Showing posts with label MH370. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MH370. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Union Bank... George H. W. Bush, Kings Cross have in common with Patent's? Freelance?

The Union Bank was under the brothel in Kings Cross.. ?
George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
Skull and Bones man 322 from Yale University needs to be noted.
His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.
The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
The first set of files, the Harriman papers in the Library of Congress, show that Prescott Bush was a director and shareholder of a number of companies involved with Thyssen.  Union Bank was one of those companies.  Thyssen was allegedly known to have backed the Nazi’s in war.
The second set of papers, which are in the National Archives, are contained in vesting order number 248 which records the seizure of the company assets. What these files show is that on October 20 1942 the alien property custodian seized the assets of the UBC, of which Prescott Bush was a director. Having gone through the books of the bank, further seizures were made against two affiliates, the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation. By November, the Silesian-American Company, another of Prescott Bush's ventures, had also been seized.
The third set of documents, also at the National Archives, are contained in the files on IG Farben, who was prosecuted for war crimes.
In 1924, his father-in-law, a well-known St Louis investment banker, helped set him up in business in New York with Averill Harriman, the wealthy son of railroad magnate E H Harriman in New York, who had gone into banking.
One of the first jobs Walker gave Bush was to manage UBC. Bush was a founding member of the bank and the incorporation documents, which list him as one of seven directors, show he owned one share in UBC worth $125.
The bank was set up by Harriman and Bush's father-in-law to provide a US bank for the Thyssens, Germany's most powerful industrial family.
By the late 1930s, Brown Brothers Harriman, which claimed to be the world's largest private investment bank, and UBC had bought and shipped millions of dollars of gold, fuel, steel, coal and US treasury bonds to Germany, both feeding and financing Hitler's build-up to war.
Between 1931 and 1933 UBC bought more than $8m worth of gold, of which $3m was shipped abroad. According to documents seen by the Guardian, after UBC was set up it transferred $2m to BBH accounts and between 1924 and 1940 the assets of UBC hovered around $3m, dropping to $1m only on a few occasions.
In 1941, Thyssen fled Germany after falling out with Hitler but he was captured in France and detained for the remainder of the war.
May wrote in his report of August 16 1941: "Union Banking Corporation, incorporated August 4 1924, is wholly owned by the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 
Union Bank was under where the brothel was back in the 1940’s.  This was a link to the alleged hidden money and a way where the controlling identities were spread across nations, Australia to America.
The petition to The Hague states: "From April 1944 on, the American Air Force could have destroyed the camp with air raids, as well as the railway bridges and railway lines from Hungary to Auschwitz. The murder of about 400,000 Hungarian Holocaust victims could have been prevented."
The case is built around a January 22 1944 executive order signed by President Franklin Roosevelt calling on the government to take all measures to rescue the European Jews. The lawyers claim the order was ignored because of pressure brought by a group of big American companies, including BBH, where Prescott Bush was a director.
Lissmann said: "If we have a positive ruling from the court it will cause [president] Bush huge problems and make him personally liable to pay compensation."
The US government and the Bush family deny all the claims against them.
I crossed the path of another Serb.  I thought, it was weird how the nationalities of who we came from were circling this cest pool of black magicK for the WILL and FORCE for evil as the struggle happened.
Nikola Tesla, designed the first hydroelectric powerplant in Niagara Falls in 1895.  It was called the Tesla coil which he invented in 1891 which is widely used in radio and television sets which include other electronic equipment.  Nikola was a Serb, just like Alex.
Nikola discovered are the fluorescent light, laser beam, wireless communications, wireless transmission of electrical energy, remote control and robotics.  Tesla is known as the father of the radio and the modern electoral transmissions systems.
Tesla had registered over 700 patents world wide,
We have a company which has come to my attention Freelance in the United States which now holds over 60000 patents I am wondering whether these of Nikola are involved. 
I thought about Alex on the ground and those grubs playing the game of slaughter.  We needed to collect the evidence.  I kept checking on Alex, I knew he was around as I would hear the motor bikes at home and a call as he was checking on me I could feel thou I didn’t see him.
As Sammy Sweet told us both, “when the brothel is searched it will make the newspapers front page around the world”.  It was time I thought to expose this gang.  So I kept pushing as the game of Slaughter this gang played was real.
I thought about the lights, and times we talked looking back it was a system he had seen before yet not to this level as the fear for our lives were real.  We had to keep reporting the evidence to the Police and higher if we were going to bust this gang wide open.
 Nikola Tesla, a Serb, was born on July 10, 1856, in Smilja, Lika province, or what is now modern-day Croatia. Prior to World War I, Smilja was on the border of the Austro-Hungarian empire so, in effect, Tesla was a citizen of Austrian origin. 

