What Robert missed was Union bank connections to Kings Cross, the city created for the King of the Jews. The holder of the Golden den for the Golden Scorpion
How the Rothschild banking cartel infiltrated Australia~
How the Rothschild banking cartel infiltrated Australia~ If we as Australians want the Truth, we need to look at the connections, associates and the going’s on of the major political and financial criminal events that have rarely been covered in Australian history and the links between a Coup d’état which those who witnessed it betrayed our nation through fear and greed and some did not even see it coming. Let’s go back to 1969 Australia; 12 October 1969: Hunt and Seven Sisters announce confirmation of new oil source comparable to the Alaskan North Slope - gas reserves estimated at 150 times larger than the Kapuni Field. Early 1969: Mafia consolidates its banking operations; David Rockefeller becomes Chairman of Chase Manhattan; Wriston at Citibank and Michele Sindona captures the Vatican Bank. Partnership Pacific launched by Bank of America, Bank of Tokyo and Bank of New South Wales. 24 February 1969: Onassis calls Council meeting in Washington to discuss strategy to monopolize the Great South Basin discovery. Council members included Nelson Rockefeller and John McCloy, who managed the Seven Sisters, and David Rockefeller managed the Mafia's banking operations. McCloy outlines the plan to capture all oil and mineral resources in Australia and New Zealand. 10 March 1969: Parsky and Colby use A'Asian and Pacific Holdings to set up a 'front' company in Australia. Using own banks - Mellon and Pittsburgh National Banks, while Hand was directly responsible to Gerald Parsky and William Colby. Ron Brierley would take orders from Hand. 24 July 1969: New board established for I.E.L. - includes Hand, Seldon, Ron Brierley, plus two Brierley Associates - Frank Nugan and Bob Jones. Both are appointed consultants to A'Asian & Pacific Holdings Limited. Jones will help Brierley launder funds into Real Estate (Brierley/Jones Investments) while Seldon and Nugan will channel funds into oil and mineral resources through I.E.L. October 1969: Chase Manhattan begins new operation in Australia with National Bank, A'Asia and A.C. Goods Associates - Chase-NBA. J.C. Fletcher appointed Chairman of Seven Sisters' company - British Petroleum (NZ). 17 February 1970: Gerald Parsky sets up a new heroin-dollar laundry in Australia - Australian International Finance Corp. using the Irving Trust Co. New York The Nugan Hand Bank was founded in the early 1970s by Frank Nugan, an Australian who had studied law for a while in Toronto, and Michael Hand, an American who had formerly fought with the Green Berets in Vietnam and then had worked with the CIA airline, Air America. In 1973, the Nugan Hand Bank quickly expanded from a $1 million capitalization to $1 billion. It never did any banking, Jonathan Kwitny says, but it offered four main services - a way to flout laws and move money overseas; tax avoidance schemes; extraordinarily high interest; and international trade connections. Its staff included almost no real bankers, but top military and intelligence officers, such as former CIA director William Colby, who was one of the bank's attorneys. Soon it had offices in 22 countries, mostly Asian. As James Nathan pointed Out in a Foreign Policy article, "Dateline Australia: America's Foreign Watergate," one of these branches was in Chiang Mai, in northern Thailand, part of the Golden Triangle area where Thai-land, Burma and Laos join. Chiang Mai is Opium City of the World. Kwitny discovered that the Nugan Hand office in Chiang Mai had been lodged in what appears to be the same office suite as the United States Drug Enforcement Administration office. The DEA receptionist answered Nugan Hand's telephone when the bank's representatives were out. The director of the bank's Chiang Mai office admitted on Australian television that they had handled $2.6 million in six months. This money came from drug deals in the triangle. The bank, he stated, was a laundry for Meo tribesman and other opium growers. In addition to drugs, the Nugan Hand Bank was involved in various arms deals in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil and the whole Rhodesian government of Ian Smith. The Bank was also involved in outright fraud. Its Saudi Arabian branch fleeced over $10 million from Americans working there, says Penny Lernoux in In Banks We Trust. Getting Whitlam (The Goff) The Nugan Hand Bank was well placed to destabilize the government of Labor Party Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. His government had conducted such outrages (to American minds) as pulling troops out of Vietnam; ending conscription; supporting the Indian Ocean Zone of Peace proposals; attacking the U.S. bombing of North Vietnam; and interfering with Australian intelligence efforts to aid Indonesia's invasion of East Timor and the overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile. The Bank helped finance a clever variety of bugging and