Frankincense and Myrrh Essential Oils Suppress Multiple Cancers: In this study, the essential oils of both frankincense and myrrh were shown to potently suppress human breast cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, liver cancer and skin cancer—slashing growth rates by at least 50% at surprisingly low concentrations. Myrrh was the most potent cancer killer of the two, and breast cancer cells were the most easily killed by both essential oils. How do these medicines of the ancients stack up against other known anticancer herbs? A recent study compared 374 herbal extracts against neuroblastoma and found that frankincense and myrrh ranked in the best 15 of all 374 extracts! They easily outperformed green tea, oregano, garlic, sage, ginger, rosemary, olive leaf and many others. Frankincense and myrrh are the dried resin (sap) from small trees (closely related to each other) that grow in the Middle East and Northeast Africa. They’ve been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine for relief from pain, fever, coughing, sore throat, swelling, and digestive problems. Frankincense and myrrh are widely available as incense and essential oils, in soaps, skin lotions, aromatherapy, body scrubs and are even found in a rubbing oil for the prevention of cold and flu due to their potent antibacterial and antiviral properties!
Exposing the myths in society for a better world. Corruption has been a problem within society for too long. Unsolved murders, missing persons and how the Herbs of the Gods are needed to heal the sick. Researcher Jennifer Stone
Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts
Monday, 22 December 2014
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Holy Science exposed the system Reporter C.Smith exposes Enlightenment
School Of The Holy Science by C Smith
12 hrs ·
From Lifting The Veil
"It is my great pleasure to invite you into the study of Syncretics and Esoteric Etymology (SEE).
Syncretics is a term I use as a formula for learning, with the term syncretism as the act of applying this formula. Syncretism means the “reconciliation of differing beliefs” from Greek synkretismos "union of communities," from synkretizein "to combine against a common enemy,” (that “enemy,” being IGNORE-ANCE and separation from our common origins) from syn- "together" as in “to SYNC TOGETHER.”
From my perspective, it is about searching through ALL sources of information, despite differing beliefs and opinions, and sifting through it, in order to find the most valuable nuggets of truth, and to find the common root similarities, so that we may see how all the pieces fit together to provide a much larger and unrestricted view of reality, in order to better understand ourselves in relation to one another, without declining into argument and dispute over seemingly opposing perspectives and points of view, or POINTS-OF-YOU.
It’s about turning over EVERY stone, the good, the bad, and the ugly, to see what lies beneath, regard-less of our own PERSONAL judge-ment (judging the mind/ ment: Latin, meaning MIND) of what it is that we may find.
As I always say, “If you fear something.... STUDY IT!! The more you learn about it, the more understanding you gain. Suddenly, you know about it, and although you may still dislike it, you no longer fear it, because you realize its not the thing itself that is ominous, but rather, only your limited understanding of it.”
"Its hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a featherbed." - Terence McKenna

All Information is inherently Neutral. It is only when passed through the mind of it’s observer, that it gets imprinted with polarity (good vs bad, light vs dark, + vs -), based on the preconceived notions accumulated by one’s own background experiences and picked up from our social env-iron-ment.

Light is Pure Information. Thus, ALL information IS Light.
Only when weighed on the scale of one's OWN Heart, against the feather of Truth, and THEN refracted through the Prism of the Mind, can one easily discern Truth from fallacy.
Only when weighed on the scale of one's OWN Heart, against the feather of Truth, and THEN refracted through the Prism of the Mind, can one easily discern Truth from fallacy.
When start to see how all things connect in some way or another, then we start to see a pattern emerge, that illuminates the similarities which connect all fields of study and learning, from science, art, language, number, music, astrology, geometry, theology, mythology, and just about every other area of Learning and communication. ! !
For me, this journey is all about getting to the heART of the subject matter, to where we can finally see that everything has a valid right to exist, so long as we’re not imposing on another’s ability to choose freely, and that includes the suppression of information as well.
I often see the greater reality likened to a Universal Library, the Akashic, if you will, and in this Library, ALL THINGS EXIST SIMULTANEOUSLY, parallel to one another, just as the books in any library. All books have an equal right to be available for anyone to study, and just because some of them may not be our own personal preference, that doesn't make them any less valid to be there.