The son of a Serbian Orthodox priest who rose to the rank of Archbishop, Tesla had the opportunity to study a variety of topics contained in his father’s personal library. As a young boy, he accompanied his father on trips to Rome, where he was able to study the lesser-known works stored in the Vatican’s vast scientific repository.

Upon completing his studies in engineering and physics at the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria, Tesla attended the University at Prague. He demonstrated, early on, an innate ability to solve mechanical and scientific problems, especially in the area of electricity and its applications in power production. After working for Edison Telephone Company subsidiaries in Budapest, Paris, and other cities throughout Europe, Nikola Tesla went to America, to meet the man whose company gave him his first job,
 Thomas Edison.

Tesla found it difficult to work for Edison (due to Edison’s reneging on financial promises), but soon found backers to finance his research and development projects and his new inventions. Financiers, such as
 John Pierpont (J.P.) Morgan, George Westinghouse and John Jacob Astor were among those who saw the potential in Tesla’s pioneering, entrepreneurial spirit to capitalize on his technological discoveries in electricity, wireless communications, and physics.
Astor, and the Hotel in Kings Cross was Astoria?  Nearly could be a connection to the alleged secret society of power.
Many of Tesla’s patents fell into Nazi hands prior to and during World Wars I and II. As a result, Tesla continuously found himself in litigation over patent rights and other issues. 

Although he had succeeded in winning the majority of his patent lawsuits,
 his technology had been repeatedly stolen and sold to the German Nazis and other foreign governments, so he never achieved the financial success he deserved. The embezzlement of his capitalization went unchecked throughout Tesla’s career.

Tesla spent time in intensive research on X-rays, publishing his results in ten articles in the timeframe of 11th March 1896  11th August 1897.  There were a secret project happening in Coloado Springs.

Nikola was working on devices where the ability of the apparatus to be controlled for wireless remote control of a boat Patent Nol 613809.  This was in 1898.  I thought the mind he had was incredible and how far they came for the research in 1898. 

In 1942, less than a year prior to Tesla’s untimely death, it was already known that principles at New York’s Union Banking Corporation had been caught “Trading with the Enemy,” Nazi Germany. Among the principals was George Herbert Walker, Prescott Sheldon Bush, “son” of industrialist Samuel Prescott Bush, who was president of Buckeye Steel Castings in Columbus, Ohio and the director of the Facilities Division of the War Industries Board.

The WIB gave Samuel P. Bush unprecedented ties to the Eastern elite families through its association with one of the largest weapons manufacturers, Remington Arms. Buckeye Steel Castings supplied the railroad industry, controlled by the Rockefellers, the Harrimans, and J.P. Morgan with coupling parts and chassis for their tankers and railcars.

Archbishop Francis Cardinal Spellman secretly influenced (or controlled) the activities of key intelligence agencies in the U.S., thus, affording the Vatican the opportunity to suppress potentially damaging information from reaching the public. Spellman and Hoover served the same “master,” though it was not the U.S. government. Upon the revelations of the New York/Nazi money laundering and war profiteering, records in the National Archives, in particular those related to Samuel P. Bush, were destroyed “in order to save space.”

Nikola Tesla had emigrated from Austria to the U.S. in order to fulfill his destiny as the most prolific scientific inventor in history.

George Scherf, described in books, newspaper and magazine articles and in biographies distributed throughout the scientific community as Tesla’s “trusted associate, accountant, and sometimes secretary,” stole his inventions, sold them to the Union Banking Corporation (UBC) through his vice-presidency and directorship under the alias of Prescott Sheldon Bush, to be forwarded to Paul Warburg (banker), Fritz Thyssen(industrialist) and I.G. Farben (the largest conglomerate of chemical companies in the world) - the latter two being industrialists loyal to Hitler’s Nazi Party.

GHS1/PSB’s position as “auditor” with the Union Sulphur Company was no accident either. The company’s “president,” German chemist Herman Frasch provided GHS1/PSB with the perfect opportunity to advise him about Tesla’s patents and their financial worth, as well as being a conduit to the oil-rich Rockefellers, for whom they both worked. 