forgery operations. Nugan Hand transferred $24 million to the Australian Liberal Party through one of its many associated companies. It tried to blackmail a cabinet minister investigating organized crime by opening up a Swiss bank account in his name and threatening to leak the information. Twice during 1975 the Whitlam government was damaged through sensational scandals broken open by mysterious leaks to the press, forcing resignations of Cabinet ministers. As Kwitny notes, one of the scandals, involving negotiations for an Arab loan, was based on documents later exposed as forgeries. This "loan affair" was seized upon by the opposition Liberal Party as the excuse to have the elected Senate hold up passage of the government's budget in order to provoke an election through financial crises. Prime Minister Whitlam charged in a public statement that the CIA was interfering with the domestic politics of his country. Like Canadians, Australians have a Governor General. Normally, this is a non-political role. However, the Australian Governor General, John Kerr (who had long ties to such CIA front organizations as the Asia Foundation) saw a chance at this time to dismiss the Prime Minister, and did so. Three days before this "constitutional coup," an ultimatum had been delivered to the Washington representative of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization by Secret Team leader Theodore Shackley. The authenticity of this message, sent on November 8, 1975, was later confirmed by the Australian parliament. It warned Australian intelligence that if the problems posed by Whitlam's government could not be resolved they did not see how "our mutually beneficial relationships are going to continue." Some Mysteries Remain Unanswered In 1980, five years after the ouster of Whitlam's government, the Nugan Hank Bank collapsed, $50 million in debt. Frank Nugan was found shot dead in his car, and Michael Hand disappeared without a trace. Investigations by an Australian Royal Commission, as Lernoux documents, later revealed that the bank had regularly transferred funds from Sydney to Southeast Asia for payment of heroin shipments to Australia, which were sent in containers to the U.S. West Coast. Thousands of smaller investors in the United States and Australia lost their life savings as a result of the bank's collapse, although the Generals and intelligence agents associated with the bank escaped unharmed. Many mysteries remain unanswered. For example, although Frank Nugan's body was exhumed for investigation, it is still uncertain whether he committed suicide or was murdered. It has not been proven that any U.S. intelligence agency communicated with former Australian Governor General John Kerr just before his dismissal of Gough Whitlam. While the fact has been well established that Michael Hand and Theodore Shackley had contacts before Shackley retired from the CIA, the nature of those contacts is a secret. Finally, whether Hand has been in contact with the CIA since going missing, that too is a secret. In fact, the CIA has denied everything. It issued this statement, for what it is worth: "The CIA has not engaged in operations against the Australian Government, had no ties with the Nugan Hand Bank, and does not involve itself in drug trafficking." And Nixon wasn't a crook.http://peacemagazine.org/archive/v04n5p15.htm The Rothschild Zionist takeover of Australia through Rockefeller front companies; 24 February 1969: Onassis calls Council meeting in Washington to discuss strategy to monopolize the Great South Basin discovery. Council members included Nelson Rockefeller and John McCloy, who managed the Seven Sisters, and David Rockefeller managed the Mafia's banking operations. McCloy outlines the plan to capture all oil and mineral resources in Australia and New Zealand. 10 March 1969: Parsky and Colby use A'Asian and Pacific Holdings to set up a 'front' company in Australia. Using own banks - Mellon and Pittsburgh National Banks, while Hand was directly responsible to Gerald Parsky and William Colby. Ron Brierley would take orders from Hand. 24 July 1969: New board established for I.E.L. - includes Hand, Seldon, Ron Brierley, plus two Brierley Associates - Frank Nugan and Bob Jones. Both are appointed consultants to A'Asian & Pacific Holdings Limited. Jones will help Brierley launder funds into Real Estate (Brierley/Jones Investments) while Seldon and Nugan will channel funds into oil and mineral resources through I.E.L. October 1969: Chase Manhattan begins new operation in Australia with National Bank, A'Asia and A.C. Goods Associates - Chase-NBA. J.C. Fletcher appointed Chairman of Seven Sisters' company - British Petroleum (NZ). 