Friday 2 January 2015

Police investigation into Secret Societies to find Juanita Nielsen

Jennifer Stone Have you investigated the Golden Dawn, the Secret societies above, like the Order of A:.A:. these are some I have found that link to the illegal drug network and to murders. Aleister Crowley, Frank Bennett brought this to Australia in 1920 for the O.T.O which linked to the Grand Lodge No 2 South Africia. It was based upon the Freemason system but it was different. This is where many people have I felt confused the links. G for the Golden Scorpion of the holder of the drug network I have exposed to the Police. The Federal and NSW Police have been looking into this from 2011 with me. Yes, I know they have taken their time. But we have to hope as they have told me we have to get the whole gang where the underage link through Rituals to move up within the Vibration of the Outlaw gang that dances to the number 81 for the Rebellion Armny. This gang by my history line has evolved in Australia from 1804 which is as I allege a direct connection to the Golden Dawn through Rothschild and Aleister Crowley. Rosaleen Norton in Kings Cross had 200 students under her she reported, she lived until 1979 during this time Juanita Nielsen went missing and the black magicK rituals I have exposed were part of the alleged murder. This murder investigation has been going from 2011, to bring down the gang we have worked on the business structure that has helped the Police with the links not just to the Paedophilia, to the links to Judges, Court attendents, to where the Police tell you they turn a blind eye to this because it gives them a job. All of this have been reported to the Police. We have worked with Ombudsman, and court system for the affidavits from key people within the alleged drug network to expose a hidden network. Without the Police involvedment their is no justice for anyone.

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