Monday 4 August 2014

Is it possible this gang stole JFK's body?

I will just put down a few points.

14 March 1967  the body of President John F. Kennedy is moved to a spot just a few feet away from its original interment site at Arlington National Cemetery. The slain president had been assassinated more than three years earlier, on November 22, 1963.

"What I would like to have done is take it to sea," Robert Kennedy, the president's brother, told an
official of the General Services Administration in February 1966.
Despite concerns that the casket was government property, Kennedy told GSA Administrator Lawson
Knott Jr. that he believed it belonged to the family "and we can get rid of it any way we want to,"
according to a memo recounting their telephone conversation.

At 8:38 a.m., a C-130 airplane carrying the casket left Andrews Air Force Base and flew off the
Maryland-Delaware coast. The plane descended to 500 feet and at 10 a.m., the tail hatch of the
plane was opened and the 660-pound load was pushed out.
"The parachutes opened shortly before impact and the entire rigged load remained intact and sank
sharply, clearly and immediately after the soft impact," John Steadman, special assistant to the
defense secretary, wrote in a Feb. 25, 1966 file memo.
"The aircraft circled the drop point for some 20 minutes at 500 feet to ensure that nothing returned
to the surface," wrote Steadman, who was on the plane.

Then we have a Newspaper posting a $1 million dollars reward.

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