If any section were to be quarantined because of our own personal judge-ments and preference, then we would be impinging on another’s free will choice to read from that section, should they have the desire to. That is how our own personal judge-ments, pre-judices, and biases can actually limit others’ growth when we choose to suppress information.

Each and every one of us has a completely unique life experience, based on all the things we’ve seen, places we’ve been, books we’ve read and knowledge we have acquired along our own journey, and we each hold a one-of-a-kind piece that fits into a universal puzzle.
We now know that his-story has been fragmented, re-written, manipulated, and white-washed throughout the millennia, and it is now not only our duty, but also our great pleasure and joy as a species to be sitting around a universal table, all contributing our individual piece of information to put this puzzle back together in order to see the BIGGER PICTURE, and if even a SINGLE ONE of us chooses to with-hold our unique piece because of how we think others will react to it, then we are doing a HUGE dis-service to others who NEED that piece in order to finally see what they may have been searching for their entire life, just as I was.
I know if someone had chosen to with-hold the things that I now know because of how THEY THOUGHT I would react to it, then I would never be where I currently am today and would not have found the answers that I had been seeking my ENTIRE LIFE, and I couldn't imagine what could be more valuable. To me that would be the ultimate crime... the obstruction of information.
Now that we’ve dis-cussed my views on Syncretics, lets explain etymology.
In order to introduce you to the under-standing of the mechanics of word etymology, we are going to show you the very etymology of the word “etymology.” The very word “etymology” comes from much more ancient roots, spanning throughout his-story and many different cultures and languages, as is the case for all words and forms of language and communication.
ETYMOLOGY comes from:
ethimolegia "FACTS OF THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A WORD," from Old French et(h)imologie (14c., Modern French étymologie), from Latin etymologia, from Greek etymologia, properly "STUDY OF THE TRUE SENSE (OF A WORD),"
from the root words of: etymon "TRUE SENSE" (neuter of etymos "TRUE, REAL, ACTUAL," related to eteos "true") + logia "STUDY OF, A SPEAKING OF" (see - logy).
So etymology is a compound word, which comes from the root words of Logia, meaning “the study of” and etym, meaning “the true sense.” So in other words, we’re talking about getting to the true essence of what concepts mean by studying the very WORDS used to describe these concepts.
Now let’s dive into what the word esoteric means and how we can apply it in order to gain wisdom and understanding.
Esoteric comes from Greek esoterikos "BELONGING TO AN INNER CIRCLE," from esotero "more within," comparative adverb of ESO "WITHIN," related to eis "INTO," EN "IN" (see en-).
In English, originally of Pythagorean doctrines. According to Lucian, the division of teachings into EXOTERIC and ESOTERIC, originated withAristotle.
So in other words, the ESO and the EXO could be likened to a donut, where the ESO would be the donut hole, which is consumed far less frequently than the EXO which is the outer ring, (likened to the rings of Saturn, who is known as the “Lord of the Rings”) which is gluttonously consumed EN masse by the INGORE-ANT masses.
So the Esoteric understanding is the Inner house of TRUE wisdom, while the
Exoteric is the outer shell of false facades, fake masks, lies and bullshit fed to the masses who are EX-cluded or EX-communicated, or EXiled from the TRUTH of the inner wisdom of the wise-dome of the inner temple, because they are to busy beating around the bush from being fed bullshit by the mainstream institutions. So the ESO prefix is the same as the EN prefix, meaning WITHIN, as in ENdo-thermic or ENdocrine, as in “the truth lies WITHIN you,” as opposed to the HEX (Saturn) of the EX, which is the outer, as in EXo-thermic, or EXo-skeleton, or the false bullshit of the savior figure that lies outside of you, up in the clouds somewhere.
So this is exactly why Holly-Wood and politics will always shows you the character of the two faced liar, the false facade of the fake mask, which is the very calling card of the Jester, the Joker, the Jack, the FOOL, the BULLSHITTER, the politician!!

So you may have not-iced by now, that I seem to use MY OWN unique formula of spelling in order to paint an image of the con- sept that I am conveying. That is exactly what I am pointing out with this academy, is that letters are pictographs and images, and a single image can paint a 1,000 words, a single symbol contains entire universes of information within it, so words, symbols, numbers, and letters are code that can be de-cyphered, and re-programmed in order to influence our per-sept-ion.
