Tuesday 30 December 2014

Alleged Swan Taxi driver and Claremont co-incidences to corruption

Information on a former Fremantle Swan taxi driver

The public have not been informed that a Swan taxi driver named allegedly Paul Anthony Gajewski (also known as Taxi Tony and from Fremantle) was present at Claremont around the time Ciara Glennon vanished. They have not been informed that serious accusations of corruption have been levelled at senior police regarding this taxi driver and there failure to interview him, despite his presence at the location and time now confirmed. If you have any information regards this person and wish to swap information with myself email me at noel.coward1@gmail,com. Alternatively if you presented any information to the police regards this investigation, or to the West Australian press and are not satisfied it was properly investigated I would be keen to hear from you. I have an 80 page file on this investigation. I can also say without fear of being challenged that the more recent Cold Case Review into the police handling of this investigation was corrupted by the Task Force - and in breach of the guidelines handed down by the National Crime Faculty - by withholding from them evidence and information relative to this taxi driver for the purpose of (a) concealing corruption related to the investigation, and (b) to produce a favourable outcome and deceive the public. It has to be remembered that Superintendent Caporn who headed the investigation was promoted to the position of the back of a botched investigation that sent Andrew Mallard to prison for a murder he did not commit - and for which he was allowed to escape without being held to account, and was indeed rewarded with a job position at FESA obtained under dubious circumstances. I say to you I have been pushing these allegations for thirteen years and have evidence of such value that the police will not take any legal steps to challenge me, or allow themselves to be put in a position where I am forced to defend the allegations I have levelled at them.  Corruption runs deep within this state and it should be remembered the three supreme Court Judges were prepared to allow Andrew Mallard to rot in prison until the High Court exposed the travesty of justice and virtually forced a back-down. I also say to you don't trust the WA Press who stand to be sued for millions over their reporting of this - followed by their wilful silence - and are a major player in the cover-up. If you think this is fanciful then challenge me. I wont be intimidated by this police force. I wont be silenced by the media who have failed to keep you informed. When I say to you the families were ;lied to by this police force I am not deterred should they believe those lies, thus I say to you that former head of the task force (Mr. Caporn) lied to the families regarding this taxi driver. Who wants to discuss it? As of early April this matter will go before the ACC - as it did with the former ACC that proved to be dysfunctional and where charges of corruption were brought against one person before it was scuttled so as not to be further scrutinised. I don't expect the complaint to get past the assessment team and to be blocked from scrutiny by the Commissioner, as it was with the former ACC. I also point out that key staff in the dysfunctional ACC now staff the CCC. Anyone listening. My rel Name is Noel Geoffrey Coward. I can be contacted at noel.coward1@gmail.com. I can be trusted with your information or your secrets. Contact me!   http://claremontserialmurders.blogspot.com.au/p/information-on-former-fremantle-swan.html?m=1

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