Sunday 21 February 2016

Glenn McNamara author of Dirty Work

Glen McNamara author of Dirty Work
Page 65 wrote about a place called BoBo's, co-incidence we have a B on the reception desk at the brothel, Glen McNamara called it a retreat another coincidence and the stairs were at 45 degrees which is another co-incidence where he met Robert "Dolly" Dunn and Detective Churchill.

Page 267 Detective Dennis Kim Thompson delivering parcels in Sydney.  Sacked in 1996 by Glenn McNamara book yet this ex detective reached out to me to say he didnt get the sack.
What type of parcels?

Page 268 Detective Neville Scullion did work at Bowling Club and now?
Detective Stephen Pentland was dismissed in 1990 yet he reports he left and went on pension.

Where is partner Schuey?  What happened? Aarne Tees Police?  Where is he now?

1 comment:

  1. Ex detective wanted me to know he was not sacked. I gained the information from corrupt ex detective Glenn McNamara as we work out the alleged links to Sam Malta's explained to me the trophies hidden have been documented by alleged corrupt police without identifying who. I apologise for any problem caused but this is a current police case known as "The Kings Cross Sting" by Chief inspector Laidlaw exposing the remains.


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