Showing posts with label Judyth Baker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judyth Baker. Show all posts

Monday 24 November 2014

Judyth Baker reports Evidence on Lee Harvey Oswald

Ralph Cinque, who runs the OIC--the Oswald Innocence Campaign--is telling his group that I have no witnesses and no evidence except for 'Reily.' Here is my reply, for all who might be influenced by this fiction: YOU SAY I HAVE NO WITNESSES? Anna Lewis is not a witness? She's on YOUTUBE: see her HERE: Mac McCullough, the Charles Thomas family, are not witnesses? Though it was Clay Shaw who met with Lee, according to Vernon Bundy, Andrej' s message is far more accurate than yours, Besides the witnesses, ask yourself who gave the leads that allowed researchers to learn that Lee worked with Customs (I did). When I stated AShaw and Ochsner worked together in 1999, nobody believed me--it is now common knowledge. Ask why I would defend an accused assassin rather than use my witnesses as proof, and then say Lee killed Kennedy...instead I defend him. As for what Lee Oswald told marina, we have ONLY her word for that. The same woman who told the WC that Lee was going to shoot Nixon--even the WC knew that was a lie. The same woman who last year said if she spoke out, she was afraid the Secret service would kill her. The same woman who found lee's wedding ring sitting on the dresser the next morning. The lie that he then decided to kill JFK based on his anger at her refusal to live with him is obvious when you realize that the WC also claimed lee had created a sack to carry the rifle into the TSBD--which was at least no later than the day before. Even Ruth Paine saw nothing but a harmony between the two that night. What do you say about the FBI searching the lockers in Laredo? Lee left his clothes there because he had been told he would be able to return to Mexico by Christmas. What about the two reports that Lee oswald was obtaining information about quickie divorces along the border towns there? What about Lee placing "Catholic" on his Mexican Tourist Visa application, when Castro was executing nuns and priests? he had been raised Lutheran. How did I know all about Charles Thimas, who got Lee's passport in 24 hours--who I was able to describe to his family in total detail, including his working at the border and Crystal Beach--after which the relatives showed me a photo taken of Thomas just when I said he was there? How about the fact that in the book Marina and lee, it says Lee wept when he said goodbye to Marina on his way to Mexico City, because he and she knew they would never see each other again? Lee told her he was going to go to Cuba. And stay there, when actually, we were going to marry there. How did I know about the gray book of Pushkin's poems in Russian that Lee read to me, that even Mary Ferrel insisted meant I had to have known Lee Oswald, since she and her husband Buck had visited Ruth Paine, who had brought forth that book--one the police missed--that once belonged to lee? I told her all about that book in the presence of two witnesses who are still alive, and she was astonished. Why would i have saved all the original check stubs--how is it that researchers entered the apartment on 1032 and verified that its interior was almost exactly the same as in 1963, even to the overhead lights still in the same place? Who else can explain the discrepancies in his Retail Credit background report? Who can explain what happened in Clinton--and, by the way, Mary Morgan recently confirmed that I had to have been the woman in the car when Lee drive me out there. How did I know about the abort team when it had never been published before, so that Jim Marrs knew I had known Lee oswald? Why did Gerry hemming, after I told him personal things about his life that Lee told me, that NOBODY KNEW, send Nigel Turner to film me for The Men Who Killed Kennedy? Why do I fight for Lee's exoneration ? How is it that Edward T. Haslam discovered who i was, all the special training I had, and since then, has constantly come up with new evidence supporting my involvement with Lee, Dr. Sherman and David Ferrie? For example, the date that Lee and i drove up to Jackson, that same day was the 'end' of the project --we would have to wait for the prisoner to die....Lee stopped all demonstrations.... I returned to Florida... Mary Sherman flew the same day to London and her apartment was stripped of all evidence that same night through a 'burglary' that took mainly medical equipment. Nopody even knew Lee worked for Standard Coffee --it slipped past them--until I produced the check stub showing we were hired there together the same day, were there a week, and then transferred together to Reily. The Green Glass is a treasure in our family and ever since 1980, dozens of people in Houstion knew that Lee had been my friend, that we had worked together and rode the streetcars and buses together. You will not find a better explanation of WHY Clay Shaw and David ferrie could NOT leave those staring eyes of all those Clinton witnesses--because they were tied down waiting for a payphone call, to join the convoy. Lee did not have proper ID to get registered--nor was Shaw or a Cadillac needed to get Lee to Clinton. And people working for mental hospitals are not crazy, so the idea he was to work there to frame him as 'crazy' is quite silly. Lee pretended to want a job there as an excuse to be able to return, when he had to drive me there only 72 hours later, this time in an old car. There is much more that now connects the dots. Because i was there. God bless those who are humble enough to change their minds when confronted with the truth. I have lost my career, my health, a lot of my eyesight over this, and some of my children will not speak to me over this. Do you think that has been easy to live with, to speak out, with such consequences? It takes a long time for me to write this without caps, hard to see, please forgive any typos. It's easy to attack me because I defend Lee. But love overcomes all things. Thank you for this opportunity to respond. JVB.
Judyth Baker She died recently.... she allowed this video of her to be spread far and wide... even though she lost her job for a year and a half and was also threatened that her 20 year old son who had half his brain removed due to cancer (and was therefore extremely handicapped) would be taken from her;;...she told Martin Shackelford WHO made the threats and pushed her to recant--but she refused to cave in....this same person who threatened Anna attacks me all the time to this very day...THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT I DID FIND WITNESSES, THANK GOD, STILL ALIVE AND ABLE TO BE RECORDED FOR HISTORY.
Video interview with Anna Lewis Anna Lewis knew Lee Harvey Oswald and Judyth Baker in New Orleans. This is the previously ...

