Friday 3 April 2015

Rumer Maujean I hope the hospital does the testing.- email to Prime Minister and QLD Premier

Thank you for your email to the Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, Premier of Queensland. The Premier appreciates the time you have taken to contact her with your comments. As the Premier receives a large amount of correspondence, a response will be provided, if appropriate, in due course.

Subject:        Cancer treatment Rumer Brisbane Hospital
Title:          Mrs
First Name:     Jennifer
Family Name:    Stone  Author The Kings Cross Sting series.
State:          New South Wales
Postcode:       2221

I sent this message to the Prime Minister too, this is a matter of life and death for the child.

This is of urgency, I have been studying the cancer and treatments on the body through working as a Researcher since 1980 for Medicial Practioners.  I have the website and I have been studying how the cannabis works.  Even to the extent of how the body chemistry is the problem for all illnesses.

RE:  Rumer Maujean

I have put together some body chemistry tests on the website where I have spoken to many people regarding these.  Some specialists say they are normal tests yet it is what they pick up is how Cannabis works.  Magnesium to the body, Cannabis is a carrier plant for the minerals to the body.  This child has grown up within an organic household where some children then suffer from too much magnesium which then allegedly causes the brain cancer in my opinion.

Cancer of the brain is the releasing of the cytosines in the body which is our DNA mechanism, yet if this can not get out of the body it is then cancer forming toxin build up.

Within all cancer patients the CB1 Receptor is not working.  Sorry, we need higher intervention, as I can not look on and see another child die through the way the medical profession has forgotten about the base minerals within our own biochemistry of the human body.  When we re-mineralise the body in balance cancer by my observation dies.

These are the tests, please see Rumer can have these blood tests immediately.  This will then make the Health department wake up to the cause of cancer is our own DNA comes out of balance and to return the DNA we have to correct the DNA of the Minerals.!body-chemistry-testing/cqgf

I write The Kings Cross Sting series exposing to the Police of NSW how the drug ice is flooding the streets of Australia, all that is required is a pOlice search warrant for 34-36a Darlinghurst Road, Potts Point.  As the police have told me, the blind eye is turned because it gives them a job.  We need action, we need it fast to expose the corruption within the society where Cancer treatment is a money spinner and these blood tests will destroy the cancer industry like the search warrant will expose the drug industry.  Both controlled allegedly by the Rothschild's and Bush families from 1948 when Abe Saffron became King.

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