From his teens to his mid-20s, GHS1/PSB had gained valuable experience in learning about the shipping industry. His hands-on experience in transporting soldiers, arms, drugs and large amounts of stolen cash would become the
 trademark of his family - as is in the Bush family legacy today. And the Scherf(f)s were no strangers to murder, as in the case of Nikola Tesla’s demise, which was admitted by Skorzeny.

At the time of his death (by murder, according to Skorzeny) on January 6, 1943, Tesla died virtually penniless.
It was interesting the Patent’s were sold to the Union Bank however if you check this detail today I will further allege it will connect now to the Freelance group of connections for patents.
While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade. The Guardian has seen evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation (UBC) that represented Thyssen's US interests and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war.
Union Bank was a connection I could see in Kings Cross dating back to 1938 as the Union Bank under the brothel where the hidden compartment is. 
Bushes, Walkers, bankers and Nazis - and the Vatican

The Wall Street bankers had already established their connections with their counterparts in Europe - the Rothschilds, the Warburgs and the Bank of England. These relationships were fortified with a series of events that gave G.H. Walker & Co. (Walker’s investment firm) the international prestige GHW sought. 
With the level of “protection” afforded the Hamburg-Amerika Line, money could be shipped to the UBC and Brown Brothers Harriman, ultimately to be laundered and then returned to Hitler in Germany. But the Nazis were not the sole beneficiaries of the loot. The Nazis were the pawns for a far more sinister authority - the Vatican, the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order) and the “Black Pope.”

Weapons for the waging of wars could easily be transported back to Germany and other ports throughout Europe. As previously mentioned, Samuel P. Bush, as director of the
 War Industries Board (WIB), was able to secure contracts for the Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan, Kuhn, Loeb & Company, Brown Brothers Harriman, Union Banking Corporation, George Westinghouse and other wealthy industrialists who profited from arms dealing to both sides of each war the WIB orchestrated.

It was no coincidence that SPB’s “son,” Prescott Sheldon Bush (GHSI/PSB) was appointed a vice-president and partner of UBC by its director (and now, father-in-law), GHW. 

Stoneyhurst College is known as a “Catholic” institution with a primarily Jesuit influence; the college boasts of its association with the Society of Jesus. The Society of Jesus, or the “Jesuits,” proclaims its “service” to the Vatican and to mankind by “assisting the downtrodden through education.” [44]
Further investigation reveals that the Pope is covertly controlled by the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Peter Hans Kolvenbach - the Black Pope. The General Curia (administrative offices where Jesuit business is conducted) is located in “Rome,” more specifically, within the Vatican.

Following the dictates of Ignatius Loyola’s “25 Sessions” and the leadership of the Superior General, the ultimate goal of this secret organization is to,
“destroy and rebuild the Temple of Solomon, reestablishing the seat of the Pope in Israel.”
Historically, the Jesuit mission has been to eliminate Protestant Christianity throughout the world, with the United States being the last frontier to be conquered. Contrary to the self-proclaimed mission to educate and assist the underprivileged in society, the Jesuits actually worship Lucifer (not Satan) and practice the most sadistic forms of human sacrifice, homosexuality, pedophilia, black magic, and murder.

The Society employs a variety of ruthless tactics to accomplish its long-term goal (of a
 New World Order which pays homage to their Black Pope). One is carrying out political assassinations of world leaders who refuse to comply with its demands. These assassinations in the U.S. have included presidents (Abraham Lincoln, JFK), cabinet members, congressmen, senators, diplomats, journalists, scientists and religious and business leaders. 
For purposes of obfuscation and maintaining a spirit of compliance, the Society of Jesus employs (and finances) the services of the,
·     NSA, DHS, FEMA, OSS, ONI, FBI, CIA, DIA, DEA, the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, NASA, the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Congress and other Federal agencies as deemed necessary
Foreign military and intelligence agencies under their control include,
·     the German SS, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (underground Abwehr/DVD), the British MI6 and MI5, the Israeli Mossad, NATO, Interpol the KGB, the Chilean DINA and the United Nations,
to name a few...

Assassinations are carried out by the aforementioned intelligence agencies and their Mafia partners in the drug and gambling trades, often with collateral assistance from,
·     the Knights of Malta
·     the Freemasons
·     the Knights of Columbus
·     Propaganda Due (P2)
Such was the case in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and some former Popes.