17 February 1970: Gerald Parsky sets up a new heroin-dollar laundry in Australia - Australian International Finance Corp. using the Irving Trust Co. New York April 1970: Onassis, Rockefeller and the Seven Sisters, begins setting up the Shadow World Government using the Illuminati-controlled banks and the Trans-national corporations. In Melbourne they set up the Australian International Finance Corporation using: * Irving Trust Co. N.Y. - linked to Shell Oil, Continental Oil, Phillips Petroleum * Crocker Citizens National - linked to Atlantic Richfield (Arco), Standard Oil, of California which is Rockefeller-controlled. * Bank of Montreal - Petro Canada, Penarctic Oils, Alberta Gas, Gulf Oil. * Australia and New Zealand Bank (ANZ) Meantime, Japanese members of One World Government move into New Zealand, helped by Finance Minister R. Muldoon. Mitsubishi and Mitsui make a profitable deal buying up rights to iron sands helped by Marcona Corp. (US) and Todd (Shell/BP/Todd). Todd rewarded with sole New Zealand franchise for Mitsubishi vehicles. Muldoon helps Mitsui (Oil Paper Co.) obtain a lucrative 320 million cubic foot Kiangaroa Forestry contract with Carter Holt. November 1970: Fletchers extend the Rockefeller Travelodge operation by buying control of New Zealand's largest travel company - Atlantic and Pacific Travel. Manufacturers' and Retailers' Acceptance Company (in 1970 changed to Marac): This firm specializes in leasing and factoring (buying debts at a discount). It also finances exports and imports. The major shareholders are the Fletcher Group (38%), The Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd. (24.7%), NIMU Insurance (7.7%), Philips Electrical (3.8%), National Mutual Life Association (2.4%), and New Zealand United Corporation (4.0%). The CBA is a partner in the supernational Euro-Pacific Corporation, the other partners being the Midland Bank (UK), the United California Bank (USA), Fuji (Japan) and Societe Generale de Banque (France). Early 1971: Onassis and Rockefeller begin global operation to buy influence for the One World Government concept. They use Lockheed, Northrop and Litton Industries' 'agent' Adon Khashoggi, to organize operations in the Middle East, Iran and Indonesia. I.C.I. set up 2.5 million, slush fund for Australia and New Zealand. Finance Minister Muldoon, Changes law to allow Mafia-controlled banks to begin operations in New Zealand. Links also made by N.Z.I. in preparation for Paxus control with Hong Kong and Shanghai; Wells Fargo with Broadbank; Chase Manhattan with General Finance; Bank of America and Barclays with Fletchers and Renouf in New Zealand United Corp. All members of the Business Round Table Organization. Late 1971: Gulf Oil and their man Brierley begin organizing chains of Shell companies and dummy corporations to conceal their takeover operations of oil, gas and mineral resources and related industries such as vehicle franchises, vehicle spare parts and finance services - all part of the Seven Sisters' controlled car culture. To extend links to the U.S banking operations they buy control of I.S.A.S. (N.S.W) and I.S.A.S (QLD), which hold sole franchise for constructions and mining equipment produced by International Harvester Credit Co, which is part of Chase Manhattan Bank and associated with First National Bank Chicago (Chairman Sullivan also the exec Vice President of Chase Manhattan), Continental Illinois (linked with CIA and Mafia Michele Sindona of Vatican Bank) and Rockefellers Standard Oil of Indiana (AMOCO). I.S.A.S (QLD) also has strategic holdings in North Flinders Mines, Flinders Petroleum and Apollo International Minerals. February 1972: Onassis and Rockefeller help associate Adnan Khashoggi buy the Security Pacific National Bank in California and take control of the United California Bank through CIA-linked Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. Both banks used by Onassis and Khashoggi to funnel bribes and pay offs via the CIA's Deak Bank to captive Japanese and other crooked politicians. Security Pacific also used to 'launder' over 2 million for Nixon's re-election campaign. Khashoggi also buys 21% of Southern Pacific Properties, which is the majority stockholder in Travelodge (AUST), thereby establishing direct links to New Zealand, and U.E.B. and Fletchers through its equity links with Travelodge (N.Z). April 1972: Mafia banking operations expanded through New Hebrides with establishment of Australian International Ltd. to finance Pacific development by the oil companies (Seven Sisters). Banks involved include Irving Trust N.Y, Bank of Montreal, Crocker International, Australia and New Zealand Bank and the Mitsubishi Bank, whose president Nakamaru, is appointed Chairman. Mid 1974: Goff Whitlam and Norman Kirk begin a series of moves absolutely against the Mafia Trilaterists. Whitlam refuses to waive restrictions on overseas borrowings to finance Alwest Aluminium Consortium of Rupert Murdoch, BHP and R.J. Reynolds. Whitlam had also ended Vietnam War Support, blocked Uranium Mining and wanted more control over US secret spy bases - e.g.; Pine Gap. Kirk had introduced a new, tough Anti-Monopoly Bill and had tried to redistribute income from the big companies to the labour force through price regulation and a wages policy. Kirk had also rejected plans to build a second Aluminium smelter near Dunedin and was preparing the Petroleum Amendment Bill to give more control over New Zealand