Showing posts with label Conspiracy factors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conspiracy factors. Show all posts

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Conspiracy by Jim Marrs

The attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, rehabilitated the term “conspiracy theory” since 9/11 obviously involved more than one lone person. For too long—and to some extent still today, this term was used to disparage anyone whose information differed from another. In this article, Shawn Hamilton has gathered some of the more documented and horrendous conspiracies of recent years. Study these and the next time someone you know brushes off the account of an event as a “conspiracy theory,” remind them this is the last refuge of those who either have failed to consider all the evidence or have a hidden agenda. If it’s not an act of God, it’s a conspiracy.


Rethinking Conspiracy
By Shawn Hamilton
September 14, 2014

The terms "conspiracy theorist" and "conspiracy nut" are used frequently to discredit a perceived adversary using emotional, rather than logical, appeals. It's important for the sake of true argument that we define the term "conspiracy" and use it appropriately, not as an ad hominem attack on someone whose point of view we don't share.
According to my Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, the word "conspiracy" derives from the Latin "conspirare" which means literally "to breath together" in the sense of agreeing to commit a crime. The primary definition is "planning and acting together secretly, especially for a harmful or unlawful purpose, such as murder or treason."
It was in this sense that Mark Twain astutely observed, "A conspiracy is nothing but a secret agreement of a number of men for the pursuance of policies which they dare not admit in public."
Conspiracies are common. If they weren't, police stations would not need conspiracy units to investigate and prosecute crimes such as "conspiracy to import cocaine" or any other collusion on the part of two or more people to subvert the law.
Unfortunately, too many people smugly chide "conspiracy theories" as if they imagine that such a derisive characterization reflects superior intellect--whether or not they know anything about the issue in question. It's a pitiful display of ego inflation and intellectual dishonesty, yet it appears to be a common approach preferred by those short on information and critical thinking skills.
Here are a few examples of past "conspiracy theories" that were commonly derided at the time of their occurrence but were later determined to be credible:
1933 Business Plot: Smedley Butler, a decorated United States Marine Corps major general who wrote a book called War is a Racket, testified before a congressional committee that a group of powerful industrialists, who had tried to recruit him, were planning to form a fascist veterans' group that intended to assassinate Franklin Roosevelt and overthrow the government in a coup. While news media at the time belittled Butler and called the affair a hoax, the congressional committee determined that Butler's allegations were credible although no-one was prosecuted.
Operation Paperclip: After "winning" WW2, the US imported hundreds of
Nazis and their families through "Operation Paperclip," so-named because ID photos were clipped to paper dossiers. It was set up by an agency within the Office of Strategic Services, predecessor of the CIA. Along with creating false identities and political biographies, Paperclip operatives expunged or altered Nazi records and other criminal histories in order to illegally circumvent President Truman's edict that prohibited Nazis from obtaining security clearances. Thus, high-level Nazis waltzed into sensitive positions of authority and secrecy in the US military-industrial establishment, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), major corporations, and universities. These Germans were conveniently referred to as "former Nazis," but "former" was commonly just a euphemism for "active" and "ardent."
Consider the irony of the United States' moon mission. In order to successfully land men on the lunar surface and return them to Earth, the US depended almost exclusively on Nazis. A notable example was rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, a member of the Allgemeine SS, who would eventually lead the US space program. Von Braun had exploited concentration camp labor in Germany to build V-2 rockets at Peenemünde, and German aviation doctors' gruesome and often fatal experiments at Dachau and other prisons afforded information that would help keep American astronauts alive in space.
While many Americans prefer to call this a conspiracy theory, the United States defeated the Nazi organization in Germany only to transplant that ideology directly into the US after the war, and not just among members of the lay population but, more significantly, among members of the very "military-industrial complex" that President Eisenhower (a five-star general during World War Two) had presciently warned the nation about in his 1961 message of leave-taking and farewell.
Operation Northwoods: Declassified documents revealed that in 1962 the CIA was planning to execute false flag terrorist attacks, such as killing random American citizens and blowing up civilian targets, including a ship and US airliner, in order to blame Castro and justify invading Cuba.