During his presidency, President Scherf... er, uh... (aka) President George H.W. Bush, traveled to Hong Kong, demanding trillions of dollars from Wanta and his Chinese partner, Howe Kwong-Kok. 

Howe died of poisoning 10 days later, due to their refusal to turn over the money (amassed under Presidential Order 12333) which was slated to be returned to the U.S. Treasury.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

MH370 Missing report...updates to come...The Kings Cross Sting.

In the last couple of days I had the Malaysian aircraft go missing, and there was a link to Lee Harvey Oswald where I would have to expose for the patterns within my mind to quieten.  I could hear the little voice say, wow this was a pattern. 
The Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah of the airoplane, a 53 year old male. We have the co pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid, is a different personality rom the Captain.
We look at the positions of Uranus by the biwheel acan he danger as it tells us of sudden hangesand mental instability.
Uranus only seems to be seen in the co-pilot we have ransiting Uranus bat 11 degress with Arries in the 5th house.  With the transit of Uranus through natal Sun this shows a blow to the ego, we have Uranus transiting Neptune in the 2nd house affecting th self-esteem.  With the intersectsof Uranus and th natal Lunar noda axis showing bringing his personal problems into the arena, creating drama.
 Have you ever heard of bi-location, or the story of Padre Pio turning back the American bombers in Italy in WWII saving the hidden art treasures?
We have the sighting of the very loud low flying plane in the aldives Island at 6.15am.  He plane was not picked up on the military radar screens, showing the pilot was aware of the radars aound him.
The plane had the ACARS turnd off in a patten.  This allowed the plane to fly low back acrossthe peninsular we have to consider if the plane could have tailgated a plane?  T was a thought.  This was were the Pilot knew a lot about the positions of radar’s to not be detected.  then once at waypoint IGREX the next plot was likely BEDAX in order to avoid detection flying over Indonesia airspace.
§  IGARI – 6° 56′ 12N 103° 35′ 6E
§  VAMPI – 6° 10′ 56N 97° 35′ 8E
§  GIVAL – 7° 0′ 0N 98° 0′ 0E
§  IGREX – 9° 43′ 28N 94° 25′ 0E
Bedax – 5° 21′ 51N 93° 47′ 15E would have been reached by 2:45-3:15am and from that point to plot a course due south over open water held little risk of raising any alarm.
The clock on the wall at Kuala Lumpur International Airport read 12:41am 8 March, 2014.  Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, aka China Southern Airlines flight 748, departed Selangor, bound for Beijing, China. After signing off from connection with the Malay Control Tower at 1:07am, direct contact was lost.
We had another item missing in February 2014 however the newspapers were not connecting.  When the American were withdrawing from Afghanistan, one of their command and control systems (used for controlling the pilotless drones) was hijacked by the Talebans when the American transport convoy was moving down from one of the hill top bases. The Talebans ambushed the convoy and killed 2 American Seal personnel, seized the equipment/weapons, including the command and control system which weighed about 20 tons packed into 6 crates.
This happened about a month ago in Feb 2014.
Was this the way the plane could have been over riden?  Or is their more to come as the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place within the systems of the crimes and how pieces of the puzzle fall together by many around the world.  The wall of secret is the problem I noticed.
Inspectors 10 days earlier found the airplane sound mechanically was it the same plane crossed my mind?
The lack of a radio call “suggests something very sudden and very violent happened,” said William Waldock, who teaches accident investigation at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona.  Or was it planned?
The government authorities are involved are: 
The best team world can get is on MH370 right now.
1.Britain's Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB)
2.US' National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
3.China's Aircraft Accident Investigation Department (AAID)
4.Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)
5.US' Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
9.Malaysia Ministry
10.Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)
March 12, 2014:
I post this information before the fact in case these reports are confirmed true at a later date:
I just heard from a US military source (Wed March 12, 2014) from Thailand, who had relayed information to me early last Monday concerning the missing airliner.

