Showing posts with label In the Cross Fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label In the Cross Fire. Show all posts

Thursday 21 August 2014

Where do the Bones Remain

Juanita Nielsen went missing in 1975
Kings Cross Police Station opened in 1977.
Donald Mackay went missing feared murdered 1977
Rosaleen Norton came under Police notice in October 1955 when we only had 9 missing persons within Australia.
Rosaleen Norton died in 1979 in St Vincent's Hospital however her plaque is on Darlinghurst Road for the Witch of Kings Cross and where her body will be found within her Witches Coven.
Beaumont Children 26 January 1966
Azaria Chamberlain 17 August 1980 Azaria means Rose.

Where do the bones remain?

Maurice Bernard Houghton
Kerry Packer

Where do the bones remain?

Prime Minister Harold Holt
President John F. Kennedy

Where do the bones remain?

Christopher Flannery
Tony Jones
Where do the bones remain?

There will be more.....

Thursday 31 October 2013

In the Cross Fire, the alleged Sabotage of Sparkling Chandeliers

In The Cross Fire The Kings Cross Sting Series continues

As you read through the events and information In The Cross Fire you may on occasion feel like I have jumped from one scenario to another non related scenario. This is because I’ve written the book in the way things were happening to me. I’ve kept it as close to the real event as I can recall and I hope as you go through my story you get an understanding of what I experienced.
Also how I felt when a selected few orchestrated, almost one hundred people to do numerous acts of sabotage on a daily basis over a twelve month period with the aim of eliminating any possibility of my business being even remotely competitive.
Each major incident and person that affected the running of the business was pulled apart and examined to expose the hidden secret or the raw persecution of jealousy.
There was also an avalanche of incidents aimed at discrediting me personally. The mention of my name would be enough reason for anyone anytime in the future and on any level to completely avoid me with the attitude of never having anything to do with me whatsoever. The mere mention of my name would have them running.
The brutality of what I believe they considered a campaign on me was almost unbelievable, and those close to me have all made the same comment, and asked the same question. Most people will not believe what you endured Jennifer, they have all said.
They have all asked with a look of bewilderment, why did they do this to you? Considering the lengths they went to, I would be safe in assuming that one or more individuals would be in some very serious trouble.  They may well be asked questions that they wouldn’t be able to answer without incriminating themselves with a very real likelihood of a lengthy period of imprisonment. I have pondered why for many hours for more than a year now, and the above is the only thing which comes close to making sense. I hope you enjoy reading In The Cross Fire…  Check out our online Bookstore

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Background, In the Cross Fire The Kings Cross Sting exposes significant evidence

Background about
In the Cross Fire
The uncovering of significant evidence, is the most significant part of this series of books The Kings Cross Sting.  How we found the evidence, how the evidence fell into the story, well you have to start right at the beginning.
A few people, will recognize themselves however the story is in the author’s mind they say.  I have dreamt, visualized, the information.  Maybe even manifested to come to the surface.
If you think true crime has never been manipulated to report it?  Why is there Whistleblowers.  Many people find every day significant evidence only to fall on the dead ends.
Some like our story has focused on The Heiress, our reporter from 1975, Editor and chief journalist went missing in action.
How could we leave this undone.  How could we allow this story to be lost and never reported.
To the many journalists that have put together books on The Heiress’s life had you ever wondered what The Heiress was working on at the time of disappearance in reality.
I am sure The Heiress like many Journalists could’ve been undercover.  Exposing the real reason, why on earth this Journalist was taken, disappeared.  Yet her remains have stayed hidden. 
Where we on this story to begin with, no just putting a novel together. 
It started out just like any novel, working through ideas putting pen to paper. Researching many of the items that I believed were icons within Australia and Sydney.  Never the icon I did discover, a courageous reporter who was on a mission where most people had no idea what was happening behind the scenes.  I believe The Heiress had a talent, to uncovering the truth.
However it wasn’t until we moved into Kings Cross on the ground in our undercover identity that we saw the real Kings Cross. The Kings Cross that is killing the area, the thugs, the lowlife’s that have our unemployment benefits and then deal drugs of a night.
Spending twelve months with these underhanded red barons on the ground, they all thought I was the crazy Madame.  A great cover for most, as I worked of a night when the punters and the lights were happening then I would be going home sometimes when peak hour hit the roads in Sydney.
I learnt about the Kings Cross Currency from the first day we opened the doors.  Realising then that my novel was taking on some of the characteristics I was writing about.  I was also reading on the computer of a night, finding all the drug dealers on facebook.  Not hard when they walk in your front door, ask to see the ladies then deal drugs.
I would enjoy seeing the working girls and the clients interact on facebook and down on the main strip the Golden Mile Kings Cross.
Where In the Cross Fire started was just some girls having a very Friday 13th,  some graveyard dirt and a wish.  We had a  40th birthday to celebrate.  We added a touch of real Friday the 13th with some lovely roses from the cemetery as you would to celebrate a night like this.
Being undercover and an author, the drug barons and dealers knew all about me.  As each time they came in from the beginning they were asking questions.  I was an outsider, I was a straighty 180.  I didn’t do drugs, however I was sitting in the premises where extortion, after extortion have happened.  I didn’t know.  I never knew about this type of action ever in my entire life.
They say things happen for a reason, however  this novel In the Cross Fire is understanding  how the drug system works in Kings Cross.  How  the drugs work not just in Kings Cross but for the distribution to many other places.
To start off with a cemetery, a crazy group of girls and then see the miracle that happened.
Have we solved a murder?
For many of the readers it is nice to get a background of where the author was at the time.  The ideas that were going through the mind of the author as she was writing the books.  This sometimes gives us an understanding about the novel that moves fiction into a more reality space which I believe In the Cross Fire deserves.
It was not just about a Madame in Kings Cross, however this Madame X, Editor of the Kings Cross Sting Newspaper for twelve months put up a show where no one really knew what she was doing.