Gulf of Tonkin: President Lyndon Johnson used a contrived version of this 1964 event to justify escalation of the Vietnam War. It was claimed that Vietnamese gunboats had fired on the USS Maddox. It never happened--or at best was grossly distorted and overblown--yet the story served to prompt Congress to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which provided the public justification Johnson needed to attack North Vietnam. This led to the deaths of about two million Vietnamese people and fifty thousand Americans.
MK-ULTRA: As its code name suggests, MK-ULTRA was a mind control program run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence for the ostensible purpose of discovering ways to glean information from Communist spies although its applications were undoubtedly more far-reaching. It employed various methodologies including sensory deprivation and isolation, sexual abuse, and the administration of powerful psychotropic drugs such as LSD to unwitting subjects, including military personnel, prisoners, and college students. Many of them suffered serious consequences. One biochemist, Frank Olson, who was secretly slipped a strong dose of LSD at a staff party, suffered a severe psychotic break and died when, for whatever reason, he plummeted from his apartment window to the pavement below. Such revelations came to light in 1975 during hearings by the congressional Church Committee (Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities) and the presidential Rockefeller Commission. These investigations were hindered by CIA Director Richard Helms who in 1973 had ordered the MK-ULTRA files destroyed.
Operation Mockingbird: This was a CIA media control program exposed by the Church Committee in 1975. It revealed the CIA's efforts from the 1950s through the 1970s to pay well-known foreign and domestic journalists from "reputable" media agencies such as the Washington Post, Time Magazine, Newsweek, the Miami Herald, the New York Times, the New York Herald Tribune, Miami News, and CBS, among others, to publish CIA propaganda, manipulating the news by planting stories in domestic and foreign news outlets. During the hearings, Senator Church asked an agency representative, "Do you have any people paid by the CIA who are working for television networks?" The speaker eyed his lawyer then replied, "This I think gets into the details, Mr. Chairman, that I'd like to get into in executive session." In other words, he didn't want to admit the truth publicly. He gave the same response when asked if the CIA planted stories with the major wire services United Press International (UPI) and the Associated Press (AP). According to Alex Constantine's book, Mockingbird: The Subversion of The Free Press by the CIA, in the 1950s "some 3,000 salaried and contract CIA employees were eventually engaged in propaganda efforts." I'm curious to know what the estimate would be today.
CIA Drug Smuggling: It's no longer a secret that clandestine arms of US Intelligence have profited from running drugs for many years. I first became aware of the issue when a Vietnam veteran claimed he had helped load opium cultivated in Laos onto military transport planes. The opium was turned into heroin and shipped around the world, sometimes in the visceral cavities of dead soldiers. A Hollywood version of these events is portrayed in the film Air America, but the movie is based on historical truth. When the US military presence in Southeast Asia declined and the focus shifted to Central America, cocaine became the new revenue source. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Gary Webb ran a well-documented three-part series in the San Jose Mercury News called "Dark Alliance," alleging that traffickers with US intelligence ties had marketed the cocaine in Los Angeles it its new and highly addictive form known as "crack," sparking a scourge that claimed the lives and freedom of thousands. One guy I met in Compton who had been arrested for crack possession described the drug this way: "It doesn't really get you high," he said. "You just want more." Webb's allegations were confirmed by an LAPD Narcotics Officer and whistleblower, Michael Ruppert, and the story received additional confirmation from CIA contract pilot Terry Reed, whose story is revealed in his 1994 book Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA. According to Reed, the sale of cocaine was used to finance the Contras in Central America when congressional funding was blocked by the Boland Amendment. He claimed the operation was run out of Mena, Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor. Military cargo planes were flown to Central America with military hardware, he said, then returned to Mena loaded with tons of coke.
I could add to the list, and it would be a long one. The Iran-Contra scandal, Watergate, the FBI's Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), the Tuskegee syphilis experiment--there is no shortage of crimes that were planned and committed by two or more people and thus constituted conspiracy. Conspiracies happen, and before any crime is solved it spawns theories. There are people who look at these theories rationally using logic and discernment, and there are others who are illogical, engage in fallacious and emotion-based thinking, jumping to unjustified conclusions based on little or no evidence. The term "conspiracy theorist," however, has been manipulated to suggest only those in the latter category.