Judyth Baker She died recently.... she allowed this video of her to be spread far and wide... even though she lost her job for a year and a half and was also threatened that her 20 year old son who had half his brain removed due to cancer (and was therefore extremely handicapped) would be taken from her;;...she told Martin Shackelford WHO made the threats and pushed her to recant--but she refused to cave in....this same person who threatened Anna attacks me all the time to this very day...THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT I DID FIND WITNESSES, THANK GOD, STILL ALIVE AND ABLE TO BE RECORDED FOR HISTORY.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Judyth Baker Niacin comment

Judyth Baker

Glad you've revised the diet but no, you can ENSURE absorption if B vitamins, esp. NIACIN, are added with meals. The Niacin was the most important, and you cannot possibly get the amount needed for therapy in the diet. Wishing you the best!

Hemp seeds have Niacin

Monday 17 November 2014

Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome

Per a Veteran of the Marines who commented on about the use of Ciprofloxacin by soldiers in the Gulf:
“The Ciprofloxacin 500 mg were ordered to be taken twice a day. The Marines were the only service that I know for sure were given these orders. We were ordered to start them before the air war, and the order to stop taking them was giver at 0645 Feb 28th 1991 by General Myatt 1st Marine div commander. We were forced to take Cipro 500mg twice a day for 40 plus days. so the Marines were given NAPP (nerve agent protection pills) or pyridiostigmine bromide to protect us from nerve agent, and We were ordered to take the Cipro to protect from anthrax. We were part of the human research trial conducted by the Bayer corporation in the creation of their new anthrax pills. At that time they had no idea of the side effects of flouroquinolones. That’s the class of medications that Cipro falls into. After the Gulf War the FDA and Bayer co. started releasing the list of side effects.  You do need to know what was done to you so you will have to do your own research. Good luck to all of you and Semper Fi.”
By definition, everyone who suffers from Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome has taken a fluoroquinolone – Cipro/Ciprofloxacin, Levaquin/Levofloxacin, Avelox/Moxifloxacin or Floxin/Ofloxacin.  Civilians are also part of the “human research trial conducted by the Bayer corporation” as well as Johnson & Johnson, Merck and multiple generic drug manufacturers who peddle fluoroquinolones as “safe” antibiotics.
This is a link to when the DNA is affected or part of the DNA has become paralysis and not working.  For this gang to control the sickness in people they have learnt to manipulate the DNA of a human being.
When our immune system is struck, this is what I had we increased the Vitamin B to high levels and then add Vitamin C for absorbency. 
Vitamin B was the research coming through from Judyth Vary Baker I have on this blog.
These vaccinations were given to the troops, yet where was the choice and how many were affected?  The game of Slaughter they play.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

OSWALD Innocent Campaign Judyth Baker breaking news.

Breaking News from Judyth Baker.