Night after night, Black Jack a local drug dealer aboriginal, wears a jacket always when delivering drugs.  Thick leather gloves, rubber surgical gloves, a hat that varies to cover the black fuzzy hair, full blown aboriginal. Six foot tall Black Jack stands, solid with a tummy that came, wears jeans. Sometimes an anklet, well a police tracking device.  Serious convict, yet he walks and deals drugs on the strip at Kings Cross stays in the local hotel with some of the working girls.
Black Jack would come and ask me questions about where I had worked, what sort of person I was.  My background, 13 court cases some from the Supreme Court to the Local Court all by jealous people.  Having the courage to leave through 11 years of ridicule you learn a lot.
Through out this period in my life, I started 1990 going to the local council meetings.  Wanting to learn more about what was happening in my area.  My husband was asleep so were my children.  I would go off for a night of adult stimulation.  Learning about the Development Control Plans.  Seeing how Council’s codes were shaping the area.
I was first learning about brothel’s when a brothel was placed in a residential environment.  This brothel had many of the issues I have faced within my life with access blocked, with resident action groups formed to stop what a community service.  Seeing Council in a different light, I was actively trying to change the development control plans to be more fair.
Living on the waterfronts, I realized that Jealousy was a problem that affected many people even home owners.  This jealousy seemed to be targeted at the new comer on the block.  Whether the development was moving to be better or to be no change, the residents would not see this.  It would be the jealousy that would control the actions.
Even thou in Kings Cross the drug barons were interviewing me, it was the drugs themselves would blind them from reality.  The jealousy was the fact that I didn’t need drugs.  I didn’t think drugs were a necessity within a brothel situation.
At all times they would manipulate and move the drugs without me knowing.  Well how do you stop it when the police won’t even do a drug raid when you beg.
This was the frustration, the significant evidence or the ability to not see that the drugs were moving into the buildings rather than on the strip.
How does anyone cope when the drugs are the problem, the low life, thugs that push themselves on a business where the Madame X says no.
Some of the drug barons, thought I knew nothing about what was happening around me.  Others would tell you stories so you would think your partner was on drugs, just to find out that the Toxic coffee was the problem that they were setting us up.

This is the key, the brothel that fits the Hooked X Map as the alleged controlling arm of the drug network back in 1948, now in 2013 who controls?  The Outlaw gang don't want it opened.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Premier of NSW, expose the system search the premises that the gang hold precious

Premier of NSW calls for Gangs to be Criminals.

I wrote this in 2012, it is now 2013 and if the Premier of NSW just searches the premises Sparkling Chandeliers in Kings Cross he  will expose the gangs hidden treasures from the 1930's and before.

This premises was once controlled by Abe Saffron, allegedly he was a Cor Scorpion the Red Heart of the Scorpion the elite of the gang.  This is just a mark, however he is dead since 2006 and the gang still protect these premises like the magic that they contain, is the reason why they can deal drugs and not get caught.  Because the Police as Detective Inspector Ian MacDonald of Kings Cross Police said  it was a blind eye he turned as it gave him a job.  

Aren't we trying to stop the drug network, if this gang hold the secrets of the business agreements here for the drug network then it is a reason why the premises hidden compartment needs searching.

Credit: Jennifer Stone
Many punters just have fun and others sell drugs
The Premier of NSW has announced to fast track the alleged bikie group to be a criminal organisation. The organised crime in NSW has allegedly been shooting from one house to another.
Wake up Australia!!!!!
Allegedly 2009 Hells Angels USA were thinking to disowning Sydney Chapter of Hells Angels due to the links to criminal behaviour. This Criminal behaviour didn't stop, it just went underground. The problem went away, the criminal activity has links to drugs, over who owns this illegal drug money. Companies representing these gangs should have the assets confiscated as the money behind has been huge for the operation to exist.
Yet Kings Cross, has an association with many of the groups that move the drugs through our network to the helpless drug user. Some have been through torture with family breaks, life of beatings, till there nerves are shot. To kill the pain they turn to illegal drugs as the legal drugs haven't worked for them for the pain is so deep.
The government has celebrated 555 criminals being pulled through the court system yet we still have had numerous shootings and I am sure the drugs would have ran last night anywhere in Sydney. Yet on the weekend our King of the Cross was pushing the disorganised crime as the problem. 555 Criminals seems more likely organised crime with a network with a system entrenched and existing.
The saying "once used, a user for life is a reality". If we allow the organised crime cause our society a problem, through meetings, through networks, the money feeding this OMBG we need help to bring calm to the country.
Legalising drugs will in fact abolish most of the city of Sydney's problems by treating these drugs as a drug like the methadone clinics to have the control to the government. Even if the price of the drug stayed the same think how much money all the governments of the world will receive.
Lets get behind moving the governments to control the drugs in all societies. We can all die from smoking yet we allow it to exist, taxed heavily to the governments.