Showing posts with label bio weapon cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bio weapon cancer. Show all posts

Monday 20 October 2014

Ebola is it a bio-weapon?

Start keeping notes ~
Horowitz (1998) was deliberate and unambiguous when he explained the threat of new diseases in his text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional. In his interview with Dr. Robert Strecker in Chapter 7, the discussion, in the early 1970s, made it obvious that the war was between countries that hosted the KGB and the CIA, and the ‘manufacture’ of ‘AIDS-Like Viruses’ was clearly directed at the other. In passing during the Interview, mention was made of Fort Detrick, “the Ebola Building,” and ‘a lot of problems with strange illnesses’ in “Frederick [Maryland].” By Chapter 12 in his text, he had confirmed the existence of an American Military-Medical-Industry that conducts biological weapons tests under the guise of administering vaccinations to control diseases and improve the health of “black Africans overseas.” The book is an excellent text, and all leaders plus anyone who has interest in science, health, people, and
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Sunday 12 October 2014

Judth Vary Baker Bio-weapon Cancer 1963

NEW BOOK BY Judyth Vary Baker,  QUOTE (PAGE 276):
"Aug. 31, 1963: Lee DRIVES me after noon to the hospital at Jackson to conduct essential blood tests to determine if the cancer bio-weapon is working." SO YOU CAN PUT RUTH PAINE'S LYING TESTIMONY ABOUT LEE HARVEY OSWALD NOT BEING ABLE TO DRIVE IN THE TRASH BIN OF HISTORY WHERE IT BELONGS

Saturday 27 September 2014

DIPG brain cancer for children update

DIPG is attacking more children and young teenagers than any other form of brain cancer I have noted. It attacks the Pons part or parts surrounding as it grows. This is part of the brain which is very close to the Pineal gland I will note and the blocking of the Pineal gland affects our DNA structure within our own bodies. Alex has had DIPG diagnosed for around 9 months odd. I notice he was commenting on Erin Griffin Raising Childhood Cancer Awareness page with the knowledge he had on teenagers diagnosed with the disease live longer. However that was not the case for Gloria's Journey with DIPG which I followed who was diagnosed and died within a week.
We have to look at the major co-incidences within the upsurge of DIPG.
we have to look at the timezone of when the SV-40 virus was in the Polio vaccine as we allegedly link from mother to child co-incidences.
DIPG is being treated around the world with upsurges in Britain, USA and Australia I have noted within the research.
We have to look at the affects of the fluoride within the countries.
We have to look at the affects of the fluoride for mother and child and passing the DNA changes we have suffered due to our own DNA manipulations by our living environment.
I have noticed within the DIPG community many of the families are health conscious. This is a good thing, yet the link within all the families allegedly could be the water supply and the chemicals which are added?
I have asked questions to many of the parents who have lost children as to whether it could relate to formula's of a child where a virus could lay dormant within the body and then expose itself with the right living conditions.
I noticed many families in the USA have been utilising the Cannabis oil since it's become available and have noted improvement or the ability for the child to stay stable with this dreaded disease it is most important.
We have to look at the GMO affects on our food crops as I did interview Gerry Tye who had Talin who died from DIPG I noticed then it is allegedly out of the hands of the normal health we eat and provide in the home environment.
Many of these children are too young to have had vast amounts of rubbish within their own diet.
We have to look at the cell structure of the tumour in the samples where many victims of this disease have donated their brain to research. This would be an interesting research to find the cell structure of the tumor as within all cancer's it mutates the chromosones within the person. It may not be the same chromosone in all cancers however it is a co-incidence with all cancers I have been studying for a number of years I have noted.
When you link the bio-weapon cancer to a virus then we have a hope for a solution to come.
When we can test the cancer cells to see the sensitivity to vitamins will in some way help with dietary function to stop these childhood illnesses.
We wait and see, pray, yet I will keep reading Alex until I find more answers for the solution. xxx
Update; MRI shows no changes. EEG shows no seizures. So, the question is what is it? Radiation could have cause the irritation to brain or the tumor is mad. So, what's next? Wait and see game. Can he handle bring removed from the vent only time will tell. Will attempt removal sometime tomorrow unless he responds on his own today. If he can't be removed from the vent then the tumor is the problem. What we know only time can tell. He remains in ICU. I truly hate DIPG ...

