Tuesday 1 July 2014

Kings Cross history, World Famous Sparkling Chandeliers.

Breaking News Police Search
The Kings Cross Sting:   The Kings Cross Sting KX Newspaper
Breaking NEWS……Search for Juanita Nielsen
Why did the Police not search the Original Pink Pussycat Club from 1958 for Juanita Nielsen, it's just across the road from the Carousel Club?
Original Pink Pussycat Club 1958World Famous Brothel Sparkling Chandeliers 
Now the answer the police are giving is under 141(a) of the Police Act no further investigation.  Allegedly named a Police informant, however if the police informant has been utilising this part of the law to stay out of gaol, than the law needs to be changed.
The Original Pink Pussycat Club, 36A Darlinghurst Road, Madame Tilly Devine’s and then Abe Saffron’s how they ruled Kings Cross.  Allegedly Abe Saffron was The Hells Angels Ltd.  This is the business arm of Kings Cross, the business dealings that allegedly Abe Saffron had going.
Why protect, this guy allegedly named in the Juanita Nielsen case?
Juanita Nielsen’s bones need recovering.  Why do the police leave them their when they do know this has been the longest unsolved murder with the Beaumont Children and Donald Mackay all which had an affect on the life of Abe Saffron.
Search warrant, to be executed……
I would like to ask John  Ibrahim, with consideration to the information in respect to the brothel 36a Darlinghurst Road Kings Cross with links and alleged associations join with me, to ask for the Government to search the brothel for human remains.  This question was asked months ago, again it has been asked Why hasn't John Ibrahim pushed for this search too?
I will also make mention in November 2011, there was information supplied to the government to re-open the Juanita Nielsen disappearance case.
I am aware, that  John Ibrahim in relationship to the unsolved murders of the Beaumont Children, Juanita Nielsen, Donald Mackay was just a young boy and I will further allege had nothing to do with these unsolved murders.
Through my research that I have attached, I will allegedly explain some of the links and more details have been forwarded to Parliament and Police for consideration.  When the Minister of Police Gallagher’s last response, I have been calling for a Royal Commission on the alleged evidence I have passed onto the police which is in more detail than here. Where ever heavy intimidation has happened emails have sent to the police and politicians, to even USA the President’s personal attorney.
Please, join me, what has happened to me in the last eighteen months that in history shows this same brothel has been mentioned in the Wood’s Royal Commission and reported with bribing police.
I have been petitioning the government to search the brothel:
Timeline for the Brothel World Famous Sparkling Chandeliers with the extortion and intimidation with the lead up to the alleged setup against Jennifer Weatherstone and the motive allegedly for the brothel to be closed that relates to unsolved murders of Juanita Nielsen, Donald Mackay, Beaumont Children, plus a gun hidden inside the brothel allegedly utilised on Howard Twyrell.  With the report attached for Phuong Ngo I allege was setup to open the drug network into Cabramatta area at the time of the Wood’s Royal Commission.
John Ibrahim…..  Born August 1970, I will alleged no association of these unsolved murders and relationship to the suspicion of Abe Saffron association with the premises known as Sparkling Chandeliers.
1958 Pink Pussycat Club was started by Abe Saffron who arrived back in Australia in 1948 from the Merchant Navy
1958 The image I have attached about the Pink Pussycat Club you will look at the stairs and the reception desk as to the cutout of the wall and the area of the door at the rear of this area of the reception that is allegedly the same as within the brothel of World Famous Sparkling Chandeliers.
By newspaper reports I will allege Louie Bayeh was in charge of the security from Love Machine to the Pink Pussycat Club.  Now if you relate the Pink Pussycat Club to 38A  Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross it was the Golden Mile that Louie Controlled at one time. Look on Bobbi Sykes and note the Pink Pussycat Club addresshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobbi_Sykes There was always a hidden brothel, it was via the fire exit, and a perfect place for the alleged gambling and prostitutes that Abe Saffron was famous for.  
1966 26 January, Beaumont Children disappeared.  I will allege that the children, was brought to Kings Cross.  The girl I will allege living down on the Cnr of William Street with other girls that became child prostitutes.  Allegedly, the brother were murdered and their remains will be found within the brothel 36A Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross under the ladies toilet sub floor area as this is the oldest part of the brothel where no renovations have occurred.  I will alleged, that the Beaumont Children were picked up by a man, that looks like the identikit in reports about the Beaumont Children that came to the brothel, during the period of July 20 2011 and continued to come to the brothel or contact till January 2012.
