Showing posts with label CIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CIA. Show all posts

Friday 10 October 2014

Report on CIA and Bay of Pigs by MadravingsStark

History 101 for a younger Generation... being some asked about Zapata Oil, Bush, code names, and the boat the Barbara J ...etc..
note: for those of you youngsters who are interested in this type of history. They don't teach this stuff in our American classrooms anymore...very good reference material at the end of this section:
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2013 Ref; Ship Barbara J... used in the BoP...
Zapata Pigs! Bush & the CIA:Revenge on JFK ( Part 2)
THE BAY OF PIGS: OPERATION ZAPATA (Plumlee was also assigned a code name, ZAPATA, by Tracy Barns of JM/WAVE because he lost his shoes in the swamps near the landing site for the BoP...
Bush & the Bay of Pigs: Operation Zapata
In early November 1960, the CIA agreed to use US contractors for the maritime component of the operation.The CIA codename for the Bay of Pigs Invasion of April 1961 was "Operation Zapata".Through his work with Zapata Off-Shore, Bush is alleged to have come into contact with Felix Rodriguez, Barry Seal, Porter Goss, and E. Howard Hunt, around the time of the Bay of Pigs operation.
CIA liaison officer Col. L. (Leroy) Fletcher Prouty alleges that Zapata Off-Shore provided or was used as cover for two of the smaller ships (LCIs) used in the Bay of Pigs invasion: the Barbara J and Houston. Prouty claims he delivered two ships to an inactive Naval Base near Elizabeth City, North Carolina, for a CIA contact and he suspected very strongly that George H.W. Bush must have been involved:
They asked me to see if we could find – purchase – a couple of transport ships. We got some people that were in that business, and they went along the coast and they found two old ships that we purchased and sent down to Elizabeth City and began to load with an awful lot of trucks that the Army was sending down there. We deck-loaded the trucks, and got all of their supplies on board. Everything that they needed was on two ships. It was rather interesting to note, looking back these days, that one of the ships was called the Houston, and the other ship was called the Barbara J. Colonel Hawkins had renamed the program as we selected a name for the Bay of Pigs operation. The code name was "Zapata." I was thinking a few months ago of what a coincidence that is. When Mr. Bush graduated from Yale, back there in the days when I was a professor at Yale, he formed an oil company, called "Zapata", with a man, Lieddke, who later on became president of Pennzoil. But the company that Lieddke and Mr. Bush formed was the Zapata Oil Company. Mr. Bush's wife's name is Barbara J. And Mr. Bush claims as his hometown Houston, Texas. Now the triple coincidence there is strange; but I think it's interesting. I know nothing about its meaning. But these invasion ships were the Barbara J and the Houston, and the program was "Zapata." George Bush must have been somewhere around.
(Prouty is incorrect, Barbara Bush's full name is Barbara Pierce Welch Bush. Although Barbara Bush does not have a "J" in her name, the ship which George Bush served on during WWII while he was flying airplanes which he named "Barbara," was the U.S.S. San Jacinto. So the Barbara J might very well be the Barbara J(acinto))
John Loftus writes: "Prouty's credibility, however has been widely attacked because of his consultancy to Oliver Stone's film JFK," but notes on page 598 that: "While his credibility has suffered greatly because of his consultancy to Oliver Stone's film JFK, his recollections about the CIA supply mission have been confirmed by other sources."