I read this, interesting it said by Oswald he was talking to a Judge. Now no one has picked up this, It was reported in Penthouse Magazine. Now we know this gang control the media this report slipped through. Very good report.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT "THE OSWALD INNOCENCE CAMPAIGN." I HAVE LEFT THIS GROUP, WHICH HAD GREAT POTENTIAL TO EXONERATE LEE, BUT WHICH HAS NOSEDIVED INTO ABSURD THEORIES THAT NOW ACTUALLY IMPLICATE LEE AS EITHER A DO-NOTHING COWARD OR SOMEBODY WHO ACTUALLY HELPED THE KILLERS! RALPH CINQUE (FOUNDER) AND PROMINENT MEMBER RICHARD HOOKE HAVE BEEN DESTRUCTIVE TO THE VERY NAME OF THE GROUP. I DO NOT THINK DR. FETZER IS AWARE OF THE HERETICAL TURN THE GROUP HAS TAKEN. HOOKE HAS DONE EVEN MORE DAMAGE THAN CINQUE (WHO SAYS LEE WAS A COWARD FOR NOT RUNNING OUT INTO THE STREET TO STOP THE ASSASSINATION, WHILE ASSUMING LEE DID 'NOTHING' INSIDE THE TSBD TO TRY TO STOP THE MURDER! HOW DOES HE KNOW THAT?). HOOKE SAYS LEE HELPED THE SHOOTERS ON THE SIXTH FLOOR TO KILL KENNEDY-- AND EVEN MISUSES QUOTES FROM MY BOOK TO 'SUPPORT' HIS THEORY, WHICH IS FULL OF HOLES. HERE IS MY RESPONSE: Richard! There are so many reasons why your theory falls flat on its face. (1) Loy Factor didn't whisper a word about any of this until the same year Mac Wallace died, when many stories appeared in the news concerning Wallace as a killer, with many details. (2) Factor had many opportunities to work in the building, and just because he could describe the interior (which,by the way, was shown in photos all over the place) doesn't mean he was up there on the sixth floor, with a rifle, but CONVENIENTLY, claims he did NOT fire HIS rifle. You state as if fact that the rifle was never fired to support this unlikely statement (what would have happened to a man who was paid $2000 and offered much more, after this took place, when he refused to shoot? think about that!)...The rifle may have been fired, but it was not checked to see if it HAD been fired--quite a different thing from saying it had NOT been fired you cite several witnesses to back up FOUR people on the 6th floor, who ALL said they saw TWO people on the sixth floor, and you offer this as 'proof' for FOUR people on the sixth floor (3) you misuse my statements and quote my personal account of what Lee told me to back up your perfidious theory, which appalls me... Lee would never have cooperated to the extent that you claim, and Victoria Adams and Sandra Stiles, coming down the stairs, establish that Lee Oswald was never on the sixth floor, as he could not have descended ahead of the girls (4) To top everything, Richard, Ralph Cinque in the same group now says Lee Oswald failed to help stop JFK form getting killed because he didn't run into the street waving his hands to stop the assassination, though i have explained that Lee was part of an abort group--an abort team--and had to stay inside the building so the others would believe he would participate in the murder. lee believed he'd be found dead with a rifle in his hands. He was a good shot, but not a world class shot, and besides, he had seen too many faces. (5) You use Loy Factor's claim as 'fact' when he says Lee was with them all day and all night on Thursday night, when Lee was at work and then went to Irving, where he played with children, including neighborhood children, with his own two, and with Ruth Paine's, before going inside, helping to fold clothes and diapers after dinner. He spent the night with Marina, which she explains in detail. Loy Factor made it all up. (PHOTO: GLEN SAMPLE and Mark Collom shown with the man they interviewed who, they say, stated that Lee Oswald, himself, a Hispanic woman named Ruth Ann, and Mac Wallace were involved in a plot to kill Kennedy. Factor says he did not shoot and that Lee helped him by hiding Factor's rifle. Factor, however, had access to much information that year, because Mac Wallace had just died, and newspaper articles and magazine articles showed photos of the TSBD interior, etc. Sample and Collom were impressed because Factor could describe the interior of the TSBD, could describe Wallace, etc. Unexplained is why Factor, who said he was paid $2000 to shoot JFK, wasn't killed later by Wallace when he failed to fire a shot, which is only one part of this absurd story which fails attempts at authentication.
  • Glen Comyford No one knows the truth better than you !!!
  • John Carpenter Judy, please stay safe. Confrontations like this scare me (but, being safe, don't stop fighting for the truth!)
  • Mark Peterson I have asked out also for the same reasons, along with a generally combative tone.
  • Richard Mitchell I told Ralph several months ago that he was doing more to harm the OIC than anyone else could.