This is not about using this knowledge as a form of manipulation. (which has already been done for thousands of years since the ancient times of the Phony Phoenicians who
gave us our modern Phonics and Phonectics..... does the phrase“HOOKED on PHONICS” ring a bell?!) This is about REVERSING the programming and mind control that HAS been instilled within us for THOUSANDS of years via government (govern: Latin- meaning to steer or CONTROL + MENT: Latin- meaning MIND) regulated institut-ions, and spelling, which is known as SPELL CASTING or SPELL BINDING, as in to BIND and TIE us into servitude of the mind by the use of their SPELLING.
So we are actively BREAKING that SPELL by breaking down the very words, symbols, letters, and phonics that have been used to paint or white wash our per-sept-ion of reality. There are MANY great minds, artists, philosophers and thinkers who have caught on to this through the ages and have left clues and great wisdom for us to see, if we only had the EYES to see it!

About the author: Made Manifest / Cullen Smith / Cullen Smith.
My vision for heading the Syncretics and Esoteric Etymology (SEE) Academy is to share as much information as possible, which can help dissolve boundaries and barriers between our under-standing of each other in order to achieve greater clAIRity and thus eliminate the primitive monkey-chatter response of missed-understanding which leads to separation, argue-ment (arguing of the mind) and de-bate (which LITERALLY means to “BEAT DOWN TO DEATH!”) so that we finally/finale see that every point-of-you is valid when we begin to use a formula to break down walls between commonly cherished ideas, which are usually the dogmatic result of CULT- ur-al programming...
If I were to imagine a scenario that sums up my mission, I would liken it to sitting at the command center of a universal information hub, working the switchboard, absorbing data and dishing it out in front of as many faces as possible, sort of like what mainstream media does, sifting out the Truth from the bullshit, whereas THEY only serve up the fresh steaming platter of bullshit completely distilled from the Truth...
I humbly and great-fully invite you to join in our journey dis-covery as we each have a unique per-SPEC-tive that is valuable beyond measure and we can ALL con-tribute something special during this great time of Apo-Calypso (unveiling of Knowledge). Gratitude (great attitude), Love and Wisdom to all! Namaste.
Syncretics is a term I use as a formula for learning, with the term syncretism as the act of applying this formula. Syncretism means the “reconciliation of d...
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Where do the Bones Remain
Juanita Nielsen went missing in 1975
Kings Cross Police Station opened in 1977.
Donald Mackay went missing feared murdered 1977
Rosaleen Norton came under Police notice in October 1955 when we only had 9 missing persons within Australia.
Rosaleen Norton died in 1979 in St Vincent's Hospital however her plaque is on Darlinghurst Road for the Witch of Kings Cross and where her body will be found within her Witches Coven.
Beaumont Children 26 January 1966
Azaria Chamberlain 17 August 1980 Azaria means Rose.
Where do the bones remain?
Maurice Bernard Houghton
Kerry Packer
Where do the bones remain?
Prime Minister Harold Holt
President John F. Kennedy
Where do the bones remain?
Christopher Flannery
Tony Jones
Where do the bones remain?
There will be more.....
Kings Cross Police Station opened in 1977.
Donald Mackay went missing feared murdered 1977
Rosaleen Norton came under Police notice in October 1955 when we only had 9 missing persons within Australia.
Rosaleen Norton died in 1979 in St Vincent's Hospital however her plaque is on Darlinghurst Road for the Witch of Kings Cross and where her body will be found within her Witches Coven.
Beaumont Children 26 January 1966
Azaria Chamberlain 17 August 1980 Azaria means Rose.
Where do the bones remain?
Maurice Bernard Houghton
Kerry Packer
Where do the bones remain?
Prime Minister Harold Holt
President John F. Kennedy
Where do the bones remain?
Christopher Flannery
Tony Jones
Where do the bones remain?
There will be more.....
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Bible and Freemasonary? A look at the initials in the Mona Lisa?
The central piece of furniture in any well governed Masonic Lodge is the Holy Bible or Volume of Sacred Law (VSL). Placed upon the Altar in the center of the Lodge room it pours forth upon the East, West, and South its refulgent rays of Divine Truth. The Bible is used among Freemasons as a symbol of the will of God, however it may be expressed. It contains plain teaching for every rank of soul and state in life, which so far as they honestly and implicitly obey, they will be happy and innocent to the utmost powers of their nature, and capable of victory over all adversities, whether of temptation or pain. So much is its importance in Masonic daily life that it is also called one of the "Three Great Lights of Freemasonry." In a Lodge consisting entirely of Jews, the Old Testiment alone may be placed upon the Altar, and Turkish Freemasons make use of the Koran. Whether it be the gospels to the Christians, the Pentateuch to the Israelite, the Koran to the Muslem, or the Vedas to the Brahman, it everywhere Masonically conveys the same idea-- that of the symbolism of the Divine Will revealed to man.