The Bay of Pigs operation was directed out of the "Miami Station" (code-name JM/WAVE), that was the CIA's largest station worldwide. It housed 200 agents who handled approximately 2,000 Cubans. Robert Reynolds was the CIA's Miami station chief from September 1960 to October 1961. He was replaced by career-CIA officer Theodore Shackley, who oversaw Operation Mongoose, Operation 40(including Porter Goss, Felix Rodriguez, Barry Seal), and others. In 1976, when Bush became CIA Director, he appointed Ted Shackley as Deputy Director of Covert Operations. In 1981, when Bush became Vice President, he appointed Donald Gregg as his National Security Advisor.
Kevin Phillips discusses George Bush's "highly likely" peripheral role in the Bay of Pigs events. He points to the leadership role of Bush's fellow Skull and Bones alumni in organizing the operation. He notes an additional personal factor for Bush: the Walker side of the family (who initially funded Zapata Corporation) had apparently lost a small fortune when Fidel Castro nationalized their West Indies Sugar Co. Edwin Pauley was "known for CIA connections", according to Phillips; it was Pauley who put Pemargo's Diaz and Bush together.
Over 1,400 paramilitaries, divided into five infantry battalions and one paratrooper battalion, assembled in Guatemala before setting out for Cuba by boat on 13 April. On 15 April, eight CIA-supplied B-26 bombers attacked Cuban air fields and returned to the U.S. On the night of 16 April, the main invasion landed at a beach named Playa Girón in the Bay of Pigs. It initially overwhelmed a local revolutionary militia. The Cuban Army's counter-offensive was led by Captain José Ramón Fernández, before Castro decided to take personal control of the operation. On 20 April, the invaders finally surrendered, with the majority of troops being publicly interrogated and then sent back to the U.S.
The failed invasion strengthened the position of Castro's administration, who proceeded to openly proclaim their intention to adopt socialismand strengthen ties with the Soviet Union. This led eventually to the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. The invasion was a major embarrassment for U.S. foreign policy. John Kennedy ordered a number of internal investigations. Across much of Latin America, it was celebrated as evidence of the fallibility of U.S. imperialism.
About 1,202 CIA led Brigade members were captured, 118 killed, and another 300 were injured.On December 21, 1962, Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro and James B. Donovan, a US lawyer, signed an agreement to exchange 1,113 prisoners for US $53 million in food and medicine, sourced from private donations and from companies expecting tax concessions.On 29 December 1962, President Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline attended a "welcome back" ceremony for Brigade 2506 veterans at the Orange Bowl in Miami, Florida.
As Allen Dulles later stated, CIA planners believed that once the troops were on the ground, any action required for success would be authorized to prevent failure, as Eisenhower had done in Guatemala in 1954 after the invasion looked as if it was collapsing.President Kennedy was angered with the CIA's failure, and declared he wanted "to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." JFK later fired Allen Dulles as director of the CIA.
Higgins, Trumbull. 1987, 2008. The Perfect Failure: Kennedy, Eisenhower, and the CIA at the Bay of Pigs. Norton ISBN 0-393-30563-5 ISBN 978-0-393-30563-0
Hunt, E. Howard. 1973. Give Us This Day. Arlington House ISBN 978-0-87000-228-1
Johnson, Haynes. 1964, 1974. The Bay of Pigs: The Leaders' Story of Brigade 2506. W. W. Norton & Co ISBN 0-393-04263-4
Jones, Howard. 2008. Bay of Pigs (Pivotal Moments in American History). OUP USA ISBN 0-19-517383-X ISBN 978-0-19-517383-3
Kellner, Douglas (1989). Ernesto "Che" Guevara (World Leaders Past & Present). Chelsea House Publishers. p. 112. ISBN 1-55546-835-7.
Kornbluh, Peter. 1998. Bay of Pigs Declassified: The Secret CIA Report on the Invasion of Cuba. The New Press ISBN 1-56584-494-7 ISBN 978-1-56584-494-0
link reference:

