August 2014

1982 Bombing Michael Drury assisting with inquiries.

Operaton Forbearance - Police issue new images

10 December 2012
NSW Police Force
Forbearance Overview
New South Wales Police Force and the Australian Federal Police investigating the 1982 bombings of the Israeli Consulate in Sydney and the Hakoah Club at Bondi have released new images of a woman and two cars believed to have been involved in the bombings.
Detective Chief Superintendent Wayne Gordon, Commander of the Anti Terrorism and Security Group, Counter Terrorism and Special Tactics Command said the investigation has now progressed to the point where police believe a number of cars were involved and the gas cylinders used were taken from the NSW State Rail Authority.
”We have been able to now link a number plate from a 1970 Green Ford Falcon sedan which was stolen from Kogarah on the 20 December 1982 to the car containing the explosive device which detonated at the Hakoah Club at Bondi.”
”We have also been able to ascertain that a woman was also involved along with the two men in the purchase of the 1970 Green Valiant sedan which was used to place the improvised explosive device used at the Hakoah Club, Bondi. Police have been able to link these three suspects using a vehicle similar to a silver 1979 Chrysler station wagon to travel to the caryard at Parramatta Road at Burwood, where they purchased the 1970 Green Valiant sedan.”
”These discoveries are key pieces of the jigsaw which is now starting to come together,” Detective Chief Superintendent Gordon said.
The other main piece of information is the confirmation that the gas cylinders used as part of the explosive device came from the State Rail Authority at the time.
“The gas cylinders formed part of the improvised explosive device which along with the detonation components were placed in the boot of the Valiant, driven to the carpark of the Hakoah Club at Bondi and detonated just before 6.45pm on the 23 December 1982.”
“I can only repeat that it was luck more than anything else that no one was killed in these bombings, and while it is almost 30 years ago we know there are people out there living with the knowledge or guilt of these crimes.”
”We are applying modern technology and techniques to a historical crime and we are progressing confidently,” Detective Chief Superintendent Gordon said.
Former highly distinguished NSW Police Detective Inspector Michael Drury, now the Director, Ethical Standards and Customer Service, RailCorp, is assisting Operation Forbearance investigators.
“This was an attack meant to cause to the utmost damaged and one which RailCorp is keen to assist with.”
“If the gas cylinders used came from here 30 years ago then we will do whatever we can to identify those who involved in taking them,” Michael Drury said.
Australian Federal Police Acting Assistant Commissioner for Counter Terrorism, David Stewart, said the Australian Federal Police continued to actively contribute to the investigation.
“This cold case investigation by the Joint Counter Terrorism Team Sydney indicates that modern technology and methodologies can be applied retrospectively. Evolving capabilities are allowing criminal activity, including terrorism, to be examined thoroughly, even decades after it occurs.”
“We encourage members of the general public who may have information to assist law enforcement agencies investigating this matter,” Acting Assistant Commissioner Stewart said.
Police believe there are still people in the community who know those responsible for these bombings.
Detective Chief Superintendent Wayne Gordon added that investigators from Operation Forbearance want to hear from any member of the public who can provide information about these bombings, no matter how insignificant they think that information might be.
“If any member of the public knows these two men or the woman whose image we have just issued, or for that matter the cars involved please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”
For media enquiries please contact:
Kevin Daley
New South Wales Police Media Unit
02 8263 6100
Israeli Consulate and Hakoah Club Bombings - Fact Sheet
  • About 2.00pm, 23 December 1982, the office of the Israeli Consulate General, 100 William Street, Sydney, was the target of an explosive device which had been placed within the stairwell of the premises adjacent to Consulate fire exit door.
  • Two (2) people were injured as a result of the blast and significant damage was occasioned to the building.
  • About 6.45pm, 23 December 1982, the car park of the Hakoah Club, 61-67 Hall Street, Bondi, was the target of a second explosive device.
  • This device was located within the boot of a Valiant sedan that failed to detonate properly which resulted in the timing device being blown clear.
  • The gas cylinders used in the improvised explosive device at the Hakoah Club had been sourced from the State Rail Authority (NSW).
  • No one was directly injured as a result of this explosion however, significant damage was caused to the vehicle in which the explosive device was placed and at least two (2) other vehicles sustained significant damage.
  • At the time of this explosion there were a large number of people within the Hakoah Club.
  • Evidence was later given that the placement of this explosive device was designed to collapse this building.
  • The evidence police collected from the crime scene leads us to believe that the placement of this explosive device was designed to collapse this building and in doing so kill or seriously injure many people.
  • Investigations at the time resulted in a 31-year-old man being arrested and charged in relation to his alleged involvement in the explosion at the Hakoah club.
  • The Prosecution resulted in the person going before the court however charges were later withdrawn by the NSW Attorney General.
  • At the time the investigation linked these attacks to the international terrorist organisation, known as May 15.
  • The Valiant sedan used in the Hakoah Club had been purchased from a car yard on Parramatta Road, Burwood.
  • The Valiant had been purchased through a series of negotiations and transactions by 2 males and 1 female. These suspects have been linked to using a vehicle that is similar to 1979 silver Chrysler station wagon.
  • The registration plates attached to this Valiant sedan at the time of the explosion had been previously taken from 1970 green Ford sedan which had been stolen from Kogarah on 20 December 1982.
Forbearance Composite Image 1Forbearance Composite Image 2Forbearance Composite Image 3Forbearance Green FordForbearance Green Valiant
Police will release the NEW following images:


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