Monday 29 December 2014

DIPG research and Endocannabinoid?

"The matter of consideration for the patient's welfare play's no roll here. In fact all physician's take delight in the abuse and torture of the unfortunate subject's".--Doctor Cornelius P.Rhoads. Rockefeller Institute. 1931

Many say DIPG is man made...where does it come from?   SV40 Virus?  Polio Vaccine?  

It makes you think about the Fluroide in the water....

After my daughter's biopsy sample was studied, they determined the following..
"CD276 expression: The tumor does express the antigen of 8H9 antibody based on RNA seq data. The tumor board would recommend considering this trial as an option. Since exact details of the trial are unknown to the specialized tumor board, the final recommendation needs to be made in collaboration with the PI of the clinical trial as well as the family and treating physician."
Here is an interesting link to check out,
It is a pub med entry about the potential of the endocannabinoid system in pharmacotherapy. It was published in Sept. 2006 before Dr. Desprez and Dr. McAllister who have been studying CBD and its effects on metastatic cancer in lab and animal studies published their early findings in 2007, and well before Dr. Wai Liu of St. George's University in London, England along with the other members of the research team that he was a part of, had the results of their studies published around Nov. of this year in which they report finding that THC and CBD when used together with radiation treatment frequently reduced the brain tumors of the mice which received the combined treatment up to one-tenth of the size of the tumors of the mice in the control group. 
There are many other lab and animal studies that show that certain cannabinoids may have one or multiple anti-tumor capabilities. I find it at least strange that to this point, as mentioned on The National Cancer Institute's website that, "No clinical trials of Cannabis as a treatment for cancer in humans have been found in the CAM on PubMed database maintained by the National Institutes of Health." ( "Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ)", page 2. The National Cancer Institute. 12/28/2014).
Peace and God bless you. -Chris

The endocannabinoid system as an emerging target of pharmacotherapy. -...

This article was published in September of 2006. That is over eight years ago! Do we think that enough has been done concerning this and related research?

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