Showing posts with label Research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Research. Show all posts

Thursday 12 June 2014

Epidural tragedy....The Holy Grail is needed!

I call upon your brains, your outward thinking and whether their is some miracle we could think about for helping.

First time Mum Grace Wang presented at St George Hospital NSW Australia.  We are looking for a miracle, maybe when The Kings Cross Sting finds the Holy Grail could someone call Grace.
This is the Brief. It is a shocking mistake. Yet by what I am told the alleged dr is still practising.
The Australian case shows us only what happens when 8 ml of chlorhexidine 0.5% is injected into the epidural space and, whilst parallels can clearly be

Monday 21 October 2013

Aleister Crowley, Thelema, Hermetic, Research reading

Thelemapedia, The Encyclopedia
of Thelema & Magick

The free, online encyclopedia of all things Thelema. Sponsored by the Lodge, but open to everyone.
The Invisible Basilica 
The homepage of Sabazius X°, the O.T.O. U.S. Grand Master
The Magick & Mysticism of Bill Heidrick
Essays by an important figure in O.T.O.
The Libri of Aleister Crowley
Many online works by Aleister Crowey
The A.'.A.'.
A teaching and initiatory structure dedicated to the personal spiritual advancement of its individual members
The hermetic library and root page for Sabazius, Bill Heidrick, T Polyphilus, and a few others of great interest
A non-commercial site devoted to Thelema in culture and media, Thelemic philosophy and to the life and works of Aleister Crowley

International O.T.O.

Where the two companies I found, one is in Australia and one in UK.  

Saturday 14 September 2013

Private Investigation The Kings Cross Sting research

Sparkling Chandeliers

Home of The Kings Cross Sting "Latest Series"

Underbelly, The Scorpion
Private Investigation  the hidden secrets leaked
WILL is the Force by this gang to hide the secrets....
ALEISTER CROWLEY  Empowered many people for the alleged corruption to happen.
Sex Rituals of the Scorpion link to the play 66 The Scorpion 6 for Sex Ritual. 
 666 The Beast Scorpion Gang  exposed.

Adult Industry Award Winner
Best Adult Website and Best Sex Newspaper 2011  The Museum is coming, with the significant evidence.
Within the teachings of Aliester Crowley, he left the links to the brothel and the Hooked Map X with the alleged gang behind Kings Cross.
Thelema organisation is alive, Ritual VIII for how Juanita Nielsen became within the hidden compartment?
With many members throughout the world for Thelema and O.T.O, Ordoaa for the Order of A:.A:. that was started in Kings Cross in 1920
however this is the legacy they have left behind Abe Saffron was Mr Sin for the God of Satan who allegedly collected bodies
for the gang to have the control.
I am not affiliated with any of these  organisations however the reading matter links to  BEWARE, this gang is behind the alleged shootiings.
If the search would stop the gun fire all over Sydney and remember this search warrant could have  been executed by the Police from 2011
would have saved a lot of terror on the streets of Sydney.
The owner of the clubs, is the King of the network?  The largest club owner in Australia and the world is James Packer and Lawrence Ho.
Is this the alleged network?  Just a Police search warrant will show what this gang is protecting in the Holy Graal of the premises for the
alleged Freemason's 33 degree. The Kings Cross Sting reading matter that is still continuing.
Links to research