I will alleged, that this man of similar appearance with identikit utilised at that time, is known to me as Kell.  This man introduced himself as a ex-President of the Nomads of Gold Coast Chapter, living on the Central Coast.  His footage is on tape held by the Police force of NSW from the brothel Sparkling Chandeliers.
I will allege that this man, brought the children to Kings Cross allegedly for the purposes of child prostitution.  During a period of time, the girl was kept for her ability to work in the industry and tragedy of the boys still to this day remains a mystery however they could be in the brothel, due to the problems this same brothel encountered 1971 by Shirley Briffman.  Allegedly, the daughter of this lady came to the brothel during end of February 2012 and March 2012 with further contact since with Mother and  daughter.  The mother wrote messages to me.  These messages alleged  that she was living on the Corner of William Street, and terrified of the criminals then and now.  During this period of knowing this working girl Ashlea she told me things.  Ashlea told me about being a child, playing at the park and having a man being nice to her.  This man would push you into a back of a car where they would give you things to take.  These things, made you go to sleep and off your brain.  When you woke up you would find yourself at a house where you were fed more drugs.  People like allegedly Essam Nicola Gerges would be at this house Ashlea told me.  You would be fed more drugs, you would be used by these people.  Treated terribly, yet you were continually fed drugs till  you had no control.
I will further allege, that Ashlea was telling me a story, a story of what happened within her mother’s life.  On researching the mother, could be the right age to be one of the Beaumont Children and her messages to me seem to show some fear and awareness of allegedly criminal activity.
1970’s  Pink Pussycat Club at 38a Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross or was this the secret club like many of the older working girls would say, you would have politicians up there.  By Ann Bailey the grandmother on Darlinghurst Road one night when she was telling me about the history of the place World Famous Sparkling Chandeliers.
1971 Shirley Briffman Madame, paid for Protection to Detective Inspector Krabe by alleged reports.  This protection, I will allege was against the heavies at that time trying to close the brothel to hide a secret.  Shirley Briffman by history allegedly was paying Detective Inspector Krabe for protection ( I will alleged that this protection was due to the heavies on the strip at that time intimidating the Brothel owner then of 36A Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross)  I will allege the protection was for further protection by police due to the alleged criminal actions towards Shirley Briffman and the brothel at that time.
I will allege that Abe Saffron, would hire out the brothel however they would play child games on the brothel owners to close the brothel.  I would further allege that Abe was hiding a secret, that the intimidation would close the brothel hiding the secret and the owner would collect some money for the child’s play.  First instance I have found is 1971 I will allege with Shirley Briffman.
1972 Victoria Street Development started
1973 Nugan Hand Bank which was established.  Allegedly the bank that was utilised for the cleaning of funds for the developments within the structure allegedly under Abe Saffron’s control.  Victoria Street Development allegedly will be part of these developments in Sydney, being passed by Sydney Council and Green Bans lifted during 1975.
1975  Brothel was shut…..allegedly 1975 Juanita Nielsen was hidden in the brothel, placed in sand.  Brothel wasn’t operating I will allege after Shirley Briffman.
The floor level of the brothel at 36a Darlinghurst Road was hidden from the street thru black glass double doors and the main entrance was the fire exit to this area of the now brothel of Sparkling Chandeliers, this fire exit door would be utilised I will allege to bring bodies or people through to the brothel to be hidden from Darlinghurst Road.  Allegedly S. Hardas from Madame Butterfly had the glass doors smashed front and back by reports of the same brothel now known as Sparkling Chandeliers.
5th Step is the level of the concrete floor of the brothel, and the step nearly all of the working girls talked about as the step that protects, the step that holds a secret.
1975   August   Sydney became a Chapter of Hells Angels and started *The Hells Angels Ltd  I will alleged, Abe Saffron will be on the documentation of this company somewhere.
1975 August Melbourne became a Chapter of Hells Angels and started The Hells Angels Ltd
This is why the * as you cannot register two companies the same name under the ASICS registration of companies laws.
The Hells Angels Ltd when allegedly it is started now as it is listed around the world is the side of the Company of The Hells Angels Ltd.  Parts of Hells Angels that refers to the motorcycles you will see will have Motorcycles within the name of the company showing a division within the name of The Hells Angels Ltd and the two types of identities.
I will allege my understanding of how the system was established, I believe that Abe Saffron had a right hand man allegedly that person I believe is Perc Galea.  Why?  Because of the fact that Bill Bayeh hold half the identity of the company behind the old Club 77 as mentioned and documented through newspapers.