    As for Hooke, many of his notions are way too far out there for me.
  • Sunny Paul thanks for the clarification..JVB I did notice some extreme hypothesis emerging..
  • Juliet Seer Pazera Their egos are getting in the way, sadly. I've noticed bickering in other JFK groups. This definitely does not help the cause.
  • Glen Comyford Divide and conquer is their method. Stay on message and to hell with everyone else...
  • Henk-Jan Janssen Judyth, excellent reasoning! But do you think that Lee had absolutely nothing to do with the people on the sixth floor? I tend to believe he was involved there, but also as part of an abort team. I also believe Lee never took a shot. So I mean he was infiltrating the assassination team as an abort mission.
  • John Daley The conjecture and supposition is damaging.
  • Brian Mumford Judyth, I'm glad you left. We don't need those attitudes questioning Lee's "last full measure of devotion." It's inexcusable knowing what we know now.
  • Tanya Oaks-Brooks Even Collum and Sample seemed to doubt that Factor was paid but didn't shoot.
  • John Bjorge Judyth, This infighting is the reason why REAL researchers and other JFK people have left these so called forums. Throwing Lee under the bus for not preventing the assassination is a crock because he did what he was told. That is why I read your posts and others that were witnesses in the assassination. As for researchers, I weed out all that are lone nutters and those that are politically charged. Thank you for having the courage to tell the truth and may the truth win out in the end!
  • Ralph Thomas Why I don't get involved in them anymore as there is always people who come along and throw monkey wrenches. Create confusion seems be be their goal which keeps some in an everlasting state of ignorance.
  • Roger Stone Mac Wallace and Loy Factor are the men on the Sixth floor. LHO is eating lunch when JFK is shot. Mac Wallace is LBJ's hitman. LHO is, as he says, a patsy.
    22 hrs · Like · 4
  • Elizabeth Noreen Newton I was hanging on with them but like you Judyth I have reached the end of my rope with their nasty bickering. I do not for one minute believe Lee had anything to do with the people on the sixth floor and truly was a victim of those murderers.
    21 hrs · Like · 1
  • Marlene Paul Judyth, I haven't read the book yet but the reason why I know your telling the truth is because you are trying to get the truth out about a man you truly loved. Every interview of yours comes straight from your heart, you really care about everyone & you have nothing to gain by telling lies. You are a beautiful person inside & out whose story is always the same because its the truth. Lies are harder to tell because you have to remember each one so you don't slip up but not you my friend. Be safe!
    20 hrs · Like · 6
  • Patrick Oomens About Loy Factor (I never heard of his name)
    Biography of Loy Factor
    9 hrs · Like
  • Patrick Oomens And what is more known about Ruth Ann? Was she first mentioned in that book of Glenn Sample and Mark Collom? It's always dangerous to rely only on witnesses.
    9 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Patrick Oomens Wallace or was it Bill Lovelady? (and Loy Factor) probably fled with help of Clay Shaw:
    Contrast that with reports in 1963, from Jackson and Clinton, Louisiana, in which "Lee Oswald" was seen...
    8 hrs · Edited · Like
  • Steve Morgan When I accidentally met Bobby Hargiss, the Dallas Motorcycle Police Officer who was behind President Kennedy in the motorcade at the time of the shooting; it was Hargiss himself who volunteered that "He knew [Oswald] did not kill [President Kennedy]. He continued "He was shot from the front ... his blood and brains were splattered all over me". He was matter of fact about this; twice he told me that he was closer to the scene of the assassination than anyone else and that "he had seen the whole thing". This was at an oil field location near Old Dime Box, Texas on Sunday, August 16th, 1981. Hargiss had retired from the Dallas Police Department the previous day after 28 years and this was his first day on the job. Apparently he was working for Rising Sun Equipment Rental, because I'd called them to get me a dozer and qualified operator to a location to fix a reserve pit at an exploration location that I discovered was about to bust. I was an Oilfield Company Man and Field Superintendent at the time. Hargiss no sooner assured me that he knew that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill president Kennedy when he began to laugh and describe how Jackie Kennedy had reacted in the filthiest of terms. There was a 73 year old lady standing next to us. When he told me that the assassination of JFK was "the greatest thing he had ever seen" and that "a Catholic had no business in the White House anyway" I had had a belly full of him. I told Mr. Hargiss: "Let me tell you something buddy; I'm a Roman Catholic". Hargiss didn't say another word. He rudely threw what was left of his iced tea on the ground, returned the glass to the elderly lady, snatched the sandwich out of her hand that she had made for him and began to load the dozer. This was at 3PM on Sunday August 16, 1981. I don't know where he went with the dozer but i never saw him or that dozer again and I never received a billing invoice from Rising Sun Equipment Rental for the dispatch. At 2AM the following morning I had to call the late Charles Pearson of Palestine Contractors in Caldwll, TX who had built the pad for me and ask him to hotshot me a dozer and qualified operator immediately, My reserve pit was about to break and it could have polluted Lake Sommerville if it had. I had both in two hours and forty minutes with repairs started. No thanks to Mr Bobby Hargiss and you probably can read between the lines what I thought of him.
    2 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Patrick Oomens @Steve Morgan, remarkable story. Why had (or have?) Americans a dislike for Catholics? Is it something only for southern States?
    1 hr · Like
  • Walter Cairns I don't think Ralph was intimating that LHO was a coward and did nothing to stop the killing. He merely stated that, if Richard H's theory was correct, he could have been accused as such. Two different things altogether.
    1 hr · Like