Thursday 25 September 2014

Police Ingretity report on the same brothel where we have been asking for a Police search warrant from 2011.

Police Ingretity report 2001 was talking about the same brothel that we have been asking
for the Police search warrant for Juanita Nielsen for the reason why this brothel when you open the doors you have problems.

Kostas Kontorinakis gave evidence that he used to own the property in which
the Eros Cinema, described by him as an establishment that provided private
‘peep shows’, was located and that he subsequently sold the property but
retained the lease. He said he was a shareholder, director and secretary of
Eros Cinema Pty Ltd, the company that used to run the Eros Cinema, from
August 1986 until September 1998.3 Although somewhat unsure, he added
that he ceased active involvement in the company around about 1990, 1991 or
1992.4 He said his wife was the sole director of the company, Busskaye Pty
Ltd, which held the current lease of the Eros Cinema.5 Mr Kontorinakis said
his involvement in the Eros Cinema was as a consultant.6 He said he was also
a consultant at Lady Jane and Tudor Court; the latter establishment provides
escort services.


The links to the underworld to Lady Jane as the Little Jenny's and the lady as sole director of D & S Australia Pty Ltd is Jenny Bae Byun.
From PIC report.
During the interview Witness X said that he was introduced to a police officer
named Kenneth Desmond by Bill Bayeh, whom Bill Bayeh had said might be
able to help him in relation to ongoing court proceedings to have his brothel
business closed down as a disorderly house.
3.20 The disorderly house proceedings had been initiated in 1988.26 When Witness
X was served with a summons by a sergeant of police, whose name he could
not recall, he had asked why the action was being taken. The police officer had
allegedly said: 27
Because the kitty was empty my friend. The kitty was empty, that’s
why you’re getting this.

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