"The airliner was shot down by accident by a Navy destroyer after aircraft was picked up on radar observed doing a series of questionable maneuvers. These acts were determined by the ships crew to be hostile toward their vessel... not sure what Navy was on scene...currently checking nationality of military war ships operating in area at time... two missiles fired... one hit..... aircraft exploded into the sea".
( end of message.., note; report classified as speculation, not confirmed)
4 days later the Patent was filed.
I would put my ideas up on facebook then I noticed how many would just look and do nothing.  For some they would join my facebook and others were watching my You Tube Channel Sparkling Chandeliers all for the reason.
The Patient for the Batteries and energy , yes the employees were all military technology enginners I think- all patent holders for the a company from Texas.  Who is indirectly owned by the Rothschild family the research was leading me.  The patent that those employees were apart of was not filed until after the plane was lost, the MH370. 
It was called the secret patent KL-03 micro controller was recently developed by the corporation for use in military radar systems.  Freescale RF a division of Freescale Semiconductor develops the radar, avionics and missile guidance systems for the military.  By this company alone their were 17 billion computer chips produced by the company in use around the world today. 
Four days after the flight disappeared the patent was issued for the new semiconductor tenchnology.  That license was awarded to five parties – Freestyle Semiconductor and four Chinese employees of the company all of which were on the MH370 plane which went missing.
The Vice-president Mitch Haws of Investor relations for Freescale said, “These were people with a lot of experience and technical background and they were very important people.  It’s definitely a loss for the company.”
We have the timing now the passengers on MH370 have been declared dead, the entire patent can now be awarded to the company, currently owned by Jacob Rothschild.  This is the same Rothschild family who own and manage many of the world’s largest banks and other financial institutions.

They say the planet of Uranus represents airplanes.  When you link Uranus and Aquarius this brings about airplane mechanics.
1)   vedic astro chart i have scorpio rising. 
2) search area or direction is seen in south, west, south west as Mars represent South Direction and Saturn Indicate West; & Rahu represent South-west, hence South- west direction will be severely affected, as they form stellium in libra which is also west sign.
3) Jupiter Represents sky, mars represents Fire, Saturn & Rahu represents Air, and these Four combinations will result in accidents & loss of life. gemini sign also represent west direction
4) the most common features seen in all air accidents.
•Mercury stands for transportation. The affliction to mercury is a basic feature.• The 3rd house in the Natural zodiac stands for short trips. This is Gemini. Gemini also signifies airy sign. Affliction to Gemini is another primary feature in all air accidents.
• The 3rd from Mercury is afflicted in most air accidents.
• The afflicting planet in most cases is Mars signifying explosion, accident and fire.
• Saturn as airy planet also has a role in air mishaps.
• If moon is transiting in the stars associated with the above points and is devoid of positive influence of Jupiter at the time of mishap, the fatalities are certain.
• Saturnine connection to Mercury or moon is also seen in most air mishaps denoting ahazard in the air.
NOTE: please cross verify above parameters.

SEARCH DIRECTION-SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH-WEST mh370 mar 8, 2014 12. 41 am kuala lampur are details i used to caste horoscope
2)   Within the reports we havethe Captain having on his home flight simulator practicing landings with a destination Diego Garcia an airport owned by the United States at a US owned base, this was one of three other runways in India and Sri Lanka which have the runway lengths of 1000 metres.
“The simulation programmes are based on runways at the Male International Airport in Maldives, an airport owned by the United States (Diego Garcia), and three other runways in India and Sri Lanka, all have runway lengths of 1,000 metres.
“We are not discounting the possibility that the plane landed on a runway that might not be heavily monitored
Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein denied yesterday that the plane had landed at US military base Diego Garcia -
After MH370 disappeared from civilian radar in the early hours of March 8, the plane was flown westward from its intended path to Beijing, turning around at Checkpoint Igari in the South China Sea.
 “SIA68 (the Singapore Airlines jet) would have had no knowledge that MH370 was anywhere around and as it entered Indian airspace, it would have shown… with only the transponder information of SIA68 lighting up military radar screens,” he said
From there, it flew on to Checkpoint Vampi, northeast of Indonesia’s Aceh province and a navigational point used for planes following route N571 to the Middle East.
Subsequent plots indicate the plane flew towards Checkpoint Gival, south of the Thai island of Phuket, and was last plotted heading northwest towards another checkpoint, Igrex, used for route P628 that would take it over the Andaman Islands and which carriers use to fly towards Europe.
The complexity involved led aviation experts to set their sights on the pilots and crew.  “When the plane first disappeared there was a possibility of terrorism – that’s still a very real possibility,” he said. 
The plane was carrying top secret cargo with 20 experts within the battery industry on board.  Was this the hidden reason.  No one would think that if this technology could destroy the petrol industry then it would be cargo worth hijacking.  I had a reason now like many of the others were looking for the plane, I had kept thinking it was all relating for the power and the money.  The puppets strings were pulled as the hijacker thought he was going to meet allegedly the blue turban like the cat and mouse game I have been exposing.  That is if these 12 vortex’s around the world have been planned attacked strategies.
‘A US technology company which had 20 senior staff on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar systems in the days before the Boeing 777 went missing.
Freescale Semiconductor, which makes powerful microchips for industries including defence, released the powerful new products to the American market on March 3.
Five days later, Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing with 239 people on board including 20 working for Freescale. Twelve were from Malaysia, while eight were Chinese nationals.
Freescale’s spokesman Mitch Haws has said: “These were all people with a lot of experience and technical background and they were very important people. “It’s definitely a loss for the company.”
Freescale’s shareholders include the Carlyle Group of private equity investors whose past advisers have included ex-US president George Bush Sr and former British Prime Minister John Major.’
Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia Airlines has defended carrying on its missing airliner a consignment of lithium-ion batteries that have previously been blamed for causing fires on aircraft.
The airline’s chief executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said the cargo was not considered hazardous as long as the packaging was done in accordance with international standards.