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Judyth Baker reports on the Bio Weapon Cancer virus

ld cause a disease as complex as cancer. Inspired by Gross's initial experiments, similar results were obtained by Sarah Stewart and Bernice Eddy who later renamed the parotid tumor virus SE polyoma virus after finding it could cause many different types of tumors in mice, hamsters, and rats. Eventually the "SE" was dropped and virologists adopted the name "polyoma virus." After Gross's work was published, additional viruses capable of causing solid tumors or blood-borne tumors in mice were described by Arnold Graffi, Charlotte Friend, John Moloney and others. By 1961, sufficient data had been accumulated for Gross to confidently publish an extensive monograph-Oncogenic Viruses-the first history of tumor virology, which became a standard reference work and marked the emergence of tumor virology as a distinct, legitimate field of study.==INTERESTINGLY, JOHN McADAMS POSTED TO EVERYBODY BACK IN 1999 THAT IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TOP CAUSE CANCER IN MICE, ACCORDING TO A BIOLOGIST FRIEND OF HIS AT MARQUETTE. OF COURSE WE COULD DO IT WITH VIRUSES.

Judyth Baker Dear Mr Sting please ask your doctor(s) to allow you to receuive intravenous vitamin C (twice a week). Plkease avoid sugar, fructose, glucose, corn syrup products. Start taking trans-resveratrol, extra niacin, inositol and omega-3 fatty acids along with vitamin D3 and K. Finally, eat colorful vegetables and berries. Eat meat, but make sure it has no growth hormones added--same for all milk products--best to take calcium,magnesium and phosphorus on the side due to contaminated milk products....which often have growth hormone added. Please visit my anti-cancer cookbook, on Facebook! Please write to me in 'messages'--if you believe i am not trustworthy to give this advice, please do read ME & LEE and Dr. Mary's Monkey. Remission is also based on avoiding STRESS. Good luck, God bless!
PubMed comprises more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Cannabis Trials......Please allow us to use the miracle oil.

Coalition Government to Enable Cannabis Trials.
Media release - The Hon David Davis MLC
28 August 2014
Legislative change to enable clinical trials of medical cannabis
Supporting access to pharmaceuticals that are safe and effective
Support for properly constructed, ethical and appropriately-oversighted trials
The Victorian Coalition Government will amend the law in order to facilitate clinical trials of medical cannabis, Minister for Health David Davis said today.
An Expert Advisory Committee, composed of clinical and regulatory experts, would also be appointed to work through the complex issues of obtaining approval to trial the use of cannabis compounds in treating or relieving symptoms for a range of illnesses and conditions, Mr Davis said.
The Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act will be amended to make it easier to conduct clinical trials involving cannabis and similar highly regulated substances.
Currently, the law requires medical practitioners to seek approval to treat every single patient who might be enrolled in such a trial.
Consideration may also be given to amending the legislation to remove the prohibition on cultivation of narcotic plants for therapeutic purposes in the context of approved clinical trials.
Mr Davis said allowing regulated cultivation for clinical trials in Victoria will help to ensure that the quality of the product being trialled is of an appropriate and assured standard.
“This is the right way forward. Simply declaring something legal doesn’t make it safe. Our approach is grounded in the best available scientific evidence,” Mr Davis said.
“The Napthine Government supports access to pharmaceuticals that are safe and effective, and we commit to removing barriers around safe and effective medications.”
The Therapeutic Goods Administration, the national regulatory body, has already approved one pharmaceutical-grade cannabis extract, marketed as Sativex, for treatment of symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Sativex is an oral spray derived from cannabis grown under controlled conditions.
It will be investigated through a clinical trial in Victoria and other states for treatment of pain in patients with advanced cancer. The Coalition Government supports this and other similar properly structured trials.
“The issues surrounding the use of cannabis compounds for treatment of medical conditions are extremely complex, requiring regulatory and legislative changes, but most importantly, sound medical advice,” Mr Davis said.
“The Coalition Government will work with other authorities to facilitate and support clinical trials of some of these cannabis compounds, while ensuring that they are undertaken in a safe and ethical manner.
“The Coalition Government will support a major Victorian health service importing Sativex and prescribing it as clinically indicated. The health service could also conduct clinical trials for its use to treat other conditions.”
“The Coalition Government will also put the issue on the agenda for the Council of Australian Governments Health Council in October, to ensure, where possible, that co-operative approaches to clinical trials are adopted.
Mr Davis said the Coalition Government would also enable further investigation of the medicinal use of pharmaceutical-grade product containing the cannabidiol compound.
“I will ask the advisory committee to consider the scientific evidence and ethics with a view to further research and trials in Victoria, as suggested by Professor Patrick McGorry,” Mr Davis said.
“If the advice supports this outcome, the Coalition Government will request the Commonwealth to reclassify that particular cannabis compound to allow those trials to take place more easily.
“The Coalition Government gives in-principle support to any properly constructed, ethically approved and appropriately-oversighted trial.”
Mr Davis said the Coalition Government would give in-principle support, subject to proper design, to local involvement in an international trial of Epidiolex.
This product, which will be marketed for the treatment of certain chronic childhood epilepsy conditions, is not yet approved for marketing in any country, but trials are expected next year.
Media contact: Ashley Gardiner 0427 560 438 -

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Patent for Ebola? Man made virus?