Thursday 25 September 2014

Westfield Group co-incidence

"The Westfield Group, and its Israeli owner Frank Lowy (Photo left) apparently owned the Westgate Mall that had been under siege for several days. Lowy, as it turns out, had another business operation go up in flames over a decade ago, with fellow businessman Larry Silverstein"
"In the aftermath of 9/11 and the London 7/7 bombings it was later revealed that security agencies such as the CIA, FBI and MI5 had prior knowledge of coordinated attacks. As 21Wire has pointed out, the latest attack in Nairobi, Kenya, has many of the tell-tale signs of a classic false flag operation, with its problem, reaction, solution narrative coming to light…"

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Conspiracy by Jim Marrs

The attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, rehabilitated the term “conspiracy theory” since 9/11 obviously involved more than one lone person. For too long—and to some extent still today, this term was used to disparage anyone whose information differed from another. In this article, Shawn Hamilton has gathered some of the more documented and horrendous conspiracies of recent years. Study these and the next time someone you know brushes off the account of an event as a “conspiracy theory,” remind them this is the last refuge of those who either have failed to consider all the evidence or have a hidden agenda. If it’s not an act of God, it’s a conspiracy.


Rethinking Conspiracy
By Shawn Hamilton
September 14, 2014

The terms "conspiracy theorist" and "conspiracy nut" are used frequently to discredit a perceived adversary using emotional, rather than logical, appeals. It's important for the sake of true argument that we define the term "conspiracy" and use it appropriately, not as an ad hominem attack on someone whose point of view we don't share.
According to my Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, the word "conspiracy" derives from the Latin "conspirare" which means literally "to breath together" in the sense of agreeing to commit a crime. The primary definition is "planning and acting together secretly, especially for a harmful or unlawful purpose, such as murder or treason."
It was in this sense that Mark Twain astutely observed, "A conspiracy is nothing but a secret agreement of a number of men for the pursuance of policies which they dare not admit in public."
Conspiracies are common. If they weren't, police stations would not need conspiracy units to investigate and prosecute crimes such as "conspiracy to import cocaine" or any other collusion on the part of two or more people to subvert the law.
Unfortunately, too many people smugly chide "conspiracy theories" as if they imagine that such a derisive characterization reflects superior intellect--whether or not they know anything about the issue in question. It's a pitiful display of ego inflation and intellectual dishonesty, yet it appears to be a common approach preferred by those short on information and critical thinking skills.
Here are a few examples of past "conspiracy theories" that were commonly derided at the time of their occurrence but were later determined to be credible:
1933 Business Plot: Smedley Butler, a decorated United States Marine Corps major general who wrote a book called War is a Racket, testified before a congressional committee that a group of powerful industrialists, who had tried to recruit him, were planning to form a fascist veterans' group that intended to assassinate Franklin Roosevelt and overthrow the government in a coup. While news media at the time belittled Butler and called the affair a hoax, the congressional committee determined that Butler's allegations were credible although no-one was prosecuted.
Operation Paperclip: After "winning" WW2, the US imported hundreds of
Nazis and their families through "Operation Paperclip," so-named because ID photos were clipped to paper dossiers. It was set up by an agency within the Office of Strategic Services, predecessor of the CIA. Along with creating false identities and political biographies, Paperclip operatives expunged or altered Nazi records and other criminal histories in order to illegally circumvent President Truman's edict that prohibited Nazis from obtaining security clearances. Thus, high-level Nazis waltzed into sensitive positions of authority and secrecy in the US military-industrial establishment, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), major corporations, and universities. These Germans were conveniently referred to as "former Nazis," but "former" was commonly just a euphemism for "active" and "ardent."
Consider the irony of the United States' moon mission. In order to successfully land men on the lunar surface and return them to Earth, the US depended almost exclusively on Nazis. A notable example was rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, a member of the Allgemeine SS, who would eventually lead the US space program. Von Braun had exploited concentration camp labor in Germany to build V-2 rockets at Peenemünde, and German aviation doctors' gruesome and often fatal experiments at Dachau and other prisons afforded information that would help keep American astronauts alive in space.