In the ancient world, literary works were written on rolls or scrolls. The book form, called Codex, did not emerge until around the second century A.D. The Old Testament books were written on skins. The New Testament books were originally written on papyrus. Papyrus was made from the papyrus reed called a bulrush.
Bilbus or bulbos is the Greek word from which our word Bible comes. Biblos originally was the word for the papyrus bulrush itself; it then became the word for the papyrus writing material made from that bulrush; it then went on to mean a roll of papyrus; and finally it came to mean a book.
The work biblia was then coined to describe little books, and since the Scriptures are essentially that—a collection of little books—the word Bible was used to describe them.
This wonderful Masonic Bible pictured above was made by The Masonic History Company and has the complete Old and New Testaments. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament, a total of 66 books. Included are a Preface by H. L. Haywood, FREEMASONRY AND THE BIBLE, A Bible Readers' Manual, A Sketch of the early Churches, the Ancient Versions of the Old Testament, New Testament Apocrypha, Hebrew Festivals, and has a full index and concordance. Of course what makes this Bible so special is its intricately hand-carved abalone shell cover. This Bible has approximately 1,100 pages and measures 8 inches tall by 5 1/2 inches wide and is 2 1/4 inches deep.
In the ancient world, literary works were written on rolls or scrolls. The book form, called Codex, did not emerge until around the second century A.D. The Old Testament books were written on skins. The New Testament books were originally written on papyrus. Papyrus was made from the papyrus reed called a bulrush.
Bilbus or bulbos is the Greek word from which our word Bible comes. Biblos originally was the word for the papyrus bulrush itself; it then became the word for the papyrus writing material made from that bulrush; it then went on to mean a roll of papyrus; and finally it came to mean a book.
The work biblia was then coined to describe little books, and since the Scriptures are essentially that—a collection of little books—the word Bible was used to describe them.

This wonderful Masonic Bible pictured above was made by The Masonic History Company and has the complete Old and New Testaments. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament, a total of 66 books. Included are a Preface by H. L. Haywood, FREEMASONRY AND THE BIBLE, A Bible Readers' Manual, A Sketch of the early Churches, the Ancient Versions of the Old Testament, New Testament Apocrypha, Hebrew Festivals, and has a full index and concordance. Of course what makes this Bible so special is its intricately hand-carved abalone shell cover. This Bible has approximately 1,100 pages and measures 8 inches tall by 5 1/2 inches wide and is 2 1/4 inches deep.
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Tree of Knowledge....The Bible has the patent on Cannabis oil
Listed on the Nasdaq in 2013.
Granted an exclusive licence on the USA federal government patent #6630507 (Cannabis as neuroprotectant and antioxidant) funnily enough , in 2013.
USFDA currently suggesting their Cannabis extract medicine for epilepsy, epidolex will be fast tracked into the US market.
GW are also about to enter into clinical trials for cannabis extracts to treat glioma (brain cancers)
Listed on the Nasdaq in 2013.
Granted an exclusive licence on the USA federal government patent #6630507 (Cannabis as neuroprotectant and antioxidant) funnily enough , in 2013.
USFDA currently suggesting their Cannabis extract medicine for epilepsy, epidolex will be fast tracked into the US market.
GW are also about to enter into clinical trials for cannabis extracts to treat glioma (brain cancers)
Cannabis-not medicinal unless a big pharma company is granted exclusive rights to exploit it and make obscene corporate profits from a herb that everyone could easily grow themselves for free. Also, when growing organically at home, you get the FULL PLANT extract, with all the healing cannabinoids and terpenes.
Isolating one component is not going to work for more than a small number of people.
Many epileptics for e.g get more benefit from full plant thca extract than from pure CBD extract.
It's all about the individual patient.
or should be....
Isolating one component is not going to work for more than a small number of people.
Many epileptics for e.g get more benefit from full plant thca extract than from pure CBD extract.