Ebola patent its own by US,that means that was created in labs google it CA2741523A1

Benefits of Hemp. Reporter Jordan

In the early 1800s, Australia was twice saved from famine by eating virtually nothing but hemp seed for protein and hemp leaves for roughage. Hemp literally has thousands of beneficial uses. Food, fibre, fuel, fabrics, furniture, medicine, building materials, paper, bio-plastics and the list goes on. It does it more efficiently, and more effectively.
Its 23-31% protein, being the 2nd highest seed protein source and absorbs better than most foods (meaning your food is actually utilised)!
This is because they don’t contain phytic acid and:
"Hemp contains globular proteins, albumin 33% and 65% edistin which have structures similar to proteins made by the blood, which makes them readily digestible. A handful of hemp seed provides the minimum daily requirement of protein for adults. No other food source provides complete protein in such an easily digestible form, not even soy."
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are important for energy production, healthy skin, mental health and immune function.
It has more Omega 3 and Omega 6 than virtually any other source, including fish, and are found in the ratio of 3:1.
VITAMINS & MINERALS & FAT BURNING + Extra health benefits -
Hemp foods contain all 8 essential amino acids, Leucine, Lysine, Threoine, Phen+tyro, Valine, Meeth+cyst, Isoleucin, Tryptophan, with higher amounts of each than other main sources of protein, like egg whites, tofu, human milk, and whole cow's milk.”
Hemp is naturally low in Carbohydrates, contains Antioxidants, B Vitamins (including Folate),
Minerals (including Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Zinc) and is the only known plant food source of Vitamin D3!
It also contains the hard to get, yet essential, GLA, 15 times as much fat-fighting CLA as fish oil and cholesterol-fighting Phytosterols.
Lean Production (minimize waste)
There is minimal waste in hemp.
-> Hemp seeds are dehulled (shell taken off) {Seeds for: food, milk – mix with water)
-> Pressed into Extra Virgin Hemp Oil {cooking oil, Get EFA’s/Omegas, moisturizer)
-> Remaining dry meal is ground into high protein and fibre flour (can replace 50% of regular flour mix) {Cooking, gluten-free alternative}
-> Flour then has fibre removed to be made into Protein powder which is 50-60% raw protein. {Better than whey protein –speculation- due to absorption}
There are thousands of other non-food uses for hemp!
Before wool came in we used hemp fibres for everything we just didn't have the technology.
Hemp is SUPERIOR to pine trees and wool!
It takes 20-30 years for Pine Trees to grow VS. 4-12 months for Hemp!
- Hemp (in a 12-14 week cycle) converts 4x more CO2 into oxygen, than trees!
- Forests are being cut down 3x faster than they can grow! Hemp can grow faster and more than 1ce per year.
- One acre of hemp produces as much cellulose fiber pulp as 4.1 acres of trees!!! (Dewey & Merrill. Bulletin #404. U.S. Dept. of Age. 1916)
Meaning, it makes more oxygen (removing more greenhouse gases), is replenished faster than pine trees while still yielding more end product!!!!!!!
Hemp does not require herbicides or pesticides. (no agricultural runoff)
• Hemp can be grown in a wide range of latitudes and altitudes (most place is Aus.)
• Hemp replenishes (‘detoxifies’) soil with nutrients and nitrogen, making it an excellent rotational crop, controlling erosion of topsoil.
• Hemp produces more oil than any other crop, which can be used for food, fuel, lubricants, soaps..
• Hemp can be used for making plastics, including car parts.
• Hemp makes paper more efficiently and ecologically than wood!
• Hemp can be used to make very strong rope & textiles, fiberboard & paint.
• Hemp can produce bio-fuel and ethanol (better than corn).
The Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Reactor 4 in the Ukraine caused severe radioactive contamination in April 1986. Industrial Hemp has been used to remove contaminants from the soils.
This is my collection and knowledge of the benefits from hemp alone.
It is quite evident that HEMP is the most useful plant in this world.
Corporations such as wool, plastic and paper do NOT want this legal as it directly affect their profits.
We need a social change from corporations misleading the public and being counter-productive to our societies if we are to advance as a successful society. This goes for more than just hemp.
Think as a species, not segregated, corrupt nations.