They have been linked with the crash of a plane in Dubai in 2010 and a fire on an aircraft in the US in 2006.
The US-based Federal Aviation Administration says there were 141 air incidents involving batteries carried as cargo or baggage between 1991 and February this year.
Ahmad Jauhari told a media briefing in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday night the consignment aboard the ill-fated MH370 was done in compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organisation and the International Air Transport Association requirements.
“Despite the reports, it (the battery cargo) is deemed non-hazardous cargo, provided it is handled in accordance to very specific and strict guidelines and compliance,” he said.
“This is done by all airlines.”
Malaysia’s acting transport minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the cargo manifest of the MH370 was being studied by investigators.
He said preliminary investigation did not show anything in the cargo that could have contributed the disappearance of the Boeing 777 with 239 people on board.
The cargo manifest has not been made public. 

March 21 — An international investigation has started on a phone call made from the cockpit of the Malaysia Airlines aircraft by its pilot before Flight MH370 took off on March 8, Malaysia Airlines chief executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said today. -
The police had been ordered to dig deeper into the backgrounds of the 12 crew and 227 passengers after Malaysian authorities confirmed that the flight’s communications had been deliberately disabled before the Boeing 777-200ER swerved left from its eastward route to Beijing.
On March 15, the police had searched Zaharie’s and co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid’s houses, where they had recovered a self-built flight simulator, among other items, from the former’s home.
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar told reporters that an examination of the flight simulator revealed that it contained three aviation programmes — Flight Simulator X, Flight Simulator IX, and X-flight 10.
The two “Flight Simulator” titles are published by Microsoft and marketed to the public.
Khalid also revealed that the data logs of all three games were wiped out on February 3.
Deleting files would not necessarily represent anything unusual, especially if it were to free up memory space, but investigators would want to check the files for any signs of unusual flight paths that could help explain where the missing plane went. 
Today it was also revealed that a remote island in the middle of the Indian Ocean with a runway long enough to land a Boeing 777 was programmed into the home flight simulator of the pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane.
Police are now urgently investigating whether Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah had practised landing at Diego Garcia, an island south of the Maldives occupied by the US navy.
Captain Shah, a father-of-three, was passionate about his simulator, which he built using off-the-shelf parts.

Capt Zaharie had joined an online flight simulator community called X-Sim and after making his simulator, in November 2012 he posted a message about its 'awesome view' inviting 'buddies' to get in touch so they could take the simulator 'to the next level of simulation. Motion!'
'Elo guys, zaharie here,' says the post.
'Awesome view on 3 panasonic 32 in. LCD HDMI and and 3 touchscreen Dell 21 inches for main (MCP) , center pedestal, overhead panel.
'Time to take to the next level of simulation.Motion! looking for buddies to share this passion.
'Capt Zaharie Ahmad Shah, BOEING 777 MALAYSIA AIRLINES.'
Officials believe that someone with detailed knowledge of both the Boeing 777 and commercial aviation navigation switched off two vital datalinks: the ACARS system, which relays maintenance data back to the ground, and the transponder, which enables the plane to be seen by civilian radar.
The source close to the investigation said that it was thought 'highly probable that ACARS was switched off prior to the final verbal message' received for the cockpit.

Ledgerwood, a hobby pilot and aviation enthusiast, said he discovered the theory noticing that another flight of Singapore Airlines (SIA68) was flying from Singapore over the Andaman Sea at the same time. Quoting the military radar data that traced the direction of the missing plane near Malacca Strait, he says it flew with disabled radars and transponders listening to ATC instructions to the Singapore Airlines (SIA68) in the vicinity.