The John Kennedy assassination provides a good example of how the term "conspiracy" is misapplied to disparage people who find fault with official versions of major events. After Kennedy was murdered, very few people questioned the Warren Commission's verdict that Lee Oswald had shot the president unassisted, and anyone who challenged that belief was branded a "conspiracy nut (or buff)" unworthy of respect or consideration. 40 years later, a 2003 Gallup poll revealed that 75% of the US population believed there had been a conspiracy to kill JFK.
Apparently a certain portion of the population has a psychological need to protect themselves from unpleasant realities, so it is easier for such people to label others as conspiracy nuts than to assimilate hard but discomforting facts. In the case of the John Kennedy assassination, even a congressional committee, the House Select Committee on Assassinations, concluded in 1979 that there had been a conspiracy to kill John Kennedy. They tried to soften that reality by calling it a "limited conspiracy," as if Oswald's drunken cousin had helped him and didn't involve elements of US Intelligence, but the fact remains that the US government has officially admitted there had been a conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy. "Conspiracy theorists" were finally vindicated, but I've never heard anyone apologize for disparaging their names and questioning their sanity.
"9/11," of course, is the current topic that yields the most accusations of conspiracy nuttiness. Anyone who challenges the 9/11 Commission's conclusions are branded "conspiracy theorists" (or nuts, wackos or kooks) as were their predecessors when JFK was killed.
History repeats itself.
One of the strange truths about the 9/11 affair is that members of the 9/11 Commission also called the event a conspiracy. That alone shows the term is being intentionally manipulated. In the Commission's view, the conspirators were exclusively fanatical Muslims, but somehow that investigative body has been exempt from accusations of conspiracy theorizing even though they called the event a conspiracy. Apparently one must challenge the official version of events to qualify as a "conspiracy theorist."
I asked Jim Marrs, the popular author and critic of various official versions of history, what he considered to be the origin of "conspiracy" as a derogatory term and how it has been manipulated: "The term 'conspiracy theory' was consciously submitted to assets of the CIA back in a document from the 1960s to be used to counter factual information that was continually being made public regarding the Kennedy assassination. From there, these assets, including media personalities, pundits, academics and government officials, expanded the term to become a pejorative for any statements not complying with the Establishment line," Marrs said. "However, its repetitive overuse, plus the fact that the 9/11 attacks obviously involved a conspiracy, today has lessened the impact of the term."
Many critics of the 9/11 Commission report make some valid points, and it's not fair to simply dismiss them as conspiracy theorists when the very people they're countering also claim there was a conspiracy. The only question is simply: whose conspiracy was it?
Even officials tasked with investigating 9/11 knew there was plenty of deception involved. Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission, John Farmer, said on page four of his book The Ground Truth, "At some level of government, at some point in time, there was an agreement not to tell the people the truth about what happened." In their book Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission, the two co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission, Lee Hamilton and Thomas Kean, outlined reasons they believe the government established the Commission in a manner that ensured its failure. These reasons included delay in initiating the proceedings, too short a deadline for the scope of the work, insufficient funding, and lack of cooperation by politicians and key government agencies including the Department of Defense, the Federal Aviation Administration, and NORAD. "So there were all kinds of reasons we thought we were set up to fail," the chairmen said.
How much clearer can they be?
Conspiracies exist. They have always existed, and not wanting them to be true does not invalidate their existence. I think it's time we reject the intentional misappropriation of the term "conspiracy" by forces attempting to manipulate public opinion and restore the term to its original and proper meaning. As long as we observe logic and reason, there is no intellectual dishonor in contemplating and discussing conspiracies, and doing so is imperative if we wish to retain our liberty.

Shawn Hamilton is a writing teacher by trade and has taught in both the United States and Taiwan. He authored a recently published book with the satirical title, "Be All You Can Be" (the old US Army recruiting slogan) about an Air Force major who, in the latter part of his life, rejected use of our military as an instrument of US imperialism. He has worked as a capitol reporter in Sacramento for KPFA Radio (Pacifica) and written for various print publications. He received a Project Censored award in 2011 and writes poetry for fun.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Disputed facts.....Conspiracy is not a defence

Disputed facts
Crimes Act 1900 Section 91F(1)The police have assumed as Jennifer Weatherstone is the owner that she is in charge.  Allegedly with the threats from Roger Hegarty 26 July 2011 the control of the brothel had gone thru standover tactics to allegedly Hells Angels associates  Sammy Sweet/Greek Sam, Karyn Englehardt and Roger Hegarty on the outside of the brothel with others.
