Magic? MagicK? Key…..
Chess ....Opening happens at the end. Aleister Crowley was a good Chess Player Without any money, Crowley went to Paris where he was put up by a man named Frank Harris and his female partner at the time Nellie O’Hare. O’Hare had a friend, Pauline Pierce, a mother of two from the United States and something of a bohemian. O’Hare, Pierce, Frank Harris and Aleister Crowley all lived in the same home in Paris at precisely the same time.
Rosaleen Norton known as the Witch of Kings Cross Initation comes a form of baptism when a new name is given to the initiate. It is usual for that person to be presented with a magnetised talisman and a piece of cord known as the Witches garter. It is charged with energy to finish the task at hand. Warts and all the Crown said, welll the talisman is in the Police photographs.
Sex Temple 10 internal sides is required for the sex temple. The brothel known as Sparkling Chandeliers the premises have 10 internal sides and match to the St Michael's ley line.
Peregrine, Peregrine Future a link to the Hole drilled Room G to the hidden Compartment This was done by Shannon Elliffe.
Black Eyes for the Babylon Eyes......Police Report the eyes, are the eye for the 93 within the Order hidden behind Kings Cross.
Arch Angel Michael turned… Witch within Occult Southern Hemisphere area Sex worker Michelle The person where they assist the Magician in the crime.
The Magician is where this person the crime evolves around and they are in the control.
During Crowley’s stay at the Harris household he was working to complete a higher degree of evil by performing rituals which would make him eligible to receive a new grade in the occult order he helped found: the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO).
A:.A:. 77 Darlinghurst Road, 7 for the Crown
Babalon for the Babylon Eyes. SigillVM SanctVM is the S.S. Sammy Sweet?
Frank Bennett Lodge 2 Order of Grand Lodge 1920 Started in Sydney Occult no 2 Lodge linked to South Africia. This is the link to the Ordoaa and the Ritual viii.Babalon for the Babylon Eyes. SigillVM SanctVM is the S.S. Sammy Sweet?
Rosaleen Norton known as the Witch of Kings Cross Initation comes a form of baptism when a new name is given to the initiate. It is usual for that person to be presented with a magnetised talisman and a piece of cord known as the Witches garter. It is charged with energy to finish the task at hand. Warts and all the Crown said, welll the talisman is in the Police photographs.
Sex Temple 10 internal sides is required for the sex temple. The brothel known as Sparkling Chandeliers the premises have 10 internal sides and match to the St Michael's ley line.
Peregrine, Peregrine Future a link to the Hole drilled Room G to the hidden Compartment This was done by Shannon Elliffe.
Black Eyes for the Babylon Eyes......Police Report the eyes, are the eye for the 93 within the Order hidden behind Kings Cross.
Arch Angel Michael turned… Witch within Occult Southern Hemisphere area Sex worker Michelle The person where they assist the Magician in the crime.
The Magician is where this person the crime evolves around and they are in the control.
Drury House is a link to the Occult ways to Overthrow a Queen Drury House is the name of the building 34-36A Darlinghurst Road, Potts Point
Magician? Where the crime evolves allegedly could be found by Hercules?
Black Glasses Frank Harris Occult. The start
of the Ritual for the Magical Glasses Sex worker Michelle had black glasses, Peter William Schaffer, Sonia Schaffer, Mary Miller, Roger Hegarty. The glasses are so they put them on a pick on the innocent for the Ritual for the Scorpion, the Golden Scorpion of the secret men.
Black man For the
Curse of Ham Sir Francis Bacon
connection Roger Hegarty
000 Ritual viii First position for the Victim to call 000 27 July 2011
Scorpion Ritual is bringing to life the bible for the sex smearing of a name where no sex actually happens as within the Play Scorpion 66 Aleister Crowley never had sex take place.
Scorpion Ritual is bringing to life the bible for the sex smearing of a name where no sex actually happens as within the Play Scorpion 66 Aleister Crowley never had sex take place.
Adam… Relationship for
Adam and Eve
Skye for the High Priestess
Skye is a word noticed within many of the unsolved murders as a link for
the patterns. High Priestess is the position Rosaleen Norton had within the black Magic
MagicK= Blood + Semen and Vaginal Aleister Crowley
MagicK= Blood + Semen and Vaginal Aleister Crowley
tunics…. Thelemites
One yellow feather for the link to the Holy Grail? The Hooked X map links to the positioning of this brothel. The key for the
White Tunic The Monks White Tunic, Sex temple White slip?
One yellow feather for the link to the Holy Grail? The Hooked X map links to the positioning of this brothel. The key for the
White Tunic The Monks White Tunic, Sex temple White slip?
Floral Games, July 28, 1877. A direct link to Aleister Crowley celebration
JMC Military Command, Jacques Maritain
Centre at Notre Dame where Aleister Crowley has a book. It fosters the study of the works of
Philosophers. Crowley, Aleister. The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. London: Arkana, 1979
The order the letters were marked, was the order the Crown Wagstaff put into play, MCJ, Ministery Christain Jewish. A link to the hidden King of the drug network.