"I investigated further and plotted the exact coordinates of Singapore Airlines flight number 68's location at 1815UTC onto the aviation map. I quickly realized that SIA68 was in the immediate vicinity as the missing MH370 flight at precisely the same time. Moreover, SIA68 was en route on a heading towards the same IGREX waypoint on airway P628 that the Malaysian military radar had shown MH370 headed towards at precisely the same time."

Singapore Airlines flew across the Andaman Sea into the Bay of Bengal and finally into India's airspace from there it to have proceeded across India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and finally Turkmenistan before proceeding onward across Europe to its final destination of Barcelona, Spain.

A report emerged from the Russian and European Union media on Tuesday said the US had seized MH370. Quoting a statement claimed to be from the main intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) at Kremlin in Russia, media reports said Russian agencies were 'puzzled' as to why the United States Navy captured and then diverted the plane to their vast and highly secretive naval base Diego Garcia in the southern part of the Indian Ocean.

The reports said the aircraft had been diverted by the US remotely with the help of a fly-by-wire (FBW) system that replaces the conventional manual flight controls with an electronic interface allowing it to be controlled like any drone-type aircraft.

The GRU was keeping a tab on the flight as it believed that there was a 'suspicious' cargo on board, which was earlier traced to the Republic of Seychelles where it kept aboard the US-flagged container ship, the MV Maersk Alabama.

The theory goes further attacking the US government by linking this cargo with the suspicious death of two highly trained US Navy Seals -- Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, who had been allegedly protecting the cargo on board the US cargo ship. However, the deaths of Navy Seals was reported in the international media earlier. Also it adds that Moscow had alerted China's ministry of state security (MSS) about the flight carrying 'highly suspicious' cargo before the flight.
Managing editor of the Maldives newspaper Haveeru, Ismail Naseer, says about 12 people reported that they saw the plane flying at 3,000 feet.
He said the reports came in after the newspaper ran a story on the missing plane.
"Normally, that route is used for a seaplane, that is a very small plane, but the people told us that they saw a very big plane, like an Airbus," he said.
The Boeing 777-200ER disappeared a week ago with 239 people onboard, including six Australians, during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
"Based on this new data the aviation authorities of Malaysia and their international counterparts have determined that the plane's last communication with the satellite was in one of two possible corridors," he said.
"The northern corridor, stretching approximately from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to southern Thailand, or the southern corridor, stretching across from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean.
The revelation that at least two passengers used stolen passports to board the missing Malaysian Airlines flight has highlighted a large failure in the global passport network.
More than 1 billion passengers boarded planes last year without having their passports checked to see if they were lost or stolen.

BREAKING NEWS: Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced that two new “objects” have been spotted 2500 kilometres south-west of Perth, that may be linked to flight #MH370. The first object is said to be grey or green and circular, the second orange and rectangular.
The pings, automatically transmitted every hour from the aircraft after the rest of its communications systems stopped, indicated it continued flying for hours after it disappeared from its flight path from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
From the time the signals took to reach the satellite and the angle of elevation, Inmarsat was able to provide two arcs, one north and one south that the aircraft could have taken.

Inmarsat experts speak with the ABC

Inmarsat's scientists then interrogated the faint pings using a technique based on the Doppler effect, which describes how a wave changes frequency relative to the movement of an observer, in this case the satellite, a spokesman said.
"We then took the data we had from the aircraft and plotted it against the two tracks, and it came out as following the southern track," Jonathan Sinnatt, head of corporate communications at Inmarsat, said.
The company then compared its theoretical flight path with data received from Boeing 777s it knew had flown the same route, he said, and it matched exactly.
I sent an email to the Prime minister of Australia about the probability of having two different planes with the same registration number in the world would be the easiest way to hide a plane  without damaging it.
There was a facebook feed  regarding the photographs.  I look at photographs for the little things I feel it’s easier when the spirits contact me if I have studied the photographs.  I noticed the front wheel cover within one of the last plane pictures showed either the plane had some repair work or we allegedly really could have two planes circling within the world.
Photo Credit: Gunnar Kullenberg
Photo Credit: Gunnar Kullenberg
Photo taken October 16, 2013 at Los Angeles USA .
Gunnar Kullenberg said "My Encounter with Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200, 9M–MRO….
When I took my picture(s) of Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200, 9M–MRO – I didn't think much of it, other than that it was a beautiful fall day here in Southern California…
Earlier this spring, 2014, I learned that Malaysia Airlines would quit flying to Los Angeles altogether and with that eliminate all flights to the US, so I decided to pay a little extra attention to Malaysia Airlines…
A couple of days later, I saw on the news, that a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 was missing.
I wondered if I might have a shot of this particular aircraft, and a quick search on "9m-mro" on my computer revealed that I did…that discovery created a strange feeling.
I started to think as I go over the evidence it will  lead me to the direction of allegedly  the criminal gang or system.  Names will come up. 
8th March 2014 