1977 July 15 Donald Mackay  allegedly murdered because of exposing Griffith supplying of drugs to Sydney and Melbourne In depth details have been given to police as to the alleged movements of the body.
1977 August 4 Howard Twyrell Murdered horse trainer from Dubbo I will allege due to the impact on the horse racing and cleaning of funds and making money through the industry to help fund the Victoria Street Development. In depth details have been given to police as to the alleged movements of the gun.
1978 Bruce Galea and Frank Amante on the death of Perc Galea had the Club 77 in Kings Cross (I will allege showing prior ownership was with Perc Galea)  The address 77 Darlinghurst Road, has a position with the King of the Cross.  Allegedly the King of the Cross will stand out the front of the club Porky's as the ownership of two companies controls Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross and further.
1985-1986  Madame Butterfly Brothel 36A Darlinghurst Road Kings Cross, with reference material of the Woods Royal Commission in 1994 I, Jennifer will further allege that the brothel Madame Butterfly was noted as not being able to open.  I will further allege that S. Hardas was involved within many of the clubs that Abe Saffron owned, even to managing the Pink Pussycat Club.  I will further alleged as to the description of S. Hardas by Evan Whitton reporting for the newspaper described a man similar looking as Sammy Sweet/Greek Sam and his brother as he introduced to Jennifer in July 2011.
Allegedly by reports within the Wood’s Royal Commission S. Hardas paid protection money to police.  I will allege this payment of money was through the heavies at the time visiting the brothel by reports of Bayeh and McPherson documented within the Woods Royal Commission and S. Hardas rolled over as a police informant after being charged with bribing a police officer.
1991 Allegedly through the heat of Louie Bayeh allegedly King of the Cross at that time brought heat to Kings Cross reported in newspapers and the company *The Hells Angels Ltd  was changed to TYVO Ltd to protect the company.
1991 Allegedly Bill Bayeh took the position of being called King of the Cross till his sentencing from the Wood’s Royal Commission.
1994 Wood’s Royal Commission May 1994 called to look into the corruption within the Police force.
1994 Murder MP John Newman Cabramatta I will allege to allow the flow of drugs through Cabramatta due to the Wood’s Royal Commission 1994 and alleged relevance to Kings Cross.
1994 Phuong NGO Fairfield Councillor and John Newman Labor MP allegedly the setting up of Ngo for the murder of John Newman MP was too allegedly to get rid of the two that were stopping the drugs being fed into Cabramatta.  (allegedly through Gang 5T and Madonna’s Mob that later came to Kings Cross to 36a Darlinghurst Road Kings Cross)
1994-5-6  Bill Bayeh was charged through the Wood’s Royal Commission for drug trafficking.
1994 Documented in the Royal Commission by KX 1 and KX 6 about protection of the same brothel 36a Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross I will allege that this protection money to the police was for extra help from the heavies that were frequenting the premises as mentioned within the Wood’s Royal Commission of Bayeh and McPherson.  Allegedly where the police under section 141 (a) of the Police act were not investigating the alleged bullyish and dangerous child’s play the money I will allege was for the police to place more protection on the brothel or to open the police case.
1995 The companies that allegedly relate to the ownership of the Golden Mile Darlinghurst Road, The Hell's Angels Ltd transferred owners on allegedly 10 October 1995 the last day of witnesses being called for the Wood's Royal Commission
2003 Pink Pussycat Club closes 38A Darlinghurst Road.  Even thou the club had moved or the private club of the Pink Pussycat Club in 1975 that was open had long gone at 38a Darlinghurst Road Kings Cross.  By looking at the images of the Pink Pussycat Club you I will allege that there was two clubs and that the Royal Commission in 1994 didn’t pick up that there were allegedly three Pink Pussycat clubs on Darlinghurst Road Kings Cross.
2003 Allegedly further extortion is noted; this I will allege is when Madonna’s Mob came to the same Brothel 36A Darlinghurst Road Kings Cross.  Allegedly The Pink Pussycat Club and the noting of two clubs on Darlinghurst Road, one at 38A Darlinghurst Road and the other as 86A Darlinghurst Road was missed, with the original Pink Pussycat Club at 36A Darlinghurst Road in 1958.  Allegedly was one of the key’s to the network, structure and a major point of where the Wood’s Royal Commission didn’t associate allegedly bribing police and extortion or heavies by others for further protection.  I will allege where police under section 141 (a) of the Police act wont investigate in the intimidation during those times I will further allege this bribing of police is so they will allegedly investigate the criminal behaviour.