Crimes Act 1900 Section 91D(1)(a) Verbal agreement.  Reference to the Answer in VIC’s Statement showing that Jennifer was there with two managers.  The checking of the ID was VIC visited Room F where Allegedly Hells Angels Associate Sammy Sweet/Greek Sam and Misty Allen were in the room to check VIC’s Identification.  Remember Mrs Weatherstone had been for days living with the threats to murder her from these associates of Hells Angels.  Within the questions the police asked they never asked did someone else check the ID of the VIC.
The Police Mrs Weatherstone will allege have not fully investigated the matter where any relationship of alleged gang  member the police have taken the part of the Police Act 141 (a) of the Police Act.  The problems experienced in the brothel, were allegedly associated with Hells Angels and to close the brothel to hide allegedly the remains of Juanita Nielsen in the sub floor area from Room F to under the ladies toilets at the end of the 2nd hallway past the laundry.  This wall in Room F had a cream square painted by Essam Nicola Gerges allegedly Hells Angels Associate.
Full Facts.  2.14 Time 12.15am.  By CCTV Photograph evidence time is different. 
VIC’s Statement Penrith R0196145 Q99  A Line 8 Cause, Case I was too scared to walk out front of Jennifer and the other guy which is another manager too.
Jennifer Weatherstone’s Statement Kings Cross R0196113 Page 5 Q37 A.  Allegedly VIC was in fear of this person that came with her into the brothel on Tuesday/Wednesday night.
This person who is seen in the CCTV Police Photograph  Exhibit Photograph 1 with the cap on watching. Police Exhibit Photograph 7 the man is behind Jennifer.  This is the man that was continuating the terrorising from Roger Hegarty and sex worker Michelle had transferred to Karyn Englehardt.
Mrs Weatherstone’s statement Q330 Mia, Misty Allen and Karyn Englehardt had a talk with VIC .  VIC went to Room F to check ID with Misty Allen, Sammy Sweet/Greek Sammy was in the room
Mrs Weatherstone Statement Q362 when the phone number didn’t answer for VIC there was a change in her.  Allegedly threatened to be there?
Mrs Weatherstone Statement Q363 the word extort.  Mrs Weatherstone was threatened by death by Sammy Sweet/Greek Sam if I said the word extortion down at the police station he would know.  Greek Sammy said if that happens you will be pushed out the back door I can’t protect you Jenny you will be shot.  I was petrified when I was pushed out the back door by the police at Kings Cross Police Station.
Mrs Weatherstone Statement Q427 Another guy organizing to run the girls.  This same man Greek Sammy/Sammy Sweet was the man, who Jennifer thought had seen the ID.  Because VIC refused to show Jennifer .  Allegedly the setup.
Mrs Weatherstone Statement Q501 Credit Card machine?  Why?  There is no data on the machine and the business could still operate after the charges.  I would ask the question why? 
Mrs Weatherstone statement refers to another guy organizing to run the girls at Q427 and VIC’s Statement said Jennifer and two guys.    Allegedly this other guy was to see the ID of VIC, Misty Allen took her down the hallway to Room F you will see that on CCTV.
26 July 2011 call to 000 and to Kings Cross Police station as threats to murder her by Roger Hegarty, a black man and sex worker Michelle, Diedre Palmerston.
Sex worker Michelle left after about 30 minutes and said she was going to Porky’s.
VIC and Cody Stephens with a guy came into the brothel by the CCTV you will see that VIC put down a cruiser prior to coming into the brothel on the ledge of the steps.
VIC, with Cody said they were looking for work.  I, Jennifer said no as too much alcohol and no identification. 
Many of the sex workers don’t want to show identification because they are single mothers, working in another life, not wanting to have this thrown back in their lives later on.
VIC said she was working down at Porky’s that night.  Cody and the guy both said that VIC was 18 nearly 19.  The other two people acknowledged she had just come from a job down at Porky’s to come up here.  (This will dispute the sex having been done in the last 7 days) CCTV Footage will show that. 
Within VIC’s statement she said she had been with 2 Indians and a American.  Yet the guy that came in with VIC was neither of that.
VIC talked to Mrs Weatherstone in both interviews talk about that.  Allegedly VIC did not fear Mrs Weatherstone, it was the other man in the brothel the bald guy Sammy Sweet.
