Saturday 30 August 2014

Lee Harvey Oswald's work ethic by Judyth Baker

In 2012 Jennifer reported to the Police about the Nigeria Scam linking to allegedly Robert M. Bauer LLC of Spring Hill.  For the alleged connections to JFK it was allegedly to Meyer Lanksy who was the accountant for Onassis.

Judyth BakerVindication for Judyth Vary Baker
d' for not doing good work. This was simply untrue. Lee got in trouble because he discussed speaking Russian and that he had lived in the USSR. It was the Cold War and the employee 'told' on him. J_C_S to this day still claims Lee was a lazy troublemaker. But look at his worksheets and you'll see he was a diligent worker who was fired for other reasons. At Reily's, getting in trouble over the green glass got him fired fou)r working days earlier than planned (it was planned to let him go the following thursday, as Lee had to start his pro-Castro antics after attending the Spring Hill conference in Mobile, AL. Paychecks at Reily's were for Friday-through Thursday. Lee was a diligent worker--when he was able to actually be at work.

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