It's all about the individual patient.
or should be....
We have groups of concerned citizens meeting around the world. Many have life threatening diseases from Cancer, to Tumors then to Parkinson even to Childhood Epilepsy.
Pharaceutical companies are taking a plant and producing from it, however these same owners in the past caused the Prohibition to happen to stop the oil from being researched and utilised.
Is this the tree of knowledge, where Satan Lucifier on earth in the bible was told not to TAKE?
I now have to wonder as I too are welcomed in the world where a Dr Andrew talks about different strengths of drugs of the cannabis seeds and plant extracts. It was informative, yet the most amazing thing was hearing a mother talk about the miracle she had seen happen for her child in front of her eyes.
I realised then the Tree of Knowledge has to be the Cannabis oil, and we were all convienced it was the apple and the seeds for the Vitamin B 17? Was it the holder of the oil for us to retain the vitamins of healing within the body. Our Pineal Gland, our automatic system within the human subconscious mind is missing something when we are sick. The fuel, the oil to burn for the energy within us all to thrive.
We have learnt so much, yet so little when we allow companies to control patents which could help the wider community when the cost of growing a plant for personal use, to the paying of large corporations on a substance where the Bible talked and told us all about the miracles the annoiting of the oil had on the human body for healing the sick.
We have to look at the structure some said in the meeting of the Cannaloids, others talked about it was the staple to eat from the hemp seeds, to the hemp seed oil. The massages I have given people utilising the Hemp seed with Frankicense all to return our DNA back to normal.
We talked about the hidden power in society, the law where many of the ways of Prohibition have hindered the health of so many people as back in the 1800's to 1937 Heroin, Inca, Cannabis even Cocaine were utilised for medicine and we didn't have the Bioweapon Cancer then.
The Tree of Knowledge lets give it back to the people.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
The Bible had the key for the hidden patterns for MURDER
Adam and Eve, the Golden Apple. Next time you visit a brothel,
ever wondered what happens behind the scenes....check out
The Kings Cross Sting Vacancy empty on Darlinghurst Road, is this the Pit of Death
The brothel in Kings Cross, is just the Casual Vacancy that exists.
Kings Cross, or is it King of the X as the X relates to Black Magic.
Biblical References, just read you like me will be shocked at the meaning
where the Rebellion Angel sends the crime wave to terror in the general Public.
Then look at dates, with references to Meteor showers, Blue Moon
and the Planets as the timing in some cases of horrific crimes.
Author Jennifer Stone
Queen of the Cross
Maltese sic Cross Further research
Within the drug network, allegedly the worshipping of the King with in the teachings, is carried out with a black and white reference as we
found within the Luna Park Ghost Train Fire we note the researching within the Jewish system as Abe Saffron was Jewish and the links
to allegedly Hells Angels, Rebellion Angel, Red and White stripes the opposite as I was brought up with a Grandfather a Mason would think
the access to the research of World Famous Sparkling Chandeliers, this is history.....The pimps utilising the Escorts, as the Sex Museum will
expose for the alleged movement of the drug network. However the Escorts are the guard of honour the strength hidden behind
the alleged drug network.
This brothel, has been built on the Michael's Ley line, this has been worshipped by the drug network like the Skull and Bones
Tomb in Yale University.
Yom Kipper ends with the blowing of the Shofar, The trumpet that heralds the Coming of the Messiah,
An ancient prayer in a Jewish Day of Atomment. Our Righteous Messiah has departed from us,
We are horror-stricken, and have none to Justify us, Our inquities and the yoke of our transgessions,
He bears on his shoulder the burden of our sins, To find Pardon for all our inquities,
By HIS STRIPES we shall be healed-
O Eternal one, it is time that thou should create him a new!
The links to Aliens, have gone down since the disappearance of Prime Minister Harold Holt.
Moloch has been traditionally interpreted as the name of a god, possibly a god titled the king,
but purposely misvocalized as Molek instead of Melek using the vowels of Hebrew bosheth ’shame’.
Moloch appears in the Hebrew of 1 Kings 11.7 (on Solomon’s religious failings):
Then did Solomon build a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and lmlk,
the abomination of the Sons of Ammon.
But in other passages the god of the Ammonites is named Milcom, not Moloch (see 1 Kings 11.33; Zephaniah 1.5). The Septuagint reads
Milcom in 1 Kings 11.7 instead of Moloch which suggests a scribal error in the Hebrew. Many English translations accordingly follow the
non-Hebrew versions at this point and render Milcom.
