Saturday 15 October 2016

Mary Wallace, Tanya Farrington, Linda Davie all have in common? Missing person feared murdered Kings Cross holds the answer

We were working again on links within unsolved missing persons and we just need the Police search warrant for the subfloor compartment 6/34-36a Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross.

November 1983, disappearance of Mary Wallace detectives received the poem. Mr Strickland explained its significance.
The poem read: From Alpine came RA with MW in Tow,
Into MMA to see what's the go
"Not to Drummoyne, but Willoby we go
Sex with MW, then death And bury low
Never find MW, gone from Boot, Gone to Darkness.
"F ... you coppers, Big Joke, eh? Help me please."

With in the cpoem is the clue.  You haven’t cracked the code yet.  When we understand the hidden crypt in Kings Cross then the puzzle clues seem to make sense.
She is buried at + Bury Low aka + or X marks the spot…like a pirate’s treasure.  Bury is the anagram of Ruby where the alleged Ruby Tablet collected by  Rothschild Family I have linked to this same brothel for a long time.  As I write “the world’s most Precious Ruby” is within the brothel.  Low is the anagram of Owl.
The Freeman’s used riddles to remember things.  Owl and the Pussycat went to see but you will I allege find the skull hidden within the compartment with Juanita Nielsen gone to the Darkness of the brothel not touched by soil this is part of the ritual they do within the murders I have studied. 
From Alpine  aka AL is Almighty within the terminology of Aleister Crowley the wickest man on earth this gang brings alive within the crimes.
MMA means Mixed martial arts or MMA means castleThe Early Norman Castles of the British Isles (Illustrations):  1214- For the carriage of timber for the castle works 15. ... M. M. A., ii., 24. ... in mediƦval documents, and often applied to a tower, which it evidently means here.  This is the Kingdom of the Underworld we are exposing to the world.

MMA company is in Kings Cross all co-incidences yet part of the puzzle.

MMA COMMUNICATIONS Kings Cross, Address:Bayswater Road, Kings Cross, NSW

Drummoyne is a hard word but WILLOBY is spelt wrong.  WILL links to WILL of the law to obey under Aleister Crowley.  E is missing in Obey for the Evil eye within history :Pink Pussycat and Pink Panther in Kings Cross had an eye above the (i) as part of the clue.  Rogerson called himself “the second set of eyes” I believe there are more.
This gang believes they are the royal blood controlling the world.  Castle is the brothel building which to this gang is a castle.
This is why the importance for the Police search warrant for not just Juanita Nielsen from 1975 but to expose this gang still working today.
They use anagrams to hide words in the open that if the Police were clever they could crack this gang believes.  Treasure trails?  Yet this was the trail to finding Mary Wallace.

For example: orchestra is an anagram of carthorse. Anagrams can appear in medium and hardclues.

Many of the past Police Commissioners have linked to Freeman’s and so did Roger Rogerson for a co-incidence I believe.

UGH means "Expression of disappointment or disgust" So now you know - UGH means "Expression of disappointment or disgust" - don't thank us. YW! What does UGH meanUGH is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the UGH definition is given.

What was missing from Willoughby disgust?  Red herring?  A pick up point? 

Yet anagram of Willoby links to bill    billyboy   or will boy?

Aleister Crowley and the Practice of the Magical Diary  Ugh! I write a letter to P — r and sign myself with a broken pentagram. It makes me think of a "busted flush" . . . But through all the sunlight peeps ...
Oct 12, 2013 - Aleister Crowley was born on this day in 1875 in Leamington Spa, ... Now when I ask myself or am asked by others I can say, ugh, what that guy ...
The Life of Aleister Crowley Richard Kaczynski ... In typical manner, Crowley ran up £6 worth of proof corrections. ... Civet cats and sperm whales—ugh!

This is the relationship to the SEX where Aleister Crowley linked sperm to black magicK.
Mar 23, 2013 - It is a magnetic fluid that is not only composed of semen, but the true human ... Before Aleister Crowley and his black sexual magic that he had ...