Oil resources. Kirk had found out that Hunt Petroleum, drilling in the Great South Basin, had discovered a huge resource of oil comparable in size to the North Sea or Alaskan North Slope. Gas reserves alone now estimated at 30 times bigger than Kapuni and oil reserves of at least 20 billion barrels - enough for New Zealand to be self-sufficient for years. Oil companies completely hushed up these facts. To have announced, a vast new oil source would probably mean, a decline in world oil prices, which would not have allowed OPEC and Onassis plans for the Arabs to eventuate. New Zealand could be exploited at a later date, particularly since the North Sea operations were about to come to stream - Kirk was the last to hold out. September 1974: According to CIA sources, Kirk was killed by the Trilaterists using, Sodium-Morphate. Rowling's first act as Prime Minister was to withdraw Kirk's Anti-Monopoly Bill and the Petroleum Amendment Bill. Later, Rowling was to be rewarded with Ambassadorship to Washington. Incidentally, the Shah of Iran was murdered the same way as Kirk on his arrival to the U.S.A. 6 October 1974: Ray Cline implements William Colby's plan to oust Australian Premier Whitlam. Nugan hand Bank finances pay-offs to Malcolm Fraser and other pro-U.S. politicians. A joint bugging operation commences between CIA and ASIO. Rupert Murdoch, playing his part, uses his newspapers and television network to spread lies and misinformation. Whitlam, as well as refusing to waive restrictions on overseas borrowing to finance the aluminium consortium, had plans to ensure that all corporations were at least 50% Australian owned. This interfered with the Seven Sisters' plans, to build three, Oil refineries at Cape Northumberland in South Australia to exploit the Great South Basin discovery. December 1974: Australian Governor-General Kerr joins Ray Cline's payroll and received his first pay-off of $US200 000 credited to his account number 767748 at the Singapore branch of the Nugan Hand Bank. 18 February 1975: Governor Kerr sacks the Whitlam Government. August 1975: Rowling re-introduces unrecognisable Commerce Bill, designed to aid monopolization of the N.Z. economy and repeals the News Media Ownership Act, allowing more foreign ownership of N.Z. media. The new legislation's does not define monopoly, competition or stipulate permissible maximum market share, or even ascertain what the public interest is - resulting in a sell-out to big business. September 1976: With captive politicians in place in both Australia and New Zealand, the Internationalists can now proceed with their strategy of takeover of the economy and exploitation of natural resources. "In New Zealand, the elimination of unnecessary competition is fundamental to a sound economy." Brierley says. Parsky and Colby use Brierley/Jones Investments as a vehicle to buy into A.B. Consolidated Holdings in New Zealand. Associate of R. Jones, Pat Goodman, is appointed 'consultant' of A'Asian & Pacific Holdings. May 1980: Mafia's Nugan Hand banking operation crashed after Frank Nugan killed. Death ruled as suicide even though no fingerprints found on the rifle. Maloney, Houghton, Yates and Hand shred important documents, but miss some. CIA helps Hand and Bank President Donald Beasley escape to the U.S. The CIA and Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, covers everything up. Beasley appointed President of Miami City National Bank, run by Alberto Dugue for 'laundering' profits from the CIA Columbian Cocaine Operation. There is a probability that Michael Hand killed Frank Nugan because of his involvement with Hand's fiancée. 25 May 1980: Colby arrived in Australia to discuss a replacement of the Nugan Hand Bank with Hand, Brierley and Seldon. Immediate funding available from Sydney Branch of the Deak Bank, a separate CIA operation, and I.E.L. would be used to buy N.Z.I. Corp. to prepare for future laundering operations. Maloney, Houghton, Yates and Hand would shred all documents leading back to the New Zealand Great South Basin connection, and the CIA would help Hand and Bank President Donald Beasley escape to the U.S.A. The CIA and ASIO would also cover everything up. Hand and Beasley turn up in Miami - Beasley appointed President and Hand 'consultant' to the Miami City National Bank, but also Hand turned up in El Salvador to help organise bankrolling of the Contra with other ex-members of Nugan Hand. June 1982: Australia, a new money funnel begins. H. W. Smith buys to obscure South Pine Quarries, which is renamed Ariadne (Aust). South Pine Quarries owns 50% of Coal Liquid Inc., with the other half, owned by US Defence Contractors McDonnell Douglas. Coal-Liquid renamed Impala Securities. The common link between Gulf Oil and McDonnell Douglas is the CIA's Mercantile Bank and trust, which both companies use for world bribery and payoff operations. McDonnell Douglas officials McKeogh and G.T> Hawkins later appointed Directors of Impala Securities. U.S. Links strengthened through Industrial Equity Pacific, which acquires part of Higbee Company