I will further allege to protect the drug network and the company associations *The Hells Angels Ltd allegedly the Pink Pussycat Club was shut 2003 I will allege to protect the company that Abe Saffron had controlled at one time.
2003 Beef and Bourbon Restaurant was closed, I will allege to protect the network between allegedly Abe Saffron, Houghton and Hand.
2003 Madonna’s Mob…from Cabramatta came to Kings Cross buying the building 34-36A Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross.  Allegedly this building was previously owned by Abe Saffron or one of his companies.  I will allege the level of the brothel had not been utilised to hide the secret, if the alleged brothel had opened in history the intimidation of heavies upon the business had come about to close the same brothel to hide the secret that exists within.  The building was bought as Glowpave Pty Ltd.  Now D and S Australia Ltd own the same building.
2003 Allegedly Madonna’s brothel/Massage was started in Kings Cross.  Allegedly since the close of the brothel known as the secret brothel of the Pink Pussycat Club at 38a Darlinghurst Road it was the first time that the brothel could open.  I will allege Madonna’s Mob was an organised criminal gang with asian connections within the drug world in Cabramatta.  All, thou this brothel was opened by an alleged criminal organisation; it still was plagued by alleged extortion and by reports by others protection money paid to police to help protect the business.  I will further allege that this brothel in 2009 was the largest heroin bust in Kings Cross history.  Allegedly the person charged was called Rick.  In the history of the Madonna’s Mob there was a President of this gang called Rick, co-incident.
2006 Abe Saffron Died
2006 By media reports Banditos Parramatta Chapter tried to take over Kings Cross.  I will further allege at this time this push on Kings Cross was through the Bayeh’s trying to regain control with the Chapter Banditos and associates at that time.  Allegedly they were, Louie Bayeh, Felix Lyle, Peter William Schaffer, Essam Nicola Gerges, Scott Orrock as allegedly some of the alleged masterminds behind it and still some of the master minds behind the push on Sparkling Chandeliers where they have visited the brothel, asked for money, intimidated through threats and act’s of violence.
2009 Allegedly Madonna’s Brothel….largest heroin drug bust in Kings Cross Brothel Closed.
2010 Bella’s Gentlemen’s Club at the same brothel 36A Darlinghurst Road Kings Cross was started.  Allegedly the receptionist was dealing drugs within the first six months open and the brothel closed heavily extorted.  I will further allege that protection money was paid to the police to further protect the premises by the owner terrified at the time by the intimidation.  Allegedly a blonde sex worker caused problems Allegedly it was sex worker Michelle who I will allege was the first person in March 2011 that asked for a payment to give to John Ibrahim of $100000.00, allegedly Jennifer could operate the brothel 36A Darlinghurst Road Kings Cross.  This sex worker Michelle residing at Astoria Hotel Room 11?  during the Period of March 2011 and March 2012.
2010 The fire system within the building 36a Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross was upgraded allegedly to protect the secret within the brothel
2011 World Famous Sparkling Chandeliers was started end of March and 1st April Easter weekend and was extorted from the very first night opening.  Allegedly this was to close the brothel to hide the secret.  Sex worker Michelle has told me that her late husband was a police officer during the Royal Commission asked for his badge and gun back.
2011 29 June Bill Bayeh came out of goal
2011 Allegedly Roger Hegarty threatened to murder Jennifer July 2011 An AVO took 3 months to be placed on Roger Hegarty aka Stewart.
2011 Allegedly Roger Hegarty turned up in March 2011 to July 2011 selling drugs and moving the drugs through the sex workers that were utilising the premises Sparkling Chandeliers.  I was totally against the drugs being sold by the sex workers.  I asked Roger Hegarty and others to meet with workers outside the premises of Sparkling Chandeliers.  I will further allege that is why Roger Hegarty was threatening murdering I, Jennifer and all the people inside the brothel because I had removed him from the said premises Sparkling Chandeliers.
2011 End of July Greek Sammy/Sammy Sweet came to the brothel, allegedly Greek Sammy has daily meetings with John Ibrahim he told Jennifer
2011 July Extorted by Allegedly Karyn Englehardt and a guy I believe is Rod Raffout asking for $1000 per week asking for this to be increased to $2500 per week  Jennifer refused to pay. Karyn would send texts to Jennifer and comment about Sparkling Chandeliers or Sparkling Chandeliars was under siege.