Before VIC left, Sex worker Michelle was back at the brothel.  Sex worker Michelle did tell me about some underage workers hanging around yet they are alright, I’ve seen them down at Porky’s.
Greek Sammy/Sammy Sweet turned up after this event on  the morning of the 27 July 2011.  By the CCTV footage from the brothel the police will see.  Sammy said he was sent by Frank Amante and John Ibrahim to sort this all out.
At about 4pm around Sammy Sweet left the brothel  after  a phone call from sex worker Michelle who Jennifer believes is in control of Roger Hegarty, known as Black Roger on the Strip.  To meet at the back of the Vegas Hotel.  This should be on some street footage.  This was allegedly the change over from Sex worker Michelle and Black Roger to Sammy Sweet.
27 July 2011  Sammy Sweet, had Karyn Englehardt turn up.  This was the change team.  Karyn Englehardt had come from Porky’s brothel.  Sammy Sweet had over the next couple of days Karyn Englehardt, sex worker Vanessa who is a boxer and asian you will see her on CCTV and a lady Hunter.  Both Vanessa as Justice  her sex name and Hunter came from a brothel out Bondi way.
Black Roger continued to  send guys into the brothel to pick up extortion money, some called it wages, this was reported to police, they were shown  the footage of guys coming and banging on the glass doors..  Some came up into the foyer which you will see on the CCTV.
Sammy Sweet came and stayed in Room F, he sometimes had working girls with him during this time.  All the working girls liked him as he was the local drug dealer.  I saw him with needles and mixing drugs into containers for Karyn Englehardt in Room E.  I saw him leave spoons with mixtures in Room F.  I noted that all the working girls were calling Sammy all the time for the need of drugs.
27 July 2011 Karyn Englehardt ended up with a client one of her own Gonzo.
This client is known for his drug usage on the strip and comes about once a month I was told.  Gonzo came in and was very sick after a while. 
Karyn Englehardt normally left in the afternoon and went to Haymarket where I thought she picked up drugs and delivered around on her way back to the brothel that night.
Karyn Englehardt asked in the lounge room Room B that night with another guy, I believe he is Rod Raffout for a figure of $1000 per week protection money and increasing.  She offered that would keep Black Roger away.  The business she would stay at and the problems would go away.
Again it was extortion, The guy with the Tattoo of makeup… was at the reception desk area when I returned out to talk to him.  I walked out of the room, you will see this on the CCTV.
Gonzo I believe is on facebook as a friend of Karyn Englehardt’s as Circus Bar.  By this Gonzo would know where to find her in Kings Cross.
Gonzo by the messages from Chop, Peter William Schaffer had details of footage about the sickness of Gonzo and drugs.  Peter Schaffer’s messages will make mention of taking CCTV recorders as this is the evidence that the police normally need to convict people.
28 July 2011  Karyn Englehardt in the day with Gonzo still in Room D ordered white wine by 3 bottles it is noted in the red exercise book.
It is also noted that Skye as Karyn Englehardt works under has received a cheque from Gonzo.
Then there is no noting of money within the red exercise book.
Karyn Englehardt, Misty Allen known as sex worker Mia, Greek Sammy had come and gone during that time.
Karyn Englehardt and Greek Sammy were in charge of the brothel.  The police if they were called well, where was the significant evidence they would have just denied and both had said that the police were in their pockets.  Karyn Englehardt referred to Constable Green at Kings Cross Police station even showing she had his mobile number on her phone.
During the day, remembering with a phone call from Karyn Englehardt, Black Roger would be in the brothel as he was waiting at the shop area of Lady Muck in the lane as Karyn had mentioned to Jennifer during this day.  Still with the threatening to be kept up.
Karyn Englehardt had asked Jennifer to ring the young girl’s phone number.  And had asked several times during this day.  Not once during these calls were the phone answered they rang back into the phone of the brothel or my mobile number.
Many of the working girls say they will turn up and never do.  By July, 2011 I wasn’t ringing anyone however the threats to my life and the police doing nothing about it had me concerned for my safety.
Karyn Englehardt left in the afternoon I, Jennifer believed for the drugs like had happened and to Haymarket.
