Showing posts with label Hemp seeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hemp seeds. Show all posts

Thursday 4 September 2014

Cannabis, Hemp the health benefits

  •  If you are one of those people that are afraid Marijuana will be legalized then you should read this!
    Cannabis can save the world. A bold statement perhaps, but potentially true nonetheless. As a dietitian, when I look at the cannabis plant, I first se
    e its nutritional value as a vegetable, loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. I also know that essentially cannabis is hemp, and hemp hits a home run every time when it comes to nutritional value (among its other thousands of industrial uses).
    A quick nutritional summary of hemp:
    Great source of complete protein 
    100% vegan 
    Easy to digest 
    High in healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids 
    Wow -- what a power house!
    As a holistic healthcare professional, I recognize and highly respect the diversity of cannabis in its uses as a medicine to heal and repair both the body and the mind. It is my opinion that cannabis may not only be the best medicine, but also the most nutritious plant known to humankind thus far.
    The Nutritional Benefits of Raw Cannabis
    While the exact nutritional profile of cannabis has yet to be determined, it seems safe to assume that the cannabis plant, including the seeds, is most likely just as nutritious as hemp, if not more so.
    What’s being discovered now is the nutritional power and overall beneficial health effects of raw cannabis. Raw cannabis is not psychoactive unless heated, and it contains powerful disease-fighting compounds known as cannabinoids. Of these compounds, the most frequently studied are Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD).
    When used just as you would any other vegetable (in a smoothie, salad, sauté, juiced), cannabis appears to provide some pretty awesome health benefits. You may have heard of Kristen Peskuski-Courtney, a woman who struggled with multiple chronic illnesses which left her all but debilitated. After years of pharmaceutical intervention to no avail, her health dramatically improved through the power of raw cannabis juicing. The man behind this method of ingestion is Dr. William Courtney, a medical doctor and huge promoter of the “raw greens” cannabis movement.
    From Dr. Courtney: 
    “Whether Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis, male, female, hermaphrodite, native, feral, bred for fiber, seeds or medicinal resin, cannabis is the best source for [beneficial cannabinoids]...Over 50 patients have used only [cannabinoids] to put their cancer in remission; and over 150 have found symptomatic relief.”
    What does that tell you? What it says to me is that there is some powerful research being done and treatment methods being delivered out there to very sick patients, and they are all based on raw cannabis.
    Dr. Courtney has researched the benefits of raw cannabis and has come to the following conclusions:
    Smoking cannabis may not treat the disease, only the symptoms 
    Therapeutic levels of cannabinoids are better achieved through ingestion 
    When cannabis is heated or burned, the chemical structure of the plant compounds are changed, specifically the acidity of THC, which alters its ability to be therapeutic 
    Raw cannabis activates the brain’s cannabinoid system, which triggers an antioxidant release 
    These antioxidants act as a “cleaner” and remove damaged cells from the body 
    Raw cannabis improves the efficiency of the cells in our body 
    Creating oils, butters or eating the raw plant is the best way to get the necessary beneficial compounds 
    Looking to incorporate more "green" into your daily diet? If you're interested in exploring the benefits of raw cannabis, here are some tips and recommendations:
    Raw cannabis can be used every day, multiple times a day by anyone of any age. 
    Raw cannabis is not psychoactive unless it is heated, meaning there are no worries of mental or physical impairment after consuming 
    Raw cannabis can be added to smoothies, juices, and salads 
    Like any other herb or seasoning, ground up raw buds can be sprinkled on top of soups, stews, oatmeal, yogurt, or pudding 
    Juicing specifically takes a lot of material; Dr. Courtney suggests 20-30 big shade leaves or 2-3 raw buds (2-3 inches in length) per day for therapeutic benefits 
    Having your own garden at home is helpful as access to this quantity of raw product may be difficult or illegal in your state. 
    photo credit: Food Thinkers via photopin cc

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Benefits of Hemp. Reporter Jordan