2011 Allegedly Peter William Schaffer came with a Banditos hat on when he came to look at running the brothel in November 2011 at my home.  We noticed that the same working girls allegedly working for the drug runners came back.  Allegedly to close the business and cause havoc.
2011 November Allegedly Peter William Schaffer stood over me, Jennifer in the brothel reported to police. Allegedly the working girl Skye/Karyn Englehardt was in house.  Allegedly Karyn Englehardt sent text messages that she was the CFO of Sparkling Chandeliers during that time and stating that she was paying all  the people, and keeping funds.
2011 November, allegedly Jennifer found her car with a cross from a coffin near St George Hospital. Allegedly Child’s play however I took it serious.
2011 November Allegedly Essam Nicola Gerges was in house at the brothel above Peter Schaffer.  Allegedly reporting back to others to close the brothel when Peter Schaffer was utilising standover tactics.
2011 November/December 2011 the premises were ransacked allegedly with Peter Schaffer and Essam Nicola Gerges standing out the front one night.  At that time all were taken to the police station as I was told by Peter Schaffer.
2012 January allegedly Peter Schaffer threatened to murder Jennifer
2012 January Allegedly Essam Nicola Gerges came back in house on the 6th January 2012  standing over that the brothel could not be active without him in house. Allegedly asking for money on a continued basis, for protection, green light as Essam would say.
2012 January Allegedly Essam Nicola Gerges had a meeting with Jennifer and Alex with Eastern Suburbs Chapter Sergeant of Arms Sewe.  There were more than one meeting Jennifer met with them  one in Chinatown, others at Mascot Manhattan bowling club where I met with Sewe and Essam on each occasion.  Essam allegedly wanted me, Jennifer to be intimidated by these meetings.
2012 January Karyn Englehardt came back into texting Jennifer during that time allegedly blaming her/Jennifer for getting caught with drugs and threatening Dover Heights as to fix the problem.
2012 14 February Allegedly Essam Nicola Gerges was asking for money, Jennifer took him to Commonwealth Bank to show there was no money within the business.
2012  AllegedlyFebruary 50-60 Hells  Angels Eastern suburbs Chapter.  Allegedly the walk on Hells Angels at Kings Cross Essam Nicola Gerges joined Sewe walking down Darlinghurst Road in February 2012 in the front.
2012 Allegedly Essam Nicola Gerges said he had the green light and the business can open Sparkling Chandeliers all the time asking for money and taking anything that came to be the business.  Allegedly he was doing drugs that he had promised to keep drugs outside of the brothel previously at other meetings including in front of Sewe Eastern Chapter Hells Angels Sargent at arms.  I will further allege Essam Gerges continued asking for money where on the 14 February 2012 I took Essam to the Commonwealth Bank in Potts Point to show him that I, Jennifer had no money.  At that time Essam Gerges were telling people he owned the brothel, and allegedly extorting me with 40% even more of the business he owned.  Allegedly at that time Peter Schaffer came back with Essam, as business partners and claiming 30% each of the brothel.  Allegedly Essam collecting all the money coming through the front doors as his business.  I will allege further, this was a period of extortion, intimidation, further threats of murder continued.
2012 Quentin Vertigan came to the Brothel in January 2012 offering to help. At that meeting brought in a person allegedly known as his heavy Tony and a  protection man for his brothels.  Allegedly Quentin and Tony offered to rent the brothel off me.  Continued phone calls to Jennifer however nothing in writing I will further allege that this is part of the system of the brothel industry that Quentin does when Quentin allegedly told me, Jennifer that he had been involved within 14 brothels in Sydney.
2012 April with over the months of negiotations with Quentin he offered to go into the brothel as a half share holder to get it up and running.  Paperwork allegedly from his solicitor  Steve Brown Etneries Lawyers
2012 April, Jennifer found that Quentin was going too slow even for asking $1500 pw, phone, computers, yet no money or promise for money was he offering, Jennifer felt it was allegedly part of another setup to destroy Jennifer  and to have the brothel closed.
2012  I will allege Quentin offered to buy the brothel with a partner, allegedly the first partner he spoke about was Lazar from Clarence Street Sydney, various partners he allegedly could choose from 2nd partner was the solicitor Steve Brown, 3rd partner was Felix Lyle allegedly silent partner all with references from February 2012 referring back to Bill Bayeh and mentioning of many meetings.  Allegedly having meetings about the brothel in April with Bill Bayeh the afternoon of a meeting  with Steve Brown legal.  Allegedly Felix Lyle was the person Quentin picked as his partner he told me.
