Thursday 25 September 2014

Kings Cross Police further investigation

Police Inspector Damian Goodfellow.
He is the son in law by reports of allegedly Police Commissioner Ken Moroney who was involved on the investigation of Juanita Nieslen.
Police Inspector Damian Goodfellow links to Kings Cross report.

Regarding Ken Moroney Police Commissioner's thoughts.  The link to Police Commissioner Moroney is I asked Police Officer Donna Bruce to give me a name who was not corrupt in Kings Cross.  Police Officer Bruce had worked along side Moroney.  It is interesting I was told Superintendent Sue Waites.

1983 Sargeant Moroney reported to the Juanita Nielsen inquiry.

1975 Moroney Kenneth (Ken) Moroney was sworn in on 16 August 1965. In 1975, as secretary and delegate of the Lismore Branch, he was elected to the Executive. From 1986– 1987 he was junior vice-president and from 1987–1988 senior vice-president. On being promoted to commissioned rank Ken rose quickly through the ranks and on 28 May 2002 was appointed Commissioner of Police a role he filled until his retirement on 31 August 2007. 

Police Professional Standards told me Detective Amanda Dench had been at Kings Cross Police Station before State Crime Command.

Police timeline and an interesting website to visit.
ALP has claimed Mr King's brief appearance at the Wood Royal Commission in 1996 cast doubt on his integrity as a policeman.
Yet the Australian Labor Party in NSW allowed the Police more powers and the right for internal investigations happening in the same Police station as the problem naming Kings Cross Police.

Bob Waites and links to Kings Cross 

An alleged report in 2000 was said to have predicted problems that later arose.

[After the Wood Royal Commission the real gang behind the gangs at Kings Cross moved from Kings Cross to Cabramatta.]  

They came back to Kings Cross from Cabramatta Madonna's Mob Gang 5T to Kings Cross brothel.
To expose the hidden crypt exposes where the Police have as I will allege protected not just Kings Cross but the alleged drug network of the Scorpion drug cartels.

A coronial inquiry Into Juanita Nielsen  with a jury was held in 1983, which determined that Nielsen had probably been killed, although there was not enough evidence to show how she died or who killed her. The inquest did note that police corruption may have crippled the investigation into her death at the time.
A Joint Committee of the Commonwealth Parliament of Australia was formed in 1994 to further investigate her disappearance. It also concluded that corruption impeded the police investigation. She was declared as being deceased by an inquest

Just the Police search warrant will expose this cest pool of corruption and drug running we have had and a reason why my life has been so threatened.

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