(The form mlkm can also mean ‘their king’ as well as Milcom and therefore one cannot always be sure in some other passages whether the
King of Ammon is intended or the god Milcom.) It has also been suggested that the Ba‘al of Tyre, Melqart ‘king of the city’ (who was probably the
Ba‘al whose worship was furthered by Ahab and his house) was this supposed god Moloch and that Melqart/Moloch was also Milcom the god of the
Ammonites and identical with other gods whose names contain mlk. But nothing particularly suggests these identifications other than mlk in the various names.
The Hebrew word for yellow is 'y@raqraq' meaning yellow or greenish yellow. It is connected with the description of gold only in the Psalms:
"Though you lie down among the sheepfolds, You will be like the wings of a dove covered with silver, And her feathers with yellow gold." Psa 68:13
Gold or Yellow: Symbolizes the Glory of God ; divine nature; holiness; eternal deity; the Godhead; Purification; majesty; righteousness; divine light; kingliness; trial by fire;
mercy; power; His Deity; Glory. Revelations 3:18; Revelations 4:4; Mal: 3:3; 1 Peter: 1:7
· Yellow or Gold is also primary. It always speaks of trial and purging. "That trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire,
might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ".(1 Peter 1:7)Amos 5.27 reads in close translation:
But you shall carry Sikkut your king,
and Kiyyun, your images, the star-symbol of your god
which you made for yourself.
The Septuagint renders ‘your king’ as Moloch, perhaps from a scribal error, whence the verse appears in Acts 7.43:
and Kiyyun, your images, the star-symbol of your god
which you made for yourself.
The Septuagint renders ‘your king’ as Moloch, perhaps from a scribal error, whence the verse appears in Acts 7.43:
All other references to Moloch use mlk only in the context of “passing children through fire lmlk”, whatever is meant by lmlk, whether it means “to Moloch” or
means something else. It has traditionally been understood to mean burning children alive to the god Moloch. But some have suggested a rite of purification by fire instead,
though perhaps a dangerous one. References to passing through fire without mentioning mlk appear in Deuteronomy 12.31, 18.10–13; 2 Kings 21.6; Ezekiel 20.26,31; 23.37.
So the existence of this practice is well documented. For a comparable practice of rendering infants immortal by passing them through the fire, indirectly attested in early
Greek myth, see the entries for Thetis and also the myth of Demeter as the nurse of Demophon.
Strong's Number H6669 matches the Hebrew צָהֹב (tsahob), which occurs 3 times in 3 verses in the Hebrew concordance of the KJV
Page 1 / 1 (Lev 13:30 - Lev 13:36)
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Page 1 / 1 (Lev 13:30 - Lev 13:36)
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Then the priest shall see 7200 the plague 5061: and, behold, if it [be] in sight 4758 deeper 6013 than the skin ; [and there be] in it a yellow 6669 thin 1851 hair ; then the priest 3548 shall pronounce him unclean : it [is] a dry scall , [even] a leprosy upon the head or beard 2206.
And in the seventh 7637 day the priest shall look 7200 on the plague 5061: and, behold, [if] the scall spread not, and there be in it no yellow 6669 hair , and the scall 5424 [be] not in sight deeper 6013 than the skin 5785;
Psa 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Danel 11:43 He will gain control over the gold, silver, and treasures of Egypt, and the Libyans and Ethiopians will be his servants.
Daniel 2: 42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.
Biblical texts
The pertinent Biblical texts follow in very literal translation. The word here translated literally as ’seed’ very often means offspring. The forms containing mlk have been left untranslated. The reader may substitute either “to Moloch” or “as a molk”.
The pertinent Biblical texts follow in very literal translation. The word here translated literally as ’seed’ very often means offspring. The forms containing mlk have been left untranslated. The reader may substitute either “to Moloch” or “as a molk”.
Leviticus 18.21
And you shall not let any of your seed pass through Mo’lech, neither shall you profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.
Leviticus 20.2–5:
Again, you shall say to the Sons of Israel: Whoever he be of the Sons of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that gives any of his seed Mo’lech;
he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones. And I will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people;
because he has given of his seed Mo’lech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. And if the people of the land do at all hide their eyes from that man,
when he gives of his seed Mo’lech, and do not kill him, then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off,
and all that go astray after him, whoring after Mo’lech from among the people.
