Friday 19 May 2017

Chemotherapy Protocol and St Vincents Hospital

Inquiry into off-protocol prescribing of chemotherapy in New South Wales
It is my pleasure to announce the release of the Select Committee on Off-protocol Prescribing of Chemotherapy in New South Wales report entitled Off-protocol prescribing of chemotherapy in New South Wales. This report was tabled with the Clerk of the Parliaments on Thursday 18 May 2017.
The report is available on our website, along with submissions, transcripts of evidence and other documents associated with the inquiry.
The report and its recommendations are now with the government for consideration. The government is required to respond to the recommendations within six months. You will be advised of the government response when it has been received.
If you would like additional copies of the report, please contact the committee secretariat on 9230 3081 or at   
On behalf of the committee, I take this opportunity to thank you for your contribution to the inquiry. The committee has been greatly assisted by these contributions and we appreciate the time and effort taken by all those who have helped us with this important inquiry.
Yours sincerely
Hon Paul Green MLC 
Committee Chair
Upper House Committees |Legislative Council
Parliament of New South Wales                        

Parliament House, Macquarie Street Sydney NSW, 2000 Australia

I have sent a submission about the off-protocol chemotherapy AND I AM DEMANDING ANSWERS.

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