Sunday 29 March 2015

Golden Dawn and the Scorpion

Golden  Dawn and the Scorpion

The Golden Dawn Minor Arcana | Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
Mar 4, 2008 - Tarot card illustrations are from the Golden Dawn Whare Ra deck. —mkg] .... The influence of Sun in Scorpio is enervating breeding corruption.

Tarot Notes: Five of Cups - Astrological Associations (by ...
Feb 17, 2011 - The attributions established by the Order of the Golden Dawn (OGD) are by far the ... However, some Tarot decks use a different set of associations. ...Scorpio rules the Eighth House (house of sex, death, psychic powers, and  

Scorpion rules the eighth house.  House  of Sex, death and psychic leads itself to the brothel where the Great Cow Moloch will be found.

The King of the Great Cow will have a Queen.  The Queen's of the X?
Semiramis, semi-legendary queen and sorceress. ... Dee, hermetic author, and son of John Dee; John Dee, Queen Elizabeth's court astrologist. ... missionary and explorer, member of Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Stella Matutina,  ...

Some would profess that George HW Bush was not associated with the CIA in 1963. Why then, as is stated in John Armstrong's voluminous Harvey & Lee (p.348) do we discover that: "L. Fletcher Prouty was in charge of a project to deliver US Navy ships to CIA agents in Guatemala for "Operation Zapata". Prouty said the ships were delivered to a CIA agent named George Bush"?

When the CIA plane in the area south of Wollongong was found with heroin we have a system and systems are exposed by the patterns.

Views of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche movement ...
Members of the LYM now deny that he ever accused the Queen of England of drug trafficking—though in fact, he did exactly that throughout the 1980s.  

Evil Elites & the War on Drugs: Evidence the Queen of ...
Mar 27, 2012 - Evil Elites & the War on Drugs: Evidence the Queen of England is adrug dealer, U.K. bank regulator says so! This comes as the U.S. cracks .

  • The Rothschilds
    The Rothschilds, along with some of their associated banking families, have long .....The Patty Hearst kidnapping was engineered by the CIA, because Randolf  ...
  • Before 9/11 guess what 2 countries DID NOT have a ...
    (By now, only a few countries in the world DO NOT have Rothschild owned banks! ...he becomes affiliated with the CIA in the Afghan war against the Soviets by  ...
  • Rothschild'$ Exposed: $500 Trillion Worth Includes: Bank of ... › Featured
    Sep 3, 2011 - ... Israel, Federal Reserve, US/UK Governments, CIA, NATO, Half Of World ... The Man in Charge of the World; The Great Rothschild Exposing.
  • Links to the Druids for the black magicK goes through Himmler and the Hall of Death in Germany with Stonehedge as symbolism to England.  The sign for the solice of Summer, Winter, Spring and Autumn make the Nazi sign.
  • The Nazi sign is seen on  the Nomads in Kings Cross.Image result for outlaws mc nomads
  • Blue for the Thelemites for the protection link to an X behind the skull?  Aleister Crowley had Blue for the Thelemites.
  • Scarf is the colours of Rabbitoh's.  Yet Green for the Frog and Red for the Scorpion?  Or is it the Green for the circle of Knights that protects the brothel and  red for book they worship?  Book of Law?
  • Nazi concentration camp badges - Wikipedia, the free ...
    Nazi camp ID-emblems in a 1936 German illustration. ... badges resembled two superimposed triangles forming a Star of David, a Jewish symbol.
  • Star of David - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Jump to As a symbol of Judaism and the Jewish community  - Although he drew a Star of David, he did not ... as he knocked out Nazi Germany hero Max  ...
  • The king of the jews when Abe Saffron was around wore a Star of David around his neck.

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