Showing posts with label Geelong murders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geelong murders. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Geelong Murders that fitted the pattern of the Scorpion Rituals

Easey Street Murders will relate to the murder and the god offering of alleged Juanita Nielsen, being a newspaper reporter, the idols that are placed within the compartments are carefully selected.
  The Easey Street murders refer to the killing of Suzanne Armstrong and Susan Bartlett, who were stabbed to death on 10 January 1977 in their home at 147 Easey Street in the inner Melbourne suburb of Collingwood. The crime remains unsolved as of 2012. The women were stabbed multiple times. Armstrong’s 16-month-old son, Gregory, was unharmed. The women’s bodies were discovered three days after they were killed. Neighbours had heard the baby whimpering.
The murders were later linked to the disappearance and probable murder of Julie Garciacelay, a librarian originally from Stockton, California. Garciacelay had disappeared from her North Melbourne, Victoria apartment on 1 July 1975.[1]
Allegedly Geelong
Geelong  being 7 unsolved murders and 1 Jewellery shop, 7 is the number of murders to the god Moloch relating to the alleged gang offering of Hells Angels, the 1 Jewellery Shop is the offering of flour which was made to Moloch, adding to a 8 for luck to not get caught, and the 8 for the H which relates allegedly these crimes to Hells Angels and the Moloch with the 7 bodies, and one of flour.
The cause of 13-year-old Clare Morrison’s death is still a mystery.
The Geelong girl’s naked body washed up on the famous surfer haunt Bell’s Beach, Torquay on December 19, 1992.  This date relates through numerology to a 7 which I will allege relates to the offering to the god Moloch, I will note the name of beach “haunt”, the word “famous”, water all relate to an offering to the god Moloch for someone in power within the world of allegedly The Hells Angels Ltd.  The age of the person being 13 is a number relating to the dark side of The Hells Angels Ltd  allegedly child’s play with the cat and mouse game they all play.  Common problem, is the police are given false information allegedly the red herring in the game of Cat and Mouse and I will allege for most of these related offerings for the God Moloch, the informer is an associate of the gang that the alleged offering is made for.

Geelong's most famous cold cases are both brutal and bizarre, reports ALEKS DEVIC. They have baffled investigators for decades and have haunted the victim's families. Someone holds the key to unlock these unsolved crimes and sometimes all it takes is one, brave phone call ...
A WEB of intrigue surrounds the death of 13-year-old Norlane girl Clare Morrison whose body was found washed up on Bells Beach in 1992. Was she murdered or as she a shark attack victim? 
Hours before her grisly death, Clare spent a Friday night in Geelong’s mall and at Eastern Beach. 
About 10.30pm Clare was seen at the city McDonald’s drunk. She was last seen walking in the mall towards
Moorabool St at midnight but what happened in the next 7.5 hours has frustrated and baffled police.
The young girl’s nearnaked body was found washed up on the shores of Bells Beach at 7.25am.
But what made the probe into Clare’s death even more difficult was that by the time she was found, a shark mauled her and the injuries to her throat, face and back of skull did not conclusively prove how she died. 
Police said she was seen in a dark maroon or blue vehicle about 11.30pm with unknown males on the night she died.
Neither the car nor its occupants have been identified. Who took Clare to the beach? Why would someone want to kill her? Someone knows what happened but is holding on to a deep and dark secret.

IN broad daylight, thieves set upon Geelong’s Thomas Jewellers and walked out with 60 diamond rings totalling $100,000. International thieves are believed to be behind the heist that police have been unable to solve. 
A group of three men,carrying black satchels, and one woman, clutching a backpack, caught on security footage are believed to have stolen diamonds from an unlocked safe.
The haul of diamonds included a three-carat diamond solitaire, two two carat diamond rings and 12 one-carat diamond solitaires.
One of the thieves got behind the counter and took the tray from the safe while another kept a lookout and the other two distracted staff. Money talks, but in this case it shows diamondsare a girl’s best friends.

INSIDE a crowded Market Square, 16-year-old Ricky Balcombe was stabbed to death with a 12cm knife. 
Baby-faced Ricky was knifed in front of his best mate who was then also chased through the shopping centre and Geelong streets. He managed to get away as has the killer more than 15 years on from the crime that is so vivid in so many people’s minds.
It was a Friday afternoon at 3.20pm and it happened near the lifts across from where the Safeway supermarket once stood.
A 25-year-old Norlane man had a murder charge over Ricky’s slaying dropped in 1998 – nine days before his Supreme Court trial due to a lack of evidence. 
He spent 13 months in custody waiting to face the jury.
What has hampered the police investigation is the loyalty between gangs and the code of silence they share. 
Crucial witnesses were unable to confirm their evidence because they were affected by drugs and the security cameras in the shopping centre were not working at the time. 
The man acquitted over Ricky’s death had punched the teen just two weeks before the stabbing death.
Was this a case of retribution gone wrong or a callous killing to show who ruled the mall?  
Within the evidence I have just had a quick look at the murders as, the number 16 equals a 7, where he had a punch two weeks before the stabbing death.  This is a fact I believe within allegedly the way of the murder happens or the setups.  As the person is staged with fear at the first occasion, within my case the people seemed friendly in the beginning and regularly would visit however with this was the building of the intimidation.  Telling you about murders and crimes these people alleged they committed.  The cameras where on public land and this or within private premises where this gang is allegedly setting you up, they affect the security camera’s as this is a link to the crime.  They will turn them off as a pattern I had seen within my problems with allegedly Hells Angels.  Allegedly in court case, Hood Vs Weatherstone Supreme Court matter NSW, the alleged installation of CCTV security cameras were for further intimdation more so than to be utilised for the court matter. Norlane, 25 relating to the number 7.  More information required, the nine days before his Supreme Court trail, could relate allegedly to number 9 reference as allegedly the  King number 9 as Abe Saffron was a number 9 person so was Tilly Devine, There seems to be a pattern I have seen where allegedly the court cases go for so long and then they are dropped as another way the alleged legal system shows they have done something and then by dropping the case has played the game and allowed the person to leave unscathered by the  alleged crime thus now allegedly creating a  career criminal within this system.  The cases I have noticed, go for mentions, are prolonged and if public outcry is enough the trial is held.  Allegedly the court cases in some instances where the crime is not murder however for drugs or vice than the case is prolonged, and prolonged until everyone forgets about it and it is forgotten about allegedly sitting in the pending tray until the alleged next crime.