JMC a link Round the neck the knight wore a gold chain, having alternately between the ordinary links shields with the monograms M and A and J and C, and the representation of a tree, having on the right hand a man, and on the left a woman, who with one hand cover the pudenda, and touch the tree with the other; to the end of the chain the Urim and Thummim were attached. This was a link too for the initials however all we were finding really were the co-incidents and what we needed to find was the significant evidence of why the Police, the uniforms wouldn’t search for Juanita.
The order the letters were marked, was the order the Crown Wagstaff put into play, MCJ, Ministery Christain Jewish. A link to the hidden King of the drug network.
JMC a link Round the neck the knight wore a gold chain, having alternately between the ordinary links shields with the monograms M and A and J and C, and the representation of a tree, having on the right hand a man, and on the left a woman, who with one hand cover the pudenda, and touch the tree with the other; to the end of the chain the Urim and Thummim were attached. This was a link too for the initials however all we were finding really were the co-incidents and what we needed to find was the significant evidence of why the Police, the uniforms wouldn’t search for Juanita.
Aleister Crowley’s Pet name was Daisy Flower Power and Magic Circles
The daisy flower, the marigold, and the sunflower also are indicative of the sun as deity and so, traditionally, adherents of the Mystery Religions, as well as Hindus, Zoroastrians, and others, utilize these symbols.Adam Weishaupt, founder in 1776 of the Order of the Illuminari, encouraged "Flower Power" as a symbol, and it was taken up by New Age hippies in the '60s.
The daisy flower, the marigold, and the sunflower also are indicative of the sun as deity and so, traditionally, adherents of the Mystery Religions, as well as Hindus, Zoroastrians, and others, utilize these symbols.Adam Weishaupt, founder in 1776 of the Order of the Illuminari, encouraged "Flower Power" as a symbol, and it was taken up by New Age hippies in the '60s.
Was the link for the books required within the MagicK of the
initials or symbols? Was the book the
Red book that had gone missing? I would
wonder time and time again.
Hercules Strength Greek mythology aka Greek Sammy?
Drill hole Room G, Worm hole for the alleged playing homage
to Jesus Christ mythology. Remember
Aleister Crowley had remembered the Bible by the age of 7.
Talisman is given.
This is in the photos’. It’s a
link to the occult work.
No DNA, the girl is a virgin for the Scorpion 66 Ritual where the girl is brought to meet the Golden Scorpion of the Gang, aka Michael J. Hand known on the Ground as Gonzo.
Condom for Semen
Aleister Crowley Blood + Semen = MagicK
Red wine for Blood
Silver heart for the Silver Star Order of A:.A:. initiation
Silver and Gold for the Psalm 115.4
King James Bible
Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.
King James Bible
Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.
WILL and FORCE is the manipulating that is carried out for the magicK to occur
Grey is the colour for Aleister Crowley utilised.
Brown Shoes for the
link to the Shoebill Pelican for the connecting to Jesus within the magicK. The money is linked for the Occult drug
network through the shoes.
Red and White for the Shirt for the occult colours the person
known as an associate of the Outlaw gang.
A house without books is a room without windows. Room G has no windows, Room D had no windows,
Room C and Room E had no windows, Room F had no windows and Room H had no
windows. Initials CDEFGH G.D.
Golden Dawn
Drugs being asked for?
The appearing of the angel in a room without a window. Drugs could be
the relationship to powder for the Black magicK that Aleister Crowley had
learnt about? Again just questions. The test of the drug testing to be refused.
Partner… Where a woman and a man fire against one
another. The woman real, the man spirit
form however within the Aleister Crowley connection the people are two Male and
Female classified to all as partners. I’m
single and keeping it like that for a while. My spirit ghost I write through my novels is Private Francis 18th Battalion.
The Scorpion play relationship for the alleged order of the Golden Scorpion on
the premises?
feather relationship for Holy Graal within the Order of the O.T.O or Thelema
Organisation? King Arthur for Knights to
search for the one yellow feather
Jeans for the Cuz's the alleged Outlaw gang Levi Father of Black MagicK
July 2011 Police intelligence reports showed that Senior members of Hells Angels were in Roslyn Street Kings Cross.
3 Guilty's The Scorpion Play Vol 6 Equinox...
Comedyof Justice… Was this the occult’s way?
The Book of Lies By Aleister Crowley
The Book of Law By Aleister Crowley for the WILL and FORCE
Sex worker Michelle left brothel after I refused to pay
extortion going to Porky’s
VICTIM came into the brothel 26 July 2011 Said had been working at Porky’s
Like many of the people that came to the brothel they would mention
VICTIM was reported missing on the 27 July 2011 6.30pm
Image is taken on the 28 July 2011
VICTIM had a silver necklace shiny like new,
Jumper, Tiara
Note there are no large earrings.
Grey Jacket? Payment?
Red Shoes?
Clothes on the 26 July and clothes on the 28 July
Black Jacket with Fur trim….
Now VICTIM had two
jackets? Black with grey trim and a Grey
one which was extremely high quality similar style to .
29.7.2011 11.06pm VICTIM had a phone on facebook with a new