Subject: Research on Cannabis for the aiding of Cancer Graeme Weatherstone
To:, fernardo.roncolato@sesiahs.
To:, fernardo.roncolato@sesiahs.
US Patent on cannabis as a treatment for cancer
"Cannabinoids including Tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) and Cannabidol(CBD) promote the re-emergence of apoptosis so that tumors will stop dividing and die."
-US Patent US20130059018
Essential role of TAK1 in regulating mantle cell lymphoma survival.
"Cannabinoids including Tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) and Cannabidol(CBD) promote the re-emergence of apoptosis so that tumors will stop dividing and die."
-US Patent US20130059018
If this does work, why isn't it available to the wider community.
The oil, it has to have a high level of THC to be effective for the stoppage of cancer cells. This would aid within the methods utilised by the chemo drugs as by what I have read this treatment with the chemo would enhance the affect in agressive cancers.
It is not all oils, the oils I have researched in Australia are grown with low THC oil, in fact this wouldn't be a effective cure.
Plants can not be patented, where the cure for cancer, well even a hope is held by patent control then the wider community needs to revolt and enhance the medicine. Im not a drug user, I don't like the thugs who control the drug network yet my mind is open if this is a cure.
I know it is not the smoking of the plant which could benefit people it is the oil. http://www.cureyourowncancer. org/scientific-studies.html
Politicians, The laws need changing.
While the oil produced in Colorado is being used and has been well-publicized – dubbed Charlotte’s Web – the FDA has technically not approved its use in clinical trials. The drug, Epidiolex, produced by London-based GW Pharmaceuticals is the only cannabis oil approved by the FDA and a handful of clinical trials are starting up around the U.S.
Epidiolex and cancer 2014/03/epidiolex-high-cbd- low-thc-drug/
Links to Mantle Cell Lymphona,
Medical studies.
Research on Mantle Cell Lymphona, http://www2. pdfs-issues/08/oncolog12-08. pdf It goes into Rituxmib which Graeme has received through the first treatment course of Mantle Cell Lymphona.
Back in 1974, researchers at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond inadvertently found the THC slowed the growth of cancer cells in mice with cancer of the lung, breast and a virus-induced leukemia. Im just showing the research has been around from 1974 on the THC is effective on slowing cancer growth, the fact that many link the cancer to a virus which links to the MSRA thoughts links then to the reasoning behind the high doses of oil which can curb viruses or attachs cells which contain a virus links to the success rate. http://www.medicalcannabis. com/indications-for-use/ cancer/
Slowing the P38 activating on Mantle Cell Lymphona.
Essential role of TAK1 in regulating mantle cell lymphoma survival. pubmed/22649101
Cannabinoids induce cell death in MCL cell lines. The MCL cell lines Rec-1, JeKo, and JVM-2 and the control cell line U937 were serum-starved overnight and treated with vehicle or 10 μM R(+)-MA or Win55.
More break down on how the THC works on the body. Medical report http://mdh.diva-portal. org/smash/get/diva2:278662/ FULLTEXT01.pdf
A recent study conducted by the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Bonn in Germany just discovered that the activation of the brain’s cannabinoid system triggers the release of antioxidants that act as a cleansing mechanism. This process is known to remove damaged cells and improve the efficiency of mitochondria. Mitochondria is the energy sources that powers cells. The study was published in the Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society, B. This is the part of our brain that works automatic on our body within the alleged pons or pineal gland area I would call the seed of life.
A study published in the US National Library of Medicine conducted by the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology by Virginia Commonwealth University determined that cannabinoids induce apoptosis in leukemia cells.
We had the product it seems allegedly selling from 1850 to 1945 by the Smith Brothers, Parker Brothers, Squibb, Lilly, Boroughs and other Medical pharameucial companies. Then why did it stop?
Patent? Was it the person who patented a plant? I don't think you can patent a plant, the process has been around for years by the Pagan's and Wiccan's in society.
There is much research showing that CBDs (cannabidiol) effectively help many conditions, including inflammation, epilepsy, cancer, etc. The only consideration is that the research is performed using cannabinoids from Cannabis, rather than hemp … they are very close cousins and kind of the “yin and yang” of the cannabinoid world
Hemp flowers, or buds, contain high amounts of CBD and negligible amounts of THC. In the reverse, Cannabis buds contain high amounts of THC and low amount of CBD. That’s changing a bit, as growers are encouraging stronger high CBD strains.
We have the two types of oil then one with high THC which by reports is more responsive to the alleged Mantle Cell Lymphoma and the CBD oil.
How about we try to open discussion about this in Australia.
Graeme Weatherstone has had the Mantle Cell reoccur, his sister has refused to be the donor for stem cell.
I do know Graeme has stem cell frozen at St George Hospital however by these reports it would allegedly work with the chemo drugs and under supervision takes the studies from 1974 and before now to 2014 where we could see who holds the patent.
Mr Weatherstone's sister has a daughter who is a Doctor. It's ashame when the medical studies do not open a mind to the use of THC oil and CBD oil.
Risk for donors when they are asked.