2 Kings 23.10 (on King Josiah’s reform):
And he defiled the Tophet, which is in the valley of Ben-hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter pass through the fire Mo’lech.
Jeremiah 32.35:
And they built the high places of the Ba‘al, which are in the valley of Ben-hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire Mo’lech;
which I did not command them, nor did it come into my mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
Moloch has also been referred to simply as a rebel angel.
Traditional accounts and theories
The 12th century rabbi Rashi, commenting on Jeremiah 7.31 stated:
The 12th century rabbi Rashi, commenting on Jeremiah 7.31 stated:
Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot,
they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might
not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.
A different rabbinical tradition says that the idol was hollow and was divided into seven compartments, in one of which they put flour,
in the second turtle-doves, in the third a ewe, in the fourth a ram, in the fifth a calf, in the sixth an ox, and in the seventh a child,
which were all burnt together by heating the statue inside.
2 Chronicles 33:1-9 (NKJV) Manassah was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty five years in Jerusalem.
(2) But he did evil in the sight of the Lord , according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel.
(3) For he rebuilt the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down; [My notes Hezekiah was Ahaz’s son.]
he raised up altars for the Ba’als, and made wooden images; and he worshiped all the host of heaven and served them.
[Chambers Encyclopedia melech was often used as divine name for heavenly king.] (4) He also built altars in the house of the Lord
of which the Lord had said “In Jerusalem shall My name be forever”. (5) And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two
courts of the house of the Lord. (6) Also he caused his sons to pass through the fire in the Valley of the son of Hinnom; he
practiced soothsaying, used witchcraft and sorcery. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke Him to anger.
(7) he even set a carved image , the idol which he had made , in the house of God, ……..(9) So Manassah seduced Judah and the
inhabitants of Jerusalem to do more evil than the nations whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel. [Read on to see how Manassah repented.]
That day was in Ezekiel’s day, but as Revelation 2:14 points out it was still going on in the 90’s AD. (14) But I have a few things against you,
because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balaak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel,
to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality. (15) Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolatiams which thing I hate,
[6] Weinfeld argues that the verbs (”to give” or “to cause to pass over or through”) in the legal texts of Leviticus and Deuteronomy
do not indicate “sacrifice” or “burning,” whereas the editors of the Anchor Bible Dictionary point out that the usage of those same
verbs in Num 31:23 certainly do indicate “burning in the fire.” Continuing the argument on whether the children were actually burnt in
sacrifice to Moloch, Alfred Edersheim, who believes that Moloch was really just another form of Baal and must be differentiated
as well from Molech, Milcom, etc.
[14] Traces of Moloch… in modern society “In the ancient rite, the child was sacrificed in the hopes that Molech would bless the family
with a good harvest, victory in battle, or financial gain. In the modern ‘rite’ of abortion, women sacrifice their children for their careers,
social acceptability, or selfish personal needs.”
Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, the fathers Kindle fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the Queen of the heaven.
Jeremiah 1:16 they have burned incense to other gods
Jeremiah 7:31 And they have built the high place of Topheth, it will no more be called Topheth, or the valley of the slaughteer
Jeremiah 9:15 I will feared this people with wormwood and give them poisonous water to drink.
Jeremiah 11:13 This said the Lord to me :Go and buy a linen waistcloth and put it on your loins and do not dip it in waater.
Jeremiah 19:4 Because the people have forsakenme and have profamed this place by burning incense in it to other gods who neither
they nor their fathers, nor the kings of Judah have known; and because they have filled this place with the blood of innocents, and have built
the high places of Ba-al to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Ba’al
Psalms 64
Matthew 27, 277:37 St John Chapter 6, Acts 2:19, Acts 18, Timothy 4:8, Revilation 8:2, Revelaton 9:10, Proverbs 5:4, Proverbs 7,
Proverbs9:13, Proverbs 13:9, Proverbs 18.7, Proverbs 19:26,20:1,25:5,28:25 , 30:30 31:31
King 1:13 and he shall sacrifice upon the priests of the high places who burn incense upon you and men’s bones shall be burned upon you.
Kings 1-20 I sent to you saying ‘Deliver to me your silver and gold, your wives and your children…
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