Misty Allen was left with Gonzo in Room D, during this time you will see she came out to the brothel reception a lot asking for drugs.  Which I didn’t have.  I explained that Sammy Sweet or Karyn would be her best bet.
Misty Allen on the CCTV will show she spent a lot of time at the reception area allegedly watching.
If you go by VIC’s statement she should have been at the brothel at 6pm.  If you go to the CCTV footage, during this time it was just Jennifer, Misty Allen and Gonzo at the brothel and no work on the books.  Karyn Englehardt had taken charge of the brothel.
Well, the cheque money was going to Karyn Englehardt (Skye) and the mentioning of no payments on the page for Misty Allen during this time it was sorted out by the working girls.
Greek Sammy / Sammy Sweet was in charge of the brothel when he was around.  Yet it was Karyn Englehardt that asked for money.  Greek Sammy/Sammy Sweet would collect the house money which I gave to Alex and they would fight about it.  We were both finding ourselves in a problem and the police, well they did nothing when Black Roger hit a lady Kat at reception that Jennifer put into ICAC about this was to prove to Jennifer that he had protection with the Police in Kings Cross.  You will find that on the CCTV of the brothel.
Within VIC’s statement it shows that Jennifer had two guys.
The two guys, now one of those Guy’s Jennifer made mention about.  However the guy that the police allowed to walk out of Room F as a client was the extorting person too.  He was in charge of the brothel, VIC made mention about the two guys.
Now Jennifer didn’t have Sammy Sweet down on the books of the brothel?  He wasn’t a client.
You can look at the CCTV footage you will see that Sammy Sweet came back in the brothel and blocked the access for VIC just watching.
You can continue to see the footage where Greek Sammy was yelling to have the working girl VIC to stay.
You will see that the guy with the Makeup tattoo on his hand was at the reception desk yelling at the two girls of VIC and Mary Miller  and Mary Miller left. 
VIC then was showing her facebook page with identification of the date, this Jennifer didn’t take as the Identification.  Misty Allen took VIC down to Room F to see Sammy Sweet this will be on the CCTV.
Now, the disputed facts, the brothel was undersiege.  The extortion attempts that Roger Hegarty and Sex worker Michelle had started in March 2011 from $100k to $10000 to various amounts per week.  To these two utiliising the brothel as  a half way house for the drug dealing they were doing along Darlinghurst Road.
The police calls for help from Jennifer 000 and to Kings Cross Police.
The AVO that Jennifer put on Roger Hegarty personally out of the desperation of the police didn’t do where I, Jennifer thought  the police would have.
Now, Jennifer had seen the facebook identification.  You will see by the CCTV that Jenniifer was moving the computer towards VIC to see.  Yet when VIC was brought back to the office she had to work by the nod of Misty Allen.
The disputed charge of the premises is who was in control.  When your threatened by death, you call the police.  Yet it’s allegedly Hells Angels the members or associates were that were surrounding Jennifer and Alex in the brothel.
Now, when Detective Elizabeth Dean at Hurstville had interviewed VIC , did she note that VIC was with 2 Indians and a American in Kings Cross on the 26 July 2011 and the black skinned man could allegedly have been one of those guys?
Detective Elizabeth Dean, by VIC’s statement said that Jennifer had two guys.  Why wasn’t more questions asked of Jennifer about  the second guy?
Why was the second guy allowed to leave the brothel?  Allegedly a protected person in Kings Cross by being in Room F gives him a cover within the brothel of being a client rather than of having this brothel undersiege.
Karyn Englehardt had told Jennifer numerous times by text over the months that the brothel was undersiege that extortion money would need to be paid.
Detective Elizabeth Dean on meeting Jennifer at Hurstville police station did not ask Jennifer what was the problem?  Why she had a terrible couple of weeks prior as mentioned in her police handbook for the event.
Remember Kings Cross Police would tell Sammy Sweet everything on the matter if Jennifer said the word extortion at the police yet for Hurstville Police ?  Jennifer was still worried about the life and death that had been terrorised to her.