While many Americans prefer to call this a conspiracy theory, the United States defeated the Nazi organization in Germany only to transplant that ideology directly into the US after the war, and not just among members of the lay population but, more significantly, among members of the very "military-industrial complex" that President Eisenhower (a five-star general during World War Two) had presciently warned the nation about in his 1961 message of leave-taking and farewell.
Operation Northwoods: Declassified documents revealed that in 1962 the CIA was planning to execute false flag terrorist attacks, such as killing random American citizens and blowing up civilian targets, including a ship and US airliner, in order to blame Castro and justify invading Cuba.
Gulf of Tonkin: President Lyndon Johnson used a contrived version of this 1964 event to justify escalation of the Vietnam War. It was claimed that Vietnamese gunboats had fired on the USS Maddox. It never happened--or at best was grossly distorted and overblown--yet the story served to prompt Congress to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which provided the public justification Johnson needed to attack North Vietnam. This led to the deaths of about two million Vietnamese people and fifty thousand Americans.
MK-ULTRA: As its code name suggests, MK-ULTRA was a mind control program run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence for the ostensible purpose of discovering ways to glean information from Communist spies although its applications were undoubtedly more far-reaching. It employed various methodologies including sensory deprivation and isolation, sexual abuse, and the administration of powerful psychotropic drugs such as LSD to unwitting subjects, including military personnel, prisoners, and college students. Many of them suffered serious consequences. One biochemist, Frank Olson, who was secretly slipped a strong dose of LSD at a staff party, suffered a severe psychotic break and died when, for whatever reason, he plummeted from his apartment window to the pavement below. Such revelations came to light in 1975 during hearings by the congressional Church Committee (Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities) and the presidential Rockefeller Commission. These investigations were hindered by CIA Director Richard Helms who in 1973 had ordered the MK-ULTRA files destroyed.
Operation Mockingbird: This was a CIA media control program exposed by the Church Committee in 1975. It revealed the CIA's efforts from the 1950s through the 1970s to pay well-known foreign and domestic journalists from "reputable" media agencies such as the Washington Post, Time Magazine, Newsweek, the Miami Herald, the New York Times, the New York Herald Tribune, Miami News, and CBS, among others, to publish CIA propaganda, manipulating the news by planting stories in domestic and foreign news outlets. During the hearings, Senator Church asked an agency representative, "Do you have any people paid by the CIA who are working for television networks?" The speaker eyed his lawyer then replied, "This I think gets into the details, Mr. Chairman, that I'd like to get into in executive session." In other words, he didn't want to admit the truth publicly. He gave the same response when asked if the CIA planted stories with the major wire services United Press International (UPI) and the Associated Press (AP). According to Alex Constantine's book, Mockingbird: The Subversion of The Free Press by the CIA, in the 1950s "some 3,000 salaried and contract CIA employees were eventually engaged in propaganda efforts." I'm curious to know what the estimate would be today.
CIA Drug Smuggling: It's no longer a secret that clandestine arms of US Intelligence have profited from running drugs for many years. I first became aware of the issue when a Vietnam veteran claimed he had helped load opium cultivated in Laos onto military transport planes. The opium was turned into heroin and shipped around the world, sometimes in the visceral cavities of dead soldiers. A Hollywood version of these events is portrayed in the film Air America, but the movie is based on historical truth. When the US military presence in Southeast Asia declined and the focus shifted to Central America, cocaine became the new revenue source. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Gary Webb ran a well-documented three-part series in the San Jose Mercury News called "Dark Alliance," alleging that traffickers with US intelligence ties had marketed the cocaine in Los Angeles it its new and highly addictive form known as "crack," sparking a scourge that claimed the lives and freedom of thousands. One guy I met in Compton who had been arrested for crack possession described the drug this way: "It doesn't really get you high," he said. "You just want more." Webb's allegations were confirmed by an LAPD Narcotics Officer and whistleblower, Michael Ruppert, and the story received additional confirmation from CIA contract pilot Terry Reed, whose story is revealed in his 1994 book Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA. According to Reed, the sale of cocaine was used to finance the Contras in Central America when congressional funding was blocked by the Boland Amendment. He claimed the operation was run out of Mena, Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor. Military cargo planes were flown to Central America with military hardware, he said, then returned to Mena loaded with tons of coke.