Aug 3, 2013 - The Jewish Kabbalah, a book of black and white magicsemen is said to harness a .... MagicK= Blood + Semen and Vaginal Aleister Crowley.Sex magic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Sex magic (sometimes spelled sex magick) is any type of sexual activity used in magical, ...Aleister Crowley reviewed Heavenly Bridegrooms in the pages of his journal The ... De Nuptis Secretis Deorum Cum Hominibus - Sexual magick; Liber Stellae ... Paschal Beverly Randolph : A Nineteenth-Century Black American ...

Satanism, Black Magic, Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Aleister Crowley, ... Pagan Religions did Rituals every day where he sacrificed the unborn baby - Sperm - to

This is the roadmap for the Kings James Version of the Holy Bible to expose the hidden, the most precious stone in the world "The Ruby Tablet". May you find the ...

Apr 5, 2015 - The Kabbalah was what Rosaleen Norton taught in Kings Cross at the ... duty I was born to do as the Ruby Tablet exposes the Prophect Elijah will come ... The Kings Cross Sting has been in talks for the most amazing story ...

13 Lot?  These premises are actually 6-7/34-36a Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross so the number 13 for the evil ritual linked. 

Boot?  This allegedly is the Italian Calabrian Mafia and the shape of Italy linked to a boot.  Yet the boot was just a link within the note to Mary Wallace?  The hair could have come from inside the car?
Jul 20, 2016 - Hotel/Leisure Property for Lease. . Shop 6, 34-36A Darlinghurst RoadKings Cross, NSW 2011. Listed by Laing+Simmons Potts Point | Pyrmont .

Within the Commerical paperwork on the lease through the Land Environment Court or Sydney City Council showed to me the shop was known as 6-7  when added together mean 13.

I don’t know if Robert Adams did the murder but I believe this brothel now called “World Famous Sparkling Chandeliers” at 6-7/34-36a Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross will hold the evidence. 

Where they hide the evidence is in the open and the drug network is the winner when they move up within the drug network to deal drugs.

This Police search is so important.

I hope someone will be able to expose the hidden steps within the brothel as the access point for this gang and the alleged links to why Bill Bayeh when he came out of prison was putting the heavies on me because when you search the brothel will expose allegedly the Wizard within the centre of these crimes.  Juanita Nielsen needs to be raised.

I went to Dr Natalie today she feels I really need the Forensic Psychiatrist appointment done which was refused by the DPP and this would expose the information I have been sending through is really significant information and important for the Police search warrant to occur.  Please this gang is very dangerous I expose to you.

Others include Helen Karipidis, 10, abducted from Marrickville in December 1988, and Bianca Nelson, 14, last seen running away from her Regents Park home in 1991.  The problem was the names kept coming and all I knew the evidence will be exposed soon I just have to keep going.

Mary Wallace police spent four hours and 15 minutes searching the area at North
Turramurra before being called away on another job and never returning.  Yet if the corruption I have found in Kings Cross links to the Detectives at all then why didn’t they search further?  They knew…

No fingerprints were found on the letter and there is no forensic evidence linking Adams with Ms Wallace's
suspected murder.  Now the Police had a hair from Mary Wallace’s hairbrush and a hair found within the vaccum rubbish which Robert Adams allegedly was reported in vaccumming his car the next day after the disappearance of Mary Wallace.

Debbie Marie ASHBY Date of birth 1971 missing from 16 years.  A coronial inquest determined that Ms Ashby died on or about 11th October 1987.  A reward is offered however no one has come forward to solve this crime.  In making a recommendation for the reward, and sending a file to the homicide squad for review, he said: "It is so unusual for a 16yearold to disappear, one has to look at it as suspicious; 16yearolds just don't disappear off the face of the earth, something has happened to her” reported Mr Milovanovich. 
The inquest heard she had been going through a rebellious stage. The last her family heard from her was a phone call a few days after she left home, saying she was all right.

