Sunday 17 May 2015

Nixon signing the National Cancer Act of 1971

Two year's apart........
"He said there would be new diseases . . . which had not ever been seen before. (They) would be very difficult to diagnose and be untreatable - at least for a long time. . . . 'We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute. . . . But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else' . . . . cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite . . . efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do. . . ."
Dr. Richard Day, former Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, March 20, 1969
NCI B-roll of President Nixon signing the National Cancer Act of 1971 on December 23, 1971. Footage includes speech by Nixon on the importance of cancer rese...
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