I could add to the list, and it would be a long one. The Iran-Contra scandal, Watergate, the FBI's Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), the Tuskegee syphilis experiment--there is no shortage of crimes that were planned and committed by two or more people and thus constituted conspiracy. Conspiracies happen, and before any crime is solved it spawns theories. There are people who look at these theories rationally using logic and discernment, and there are others who are illogical, engage in fallacious and emotion-based thinking, jumping to unjustified conclusions based on little or no evidence. The term "conspiracy theorist," however, has been manipulated to suggest only those in the latter category.
The John Kennedy assassination provides a good example of how the term "conspiracy" is misapplied to disparage people who find fault with official versions of major events. After Kennedy was murdered, very few people questioned the Warren Commission's verdict that Lee Oswald had shot the president unassisted, and anyone who challenged that belief was branded a "conspiracy nut (or buff)" unworthy of respect or consideration. 40 years later, a 2003 Gallup poll revealed that 75% of the US population believed there had been a conspiracy to kill JFK.
Apparently a certain portion of the population has a psychological need to protect themselves from unpleasant realities, so it is easier for such people to label others as conspiracy nuts than to assimilate hard but discomforting facts. In the case of the John Kennedy assassination, even a congressional committee, the House Select Committee on Assassinations, concluded in 1979 that there had been a conspiracy to kill John Kennedy. They tried to soften that reality by calling it a "limited conspiracy," as if Oswald's drunken cousin had helped him and didn't involve elements of US Intelligence, but the fact remains that the US government has officially admitted there had been a conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy. "Conspiracy theorists" were finally vindicated, but I've never heard anyone apologize for disparaging their names and questioning their sanity.
"9/11," of course, is the current topic that yields the most accusations of conspiracy nuttiness. Anyone who challenges the 9/11 Commission's conclusions are branded "conspiracy theorists" (or nuts, wackos or kooks) as were their predecessors when JFK was killed.
History repeats itself.
One of the strange truths about the 9/11 affair is that members of the 9/11 Commission also called the event a conspiracy. That alone shows the term is being intentionally manipulated. In the Commission's view, the conspirators were exclusively fanatical Muslims, but somehow that investigative body has been exempt from accusations of conspiracy theorizing even though they called the event a conspiracy. Apparently one must challenge the official version of events to qualify as a "conspiracy theorist."
I asked Jim Marrs, the popular author and critic of various official versions of history, what he considered to be the origin of "conspiracy" as a derogatory term and how it has been manipulated: "The term 'conspiracy theory' was consciously submitted to assets of the CIA back in a document from the 1960s to be used to counter factual information that was continually being made public regarding the Kennedy assassination. From there, these assets, including media personalities, pundits, academics and government officials, expanded the term to become a pejorative for any statements not complying with the Establishment line," Marrs said. "However, its repetitive overuse, plus the fact that the 9/11 attacks obviously involved a conspiracy, today has lessened the impact of the term."
Many critics of the 9/11 Commission report make some valid points, and it's not fair to simply dismiss them as conspiracy theorists when the very people they're countering also claim there was a conspiracy. The only question is simply: whose conspiracy was it?
Even officials tasked with investigating 9/11 knew there was plenty of deception involved. Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission, John Farmer, said on page four of his book The Ground Truth, "At some level of government, at some point in time, there was an agreement not to tell the people the truth about what happened." In their book Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission, the two co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission, Lee Hamilton and Thomas Kean, outlined reasons they believe the government established the Commission in a manner that ensured its failure. These reasons included delay in initiating the proceedings, too short a deadline for the scope of the work, insufficient funding, and lack of cooperation by politicians and key government agencies including the Department of Defense, the Federal Aviation Administration, and NORAD. "So there were all kinds of reasons we thought we were set up to fail," the chairmen said.
How much clearer can they be?
Conspiracies exist. They have always existed, and not wanting them to be true does not invalidate their existence. I think it's time we reject the intentional misappropriation of the term "conspiracy" by forces attempting to manipulate public opinion and restore the term to its original and proper meaning. As long as we observe logic and reason, there is no intellectual dishonor in contemplating and discussing conspiracies, and doing so is imperative if we wish to retain our liberty.