in Cleveland, which in turn is closely linked to the National City Bank of Cleveland. This bank is closely associated with Gulf Oil's bank, Pittsburgh National and Mellon Bank. Bruce Judge installed as Ariadne Manager. The first key company will control the food industry in Australia through the merger of Elders, Goodmans, Allied Mills, Fielder Gilles Carbon Dioxide Tax? It was never a tax but a cleaver banking swindle which was always designed to create an International Emissions Trading Scheme to begin to ramp up financial pressure on the already tax burdened Australian working class through ‘Carbon Credits’ @#%?! To put it simply, you will be rewarded for using less electricity, less fuel and oh yes, less food and water. Those who don’t will be financially penalised (sounds like communist Russia). Who determines the amount of usage? How would they determine the amount of usage? Green cops#$@%^$ > I’ll tell you how, by taking your sovereignty and land rights away and handing it over to the Criminal Rothschild’s Banking Cartel in which they have already done. Let’s get back to the Carbon Tax = Emissions Trading Scheme for a little shall we> It was never something insidious than merely a simple “tax” … something that you are hoping could easily be repealed one day. But hey, don’t take my word for it. Here’s Julian Turecek of Cleantech Ventures, writing for MacroBusiness in May 2011 (emphasis added): The current government has not yet give its policy a formal name. So the Opposition has obliged* and chosen one for them: a carbon tax. Now this has got a lot of people, mainly tax advisers and accountants, barking up the wrong tree. It’s not actually a tax… The current proposal is not a tax, but a fixed price emissions trading scheme. This is exactly the same as the CPRS, which also had a fixed price at the start. Think back carefully. When Gillard announced that she would introduce a "price on carbon" after all, she and the government initially denied the Opposition's "great big new tax" claim. But they have since allowed, and encouraged, this false meme to become entrenched into the public psyche. I believe that is because calling it a "tax" sounds more simple and less threatening, and does not so clearly highlight the banker-driven "trading" aspect if they had instead called it what it is, and always was ultimately intended to be right from the beginning ... an Emissions Trading Scheme. Do you need something more formal and “official” than the word of an investment fund manager for “clean energy” technology? Then read the final Garnaut Review, Chapter 5: In implementing an emissions trading scheme with a fixed-price start, there are two sets of decisions to be made: the starting price and how much the price will rise in each subsequent year; and the timing, conditions and manner of transition to emissions trading with a price that is set by market exchange. Garnaut makes it crystal clear. It is an emissions trading scheme with a fixed price start. Need more?http://www.garnautreview.org.au/update-2011/garnaut-review-2011/chapter5.html Carefully read the government’s own website on the topic: Broad architecture of the carbon price mechanism A carbon price mechanism could commence with a fixed price (through the issuance of fixed price units within an emissions trading scheme) before converting to a cap-and-trade emissions trading scheme…http://www.climatechange.gov.au/sites/climatechange/files/files/reducing-carbon/MPCC-Carbon-price-mechanism-20101221-PDF.pdf Now sit up and take notice. The following is very important, if you are going to get your head around why this was never a tax, and why allowing it be called that in public discourse (but not in the official documents) is a very sneaky, very deceitful way of relabelling what is exactly the same policy. Note carefully what it says under Transition Arrangements: Transition Arrangements At the end of the fixed price period, the clear intent would be that the scheme convert to a flexible price cap-and-trade emissions trading scheme. In relation to the transition to a flexible price, it would be important to design the arrangements so as to promote business certainty and a smooth transition from the fixed to flexible price. Ross Garnaut also reiterates the importance of the initial design promoting a “smooth transition” to a fully-floating price ETS, in his final Garnaut Review: Investors need clarity about when and the conditions under which the transition to a floating price will occur. To support a smooth transition, the necessary institutions and supporting infrastructure should be established from the beginning of the scheme. It is important to specify rules for the scheme as soon as possible, including arrangements for auctioning permits and for acceptance of offsets and international permits. Ok. So, how exactly do you design a scheme to promote a “smooth transition”? By giving those initial “fixed price” permits an expiry date that is far enough away to ensure that they can be traded when the emissions trading scheme transitions to a “floating” price. In this way, the “property rights” of those forced to purchase the initial “fixed” (and rising over “3-5 years”) price permits are safeguarded (ie, thus, “business certainty”) – they can “bank” their permits and trade them later, when the transition to a floating price occurs. Of course, an even simpler way would be to give these permits to “pollute” an unlimited expiry date. Which is exactly what the government’s official Policy position was under the original Rudd-Garnaut CPRS White Paper. Which the Gillard-Garnaut “carbon pricing” mechanism aims to replicate – because that is what the bankers want (emphasis added): Policy position 8.1 Each permit will have a unique identification number and will be marked with the first year in which it can validly be surrendered (its ‘vintage’). It will not have an expiry date. … 8.4.1 Banking Banking allows permits to be saved for use in future years. With unlimited banking, permits would not have an expiry date—once issued, they could be used for compliance at any future time. … the advantages of banking are greatest if banking is continuous. For these reasons, the Government will allow unlimited banking from Scheme commencement. In calling it a “tax”, you are focussing on unimportant details of the initial “fixed price” period, and failing to see the end game. The Big Picture. Banking. The Rothschilds. The Agenda… The Government’s plan has never changed. They have always been pursuing a CPRS (an emissions trading scheme) with an initial fixed price period and if you look close enough, you will see their footprints everywhere and the more you look, the more understanding you will have of what is taking place. It’s the thin end of the carbon-trading global banksters’ wedge to initiate their world government which in effect will be the beginning of Australians feeling the type of pinch that they have missed due to the incremental nature of our foe . This attack on the Australian People has not gone unnoticed and is being fought on many levels and one of the most powerful and threatening to them is social media, YOU! The education of the many has resulted in an intellectual revolution in Australia and in almost every country in the world. The age of information through the internet has brought forth enough information to connect the dots for ANYONE willing to take the appropriate time in researching the information. Enough Australians already have which is rapidly evolving into peaceful action orientated groups motivated in defence of tyranny, in defence of oppressive legislation and fraudulent trickery, in defence of the weakest and most venerable, in defence of what our forefathers bravely fought and died for, FREEDOM and we as a people need to above all educate ourselves and stand up to those who have deceitfully placed themselves above the reaches of Justice … or so they thought. Even though Kevin Rudd had been already been de-throned as Australian Prime Minister by Julia Gillard by the time of Kevin Rudds, December 2010 visit to Israel, it is in no doubt that it was his stance on Israel and him wanting IAEA Inspectors for Israels Nuclear Facilities and his thoughts on the Israel and Palestine that had cost him his Prime Ministership. ‘FOREIGN Minister Kevin Rudd has arrived in Israel with a blunt message: allow international inspectors into your nuclear facility. He has also called on Israel to stop building in Jewish settlements in both the West Bank and East Jerusalem.’ Israeli officials were not surprised by Mr Rudd's call for Israel to sign the NPT but were taken aback by his call for IAEA inspections. One high-ranking Israeli official said: "I don't remember any Australian minister saying (Israel's) facilities should be put under inspection."http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/rudd-calls-for-inspections-of-israels-nuclear-facility/story-e6frg6nf-1225970522340 The Rothschild Zionists didn’t like the fact that Rudd was the first ever Aussie minister to ever suggest Israel should have IAEA inspectors inspect their facilities and you really believe the most powerful lobby in the western world would just sit back and take it on the chin? Most definitely not! I would have loved to have seen him beg for forgiveness before he sold his soul to the United Nations which prepared him for role as a Coxswain of a ship that is being steered into an iceberg of destruction to ultimately benefit a very small group of criminals. The Israel lobby in United Kingdom - Peter Oborne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfw5aLYiq5k The Israeli Lobby - A Danger To The World - Banned Documentary update and bonus materialhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=357s5I4nrYw Another Israeli official, who spoke on the condition he not be named, said: "It is very surprising; first of all, as we are not signatories to the NPT we are not bound by its obligations. Is this statement a surprise to any of you? I didn’t think so, as Israel isn't bound by any obligations except that of the Protocols of the Learned Elders Of Zion and