It was life or death.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Harold Holt Murder was it a Conspiracy? The Kings Cross Sting Investigated

2/4/13 Harold Holt Murder - Conspiracy - Alien Implants - Pine Gap 1/13
Website Last Updated: 12 December 2012

Prime Minister Harold Holt Was
Harold Edward Holt, 1908-67 Harold Edward Holt, 1908–67
Australia : The Commonwealth Government's website reads:
Harold Holt disappeared while swimming at Cheviot Beach near Portsea , Victoria on 17 December, 1967 . His body was
never recovered. Without determining the cause of Holt's death, a joint report by Commonwealth and Victoria Police,
submitted in January 1968, concluded that, '... there has been no indication that the disappearance of the late Mr Holt
was anything other than accidental'. The report (see copy on file A1209, 1968/8063) found that his last movements
followed a routine domestic pattern, his demeanor had been normal and despite his knowledge of the beach, the
turbulent conditions (high winds, rough seas and rip tides) overcame him. The explanations put forward for a failure to
find the body included an attack by marine life, the body being carried out to sea by tides or becoming wedged in rock
crevices. While a variety of theories have been expounded about Holt's disappearance, the Commonwealth Government
did not deem a formal inquiry necessary, accepting the conclusions of the Police report.
Contrary to the above, Holt was murdered, because he was opposed to American bases such as Pine Gap
being built on Australian soil
Prime Minister Harold Holt was murdered late Saturday night on the 16th of December 1967 and was reported missing
around midday on Sunday the 17th of December 1967 while swimming. There was no evidence to support the "official"
report of Harold Holt drowning, nor was there any evidence of a Chinese submarine abducting him and of course "they"
all knew this and it was 6 months after this website was up "they" then get the Victorian State Coroner to hold an
inquiry into Harold Holts disappearance to have an Official finding 38 years later how Harold Holt drowned on the
morning of 17th December 1967.
The Victoria Coroner ignored my request as shown by the below letter sent to him 16 months earlier, to give evidence
at the inquest into Harold Holts disappearance and where the Coroner also ignored my Brisbane Supreme Court sworn
Affidavit, file No: BS 1127/04, in which pargraph (12), I state "As part of my duties I engaged in several clandestine
operations, one of which was the removal of the body of the then Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt from his home
out to a waiting fishing boat the night before it was reported he disappeared while swimming" and was also stated in
my Supreme Court Affidavit, file No: BS 9166 / 03.
2/4/13 Harold Holt Murder - Conspiracy - Alien Implants - Pine Gap 2/13
my Supreme Court Affidavit, file No: BS 9166 / 03.
Read on and judge for yourself what is "Truth"
I, Gary Simmons have invoked this web site under the Second Law of the Universe because I have withdrawn my consent to
their deliberate intent where I was used for evil purposes. 1st Feb. 2005
Due to an interference with the website which resulted in this site being offline for two days I was forced to
change my site URL from to --- Yes, this website is still Invoked
under the 2nd Law of the Universe as my Invoking was put into play/focus before I had a website up. --- You can read my
email, which I had sent to my Server's Support Team regarding this matter by clicking this link - This site
was recreated and activated on the - 22/9/06 -
Jump to page 2 to view this CT-Scan showing where illicit
implants have been placed in Gary Simmons' throat
--Explanation regarding my Invoking of the 2nd Law of the Universe – at the bottom of the page -
Click the Links below -- 4 emails, the world should read.
Truth, where’s one’s conscience to what’s unfolding on Earth.
Fukushima: Hanging by a Thread - our entire civilization is hanging by a thread.
Planetary Damage, Climate Chaos and more havoc to come
and: Mark MacArthur who's superior takes orders from no one pasted below an email about
the media whores with their filth and lies to advance the evil agenda of the “Dark One’s”
Also our Australian Constitution is illegal and invalid, which proves how no Australian man or woman can or could have
claimed to have legally represented or obtained the "Free Will or the Consent" of the Sovereign People of Australia,
from Federation to this our Present Day - making all contracts and agreements in the name of the Sovereign People of
Australia illegal and invalid, which include all things on or to do with Australian soil like Military Bases and all agreements
signed with the United Nations. View at this link how the Australian Constitution is illegal and invalid
Coroners Letter Turned Into 2 Page Flyer
The below Coroners letter was turned into a 2 page flyer with my CT-Scan photo on the back as shown on page 2 of
this website and over 10,000 were sent out.
2/4/13 Harold Holt Murder - Conspiracy - Alien Implants - Pine Gap 3/13
The world's always been in the clutches of the Devil's game
“Technology’s violated Creation here on Earth” -- which