Monday 28 July 2014

Judyth Baker reporting about Dr Mary Sherman's murder UNSOLVED

Read "How I Came to Know, Love, & Lose Lee Harvey Oswald" by Judith Vary Baker It is a door into understanding so much regarding the great tragedy of America: the assassination of JFK.
Judyth Baker added 2 new photos.
was headline news this same day, the day the Warren Commission came to get testimonies about Lee Oswald, about the Kennedy assassination. Instead of someone such as "Dr. Mary" speaking for the truth, Dean Andrews would be the first to testify. Andrews would diligently lead Commission authorities astray. As for the press, just as the Times-Picayune to this very day is geared to claim that New Orleans' Native Son, Lee Oswald, killed President Kennedy -- a man everyone said he admired -- so on this very day that newspaper chose to describe Mary's death as a stabbing with a housefire. The press failed to say that Mary was found with HER RIGHT ARM ENTIRELY MISSING. Autopsy photos in my possession prove that she was electrocuted by a massive amount of electricity.
Nobody seeing her twisted, agony-filled face, seeing her lovely dark hair hadn't even been burned, yet that her right arm had been literally vaporized away, would have called this a mere stabbing death with 'body set on fire.' Next, the press allowed rumors to flow that this woman was a lesbian. It sullied any chance that Mary would have a proper funeral in those prejudiced times. As for Dr. Alton Ochsner, who had worked side-by-side with her for over a decade -- and even taken her with him on his trips to Latin America (Dr. Mary was fluent in Spanish)-- Ochsner said absolutely nothing about his murdered friend to the press -- and made short shrift of her to her own colleagues, barely mentioning that she had died. Ochsner knew that attention HAD to be turned away from Dr. Mary, and to save his own skin, he went silent. Of course he never tried to help solve the murder, He was much too busy covering his own tracks in The Project to do that. After a mere two weeks, police announced they had no leads, even though Juan Valdez, Trade Mart employee and a known enemy of Mary, was a prime lead in the case. Why? Valdez was supposedly out for a walk hours before dawn and saw smoke coming out of her apartment. So what did Valdez do? He called the POLICE. Not the Fire Department.
Dr. Mary's horrible death was soon forgotten and became a cold case.. Thus, the brilliant cancer researcher who would bring toys to her little kids who were polio patients, upon whom she performed operations to help them walk again, the brilliant cancer researcher who the Wall Street Journal mourned on its front page when she died, the woman who tried to stop so much pain and suffering, was herself ignored, unmourned, and forgotten.
Then came Edward T. Haslam. In his original book, Ed described how puzzling and strange Dr. Mary's death was. It was Haslam who learned that Mary's arm was actually missing. It was Ed who tracked down our secret lab at David Ferrie's, and it was Ed who realized that whatever was going on was BIG--because it involved a nuclear linear particle accelerator -- cost today would be over a billion dollars-- and a contaminated polio vaccine capable of passing a cancer virus on to the majority of Americans now living today. This was HUGE -- and it had been covered up. Because of Ed Haslam's diligence, his own position as a witness, and because of my testimony as a living witness, today the truth about Dr. Mary Sherman is now available to you. Protect it. Tell others. It is the key to who did not kill Kennedy, and to the powers that arranged for Kennedy's murder and the transformation of our great United States of America into a semi-fascist nation ruled by an oligarchy of the rich and powerful, where drawing its citizens into one war after another for their own profit is now destroying a mighty and wonderful country. On this day, July 21, 2014, we celebrate, in New Orleans, the life of Dr. Mary S. Sherman, with a jazz funeral parade down the streets of New Orleans. That's how far we have come, my friends, in establishing the truth. I predict (I hope to live to see it) the day when Lee Harvey Oswald will be recognized as the hero he was, and that a similar parade in his honor will be held every October 18, celebrating who he was and what he sacrificed, trying to save the President. Because of all of you, sharing these words, the truth will be saved, will be spread across the world. And with the truth comes understanding, insight, and the power to save our country. May God bless our efforts, and you. PLEASE SHARE! (photos: "Dr. Mary" and Edward T. Haslam, recently speaking in Tampa, FL)

Thursday 3 July 2014

Cancer fighting Omega 3 and Omega-6 Essential fatty acids.

the Omega-3/CB1 connection and how it affects your healing with cannabis! 
But to understand fully this discovery, we need to revisit Biology 101.