Shawn Hamilton is a writing teacher by trade and has taught in both the United States and Taiwan. He authored a recently published book with the satirical title, "Be All You Can Be" (the old US Army recruiting slogan) about an Air Force major who, in the latter part of his life, rejected use of our military as an instrument of US imperialism. He has worked as a capitol reporter in Sacramento for KPFA Radio (Pacifica) and written for various print publications. He received a Project Censored award in 2011 and writes poetry for fun.

Thursday 3 July 2014

CIA Robert Tosh Plumlee exposing the story.....

Yes. I know this is rough, very rough and needs editing. However, I believe it does convey the thought. Its copied from the book(in process) Deep Cover Shallow Graves. I post it here for the sole reason as information before the fact. This story has been recorded long ago to Select Committee of the Assassination of JFK.. I know many will find fault with the writing. However, I felt I need to release this section of book for my protection before it is censored by the powers that be, who are waiting in the wings to character assassinate me once again... Yes it will be cleaned up before press time: ( I put it on my Face Book page, before this section of book is destroyed. I have been warned by some that I am incriminating myself by posting this excerpt... so be it.. less go to court....
Deep Cover Shallow Graves: (rough draft 1979)
".... “ I'll try to make this as brief as possible.” I looked around the room as if someone else was listening then addressed the doctor.
“It is convoluted and complicated. The diagrammed photo you asked about was drawn for a friend in Denver when they came to Colorado to interview me because of information they had received concerning the 'French connection’—possible Algerian assassins being hired for a Dallas job. We did discus other matters, but that was later. Those were minor details concerning the 'Abort Team.'
I waved my hands, as if swatting at a fly. “I have never like that term 'Abort'. It implies that we were sent into Dallas to stop something we had started. That was not the case”.
I took a drink of water. My hands were shaking. The storm and tornado warnings Denver radio and TV stations had been talking about for the last three hours, were now hitting the Denver suburbs. High winds were rattling the windows of the doctor’s office. Anxiously Me and the doctor looked outside as lightening flashed on the horizon and danced crazily upon the mountaintops to the west. I continued.
“There was this Army Private, a Private Eugene B. Dinkin. He is the background for my story and the reason for the "Abort Team’s formation”. I made air quotation marks, then continued.
“That team was hastily formed via Miami Station Coral Gables, to go to Dallas and stop the assassination. This specialized Team was launched from the Pentagon with ‘cut-out’ cover and logistical support to be handled by CIA and their Covert Action Group, The CAG, a very Hush—Hush, secret Team within the ranks of CIA Langley and its Miami Station. They were using their ‘cutout’— JM/WAVE operation. Those Ops were compartmentalized during those years and used mostly for clandestine purposes inside Cuba. However, this particular Dallas operation was a joint effort of the Pentagon and CIA Langley.
“JM/WAVE Miami Station was the POC for the Dallas mission. CIA provided logistical support only.“ I leaned back in the couch, exhausted.
Doctor Yancey checked the tape recorder. It was working.
“Bill. What about that mafia chieftain I believe you called him. Something like Rosie, I believe”. Where does he fit into all this?”
“ You mean Rosellie—The Colonel?” I interrupted and leaned forward. “He was attached to our team by who? I have no idea. Basically he was used as informant gathering information for CIA and JM/WAVE. He was used because of his vast knowledge and information he had concerning the Mob and Cuban gambling connections. He knew mob players and he knew of other informants who were active in other Mafia operations in south Florida, Dallas, and Las Vegas. At the time these mob type Cuban characters were planning to over throw Castro. Rosellie was asked to spot for the 'abort' crew because he was familiar with a Texas gun running operation from Dallas to Florida. This group had full CIA support for covertly overthrowing Castro. It was thought Rosellie could ID possible shooters that might be located in the Plaza. If so, the abort team could take them out, meaning neutralize them.
"The Texas connection, which Dinkin had uncovered in Europe, was a gun running operation through Dallas. Lee Oswald had made reports to the FBI concerning those matters, thus Jack Ruby and the Texas CLAN, a term used before the term Texas Mafia was used. The Dallas Police Department also played in with this so called Texas CLAN or Mafia as well as the KKK— or whichever term you prefer to use, but that’s another story within this story and is still classified I am told.”
The wind was howling outside. But Doctor Yancey was engrossed in my tall tale.
“The "Abort Team was a military cover team, meaning classified as civilian in nature for security reasons in case the mission failed. If so, its failure would be revealed as a civilian attack team of Cuban origin. They, CIA Langley had uncovered a "Rouge" Miami operation within their ranks with Texas political associations within the Texas military industrial complex. This was a secret operation that traced back to Cuban and Dallas gun running matters. Lee Oswald was also assigned the task to infiltrate the Texas Clan, which he did. This covert mission assigned to Oswald originated from the ONI Hensley Field, Grand Prairie Texas, and the Bachman Lake Naval reserve station near Dallas Love Field. Ed Walker and Captain Edward G Seiwell were military contacts for the Texas 49th Armored Div and the Fourth Army Reserve, operations at Dallas Love Field and coordinated with Miami Station as well as ONI DC. …”
The doctor’s question suddenly caused visions, not of Kennedy being executed, but convoluted visions of that secret CIA-ONI training base located at Nags Head North Carolina. The image of that place flashed rapidly across my conscious mind. I remembered it well. It was a place experimenting with a secret army ‘off the books’, program known as, ‘Illusionary Warfare Training’. The program was the first classified program to experiment with mind control on young men and animals. That particular program would later be declassified in the mid seventies and would become well known within some media and Intelligence circles as, ‘MKLURKA.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Ex CIA Pilot predicts what's happening in the world?

