Saturday 19 October 2013

Juanita, Barry Ward and Jennifer Weatherstone have all looked at the corruption

Physical examination is the next Step.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jennifer <>
Date: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: Alleged Police for a Royal Commission ......Nick Kaldas
To: Barry Ward <>

Barry have a look at the images, the differences in plan as to the floor levels and the fact that this brothel is very near where you said the Lido Hotel.  

I have come face to face with her murderer I believe, this same man painted a cream square on the wall in Room F of the brothel Sparkling Chandeliers.
This brothel was owned by Abe Saffron from about 1948 when he returned to Kings Cross.

The floor was changed in the brothel to concrete and thus allows a area to hold Juanita Nielsen, CIA Houghton, this same area I believe was utilised prior to 1971 as Shirley Briffman is noted as paying police this I believe due to the high level of gang behaviour to hide the murders is why the people pay the police for extra protection not realising why, as they I believe have all done drugs.

We have been both working on the same murder Juanita Nielsen, yet there is allegedly the whole drug network that can be destroyed.

They should check this, it has been harrowing living and writing this.

5 Hells Angels have been interviewed already, I am working on this. 

Please if you know of more Journalists please forward my email, I can't leave Australia, nor leave Kings Cross I have fallen in love with the place.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 6:57 PM, Barry Ward <> wrote:


You are banging your head against a wall with this. It will never, repeat
never, be resolved to your satisfaction.
As Tony Reeves and I discovered in our Nielsen investigation, corruption
in NSW is endemic at all levels of society (see this link for confirmation

Put simply, it is my belief that you are living in arguably the most
corrupt society in the western world.  And no one gives a hoot.
It is accepted and thus condoned.  So it will never change. If anything it
has become worse since it became serious in the dark days of Robin Askin.

Proof?  A couple of years ago a hack reporter produced a book said to be
the true story of the Nielsen case (even though Tony and I
had never seen nor heard of him in our four year investigation). It proved
to be an extension of the official story of events, the police cover-up.
But it contained one fact that, were it true, should have prompted police
action and brought an arrest, at least for perverting the course of

I asked Lee Rhiannon, the leader of the Green Party and a keen supporter,
to pose a question in the House to the Minister for Police,
asking if the police were aware of this claim and if so what were they
doing about it? The answer was predictable:
“Police enquiries in this case are continuing and to comment on this could
seriously impair the investigation.....”
This after 36 must the the longest police murder
investigation in history!

In other words: neither the police nor the politicians want to know.
Because they know the true facts and they don’t want to muddy the waters?

Apropos Juanita’s remains: they are not buried in KX or anywhere else. Her
body was destroyed within minutes of her murder
at what was then the Lido motel. It will never be found because it no
longer exists. I wrote about this in a 6,000 word cover story for Bulletin
on the 20 anniversary of Juanita’s death recounting how this happened and
who was involved. Yes, I even named the killers. But there was no
response, legal or otherwise. (Presumably my erstwhile colleagues of the
Sydney media didn’t read the Bulletin either....)

So perhaps now you’ll  appreciate my point that  your endeavours will lead
to nothing. Back in the days of our Nielsen investigation
Tony and I virtually demanded a judicial enquiry into the circumstances
surrounding her death. Even though we had the backing and support
of Frank Walker, the the NSW  Attorney General who believed we had proved
police corruption in the case, the demands were rejected.
The political implications were simply too far reaching.

That’s the problem you face and that’s the response you’ll get.

So a word of advice from someone who has been through it:  For your own
safety and peace of mind forget your campaign.
You can never win.  Leave Sydney. Go live somewhere more civilised.

Best of luck.


From: Jennifer
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 3:31 AM
To: ; ; ; secretariat ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; The Premier of NSW ; ElectorateOffice
Kogarah ; Malcolm Turnbull ; ; ; wait1sus ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Michael Gormly ; Barry Ward
Subject: Alleged Police for a Royal Commission
......Nick Kaldas

Dear Sirs and Madams,

I have included some references, yet we have a huge problem  in the system
where the system has failed not just myself it has failed many before me.

The Police system is only as good as it is by the members, yet the level
of the police inactions I have seen and the many thousand of emails and
words has been through the police not actioning further where ever this
alleged gang Hells Angels and  the drug network had intimidated me and my
family to a point where my safety is at risk if this evidence that i have
produced for the whereabouts of human remains is not actioned upon.

I have noted that discussion papers about gangs and brothels is being
considered by the Parliament, yet this is a start and I believe that some
of my emails have helped.  However, when I called for help, at each point
that these alleged Hells Angels drug dealers and intimidators were in my
opinion pushed to the side.  I was the new comer in Kings Cross and
terrified by the bombage of thugs that threatened to kill me all for?  I
had to work it out as I didn't do drugs, didn't sell drugs and just took
over the brothel that could not open in history.

Please, we need a Royal Commission so further investigations and laws to
be changed.

