Sunday 1 March 2015

Phone taps, history repeats

Uncle died over club fight, court told

By Les Kennedy and Malcolm Brown
December 5 2002

When Mayez Dany learnt that his 18-year-old nephew's jaw had been broken in a fight with a doorman outside a nightclub in Oxford Street last June, it triggered a fatal quarrel, Fairfield Local Court heard yesterday.
Less than 48 hours later, Mr Dany, 39, of Granville, lay dying outside a car wrecker's yard with four bullets in his chest.
His alleged killer on June 11 was said to be the nightclub's employee and Automobile Wreckers' proprietor, Walid "Wally" Ahmad, 37, of Condell Park.
It has been alleged that Ahmad assaulted Mr Dany's nephew Khaled Hammoud outside the DCM nightclub in the early hours of June 9, after refusing him entry.
In a statement to the magistrate, police alleged that Mr Dany died after Ahmad's friend, Hassan "Sam" Ibrahim, 33, ordered another man to bring him to the Greenacre car workshop.
Police alleged yesterday that Ibrahim, who was also charged with Mr Dany's murder and the supply of $10,000 in cocaine, knew Ahmad would have a gun when Mr Dany arrived at 1.45pm.
Ibrahim's Fairfield Court appearance followed Ahmad's brief appearance in Bankstown Local Court yesterday morning in which he was refused bail on a charge of murdering Mr Dany.
Allegations of how the killing came about emerged during Ibrahim's hearing where police prosecutor Sergeant Jason Inkster opposed a bail application.
Sergeant Inkster said Ahmad's and Ibrahim's phones had been bugged between June 1 and July 25, during which 150 calls were monitored.
He alleged that Ibrahim had spoken to Mr Dany on the afternoon and evening of June 9, about the assault on his nephew and had argued and made threats after Mr Dany said it was about time DCM was closed down.
"Ibrahim in return invites the deceased [Mr Dany] to close the place down and states that he is going to 'f--k them all' for what he said about DCM and Walid Ahmad," police said.
According to police, Mr Dany died on his second visit to the wrecker's on June 11 to speak with Ahmad about the assault. Ibrahim, who claimed he had only gone to the area to get bike parts, was alleged to have ordered Mr Dany to be brought back. In the melee, Ahmad's uncle Mohammad Hussein was shot in the leg and Mr Dany was shot four times.
Defence lawyer Greg Goold had criticised the police case saying their evidence was "so compelling they waited four months to charge my client."
Ibrahim was refused bail and ordered to face Burwood Court on Wednesday with Ahmad.

Greg Goold his brother in law told me he worked for Ibrahim.  Interesting.

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