I'm going to make a prediction here. Its based on information I have received these past few days from some very upset field operatives who are working sensitive Intelligence operations in the Middle East.
The prediction I am going to make is based on "Information Before The Fact", information that I feel the American citizen should be aware of, if in fact the event happens.
If this prediction comes to pass then this post I hope will help me and this field crew from becoming "Scape Goats" for those special interest politicians in Washington DC. who are now aware of these reports and refusing to act upon the information, because of politics and political pressures from their colleagues. This refusal on their part, in my view, is a failure to protect the lives of the operatives and their associates and the lives of American citizens. The prediction is twofold.
Following is the back story. I can not name the sources because of the extremely sensitive positions they hold at this time. If I revealed various details, locations and the timeline, and their contacts, some would be murdered before dark.
These individuals are upset because their work, in some cases undercover work being done by them in a very hostile and violative environment, is not being properly assimilated to proper agencies within the United States. It is alleged that the daily briefing reports these operatives summit are being tampered with and slanted to favor political interest here in the United States. This is extremely upsetting to some of these field operatives.
There are two reports from separate sources, one from NATO, and the other from US military personal operating in the field. Both of these reports compliment each other and have been vetted by other INTELL sources at the Pentagon and in Turkey.
The cable dispatches were intercepted and picked up in a very sensitive undercover operation that had infiltrated a secret organization operating through the Middle East and the Ukraine. The secret information is about 'Stinger Missiles' that are now in the hands of extremist.
Two of these stinger missiles have made their way to the Ukraine and allegedly one of them was used to shoot down the Ukrainian aircraft of a few days ago, which killed 49 persons. (unconfirmed)
It was also reported that twenty two of these stingers are currently in Spain ready for shipments to Central America and into the United States via Mexico. At one time these missiles were storied at the CIA Annex, near Benghazi, after being shipped from Jordan and Turkey by private contractors.
It has been reported that these weapons are designed to be used in the planned shoot down of an American Airliners near LAX and Las Vegas NV., in the very near future. (rumored to be set for a predetermined date in August this year) There is also and alternate plan for a similar attack in Miami, Florida.
I pray this is not the case. I feel this information, rumor or fact, should be past to local State and City officials of these locations and should not be imbedded within politics to save face because we were unable to protect these weapons from getting into the mainstream of public domain, foreign and domestic.
To play politics with this type of information, if true and factual, or even if its a planted rumor for shock effect, or a probing of defensive lines in this region, should be reported to the American public, and too, to those State and Federal Agencies located in these high risk' areas named. Now is not the time to play politics with such a volatile matter.
This Administration has demonstrated to the people, that they are incompetent and incapable, of dealing with this type of information, regardless if its true or otherwise. The fact has been established that this Administration; and some working within the Senate on both sides of our political structure, that they had rather protect their failures than to protect the lives of American citizens.
They, special interest political groups, have demonstrated to the people that they had rather cover-up the trail of these missiles, and other military hardware, going to foreign countries and into the United States, than protect the citizens and the troops who are involved in the security of those weapons.
I feel duty bound to release this information in hopes that some will investigate, confirm and thwart this covert operation planned by radical groups and their Middle Eastern movement. This should not be turned into a political game of "hide and seek". Its too serious for that.
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