In 1990 a prostitute contacted the family saying she had seen her in Kings Cross. But they could not find her.  The links were coming as Marco had told me the brothel linked to 30 murders to allegedly Rogerson and I was collecting them now.

Ms Ashby is one of several teen and preteen girls who disappeared from NSW in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Again a link to Kings Cross and the brothel being a brothel well sex was the name of the game this gang was playing.

We have to see the common links between the cases?  Who was in charge?  Someone higher?  Why wasn’t the links within the murders followed up?

"Tanya was 14 years old when she went missing from her home in Crows Nest on the 22nd March 1979," Minister for Police Michael Daley.  Last person seeing Tanya was her brother as he said good night to Tanya about 11pm. 
Tanya missing from Crows Nest and Mary Wallace from Crows Nest Alpine Inn was a co-incidence I thought.  “It is believed Tanya had a boyfriend (who lived in the Manly area) about the time she disappeared. Police are very keen to speak to anyone who may have information about him, if only to discount him from the investigation.”

No boyfriend had been found so far it is now 2016.  Tanya had come from the Port Macquarie area and so had our Mouse I thought. 

Tanya had gone to bed as usual at their family home in Nicholson Place, Crows Nest. The next morning she was gone and she has not been seen since.

“The family flat and surrounding areas were searched by police; there was no sign of forced entry and none of Tanya’s belongings appeared to have been removed,” Snr Cst Martin said.

Senior Constable Martin said that while Tanya was only 14, she was often mistaken for being older than her years and was an outgoing girl.
“Tanya attended Cremorne Girls High School and has been described as being rebellious but not out of control. Like many 14yearold girls she liked music and played the guitar.
“While she had no history of running away for long periods, a few of her friends told police at the time that Tanya would sometimes sneak out of the house at night to meet friends.  It is also believed that Tanya had a boyfriend about the time she disappeared, although her parents did not know his name.”

“Police also aware that a few months before Tanya disappeared she’d failed to return home overnight and was found with her boyfriend on Manly beach the following morning.  “We are keen to speak with this person, who we believe may have lived in the Manly area at the time.”

Manly was a link to this gang in Kings Cross because I was told to go and find the Comanchero leader from Manly but I never got there in 2011 when I was setup with threats to murder me all to further hide the evidence I think within the brothel subfloor.

Tony brother of Tanya told the coronial inquest “It was around 11 o'clock and I said goodnight to ‘Tanga’. We were watchin' TV together. And that was basically the last I saw of her. We woke up in the morning and her bed was empty. And initially, I was cranky, 'cause I thought she snuck out, you know, did something. By the following night, I was gettin' real worried. Mum and dad were freakin' out straight away. And then another day went past and another day, and anger started to turn to worry. It probably took me about a month until I realised I wasn't gonna see her again.”

Tony again reported about “There's heaps of them. You know, between Sydney and Newcastle, that time we've tracked down at least 22 missing people in an 18month period. And I think most are girls, except for a couple of boys.”

The system of the pattern in murders the Detectives I have noticed have not linked together.  Two rewards that have in fact been paid by the State Government, the first was $500,000 for the 1996 conviction of Ivan Milat. Another nine years passed before there was another payout made. $50,000 was paid for the information that led to the conviction
of Michael Gyder. Gyder is now serving a minimum 12year sentence for the manslaughter of nineyearold  Bondi girl Samantha Knight.  Yet remember it was the Milat Backpacker murders and the link to the building above the brothel is a backpackers for another co-incidence.

In fact the last decade, 70 people have applied to collect a reward for information they've provided to policy, but it's only in the Samantha Knight that someone has actually received the cash, and even then the full amount wasn't paid. 

Miss Farrington was last seen in Sydney on March 22, 1979.