Every cell in your body has tiny chemical receptors all over the cell‘s skin or cell membrane. These receptors work kind of like an ignition switch - you put the right type of chemical key into a receptor and it turns on some kind of action. The type 1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1s) are the ones we are interested in looking at. They are found in the body and the brain.

Turning on a CB1 receptor with either an endocannabinoid that your body makes, or a phytocannabinoid like THC, can result in many different things occurring. A cancer cell may be told to die through a process called apoptosis, it may activate a basic instinct such as nursing, soothe an irritated digestive tract, or simply ease your pain. 

And this is where the cutting edge of science starts - to make functional CB1 receptors, you absolutely need Omega-3 in "Nutritional Omega-3 deficiency abolishes endocannabinoid-mediated neuronal functions", the Omega 6-rich western diet is implicated in our declining mental and physical health. The ideal proportion of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is around three to four parts Omega 6 to one part Omega 3. Our western diet can deliver to to a fifty to one ratio!

When no Omega-3 is available, our bodies will jury-rig a new receptor with an Omega-6 where there should be an Omega-3. This results in a small, but important chunk, the Gi/o effector protein, not getting attached. As with a machine, the pieces need to be assembled right to work! 

Every time a cell divides, whether it is a brain cell, or a body cell, it needs to make new skin to grow back to its full size, and that involves making a whole bunch of new receptors. 

A drop in the number of working CB1 receptors is an early clinical sign in Parkinson‘s, colon cancer, Huntington‘s, and heralds a high risk for premature birth. Mice bred to be low in CB1 receptors have more severe heart attacks and strokes. Cancers ravage them. They age and become senile earlier than normal mice. They are used to study neurological conditions and bowel disorders. They often seem depressed. 

Cannabis is an effective and safe herbal medicine, but we need functioning CB1 receptors for it to work its miracles. Virtually every person needs more Omega-3 in their diet, but none as much as the medical users of cannabis! Cannabis heals us using our cannabinoid receptors, and also provides the Omega-3 we need to make healthy CB receptors, so we can heal. And that is the simple, but scientific truth.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential fatty Acids (EFA) (infomercial/ad – no date)
Occurrence of "omega-3" stearidonic acid in hemp seed (full - 1996)
Effect of dietary fat on endocannabinoids and related mediators: consequences on energy homeostasis, inflammation and mood. (abst - 2010)
Cannabinoid receptor-dependent and -independent anti-proliferative effects of omega-3 ethanolamides in androgen receptor-positive and -negative prostate cancer cell lines (abst – 2010)
Nutritional omega-3 deficiency abolishes endocannabinoid-mediated neuronal functions. (abst – 2011)
Omega-3 PUFA Deficiency Abolishes Endocannabinoid-Linked Neuronal Functions (news - 2011)
Omega-3 deficiency disrupts cannibinoid receptor function in brain (news – 2011)
A Brain Wrought Without Omega-3 (news – 2011)
Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential fatty Acids (EFA)

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Cannabis Studies for the help it can do to Cancer patients.

What most people are missing is how the Cannabis oil stops the alleged mutation of P53 on the chromosones from P51 in my understanding where this affects the B and T Cell cancers in the majority of cases.  This is where the authorities are missing the main gains we can get out of the Cannabis oil.

The alleged system is one grain of rice under the tongue however if we utilise a larger dose anually this will take the oil directly to the heart and lung by passing the stomach and thus can be of benefit in patients where the stomach is unsettle.

The Cannabis oil has the Cannaloids, yet as we grow older the Cannaloids disapate as our food chain has lost this by the farming techniques, the GMO of our food.  Yet the Cannabis is one plant where this is available to us.

The law as it stands, the People have the right to take the Holy Bible Act and make it law to stop this gang, this control over a product which was left to every person to read in the most read book on earth the Bible for the miracle oil.
Jennifer Stone Copyright.

134 published studies proving that cannabinoids (cannabis) cures all forms of cancer. Is there something the government hasn't been telling us?
*Cures Brain Cancer
*Cures Mouth and Throat Cancer
*Cures Breast Cancer
*Cures Lung Cancer
*Cures Uterine, Testicular, and Pancreatic Cancers
*Cures Prostate Cancer
*Cures Colorectal Cancer
*Cures Ovarian Cancer
*Cures Blood Cancer
*Cures Skin Cancer
*Cures Liver Cancer
*Cures Biliary Tract Cancer
*Cures Bladder Cancer (Sign-up required to view study)
*Cures Cancer in General
Juicing to cure illnesses