12:41 Take off
1:07 to 1:37 ACARS off between these times
1:19 Last Words
1:21 Disappears from Radar
1:21 Transponder off
1:38 Other aircraft in area were asked to contact MH370 but received unclear reply due to “a lot of static”!
2:14 Malaysian Military radar tracks plane near Phuket
8:11 Last ping signal received by Satellite
For the plane to stay undetected there are a few things that can be done:
Terrain mapping by the pilots; flying low and hugging the terrain to evade radar detection to get to a point where it could shadow another plane. This has been soundly debunked as implausible for a jumbo sized airliner with a radar signature some 50 times the size of a jet fighter which could possibly fly as low as 50 to 100m above ground and dodging trees, hills and High Tension lines strung across valleys in familiar terrain
Plane disappears from civil radar but not military.
Thai military radar apparently tracked MH370 "intermittently", as one spokesperson commented: 
“The unknown aircraft’s signal was sending out intermittently, on and off, and on and off”.
This shows the airplane was allegedly planned as the radar was being blocked in part many people related to this.
MH370 was remotely hijacked by an AWACS plane with radar blocking capability with the intention to fly it to Diego Garcia for its Cargo, the passengers, or both,
According to records on plane registration an identical Malaysian Airlines sister airplane Boeing 777-200 was previously sold to GA Telesis which was re-registered and flown to Tel Aviv on 4 September 2013. 
According to 
Malaysian Air 777 manufacturer serial number 28416 registered as 9M-MRI was sold to GA Telesis on 21 Oct 2013 and now registered as N105GT. So the image below shows this aircraft still registered as 9M-MRI and stored at Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees on 04 Oct 2013, and then on 04 Sep 2013 it’s re-registered as N105GT and stored at Tel Aviv.
The last time that this Malaysian Boeing 777 had been seen was in November 2013 when it was landing in Tel Aviv. Since then that airplane had never been seen again.

It was stored for dissembling but then was obviously NOT dissembled but it was spotted when flying to Tel Aviv in November 2013.
Since then, the 777 Malaysian Airlines has not been seen.
Beijing 26 March 2014 

Malaysian officials told Chinese relatives in Beijing that there is “sealed evidence” which
can’t be released.
The sealed evidence included air traffic control radio transcript, radar data and airport security recordings.
30 March 2014
It has been disclosed that MI6, CIA and Chinese Intelligence Agencies are involved investigating the disappearance of MH370, fueling speculation that terrorism is high on the list of possible causes for the mysterious vanishing of the Boeing 777.
“What does this all mean? Autopilot is out of options. You see, here is the simple problem--none of the possible paths can be reconciled with a geodesic (Great Circle) which means that the plane turned at multiple points. How could it turn? Well, the plane was “flown” to its final location--either manually by a human, or by a program entered into the flight management system. These results strongly suggest that wherever MH370 is, the odds are that someone wanted it there.” 

This conclusion is lending further credence to the theory that the plane was deliberately flown to a destination where it will never be found so that the identical plane in storage in Tel Aviv can be used for a false flag terror op, blaming Iran for it in an attempt by the Zio Warmonger State to get its long desired war with their perceived nemesis, peaceful Iran.
6 April 2014 report:
The aircraft deliberately skirted Indonesian airspace as it went off the grid and veered off course, a senior Malaysian government source told CNN.
After reviewing radar track data from neighboring countries, officials have concluded that the passenger jet curved north of Indonesia before turning south toward the southern Indian Ocean, a senior Malaysian government source told CNN on Sunday.
CNN aviation analyst Miles O'Brien said the new route includes designated waypoints that pilots and air traffic controllers use.
"This particular route that is laid out happens to coincide with some of these named intersections," he said. "So what it shows is an experienced pilot somewhere in the mix on this."