Missing woman started to link Tanya Farrington disappeared from her Crows Nest home at age 14 on March 22, 1979.
A year later, on January 24, 1980, Cammeray resident Marion Sandford posted a note to her brother Peter saying she would be home within a week. He never saw her again.  Ten weeks later, on April 6, 1980, Linda Davie was last seen at St Leonards.

Tanya Farrington and Linda Suzanne Davie both disappeared in suspicious circumstances.

Police would also like to speak to Tanya's boyfriend at the time and two men who are believed to have driven Ms Davie and a friend home from Kings Cross on April 5, 1980.  Again another link to Kings Cross. 

MARION SANFORD and Linda Davie are inextricably linked by haunting letters that have left their loved ones in limbo for three decades.  Marion mailed a note to her brother on January 24, 1980, the 23 year old writing that she had met friends and would be back within a week.  She never came home.

Ten weeks later, Linda's boyfriend received a similar letter, explaining that the 22yearold beauty had gone away for a few days. 

Tanya Farrington was a 14yearold last seen watching TV in her family home in Crows Nest.  She vanished without a trace.  During questioning by Sgt Bucknell, SenConstable Martin confirmed that Miss Farrington had been ``rebellious’‘, sexually active, a consumer of alcohol and cannabis and was known to hitchhike.

A Police officer taking an active was Assistant Police Commissioner Bob Waites who hired his wife Sue under her maiden name interviewed however married at the time for position Superintendent of Kings Cross Police Station and the Superintendent at Kings Cross Police station when I was asking for the Police search warrant for Juanita Nielsen and to expose what this gang has hidden within the brothel subfloor compartment.

I was told the Superintendent had rang the Solicitor on the 5th March 2012 to get me out of the building as I was surrounded by murderers as Nadia the solicitor rang me on 0420987743.

Bob Waites for another co-incidence was an Inspector at the time of the Wood’s Royal Commission which by the Police search of the subfloor compartment of where Bill Bayeh and Lennie MacPherson was terrorising the owners of Madam Butterfly brothel would have saved me the time and energy in writing “The Kings Cross Sting” as the cryptic puzzle would have been solved.

The SunHerald can today reveal the three cold cases are the focus of a major new NSW Police investigation in which detectives are examining possible links with three of the state's most notorious criminals: underworld identity John Anderson, serial killer Ivan Milat and ''Mr Asia'' drug syndicate head Terry Clark.  Again a link to Kings Cross again protected as no link to the brothel in Kings Cross as hidden within the subfloor compartment.

Mr Asia?  Yet Mouse called the owner of the drug network the Asian Grandmother for a co-incidence.  To the building we have the company D&S Australia Pty Ltd (Jenny Bae Byun Sole Director) trading for J&B Trust.  When Bill Bayeh was caught within the Wood’s Royal Commission the alleged asian supply line was never exposed all because the brothel wasn’t searched until 2009 under Strike Force Constance where the subfloor compartment was never searched within the brothel all for a reason…..

The evidence was hidden all in the open.

All of these were linking Police sources have previously told The SunHerald that the Adams case was linked to ''a string of unsolved killings''. A key suspect, John Anderson, who is behind bars for drug smuggling, denies any involvement. There is a $250,000 reward for information leading to a conviction over Trudie Adams's murder, and three separate $100,000 rewards will today be offered to anyone who helps solve the Davie, Farrington and Sanford mysteries.

Anderson was a common co-incidence to the missing person Juanita Nielsen? 

Another note Peter Sanford sat in neighbouring Cammeray, trying to
make sense of a letter that arrived on January 27, 1980, three days after his sister Marion vanished. It read: ''I am not at all sure when I will be home but it should be within 2 days to 1 week at the latest I suppose! Met a couple of friends. See you later, love Marion.''
Another note this was 3 disappearances and the Police are still investigating.  Stephen Lavender received a strikingly similar letter from his girlfriend Linda Davie in April that same year. As soon as he read it, he knew something sinister had occurred.

Juanita Nielsen the Police have misplaced her whereabouts for 41 years…now isn’t it time we expose the myth!

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