So, Allegedly when John Ibrahim took the stand in the Royal Commission was
his name on the Club 77 or to do with The Hells Angels Ltd?  If so then
allegedly we will have purgery when this is how the King of the Cross
works and has worked of Abe Saffron, Bill Bayeh, Louie Bayeh and now John

Nick Kaldas,

Allegedly Middle Eastern Crime gang in the past, then we see Fields
Operation in both positions and probably further of the evidence of the
area allegedlly where corruption or the  ability to manipulate the system
can be started.
That Nick Kaldas doesn't allegedly associated with the gangs when the
gangs are the reason why the shootings are occuring is a Red Herring in
itself to the system.

Allegedly Nick Kaldas was instrumental in opening the drug network for The
Hells Angels Ltd to Cabramatta in 1994 when the Royal Commission was hot
in Kings  Cross.
Frank Amante notes that the actions were not picked up by the police in
the report.  Allegedly the blind eye.

When your from Kings Cross like I have been, you hear things and for many
of the people didn't know I was undercover as to why a premises could not
open that was mentioned in the Royal Commission in 1994.  The alleged
hiding place of Juanita Nielsen's remains and others.

Allegedly the club was first owned within Abe Saffron 1948 taking over the
than apartment in Kings Cross and working the strip with the gambling, the
working girls hidden above Darlinghurst Road Sparkling Chandeliers.

The brothel now known as Sparkling Chandeliers  in the Royal Commission
could not open in 1985-6 and then in 1994 still not open.  The police were
giving the information to the Crown to uncover alleged corruption however
where it started in in 1971 payments to police by brothel Madame Shirley
Briffman  shows that there was a problem.

I will further alleged that in 1971, the bodies will be the Beaumont
Children in a premises controlled by Abe Saffron and hidden on the advice
of CIA Houghton.

The drug trade allegedly is held under the agreement of the company.  This company and agreement has been well hidden from the gang and connections to the gang.

Allegedly through the connections of the police and the putting the puzzle
together.  They didn't want to see it.  Read the Australian Hells Angels
website and the reference to the chapters start to sound where I have come
from alleged drug franchises.

 The shooting of the Abercombrie Hotel is part of the chain of pubs under the
Fraser  group.  This group I was told by a Hells Angels member Peter
Schaffer that this is owned by the club.

The ability to sink this much amount of money in however many of the
companies are off shore, many of them are holding clubs where high drug
activity happens or that are associated with fire and shootings of late
allegedly for the power struggle.

Allegedly Hells Angels Parramatta is being controlled by Bill Bayeh at a
distance through Felix Lyle and the connections of Quentin Vertigan as the
cover for this operation through the brothel 22a  Hunter Street Parramatta
that has just started.   

The history of alleged Hells Angels and the intertwining of the unsolved murders
is huge yet for the police it's just not associated why?  Because if it
was associated the Police corruption and level of the extent of the
Corruption may fall apart by the digging at this company that was being
formed when Juanita Nielsen disappeared.  I will further allege that
Juanita Nielsen is hidden within this brothel and I have met the alleged
gun man that painted a square of cream on the wall in Room F of Sparkling

The Royal Commission missed that there was two Pink Pussycat Clubs?  Well
if they noticed that could not open with links to Abe Saffron wouldn't you
think that the brothel would be searched for bodies?
The murder of MP John Newman for opening up Cabramatta and the police
officier in charge was Nick Kaldas for Phuong Ngo, read the evidence this
is an innocent man in goal.  The Adler well, he then has had an
association with John Ibrahim and Mark Alexander-Erber so what is he doing

Well come on Australia and get the police to search the brothel or else we
will be able to add this to another alleged Police corruption where if I
give up the remains of Juanita Nielsen will never be discovered?

What level has Nick Kaldas played in the many emails that have been
forwarded to the police regarding the links to Juanita Nielsen, to the
company allegedly The Hells Angels Ltd and to the drug network that I have given as
evidence to the police.

In March 2012 I was asked to attend Kings Cross Police Station for
evidence against a Hells Angels associate.  This action by police of the
Middle Eastern Crime gang further risked my life as to the gang seeing
that I entered the police station.  What happened?  So far the alleged
person Peter Schaffer is still walking around alleged a drug dealer that
deals drugs through working girls network.

The information I have given to police many have been murdered for less,
and the police please just search a brothel for the remains of Juanita

This search will allegedly destroy Hells Angels and the drug network that
exists today with further investigation of the evidence given and can be

That the having Middle Eastern gang Detectives stationed in Kings Cross as
the meeting I had on the 7 December 2011 this person within the Police
allegedly a Detective should be stood down for the telling me things about
the drug network in Kings Cross that my evidence regarding Juanita Nielsen
that I should leave Kings Cross and join some historical society.  This is
how we have allegedly protected people in Kings Cross within the drug
network that I have seen.

Shame, this Detective of gangs and Detective Inspector Ian MacDonald with
Superintendant Susan Waites allegedly under the Police act 141 (a) no
further investigation.

Is this how the alleged system keeps going, where at each point the drug
network could be uncovered that the Police act 141 (a) is involved to
allegedly protect the criminal behaviour.

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