2012 World Famous Sparkling Chandeliers was closed in March through threats of murder coming more and more all for what?  Allegedly to hide the secret that stands or lies on the 5th Step of the brothel.  Allegedly Peter Schaffer asked for a payment of $12000 and drugs off me, Jennifer.
2012 Essam Nicola Gerges painted a cream square in Room F of the brothel that links to the subfloor area of the toilets in the 2nd hallway.  This area by plan was different to original in 2004.  The area co-insides with a timber floor being upgraded to concrete when the Bank was under the brothel, in doing so created a void where the additional 5 steps were added to the front stairs and to the fire exit with a further raised section of 2/3 steps on the second hallway is allegedly the position where allegedly the bodies were placed to be hidden and under control of the gang.  Essam Nicola Gerges is approximately 60 years.
Allegedly this fire exit could also have been utilised by the premises 38a Darlinghurst Road in the past and sealed at a later date which allowed access to the brothel via the back stairs over some time when the brothel was a hidden brothel and the club had moved to the premises at 38a Darlinghurst Road Kings  Cross as documented in the history of Bobbi Sykes.
Allegedly due to the murder of Juanita Nielsen not being found 1977 Donald Mackay was brought to the brothel again to be hidden and kept safe as his murder was to protect the drug industry.
Allegedly 1977 the murder of Howard Twyrell horse trainer at Dubbo was to protect the horse fixing and betting that was happening to allegedly clean the money for the development in Victoria Street and to pay for the hold up in the building  of this venture within the mob.  Allegedly two weeks after Donald Mackay.
Allegedly the gun will be in the same brothel maybe for all murders and allegedly the gun will be hidden in the brothel after the last murder of Howard Twyrell. I will further allege Peter William Schaffer told me, Jennifer in late February 2012 that there is a gun in the brothel somewhere.  I will further allege Peter said he had looked for the gun however he couldn’t find it.
Allegedly in the end of January/February Essam Nicola Gerges painted a square in the Room F in cream on a red wall.  Allegedly this wall area is the same area that many of the working girls explained there had been a horrific murder within the premises.  This room F, has some unusual brick piers and walls which is only within Room F. This piering system is not throughout the whole brothel.
Allegedly, this area of the brothel with cream paint on is the base area of the bathroom which is old brown little square tiles.  This area still would be considered on the fifth step via the fire exit as referred to many of the people that came from this mob/gang associates.
Allegedly in the second hallway, the timber two steps raised above the concrete floor will be the area around where Donald Mackay and the gun will be positioned within the brothel.  Allegedly the brothel was closed in 1977 and still owned or governed by the same people.  Allegedly the body was brought back to Sydney to a area being built as the murder happened to take the body and to hide the evidence, the gun I believe was added after the third murder.  As allegedly with the body of Howard Twyrell the bullet was left behind and the markings on the gun could be matched.  The casings left behind after the murder of Donald Mackay.
Allegedly whilst Jennifer was in the brothel, many of the working girls talked about seeing ghosts to scare me, Bobbi Sykes, Donald Mackay, Juanita Nielsen all described to me in description not by name.
Allegedly the brothel has had trouble opening, all to hide the murders that have existed to cover up the drug network and the drug industry within Australia to stay active.
Allegedly Karyn Englehardt had on her facebook in this same period that horticulture was available from Sparkling Chandeliers under her name.
Allegedly since leaving the brothel in Kings Cross the pressure from this mob has been daily all to try to make me bankrupt or to close the brothel.
Please search the brothel, World famous Sparkling Chandeliers………..
I will further allege was to hide the secret, of the 5th Step and the human remains that I allege are hidden inside the brothel and is the cause why this brothel has been heavily extorted through history since 1971 Shirley Briffman.
I will further allege that the murders may be from 1966, 1975, 1977.
I will further allege the Royal Commission hasn’t associated the police bribing as a way to have the Police Act 141 (a) to have the police open an investigation into this alleged criminal activity.
I will further allege through the Royal Commission of 1994, the report on Phuong Ngo must be acknowleged and have the case reopened into the two points I make within the report.
1. Phuong Ngo, date of attending the movie Lion King and death of Ho Chi Minh
2. The seat in Parliament that Phuong Ngo was after was Upper house and the vacating of John Newman’s seat by his murder was a Lower house seat.
3. That the murder of John Newman and the goaling of Phuong  Ngo allegedly allowed the drugs to flow through Cabramatta
Alleged Placement of the bodies

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