ITINERANT Geelong pensioner Christian "Flippa" Brouwer had a humble life –
he lived on the streets by choice, had his favourite watering holes and enjoyed a punt. But his grisly death
was in stark contrast – high profile and bizarre.
He walked out of the Sir Charles Darling Hotel on Bellarine St in July 2003 and disappeared. 
Teenagers walking their dog along a beach at Point Henry stumbled across the pensioner’s decomposed body in bush four months later.
Police are baffled why someone would want to harm the 62-year-old, divorced father-of-three: he was popular at the pubs where he established close friendship networks and had survival skills.
Locals dubbed him Flippa after he was rarely seen without his famous thongs.
A Coroner delivered an open finding into Flippa’s death and while police were treating it as suspicious, an accidental death could not be ruled out, it was declared.
A heartless death for a harmless soul.

ANNETTE Steward’s family should have been attending her 30th birthday – instead it was her funeral.
Just two days shy of the mother-of-two’s milestone, she was found bashed, strangled and possibly raped inside her Hope St home in Geelong West.
She failed to turn up to work at the Winchester ammunition factory in Point Henry and a work colleague – and former flat mate – went to her home to check on her.
He will never forget what he saw as he walked in at 1pm: Ms Steward naked and sprawled diagonally across her double bed. 
She was motionless – a plastic electrical cord wrapped around her neck – and covered in bruises.
Police named her former lover as their top suspect.
The pair had a sexual relationship before her death and were seen arguing two days before her killing.
Ms Steward had complained to family and friends that she was being sexually harassed by a workmate and the same man told work colleagues a day before his former lover was found that Ms Steward had been hit by a truck and died.
But the Coroner ruled that the murderer’s identity remains a mystery.

WITH outlaw bikie gang the Bandidos linked to the torture death of security guard Earl Mooring, a fear of revenge against anyone who cooperates with police is hindering the probe. 
He was lured to a Whittington house in October 2000 where he was assaulted, then he was bashed and tortured at a second home. 
His body was thrown into his car boot and driven to New South Wales, where he was dumped down an embankment.

Police believe he was the victim of a bungled robbery after those close to him discovered he had a $120,000 cache saved for retirement.

DID this former Sacred Heart student take her own life or was she murdered?
This is the question that has dogged the investigation of the mysterious disappearance of Kellie Ann Carmichael.
She went missing after travelling to the Blue Mountains in April 2001.
A special taskforce was designed to investigate if she was the victim of a serial killer.

BEING THE 7TH IN THIS LIST OF Organised crime,  I will allege that the body will be a trophy within the compartment of the 7 offerings for the god of Moloch. 
The building will have numbers of 7, 3 & 4 could have an A in the numbers.  The compartments will be in a disused premises, or rarely used.  The offerings I will allege will be stacked one beside each area could relate also to facing North at the tip of the Moloch apparent as to the reference of the Solar in relationship to the god of Moloch.  The person within the alleged gang will be of power the 7 offerings to the god Moloch is for the ruler of the land.  The area could be one floor up, it will be like a warehouse environment that is rarely used and will be owned by one of the associates or wives.  The premises will be boarded up for some, or unable to open due to the tricks these alleged Hells Angels Ltd rulers play in the offering to the god Moloch.  For most of the trophies I will allege will relate to the brothel industry as the god of Moloch relates to offerings of sex and the reason why so many are raped before hand, or child prostitution, child molesting,

ILLEGAL tobacco seller Raim Dalipi was shot dead in front of his wife at their Bell Park home. 
Two men burst into the the family’s Nicholson St home and after a confrontation, one of them used a handgun to shoot Mr Dalipi at 11pm.
Police revealed the 58-year-old dealt illegal tobacco, known as chop chop, and were pursuing the possibility Mr Dalipi was a victim of a deal gone wrong.

The number 8 in this regard  I will allege was the person that was either involved in the gang, by the illegal tobacco seller I will allege The game of cat and Mouse, works as the Mouse within the murders is a puppet, and  than after doing the majority of the associated murders, see they could be with others that become the next in line for the position to be ruler.  It could be done by a father for his son to take the position as ruler so the ruler’s hands are clean.  I do allege that it is the puppets that are killed because the Master of the murders is still left behind for the next alleged killing spree.