the subversion of the Jewish religion to perpetuate an agenda of genocide and world control. What reasonable, peace loving Human Being would support the political movement of Zionism? That’s equivalent to the Chinese government supporting the Greens here in Australia and if you speak out against the greens because of their policies you are Anti-Semitic? Get it through to that thinking part of your brain that Zionism does not represent the Judaism or the Jews as a whole. They are considered even in Israel as Ultra Zionists, a small minority funded by Australian, American, (and the list goes on) tax dollars. They hide behind Judaism and immediately jump up and scream Anti-Semitism when criticized for genocide, the possession of illegal nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that we are supposed to be ridding the world of, not supporting it when it is quite clear Israel has used many of these weapons against the Palestinians. The Australia government allows Australian Jews to go to Israel and join the army, kill Palestinians and return to Australia? So let me get this straight, Israel has ILLEGAL Nuclear, CHEMICAL and BIOLOGICAL weapons which they use against an unarmed population and the world does nothing? To not acknowledge this genocide and the influence this group has is a fatal mistake and what’s worse is supporting it unknowingly, ignorantly and or passively because they very same group of people are in the process of doing the same thing to us so by aiding them in any way, you are contributing your own demise and the demise of others to which all of us have a responsibility in finding out what is really going on and who is behind it in order to bring about Justice. We are literally being attacked by air, food, water, vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs and psychologically. Those who can see the whole chessboard must continue to educate the people as there is a global awakening taking place and we have the power to really make things right, the way it should be. I have here thousands of emails from all over the country from housewives, Fathers, Grandmothers, Grandfathers, plumbers, car salesmen, teachers, invalids, tradesmen, factory workers ect. These are people who work hard to pay their bills and look after their families and deserve a government that is honest, transparent and above all for the People and for world Peace, just a fair and honest go!. These are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in the hospitals, who see their kids go to fight wars deliberately created by the house of Rothschild and other collaborators for empire and control. Why? Because they care, because they want to know the Truth, because they want their country back, because it still belongs to US, as long as the People have the guts to fight for what they believe in! The Truth is the most important value we have because if the Truth does not endure, if the government supresses Truth, murders Truth, if we cannot respect the hearts of the beautiful people of Australia then it is time we thought about sacking our government as the Australian Constitution has been breached several times and it is clearly criminal. Build a new one as they say, when the old just isn’t working anymore and has rotted to the core. That is easy to say but just how do we do it? If you think there are not people from every career imaginable out there who feel the same way and who are educated enough to connect, then you are mistaken. I’m talking Judges, Police, Politicians, Intelligence, Defence, Business, Finance, IT, Hospitality, Doctors, Nurses, Cleaners, Teachers EVERYONE! Formulate groups of at least seven or more in your area and sit down, have a meal and seriously discuss what you can do. This is about allowing the people in your group the opportunity of being as equal and as individual as everyone including yourself. If you want something to work, do not play boss because a good team looking in the same direction work together like peas in a pod. Do not expect everyone to go along with what you want to create or do, just be individual and the likeminded will appear by your side before you know it. Follow your heart, do what is right but never dismiss evidence unless you are prepared to read everything related to it with an open mind. It is when we care more about others than ourselves, through knowledge and peaceful action, we will be truly free~http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/economic-mess-as-debt-soars-unemployment-to-hit-11-year-high-revenue-crashes-and-boats-bill-blows-out-by-1-billion/story-e6frg6n6-1226690446888 . http://www.australiamatters.com/rothschina.htmlhttp://www.hangthebankers.com/reserve-bank-of-australia-quietly-increases-banks-bailout-buffer/ http://www.relatingtolife.com/index.php?page=188&name=Financial+takeover+of+NZ http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/nugan-francis-john-11266 http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/25080 http://www.relatingtolife.com/index.php?page=188&name=Financial+takeover+of+NZ