In the early 1800s, Australia was twice saved from famine by eating virtually nothing but hemp seed for protein and hemp leaves for roughage. Hemp literally has thousands of beneficial uses. Food, fibre, fuel, fabrics, furniture, medicine, building materials, paper, bio-plastics and the list goes on. It does it more efficiently, and more effectively.
Its 23-31% protein, being the 2nd highest seed protein source and absorbs better than most foods (meaning your food is actually utilised)!
This is because they don’t contain phytic acid and:
"Hemp contains globular proteins, albumin 33% and 65% edistin which have structures similar to proteins made by the blood, which makes them readily digestible. A handful of hemp seed provides the minimum daily requirement of protein for adults. No other food source provides complete protein in such an easily digestible form, not even soy."
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are important for energy production, healthy skin, mental health and immune function.
It has more Omega 3 and Omega 6 than virtually any other source, including fish, and are found in the ratio of 3:1.
VITAMINS & MINERALS & FAT BURNING + Extra health benefits -
Hemp foods contain all 8 essential amino acids, Leucine, Lysine, Threoine, Phen+tyro, Valine, Meeth+cyst, Isoleucin, Tryptophan, with higher amounts of each than other main sources of protein, like egg whites, tofu, human milk, and whole cow's milk.”
Hemp is naturally low in Carbohydrates, contains Antioxidants, B Vitamins (including Folate),
Minerals (including Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Zinc) and is the only known plant food source of Vitamin D3!
It also contains the hard to get, yet essential, GLA, 15 times as much fat-fighting CLA as fish oil and cholesterol-fighting Phytosterols.
Lean Production (minimize waste)
There is minimal waste in hemp.
-> Hemp seeds are dehulled (shell taken off) {Seeds for: food, milk – mix with water)
-> Pressed into Extra Virgin Hemp Oil {cooking oil, Get EFA’s/Omegas, moisturizer)
-> Remaining dry meal is ground into high protein and fibre flour (can replace 50% of regular flour mix) {Cooking, gluten-free alternative}
-> Flour then has fibre removed to be made into Protein powder which is 50-60% raw protein. {Better than whey protein –speculation- due to absorption}
There are thousands of other non-food uses for hemp!
Before wool came in we used hemp fibres for everything we just didn't have the technology.
Hemp is SUPERIOR to pine trees and wool!
It takes 20-30 years for Pine Trees to grow VS. 4-12 months for Hemp!
- Hemp (in a 12-14 week cycle) converts 4x more CO2 into oxygen, than trees!
- Forests are being cut down 3x faster than they can grow! Hemp can grow faster and more than 1ce per year.
- One acre of hemp produces as much cellulose fiber pulp as 4.1 acres of trees!!! (Dewey & Merrill. Bulletin #404. U.S. Dept. of Age. 1916)
Meaning, it makes more oxygen (removing more greenhouse gases), is replenished faster than pine trees while still yielding more end product!!!!!!!
Hemp does not require herbicides or pesticides. (no agricultural runoff)
• Hemp can be grown in a wide range of latitudes and altitudes (most place is Aus.)
• Hemp replenishes (‘detoxifies’) soil with nutrients and nitrogen, making it an excellent rotational crop, controlling erosion of topsoil.
• Hemp produces more oil than any other crop, which can be used for food, fuel, lubricants, soaps..
• Hemp can be used for making plastics, including car parts.
• Hemp makes paper more efficiently and ecologically than wood!
• Hemp can be used to make very strong rope & textiles, fiberboard & paint.
• Hemp can produce bio-fuel and ethanol (better than corn).
The Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Reactor 4 in the Ukraine caused severe radioactive contamination in April 1986. Industrial Hemp has been used to remove contaminants from the soils.
This is my collection and knowledge of the benefits from hemp alone.
It is quite evident that HEMP is the most useful plant in this world.
Corporations such as wool, plastic and paper do NOT want this legal as it directly affect their profits.
We need a social change from corporations misleading the public and being counter-productive to our societies if we are to advance as a successful society. This goes for more than just hemp.
Think as a species, not segregated, corrupt nations.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Hemp Milk homemade Receipe

    1 cup hemp hearts (also called seeds or shelled hemp nuts)
    3 to 4 cups filtered or spring water (3 cups for thicker milk, and up to 4 cups for thinner)
    1 Tbsp of coconut oil (optional)
    2 Tbsp of raw honey or a few drops of stevia
    1/2 Tbsp of organic vanilla powder
    A pinch of Himalayan pink salt (or other unprocessed sea salt)
    In a high speed blender, add hemp and water.
    Blend on high for about two minutes, until fully liquified.
    Strain into a wide glass bowl through a milk bag. (You can find a milk bag online or at health food stores. You can also use woven veggie storage bags). 
    Discard the hemp fibers from the bag.
    Rinse the blender and pour the milk back into the blender from the bowl.
    Add coconut oil (if using), honey or stevia, vanilla powder and salt. Blend briefly.

Monday 2 June 2014

Asking for the Law to be changed on THC oil, CBD oil and the benefits to cancer patients of the use from Hemp seeds.

Cancer I write and research about.  Like many other humans around the world.  Im no different to the next person, however I can see by the research we have a problem where the main stream medicines could be affected by a product called Hemp where the research has been dating back to the bible for it's medical properties.  

I have great faith in this as something that would benefit mankind.  I would like you all to look at the Bill in America and see if we can pass the laws to have the ability to have this treatment here in Australia.

The cancer drugs for Mr Weatherstone we have been estimated $10000 and the Police corruption I have hit since 2011 has stopped us having any money because this gang just took it of us.  

I ask the government to look at this evidence, and when the evidence is revealed within my investigation into the corruption, drug running and unsolved murders than maybe my research into cancer drugs should be, and can be taken seriously.

Mr Graeme Weatherstone has Mantle Cell Lymphona, it's an agressive cancer which exhibits unusual strains for the disease of Cancer.

When you google the THC oil it is reactive to this type of cancer.  CBD oil is reactive to other cancers.

The main ingredient is a blend of protein, Omega 3 which is the highest form available on this earth.

There is one country in the world where the Hemp seeds are not allowed to be eaten by humans and that's Australia.  

researchers  from the Hebrew University, stated that references to marijuana as a medicine are seen as far back as 1,600 BC in Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, and Roman Writings.

It seems by my research Cancer of the variety Mantle Cell Lymphonia can react like a virus.  Thus, this could allegedly link into the research I have done where within America they were working on a product called Bio-weapon Cancer.  

The U.S. Government has known since 1974 that Cannabis could Cure Cancer

In 1974 researchers at the Medical College of Virginia, funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice — lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia. The DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor research, according to Jack Herer, in his book, “The Emperor Wears No Clothes“. Then in 1976 President Gerald Fordput an end to all public cannabis research for many years.