Friday 1 May 2015

JP Morgan Chase investigation

JP Morgan Chase's Global Fingerprint in everywhere and this chart shows what it is with Australia's Big Four Banks, that are now being hammered by Senate Inquires into Misconduct, Undue Influence and Conflict of Interest .. the percentage of ownership is the same for the 2nd Tier banks like the Bendigo Bank and all the others...!! 

Elder Financial Abuse and Exploitation at JP Morgan Chase in the USA is now starting to come to light, with the Attorney Generals, District Attorneys and Prosecutors that we have spoken to saying "Chase has been "Covering Up" for its Staff" for a very long time.. !!
If you wonder where this Culture of Corruption and Cover Up within our banks in Australia has come from, you don't need to look too far.. JP Morgan Chase is a Major Shareholder in all Australian banks including the Big Four and the 2nd Tier like the Bendigo Bank..!!
Judges in the USA are not accepting "Plea Deals" with bankers and all hell is about to brake loose, this is just one case and there are thousands about to be exposed just like it...!!
Unlike Australia Attorney Generals, District Attorneys and all Judges (excluding the US Supreme Court, the equivalent to Australia's High Court) are Elected and must meet the Community Standards or suffer the Electoral Consequences of losing their Jobs...!!
Elder Financial Abuse at Chase Bank in the USA is now starting to come to light, with District Attorneys and Prosecutors that we have spoken to saying "Chase has been "Covering Up" for there Staff".. !!

Australia's banking system is totally dominated by the big four (ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, NAB & Westpac)....

Elder Financial Abuse and Exploitation at JP Morgan Chase in the USA is now starting to come to light, with the Attorney Generals, District Attorneys and Prosecutors that we have spoken to saying "Chase has been "Covering Up" for its Staff" for a very long time.. !!
If you wonder where this Culture of Corruption and Cover Up within our banks in Australia has come from, you don't need to look too far.. JP Morgan Chase is a Major Shareholder in all Australian banks including the Big Four and the 2nd Tier like the Bendigo Bank..!!
Judges in the USA are not accepting "Plea Deals" with bankers and all hell is about to brake loose, this is just one case and there are thousands about to be exposed just like it...!!
Unlike Australia Attorney Generals, District Attorneys and all Judges (excluding the US Supreme Court, the equivalent to Australia's High Court) are Elected and must meet the Community Standards or suffer the Electoral Consequences of losing their Jobs...!!
Elder Financial Abuse at Chase Bank in the USA is now starting to come to light, with District Attorneys and Prosecutors that we have spoken to saying "Chase has been "Covering Up" for there Staff".. !!

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