Thursday 28 January 2016

Police confidence or alleged corrupt system to hide them?

When the premises 6/34-36a Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross are searched, then the Police will need to expose fully the corruption?
So, sorry, I will do that...

Police don't investigate their own for a reason.
  • Satisfaction of those who had contact with police in the past 12 months (90.3%)
  • General satisfaction with police services (77.6%)
  • Professionalism (90.1%)
  • Honesty (75.2%)
  • Treating people fairly and equally (79.7%)
  • Feelings of safety at home at night (88.4%)
Acting Commissioner Catherine Burn says the independent report card is a both a reward for hard work but also a challenge to keep improving.
“Policing is a difficult and often confronting job. We always seek to do that job well and improve what we do. The figures show how we have applied ourselves, putting us above the national average in most categories.
“That’s a huge pat on the back for every police officer but it also throws out a challenge. Let’s keep that momentum going.
“Of course we will have our critics, but when you get independently commissioned data reflecting such a positive community view of our work, it lifts the spirits of our officers. They enjoy their work in spite of its often confronting nature.
The Return on Government Services Report also highlights other areas of continuous improvement in recent years.
  • Walking alone in your neighbourhood (day and night)
  • Feelings of safety on public transport (day and night)
Ms Burn also noted a fall in the number of complaints against police.
“There are many ways in which we can be measured. We embarked on an ambitious customer service program going back eight years now and I believe we are seeing the benefits of that flowing through. Fewer complaints are one of the benefits.
“We are constantly embracing new technology and better training and that’s helping drive down crimes rates. These are also measured independently of police by the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research. These show our major crime categories falling or stable.
“Trust and confidence in police is very important. Trust breeds the confidence to call police and let us know about crime and criminal activity. Information from the community is absolutely vital for police to be able to solve and prevent crime.
  • General satisfaction has risen from 64.2% in 2009/10 to 77.6% in 2014/15.
  • Satisfaction of those who have had contact with police in the previous 12 months has risen from 77.5% in 2009/10 to 90.3% in 2014/15.
  • Police are honest has risen from 74.9% in 2011/12 to 75.2% in 2014/15
  • Professionalism has risen from 79.8% in 2009/10 to 90.1% in 2014/15
  • Police treat people fairly and equally has risen from 68.2% in 2009/10 to 79.7% in 2014/15
  • Feelings of safety at home at night has risen from 83.7% in 2009/09 to 88.4% in 2014/15.

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