Thursday 3 July 2014

Cancer fighting Omega 3 and Omega-6 Essential fatty acids.

the Omega-3/CB1 connection and how it affects your healing with cannabis! 
But to understand fully this discovery, we need to revisit Biology 101.

Every cell in your body has tiny chemical receptors all over the cell‘s skin or cell membrane. These receptors work kind of like an ignition switch - you put the right type of chemical key into a receptor and it turns on some kind of action. The type 1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1s) are the ones we are interested in looking at. They are found in the body and the brain.

Turning on a CB1 receptor with either an endocannabinoid that your body makes, or a phytocannabinoid like THC, can result in many different things occurring. A cancer cell may be told to die through a process called apoptosis, it may activate a basic instinct such as nursing, soothe an irritated digestive tract, or simply ease your pain. 

And this is where the cutting edge of science starts - to make functional CB1 receptors, you absolutely need Omega-3 in "Nutritional Omega-3 deficiency abolishes endocannabinoid-mediated neuronal functions", the Omega 6-rich western diet is implicated in our declining mental and physical health. The ideal proportion of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is around three to four parts Omega 6 to one part Omega 3. Our western diet can deliver to to a fifty to one ratio!

When no Omega-3 is available, our bodies will jury-rig a new receptor with an Omega-6 where there should be an Omega-3. This results in a small, but important chunk, the Gi/o effector protein, not getting attached. As with a machine, the pieces need to be assembled right to work! 

Every time a cell divides, whether it is a brain cell, or a body cell, it needs to make new skin to grow back to its full size, and that involves making a whole bunch of new receptors. 

A drop in the number of working CB1 receptors is an early clinical sign in Parkinson‘s, colon cancer, Huntington‘s, and heralds a high risk for premature birth. Mice bred to be low in CB1 receptors have more severe heart attacks and strokes. Cancers ravage them. They age and become senile earlier than normal mice. They are used to study neurological conditions and bowel disorders. They often seem depressed. 

Cannabis is an effective and safe herbal medicine, but we need functioning CB1 receptors for it to work its miracles. Virtually every person needs more Omega-3 in their diet, but none as much as the medical users of cannabis! Cannabis heals us using our cannabinoid receptors, and also provides the Omega-3 we need to make healthy CB receptors, so we can heal. And that is the simple, but scientific truth.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential fatty Acids (EFA) (infomercial/ad – no date)
Occurrence of "omega-3" stearidonic acid in hemp seed (full - 1996)
Effect of dietary fat on endocannabinoids and related mediators: consequences on energy homeostasis, inflammation and mood. (abst - 2010)
Cannabinoid receptor-dependent and -independent anti-proliferative effects of omega-3 ethanolamides in androgen receptor-positive and -negative prostate cancer cell lines (abst – 2010)
Nutritional omega-3 deficiency abolishes endocannabinoid-mediated neuronal functions. (abst – 2011)
Omega-3 PUFA Deficiency Abolishes Endocannabinoid-Linked Neuronal Functions (news - 2011)
Omega-3 deficiency disrupts cannibinoid receptor function in brain (news – 2011)
A Brain Wrought Without Omega-3 (news – 2011)
Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential fatty Acids (EFA)

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